
2024-03-14 23:58
文章标签 加载 使用 图片 gdi tga




#ifndef __TGA_H__
#define __TGA_H__
//#pragma comment(lib, "Opengl32.lib")					//Link to OpenGL32.lib so we can use OpenGL stuff#include <windows.h>									// Standard windows header
#include <stdio.h>										// Standard I/O header 
#include <gl\gl.h>										// Header for OpenGL32 librarytypedef	struct									
{GLubyte	* imageData;									// Image Data (Up To 32 Bits)GLuint	bpp;											// Image Color Depth In Bits Per PixelGLuint	width;											// Image WidthGLuint	height;											// Image HeightGLuint	texID;											// Texture ID Used To Select A TextureGLuint	type;											// Image Type (GL_RGB, GL_RGBA)
} Texture;	typedef struct
{GLubyte Header[12];									// TGA File Header
} TGAHeader;typedef struct
{GLubyte		header[6];								// First 6 Useful Bytes From The HeaderGLuint		bytesPerPixel;							// Holds Number Of Bytes Per Pixel Used In The TGA FileGLuint		imageSize;								// Used To Store The Image Size When Setting Aside RamGLuint		temp;									// Temporary VariableGLuint		type;	GLuint		Height;									//Height of ImageGLuint		Width;									//Width ofImageGLuint		Bpp;									// Bits Per Pixel
} TGA;bool LoadUncompressedTGA(Texture *, const TCHAR *, FILE *);	// Load an Uncompressed file
bool LoadCompressedTGA(Texture *, const TCHAR *, FILE *);		// Load a Compressed file
bool LoadTGA(Texture * texture, const TCHAR * filename);#endif


/Name:		TGA.cpp																*
/Header:	tga.h																*
/Purpose:	Load Compressed and Uncompressed TGA files							*
/Functions:	LoadTGA(Texture * texture, TCHAR * filename)							*
/			LoadCompressedTGA(Texture * texture, TCHAR * filename, FILE * fTGA)	*
/			LoadUncompressedTGA(Texture * texture, TCHAR * filename, FILE * fTGA)*	
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Tga.h"TGAHeader tgaheader;									// TGA header
TGA tga;												// TGA image dataGLubyte uTGAcompare[12] = {0,0,2, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};	// Uncompressed TGA Header
GLubyte cTGAcompare[12] = {0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};	// Compressed TGA Header/********************************************************************************
/name :		LoadTGA(Texture * texture, TCHAR * filename)							*
/function:  Open and test the file to make sure it is a valid TGA file			*	
/parems:	texture, pointer to a Texture structure								*
/			filename, string pointing to file to open							*
/********************************************************************************/bool LoadTGA(Texture * texture, const TCHAR * filename)				// Load a TGA file
{FILE * fTGA;												// File pointer to texture fileerrno_t err = _tfopen_s(&fTGA, filename, _T("rb"));								// Open file for readingif(err != 0 || fTGA == NULL)											// If it didn't open....{MessageBoxA(NULL, "Could not open texture file", "ERROR", MB_OK);	// Display an error messagereturn false;														// Exit function}if(fread(&tgaheader, sizeof(TGAHeader), 1, fTGA) == 0)					// Attempt to read 12 byte header from file{MessageBoxA(NULL, "Could not read file header", "ERROR", MB_OK);		// If it fails, display an error message if(fTGA != NULL)													// Check to seeiffile is still open{fclose(fTGA);													// If it is, close it}return false;														// Exit function}if(memcmp(uTGAcompare, &tgaheader, sizeof(tgaheader)) == 0)				// See if header matches the predefined header of {																		// an Uncompressed TGA imagereturn LoadUncompressedTGA(texture, filename, fTGA);						// If so, jump to Uncompressed TGA loading code}else if(memcmp(cTGAcompare, &tgaheader, sizeof(tgaheader)) == 0)		// See if header matches the predefined header of{																		// an RLE compressed TGA imagereturn LoadCompressedTGA(texture, filename, fTGA);							// If so, jump to Compressed TGA loading code}MessageBoxA(NULL, "TGA file be type 2 or type 10 ", "Invalid Image", MB_OK);	// Display an errorfclose(fTGA);return false;																// Exit function
