本文主要是介绍南邮数据结构实验1 单链表操作,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
1.在顺序表类SingleList中增加成员函数void Reverse(),实现顺序表的逆置。
2.在顺序表类SingleList中增加成员函数bool DeleteX(const T &x),删除表中所有元素值等于x的元素。若表中存在这样的元素,则删除之,且函数返回true;否则函数返回false。
4.提示:创建LinearList.h SingleList.h文件包含程序2.1和程序2.3的代码。在其中新增上述两个函数。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <class T>
class LinearList
public:virtual bool IsEmpty() const = 0;virtual int Length() const = 0;virtual bool Find(int i,T& x) const = 0;virtual int Search(T x) const = 0;virtual bool Insert(int i,T x) = 0;virtual bool Delete(int i) = 0;virtual bool Update(int i,T x) = 0;virtual void Output(ostream& out) const = 0;
protected:int n; //线性表的长度
};template <class T> class SingleList;
template <class T>
class Node
private:T element;Node<T> *link;friend class SingleList<T>;
};template <class T>
class SingleList : public LinearList<T>
private:Node<T>* first;//int n;
public:SingleList(){first = NULL; n = 0;}~SingleList();bool IsEmpty() const;int Length() const;bool Find(int i,T& x) const;int Search(T x) const;bool Insert(int i,T x);bool Delete(int i);bool Update(int i,T x);void Clear();void Output(ostream& out) const;void Reverse();bool DeleteX(const T& x);
};template <class T>
SingleList<T> :: ~SingleList()
{Node<T> *p;while(first){p = first -> link;delete first;first = p;}
}template <class T>
int SingleList<T> :: Length()const
{return n;
}template <class T>
bool SingleList<T> :: IsEmpty()const
{return n == 0;
}template <class T>
bool SingleList<T> :: Find(int i, T &x)const
{if(i < 0 || i > n - 1){cout << "Out Of Bound" << endl;return false;}Node<T> *p = first;for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)p = p -> link;x = p -> element;return true;
}template <class T>
int SingleList<T> :: Search(T x)const
{int j;Node<T> *p = first;for(j = 0; p && p -> element != x; j++)p = p -> link;if(p)return j;return -1;
}template <class T>
bool SingleList<T> :: Insert(int i, T x)
{if(i < -1 || i > n - 1){cout << "Out Of Bounds";return false;}Node<T> *q = new Node<T>;q -> element = x;Node<T> *p = first;for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)p = p -> link;if(i > -1){q -> link = p -> link;p -> link = q;}else{q -> link = first;first = q;}n++;return true;
}template <class T>
bool SingleList<T> :: Delete(int i)
{if(!n){cout << "UnderFlow" << endl;return false;}if(i < 0 || i > n - 1){cout << "Out Of Bound" << endl;return false;}Node<T> *p = first, *q = first;for(int j = 0; j < i - 1; j++)q = q -> link;if(i == 0)first = first -> link;else{p = q -> link;q -> link = p -> link;}delete p;n--;return true;
}template <class T>
bool SingleList<T> :: Update(int i, T x)
{if(i < 0 || i > n - 1){cout << "Out Of Bound" << endl;return false;}Node<T> *p = first;for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)p = p -> link;p -> element = x;return true;
}template <class T>
void SingleList<T> :: Output(ostream &out) const
{Node<T> *p = first;while(p){out << p -> element << " ";p = p -> link;}out << endl;
}template <class T>
void SingleList<T> :: Reverse()
{Node<T> *pre = first, *cur = first -> link, *next;while(cur){next = cur -> link;cur -> link = pre;pre = cur;cur = next;}first -> link = NULL;first = pre;
}template <class T>
bool SingleList<T> :: DeleteX(const T &x)
{int re = 0;bool ok = false;Node<T> *p = first;while(p){if(p -> element == x){re++;Delete(Search(x));ok = true;p = first;}p = p -> link;}p = first;if(p -> element == x)Delete(Search(x));return ok;
}int main()
{int del_data, len ,num;SingleList<int> A;cout << "Input the length of the list: ";cin >> len;cout << "\nInput each element: ";for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){cin >> num;A.Insert(i - 1, num);}cout << "\nInitial list: "; A.Output(cout);A.Reverse();cout << "\nResevered list: "; A.Output(cout);cout << "\nInput the element to be deleted: "; cin >> del_data;if(A.DeleteX(del_data) == true){cout << "\nList after being deleted: "; A.Output(cout);}elsecout << "\nNot found" << endl; return 0;
这篇关于南邮数据结构实验1 单链表操作的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!