



Can’t wait to get your mobile Fortnite fix? Starting today, the Android version of the massively popular battle royale title from Epic Games is available for everyone.

等不及要获取您的移动Fortnit e修复程序了? 从今天开始,Epic Games广受欢迎的Battle Royale标题的Android版本将向所有人开放。

The Android version of Fortnite: Battle Royale no longer requires an invite, and its available to all with a compatible device (a full list of which is available on Epic’s official website.)

Android版本的《堡垒之夜:大逃杀》不再需要邀请,并且所有兼容设备均可使用(其完整列表可在Epic的官方网站上找到) 。

While the game was previously available for all iOS users months ago, its hotly-anticipated Android release came at a much later time, touching down in August. Unfortunately, until today, it’s only been available for a select group of users, given that it’s required a beta invite to play.

尽管该游戏几个月前曾供所有iOS用户使用,但其备受期待的Android版本却在更晚的时间推出,并于8月降落。 不幸的是,直到今天,由于需要进行Beta版邀请才能使用,因此只有部分用户可以使用。

Before that, it was available for a brief period as a Samsung exclusive title, meaning anyone without a Samsung Galaxy device specifically had to wait until after August 12 to get into the beta. Galaxy Note 9 and Tab S4 users received unique Fortnite Galaxy skins for being part of the club.

在此之前,它可以作为三星专有标题使用一段时间,这意味着没有三星银河设备的任何人都必须等到8月12日之后才能进入Beta版。 Galaxy Note 9和Tab S4用户因加入俱乐部而获得了独特的Fortnite Galaxy皮肤。

Notably, Fortnite’s Android version skipped the Google Play Store distribution service, which means you can’t download it via the typical channels. Instead, you need to install it manually via the official Epic Games Fortnite page. Epic decided to go this route, which means more revenue for the company, which baffled many due to the potential security risks that come along with offering the title as an APK (Android Package Kit). If you need assistance grabbing and installing the app, we’ve got a full rundown on how to do just that here.

值得注意的是, Fortnite的Android版本跳过了Google Play商店分发服务,这意味着您无法通过常规渠道下载它。 相反,您需要通过Epic Games Fortnite官方页面手动安装它。 Epic决定走这条路,这对公司来说意味着更多的收入,由于提供标题为APK(Android套件工具包)会带来潜在的安全风险,这使许多公司感到困惑。 如果您在获取和安装应用程序方面需要帮助,请点击此处,以获取有关如何执行此操作的完整摘要。

Unfortunately, it’s prudent to keep in mind that the process you’ll need to go through to get the app on your phone, referred to as side-loading, does open users up to a host of potential security risks, especially for beginners. Installing the app manually means that less advanced users will need to take care that they’re downloading the game from the official source.

不幸的是,要谨记要谨慎,因为将手机上的应用程序加载到手机上需要经历的过程确实使用户面临许多潜在的安全风险,尤其是对于初学者。 手动安装该应用程序意味着不太高级的用户将需要注意从官方来源下载游戏。

It’s important to keep in mind that unverified downloads from third-party sources are akin to opening Pandora’s box, rife with malware, spyware, or other potentially dangerous software that could infect your phone. This is the same process that Epic has opted for on PC as well, skipping traditional channels such as Steam, so take care when downloading and installing the game, and be sure you’re following the provided instructions exactly if you’re just now getting into the mobile version today.

请务必记住,从第三方来源未经验证的下载类似于打开Pandora的盒子,到处都是恶意软件,间谍软件或其他可能感染手机的潜在危险软件。 这与Epic在PC上选择的过程相同,也跳过了Steam等传统渠道,因此在下载和安装游戏时请多加注意,如果您刚开始使用,请确保完全按照提供的说明进行操作。进入今天的移动版本。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/fortnite-for-android-is-out-of-beta-and-available-on-all-compatible-phones/






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