}bool LoadUncompressedTGA(Texture * texture, const TCHAR * filename, FILE * fTGA)	// Load an uncompressed TGA (note, much of this code is based on NeHe's 
{																			// TGA Loading code nehe.gamedev.net)if(fread(tga.header, sizeof(tga.header), 1, fTGA) == 0)					// Read TGA header{										MessageBoxA(NULL, "Could not read info header", "ERROR", MB_OK);		// Display errorif(fTGA != NULL)													// if file is still open{fclose(fTGA);													// Close it}return false;														// Return failular}	texture->width  = tga.header[1] * 256 + tga.header[0];					// Determine The TGA Width	(highbyte*256+lowbyte)texture->height = tga.header[3] * 256 + tga.header[2];					// Determine The TGA Height	(highbyte*256+lowbyte)texture->bpp	= tga.header[4];										// Determine the bits per pixeltga.Width		= texture->width;										// Copy width into local structure						tga.Height		= texture->height;										// Copy height into local structuretga.Bpp			= texture->bpp;											// Copy BPP into local structureif((texture->width <= 0) || (texture->height <= 0) || ((texture->bpp != 24) && (texture->bpp !=32)))	// Make sure all information is valid{MessageBoxA(NULL, "Invalid texture information", "ERROR", MB_OK);	// Display Errorif(fTGA != NULL)													// Check if file is still open{fclose(fTGA);													// If so, close it}return false;														// Return failed}if(texture->bpp == 24)													// If the BPP of the image is 24...texture->type	= GL_RGB;											// Set Image type to GL_RGBelse																	// Else if its 32 BPPtexture->type	= GL_RGBA;											// Set image type to GL_RGBAtga.bytesPerPixel	= (tga.Bpp / 8);									// Compute the number of BYTES per pixeltga.imageSize		= (tga.bytesPerPixel * tga.Width * tga.Height);		// Compute the total amout ofmemory needed to store datatexture->imageData	= (GLubyte *)malloc(tga.imageSize);					// Allocate that much memoryif(texture->imageData == NULL)											// If no space was allocated{MessageBoxA(NULL, "Could not allocate memory for image", "ERROR", MB_OK);	// Display Errorfclose(fTGA);														// Close the filereturn false;														// Return failed}if(fread(texture->imageData, 1, tga.imageSize, fTGA) != tga.imageSize)	// Attempt to read image data{MessageBoxA(NULL, "Could not read image data", "ERROR", MB_OK);		// Display Errorif(texture->imageData != NULL)										// If imagedata has data in it{free(texture->imageData);										// Delete data from memory}fclose(fTGA);														// Close filereturn false;														// Return failed}// Byte Swapping Optimized By Steve Thomasfor(GLuint cswap = 0; cswap < (int)tga.imageSize; cswap += tga.bytesPerPixel){texture->imageData[cswap] ^= texture->imageData[cswap+2] ^=texture->imageData[cswap] ^= texture->imageData[cswap+2];}fclose(fTGA);															// Close filereturn true;															// Return success
}bool LoadCompressedTGA(Texture * texture, const TCHAR * filename, FILE * fTGA)		// Load COMPRESSED TGAs
{ if(fread(tga.header, sizeof(tga.header), 1, fTGA) == 0)					// Attempt to read header{MessageBoxA(NULL, "Could not read info header", "ERROR", MB_OK);		// Display Errorif(fTGA != NULL)													// If file is open{fclose(fTGA);													// Close it}return false;														// Return failed}texture->width  = tga.header[1] * 256 + tga.header[0];					// Determine The TGA Width	(highbyte*256+lowbyte)texture->height = tga.header[3] * 256 + tga.header[2];					// Determine The TGA Height	(highbyte*256+lowbyte)texture->bpp	= tga.header[4];										// Determine Bits Per Pixeltga.Width		= texture->width;										// Copy width to local structuretga.Height		= texture->height;										// Copy width to local structuretga.Bpp			= texture->bpp;											// Copy width to local structureif((texture->width <= 0) || (texture->height <= 0) || ((texture->bpp != 24) && (texture->bpp !