Unity3D英文文档0010 Unity Manual

2024-03-08 21:40

本文主要是介绍Unity3D英文文档0010 Unity Manual,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Unity Manual手册

Welcome to Unity.

Unity is made to empower you to create the best interactive entertainment or multimedia experience that you can. This manual is designed to help you learn how to use Unity, from basic to advanced techniques. It can be read from start to finish or used as a reference.


The manual is divided into different sections. The first section, User Guide, is an introduction to Unity's interface, asset workflow, and the basics of building a game. If you are new to Unity, you should start by reading the Unity Basics subsection.


The next section, FAQ, is a collection of frequently asked questions about performing common tasks that require a few steps.


The last section, Advanced, addresses topics such as game optimization, shaders, file sizes, and deployment.


When you've finished reading, take a look at the Reference Manual and the Scripting Reference for further details about the different possibilities of constructing your games with Unity.


If you find that any question you have is not answered in this manual please ask on Unity Answers or Unity Forums. You will be able to find your answer there.


Happy reading, 
The Unity team

The Unity Manual Guide contains some sections that apply only to certain platforms. Please select which platforms you want to see. Platform-specific information can always be seen by clicking on the disclosure triangles on each page. 



Table of Contents目录

Page last updated: 2012-08-13

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