
2024-03-26 19:20



For our collaboration with Disney Television Animation on the broadcast-quality shorts ‘Baymax Dreams’, we’ve been recognized with a Technology and Engineering Emmy® Award for excellence in engineering creativity that has materially affected the television viewing experience. Read on for why and how we’re continuing to innovate and enable success for creators in the film and animation industry.

由于我们与迪斯尼电视动画公司合作制作了广播质量的短片“ Baymax Dreams”,我们因其出色的工程创造力而获得了艾美奖技术和工程奖,该奖项对电视观看体验产生了重大影响。 请继续阅读,了解为什么以及我们如何继续创新并为电影和动画行业的创作者带来成功。

We’re thrilled that the technical achievements powered by Unity and demonstrated in Disney Television Animation’s ‘Baymax Dreams’ were being celebrated by The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. This is further proof that the real-time revolution is happening now, and Unity is proud to support our partners as they blaze trails in this space.

我们很高兴由美国国家电视艺术学院庆祝由Unity推动并在迪士尼电视动画的“ Baymax Dreams ”中展示的技术成就。 这进一步证明了实时革命正在发生,Unity为我们的合作伙伴在此领域开拓创新提供支持而感到自豪。


The Technology and Engineering Emmy® Awards took place on Sunday, April 7, 2019, in partnership with the NAB show (National Association of Broadcasters) in Las Vegas. Unity celebrated the win alongside Simon Smith, Director, and Kaki Ettinger, Gino Guzzardo and Anthony Accardo of R&D Disney- ABC Television Group.

艾美奖技术与工程奖于2019年4月7日星期日在拉斯维加斯举行的NAB展览(全国广播电视协会)的合作下举行。 Unity与导演西蒙·史密斯(Simon Smith)以及迪斯尼ABC电视集团R&D的Kaki Ettinger,吉诺·古扎多(Gino Guzzardo)和安东尼·阿卡多(Anthony Accardo)共同庆祝胜利。

A few of the Baymax Dreams production team at the 2019 Technology and Engineering Emmy Awards in Las Vegas (R to L ) Anthony Accardo, Director, R+D, DTCI, The Walt Disney Company, Kaki Navarre, Senior Manager, R+D, DTCI, The Walt Disney Company, John Parsaie Graphics Engineer, Unity, Mike Wuetherick, Head of Technology, UnityIsabelle Riva, Head of Made with Unity, Unity Adam Myhill, Creative Director, UnitySimon Smith, Director, Baymax DreamsGino Guzzardo, Director, Multi-platform content, Disney Television Animation

在2019年拉斯维加斯举行的技术和工程艾美奖颁奖典礼上,Baymax Dreams制作团队中的一些人(从R到L)迪斯尼公司R + D主管Anthony Accardo,迪斯尼沃尔特迪斯尼公司,R + D高级经理Kaki Navarre, DTCI,沃尔特迪斯尼公司,Unity图形工程师John,Unity技术主管Mike Wuetherick,Isabelle Riva,Unity Made主管,Unity Adam Myhill,Unity创意总监,Simon Smith,Baymax Dreams总监,Gino Guzzardo,Multi-总监平台内容,迪士尼电视动画

The team behind the two-minute shorts — individuals with different backgrounds across animation, film, Virtual Reality (VR), and gaming — took a new approach to building the workflow and crafting the story, one that reflected best practices from across mediums and put the needs of artists and the director at the center of the pipeline. For example, during the concept phase, artwork and characters were built and reviewed in VR, allowing for higher fidelity review cycles and more creative inspiration around environments and style. Graphics Engineer John Parsaie was able to create materials like Baymax’s emissive ‘night light’ glow using Unity’s High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP.) He and Unity artist and evangelist Keijiro Takahashi, also collaborated on the voxelization effect you see when Baymax first enters his dream state.

两分钟短片背后的团队-具有动画,电影,虚拟现实(VR)和游戏背景的个人-采取了一种新的方法来构建工作流和制作故事,该方法反映了各种媒介的最佳做法,艺术家和导演的需求是整个流程的中心。 例如,在概念阶段,在VR中构建并审查了艺术品和角色,从而实现了更高的保真度审查周期以及围绕环境和样式的更多创意灵感。 图形工程师John Parsaie能够使用Unity的高清渲染管道(HDRP)来创建Baymax的“夜灯”发光材料。他与Unity艺术家兼传播家高桥敬二郎也合作过,当Baymax首次进入他的梦想时,您便会看到体素化效果州。

The team employed a powerful combination of features, including Timeline (Unity’s multi-track sequencer), Cinemachine’s suite of smart cameras and Post-Processing Stack v2, to do layout, lighting, and compositing and to iterate quickly without sacrificing quality of work.

团队采用了功能强大的组合,包括Timeline (Unity的多轨音序器), Cinemachine的智能相机套件和Post-Processing Stack v2 ,以进行布局,照明和合成,并在不牺牲工作质量的情况下进行快速迭代。 。

When they reached the third episode, the team had ramped up the pace of production — it took only three weeks to complete, start to finish. This is because once the pipeline is up and running, creators can work in this faster real-time environment while repurposing digital assets at maximum speed.

当他们到达第三集时,团队加快了制作速度-仅花了三周时间就完成了制作工作。 这是因为一旦管道启动并运行,创作者便可以在更快的实时环境中工作,同时以最大的速度重新利用数字资产。

The benefits the ‘Baymax Dreams’ team experienced (both from a creative standpoint and in collaborative team culture) further proves what is possible when talented artists and engineers are empowered with real-time technology. You can watch the shorts on the Disney Channel YouTube, and learn more about the production process in our behind-the-scenes video:

“ Baymax Dreams”团队所体验到的好处(无论是从创意角度还是在团队协作文化中)都进一步证明了当有才华的艺术家和工程师获得实时技术支持时的可能性。 您可以在迪士尼频道YouTube上观看短片,并通过我们的幕后视频了解有关制作过程的更多信息:


See our Film and Animation Summit recap for more incredible short films made with Unity, like Sonder, Mr Carton or Crow: The Legend.

有关由Unity制作的更多令人难以置信的短片,例如Sonder,Carton先生或Crow:The Legend,请参阅我们的电影和动画峰会回顾 。

If you’re an animation studio interested in learning more about real-time workflows and technology, we look forward to hearing from you; you can request a free consultation on your pipeline by our team of experts in real-time filmmaking.

如果您是一家动画工作室,想对实时工作流程和技术有更多的了解,我们希望能收到您的来信。 您可以要求我们的实时电影制作专家团队免费为您提供咨询 。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/11/21/unity-wins-its-first-technology-and-engineering-emmy-award/





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