using System;
using Mercury.QTP.CustomServer;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using QuickTestCustomServer_C1ToolBar;
using C1.Win.C1Command;
namespace QuickTestCustomServer_C1ToolBar
public interface IC1ToolBarReplay
#region Wizard generated sample code (commented)
// void CustomMouseDown(int X, int Y);
void C1ToolBar_Click(string text);
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for C1ToolBar.
/// </summary>
public class C1ToolBar :
// You shouldn't call Base class methods/properties at the constructor
// since its services are not initialized yet.
public C1ToolBar()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
#region IRecord override Methods
#region Wizard generated sample code (commented)
/// <summary>
/// To change Window messages filter implement this method.
/// The default implementation is to get only Control's window messages.
/// </summary>
//public override WND_MsgFilter GetWndMessageFilter()
// return WND_MsgFilter.WND_MSGS;
/// <summary>
/// To catch window messages you should implement this method.
/// Please note: This method is called just in case the CustomServer is running
/// under QuickTest process.
/// </summary>
public override RecordStatus OnMessage(ref Message tMsg)
// TODO: Add OnMessage implementation.
return RecordStatus.RECORD_HANDLED;
/// <summary>
/// In case you extend Record process, you should add your Events handlers
/// in order to listen to Control's Events.
/// </summary>
public override void InitEventListener()
#region Wizard generated sample code (commented)
/* // Notice, You can add as many handlers as you need.
// Adding OnMouseDown handler.
Delegate e = new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.OnMouseDown);
// Adds an event handler as the first handler of the event.
// The first argument is the name of the event for which to listen.
// You must provide an event that the control supports.
// Use the .NET Spy to obtain the list of events supported by the control.
// The second argument is the event handler delegate.
AddHandler("MouseDown", e);
//Delegate e = new C1.Win.C1Command.ClickEventHandler(this.oControl_Click);
//AddHandler("Click", e);
C1.Win.C1Command.C1ToolBar oControl = (C1.Win.C1Command.C1ToolBar)SourceControl;
for (int i = 0; i < oControl.CommandLinks.Count; i++)
oControl.CommandLinks[i].Command.Click += new C1.Win.C1Command.ClickEventHandler(this.oControl_CommandClick);
/// <summary>
/// At the end of the Record process this method is called by QuickTest to release
/// all the handlers the user added in InitEventListener method.
/// Please note: Handlers added via QuickTest methods are released by QuickTest infrastructure.
/// </summary>
public override void ReleaseEventListener()
//C1.Win.C1Command.C1ToolBar oControl = (C1.Win.C1Command.C1ToolBar)SourceControl;
//oControl.Click -= new
#region Record events handlers
#region Wizard generated sample code (commented)
/* public void OnMouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
// Record line in QTP.
if(e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)
RecordFunction( "CustomMouseDown", RecordingMode.RECORD_SEND_LINE, e.X, e.Y);
private void oControl_CommandClick(object sender, C1.Win.C1Command.ClickEventArgs e)
C1.Win.C1Command.C1ToolBar oControl = (C1.Win.C1Command.C1ToolBar)SourceControl;
base.RecordFunction("C1ToolBar_Click", RecordingMode.RECORD_SEND_LINE, e.CallerLink.Text);
//C1.Win.C1Command.C1ToolBar oControl = (C1.Win.C1Command.C1ToolBar)SourceControl;
Add a step in the test for the test object with the ClickButton method
and the tooltip text as an argument
//base.RecordFunction("ClickButton", RecordingMode.RECORD_SEND_LINE, e.CallerLink.Text);
#region Replay interface implementation
#region Wizard generated sample code (commented)
/* public void CustomMouseDown(int X, int Y)
public void C1ToolBar_Click(string text)
C1.Win.C1Command.C1ToolBar oControl = (C1.Win.C1Command.C1ToolBar)SourceControl;
//Find the correct item in the toolbar according to its tooltip text.
for (int i = 0; i < oControl.CommandLinks.Count; i++)
//Found the correct ButtonItem
if (oControl.CommandLinks[i].Text == text)
if (oControl.CommandLinks[i].Command.IsParent == true)
System.Drawing.Rectangle oRect = oControl.CommandLinks[i].Bounds;
int x = oRect.X + oRect.Width - 2;
int y = oRect.Y + oRect.Height/2;
//Click the middle of the button item
// Retrieve the rectangle of the button's boundaries and
// locate its center
//System.Drawing.Rectangle oRect = oControl.CommandLinks[i].CheckRect;
System.Drawing.Rectangle oRect = oControl.CommandLinks[i].Bounds;
int x = oRect.X + oRect.Width / 2;
int y = oRect.Y + oRect.Height / 2;
//Click the middle of the button item
base.ReplayReportStep("C1ToolBar_Click", EventStatus.EVENTSTATUS_GENERAL, text);
<!-- Merge this XML content into file "<QuickTest Professional>/dat/SwfConfig.xml". -->
<Control Type="C1.Win.C1Command.C1ToolBar" >
<Parameter Name="sample name">sample value</Parameter>
</Settings> -->
SwfWindow("New document").Activate
SwfWindow("New document").SwfObject("SwfObject").C1ToolBar_Click "&New"
SwfWindow("New document").SwfObject("SwfObject").C1ToolBar_Click "E&xit"