【三维视觉】TetWild / fTetWild学习:将任意mesh处理成流形水密的mesh

2024-03-30 06:04

本文主要是介绍【三维视觉】TetWild / fTetWild学习:将任意mesh处理成流形水密的mesh,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


TetWild - Tetrahedral Meshing in the Wild
快速版本:Fast Tetrahedral Meshing in the Wild

TriWild: Robust Triangulation With Curve Constraints



输入:任意网格:.off/.obj/.stl/.ply format



Usage: ./FloatTetwild_bin [OPTIONS]Options:-h,--help                   Print this help message and exit-i,--input TEXT:FILE        Input surface mesh INPUT in .off/.obj/.stl/.ply format. (string, required)-o,--output TEXT            Output tetmesh OUTPUT in .msh format. (string, optional, default: input_file+postfix+'.msh')--tag TEXT:FILE             Tag input faces for Boolean operation.--op INT                    Boolean operation: 0: union, 1: intersection, 2: difference.-l,--lr FLOAT               ideal_edge_length = diag_of_bbox * L. (double, optional, default: 0.05)-e,--epsr FLOAT             epsilon = diag_of_bbox * EPS. (double, optional, default: 1e-3)--max-its INT               (for debugging usage only)--stop-energy FLOAT         Stop optimization when max energy is lower than this.--stage INT                 (for debugging usage only)--stop-p INT                (for debugging usage only)--postfix TEXT              (for debugging usage only)--log TEXT                  Log info to given file.--level INT                 Log level (0 = most verbose, 6 = off).-q,--is-quiet               Mute console output. (optional)--skip-simplify             skip preprocessing.--no-binary                 export meshes as ascii--no-color                  don't export color--not-sort-input            (for debugging usage only)--correct-surface-orientation(for debugging usage only)--envelope-log TEXT         (for debugging usage only)--smooth-open-boundary      Smooth the open boundary.--export-raw                Export raw output.--manifold-surface          Force the output to be manifold.--coarsen                   Coarsen the output as much as possible.--csg TEXT:FILE             json file containg a csg tree--use-old-energy            (for debugging usage only)--disable-filtering         Disable filtering out outside elements.--use-floodfill             Use flood-fill to extract interior volume.--use-general-wn            Use general winding number.--use-input-for-wn          Use input surface for winding number.--bg-mesh TEXT:FILE         Background mesh for sizing field (.msh file).--max-threads UINT          Maximum number of threads used
  • Smoothing open regions
    Our method can fill gaps and holes but the tetmesh faces on those parts could be bumpy. We provide users an option to do Lapacian smoothing on those faces to get a smoother surface.

  • Envelope of size epsilon
    Using smaller envelope preserves features better but also takes longer time. The default value of epsilon is b/1000, where b is the length of the diagonal of the bounding box.

  • Ideal edge length
    Using smaller ideal edge length gives a denser mesh but also takes longer time. The default ideal edge length is b/20

  • Filtering energy
    Our mesher stops optimizing the mesh when maximum energy is smaller than filtering energy. Thus, larger filtering energy means less optimization and sooner stopping. If you do not care about quality, then give a larger filtering energy would let you get the result earlier. The energy we used here is conformal AMIPS whose range is from 3 to +inf. The default filtering energy is 10.
    💡 We suggest not to set filtering energy smaller than 8 for complex input.

  • Maximum number of optimization passes
    Our mesher stops optimizing the mesh when the maximum number of passes is reached. The default number is 80.

  • bg-mesh
    Sizing field Users can provide a background tetmesh in .msh format with vertex scalar field values stored. The scalar field values is used for controlling edge length. The scalars inside an element of the background mesh are linearly interpolated.
    💡 Here is an example including input surface mesh, background mesh and output tetmeshes with/without sizing control.

  • Smoothing open regions
    Our method can fill gaps and holes but the tetmesh faces on those parts could be bumpy. We provide users an option to do Lapacian smoothing on those faces to get a smoother surface.


–no-color don’t export color, 这里的颜色指的是给每个面片记录浮点的filtering energy

处理得到neural subdivision surfaces的输入网格的参数设置

./FloatTetwild_bin -i input_mesh_path -o  output_mesh_path_no_postfix -l 0.05 --e 0.0002 --manifold-surface --smooth-open-boundary

–l 0.05:更小的边长更精细,实测(0.05不到1min, 0.01需要2-3min, 0.005需要10+min)
Ideal edge length
Using smaller ideal edge length gives a denser mesh but also takes longer time. The default ideal edge length is b/20

–e 0.0002: 更小的值更好地保留特征
Envelope of size epsilon
Using smaller envelope preserves features better but also takes longer time. The default value of epsilon is b/1000, where b is the length of the diagonal of the bounding box.

这篇关于【三维视觉】TetWild / fTetWild学习:将任意mesh处理成流形水密的mesh的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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