=32)))	//Make sure all texture info is ok{MessageBoxA(NULL, "Invalid texture information", "ERROR", MB_OK);	// If it isnt...Display errorif(fTGA != NULL)													// Check if file is open{fclose(fTGA);													// Ifit is, close it}return false;														// Return failed}if(texture->bpp == 24)													// If the BPP of the image is 24...texture->type	= GL_RGB;											// Set Image type to GL_RGBelse																	// Else if its 32 BPPtexture->type	= GL_RGBA;											// Set image type to GL_RGBAtga.bytesPerPixel	= (tga.Bpp / 8);									// Compute BYTES per pixeltga.imageSize		= (tga.bytesPerPixel * tga.Width * tga.Height);		// Compute amout of memory needed to store imagetexture->imageData	= (GLubyte *)malloc(tga.imageSize);					// Allocate that much memoryif(texture->imageData == NULL)											// If it wasnt allocated correctly..{MessageBoxA(NULL, "Could not allocate memory for image", "ERROR", MB_OK);	// Display Errorfclose(fTGA);														// Close filereturn false;														// Return failed}GLuint pixelcount	= tga.Height * tga.Width;							// Nuber of pixels in the imageGLuint currentpixel	= 0;												// Current pixel being readGLuint currentbyte	= 0;												// Current byte GLubyte * colorbuffer = (GLubyte *)malloc(tga.bytesPerPixel);			// Storage for 1 pixeldo{GLubyte chunkheader = 0;											// Storage for "chunk" headerif(fread(&chunkheader, sizeof(GLubyte), 1, fTGA) == 0)				// Read in the 1 byte header{MessageBoxA(NULL, "Could not read RLE header", "ERROR", MB_OK);	// Display Errorif(fTGA != NULL)												// If file is open{fclose(fTGA);												// Close file}if(texture->imageData != NULL)									// If there is stored image data{free(texture->imageData);									// Delete image data}return false;													// Return failed}if(chunkheader < 128)												// If the ehader is < 128, it means the that is the number of RAW color packets minus 1{																	// that follow the headerchunkheader++;													// add 1 to get number of following color valuesfor(short counter = 0; counter < chunkheader; counter++)		// Read RAW color values{if(fread(colorbuffer, 1, tga.bytesPerPixel, fTGA) != tga.bytesPerPixel) // Try to read 1 pixel{MessageBoxA(NULL, "Could not read image data", "ERROR", MB_OK);		// IF we cant, display an errorif(fTGA != NULL)													// See if file is open{fclose(fTGA);													// If so, close file}if(colorbuffer != NULL)												// See if colorbuffer has data in it{free(colorbuffer);												// If so, delete it}if(texture->imageData != NULL)										// See if there is stored Image data{free(texture->imageData);										// If so, delete it too}return false;														// Return failed}// write to memorytexture->imageData[currentbyte		] = colorbuffer[2];				    // Flip R and B vcolor values around in the process texture->imageData[currentbyte + 1	] = colorbuffer[1];texture->imageData[currentbyte + 2	] = colorbuffer[0];if(tga.bytesPerPixel == 4)												// if its a 32 bpp image{texture->imageData[currentbyte + 3] = colorbuffer[3];				// copy the 4th byte}currentbyte += tga.bytesPerPixel;										// Increase thecurrent byte by the number of bytes per pixelcurrentpixel++;															// Increase current pixel by 1if(currentpixel > pixelcount)											// Make sure we havent read too many pixels{MessageBoxA(NULL, "Too many pixels read", "ERROR", NULL);			// if there is too many... Display an error!if(fTGA != NULL)													// If there is a file open{fclose(fTGA);													// Close file}	if(colorbuffer != NULL)												// If there is data in colorbuffer{free(colorbuffer);												// Delete it}if(texture->imageData != NULL)										// If there is Image data{free(texture->imageData);										// delete it}return false;														// Return failed}}}else																			// chunkheader > 128 RLE data, next color reapeated chunkheader - 127 times{chunkheader -= 127;															// Subteact 127 to get rid of the ID bitif(fread(colorbuffer, 1, tga.bytesPerPixel, fTGA) != tga.bytesPerPixel)		// Attempt to read following color values{	MessageBoxA(NULL, "Could not read from file", "ERROR", MB_OK);			// If attempt fails.. Display error (again)if(fTGA != NULL)														// If thereis a file open{fclose(fTGA);														// Close it}if(colorbuffer != NULL)													// If there is data in the colorbuffer{free(colorbuffer);													// delete it}if(texture->imageData != NULL)											// If thereis image data{free(texture->imageData);											// delete it}return false;															// return failed}for(short counter = 0; counter < chunkheader; counter++)					// copy the color into the image data as many times as dictated {																			// by the headertexture->imageData[currentbyte		] = colorbuffer[2];					// switch R and B bytes areound while copyingtexture->imageData[currentbyte + 1	] = colorbuffer[1];texture->imageData[currentbyte + 2	] = colorbuffer[0];if(tga.bytesPerPixel == 4)												// If TGA images is 32 bpp{texture->imageData[currentbyte + 3] = colorbuffer[3];				// Copy 4th byte}currentbyte += tga.bytesPerPixel;										// Increase current byte by the number of bytes per pixelcurrentpixel++;															// Increase pixel count by 1if(currentpixel > pixelcount)											// Make sure we havent written too many pixels{MessageBoxA(NULL, "Too many pixels read", "ERROR", NULL);			// if there is too many... Display an error!if(fTGA != NULL)													// If there is a file open{fclose(fTGA);													// Close file}	if(colorbuffer != NULL)												// If there is data in colorbuffer{free(colorbuffer);												// Delete it}if(texture->imageData != NULL)										// If there is Image data{free(texture->imageData);										// delete it}return false;														// Return failed}}}}while(currentpixel < pixelcount);													// Loop while there are still pixels leftif(colorbuffer != NULL)												// If there is data in colorbuffer{free(colorbuffer);												// Delete it}fclose(fTGA);																		// Close the filereturn true;																		// return success


typedef boost::shared_ptr<Gdiplus::Image> ImagePtr;ImagePtr CMainApp::OpenTgaImage(const CString & strImg)
{Texture texTga;if(!LoadTGA(&texTga, strImg))return ImagePtr();boost::shared_ptr<Gdiplus::Bitmap> bmp;Gdiplus::BitmapData bd;switch(texTga.bpp){case 32:bmp.reset(new Gdiplus::Bitmap(texTga.width, texTga.height, PixelFormat32bppARGB));if(Gdiplus::Ok == bmp->LockBits(NULL, Gdiplus::ImageLockModeWrite, PixelFormat32bppARGB, &bd)){for(UINT y = 0; y < texTga.height; y++){for(UINT x = 0; x < texTga.width; x++){BYTE * pSrc = texTga.imageData + ((texTga.height - y - 1) * texTga.width + x) * 4;BYTE * pDst = (BYTE *)bd.Scan0 + (y * bd.Stride + x * 4);pDst[0] = pSrc[2];pDst[1] = pSrc[1];pDst[2] = pSrc[0];pDst[3] = pSrc[3];}}bmp->UnlockBits(&bd);}break;case 24:bmp.reset(new Gdiplus::Bitmap(texTga.width, texTga.height, PixelFormat24bppRGB));if(Gdiplus::Ok == bmp->LockBits(NULL, Gdiplus::ImageLockModeWrite, PixelFormat24bppRGB, &bd)){for(UINT y = 0; y < texTga.height; y++){for(UINT x = 0; x < texTga.width; x++){BYTE * pSrc = texTga.imageData + ((texTga.height - y - 1) * texTga.width + x) * 3;BYTE * pDst = (BYTE *)bd.Scan0 + (y * bd.Stride + x * 3);pDst[0] = pSrc[2];pDst[1] = pSrc[1];pDst[2] = pSrc[0];}}bmp->UnlockBits(&bd);}break;case 16:ASSERT(false);break;}free(texTga.imageData);return bmp;




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