本文主要是介绍Unity3D英文文档0010 Unity Manual,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
Unity Manual手册
Welcome to Unity.
Unity is made to empower you to create the best interactive entertainment or multimedia experience that you can. This manual is designed to help you learn how to use Unity, from basic to advanced techniques. It can be read from start to finish or used as a reference.上面是套话。
The manual is divided into different sections. The first section, User Guide, is an introduction to Unity's interface, asset workflow, and the basics of building a game. If you are new to Unity, you should start by reading the Unity Basics subsection.
The next section, FAQ, is a collection of frequently asked questions about performing common tasks that require a few steps.
The last section, Advanced, addresses topics such as game optimization, shaders, file sizes, and deployment.
When you've finished reading, take a look at the Reference Manual and the Scripting Reference for further details about the different possibilities of constructing your games with Unity.
If you find that any question you have is not answered in this manual please ask on Unity Answers or Unity Forums. You will be able to find your answer there.
Happy reading,
The Unity team
The Unity Manual Guide contains some sections that apply only to certain platforms. Please select which platforms you want to see. Platform-specific information can always be seen by clicking on the disclosure triangles on each page.
Table of Contents目录
- User Guide用户指南
- Unity Basics基础知识
- Learning the Interface学习界面
- Project Browser工程浏览器
- Hierarchy层次图
- Toolbar工具条
- Scene View场景视图
- Game View游戏视图
- Inspector属性框
- Other Views其他视图
- Customizing Your Workspace定制工作界面
- Asset Workflow资源工作流程
- Creating Scenes创建场景
- Publishing Builds编译发布
- Tutorials教程
- Unity Hotkeys快捷键
- Preferences选项界面
- Learning the Interface学习界面
- Building Scenes构建场景(关卡)
- GameObjects游戏对象
- The GameObject-Component Relationship游戏对象与组件的关系
- Using Components使用组件
- The Component-Script Relationship组件与脚本的关系
- Deactivating GameObjects使游戏对象不活动
- Using the Inspector使用属性器
- Editing Value Properties编辑属性
- Assigning References关联引用
- Multi-Object Editing多对象编辑
- Inspector Options属性器选项
- Using the Scene View使用场景视图
- Scene View Navigation场景导航
- Positioning GameObjects定位游戏对象
- View Modes视图类型
- Gizmo and Icon Display Controls器件图标控件
- Searching搜索
- Prefabs预加工
- Lights光源
- Cameras相机
- Terrain Engine Guide地表引擎向导
- GameObjects游戏对象
- Asset Import and Creation资源导入及创建
- Importing Assets导航资源
- Meshes网格
- 3D formats三维格式
- Legacy animation system老版动画系统
- Materials and Shaders材质与着色器
- Texture 2D二维纹理
- Procedural Materials可编程材质
- Movie Texture视频材质
- Audio Files声音文件
- Tracker Modules类MIDI系统
- Using Scripts使用脚本
- Asset Store资源商店
- Asset Server (Pro Only)资源服务器
- Cache Server (Team license only)缓存服务器(限团队授权版本)
- Cache Server FAQ资源服务器常见问题集
- Behind the Scenes场景后台工作原理
- Creating Gameplay创建游戏
- Instantiating Prefabs at runtime运行时实例化预加工件
- Inputl输入
- Transforms变换矩阵
- Physics物理
- Adding Random Gameplay Elements增加随机元素
- Particle Systems粒子系统
- Particle System Curve Editor粒子曲线
- Colors and Gradients in the Particle System (Shuriken)颜色曲线
- Gradient Editor曲线编辑器
- Particle System Inspector粒子编辑器
- Introduction to Particle System Modules (Shuriken)引入粒子模块
- Particle System Modules (Shuriken)粒子模块
- Particle Effects (Shuriken)粒子效果
- Mecanim Animation System新版动画系统
- A Glossary of Animation and Mecanim terms术语表
- Asset Preparation and Import资源准备及导入
- Preparing your own character准备您的角色
- Importing Animations导航动画
- Splitting Animations分隔动作
- Working with humanoid animations使用人类动作
- Creating the Avatar创建阿凡达
- Configuring the Avatar配置阿凡达
- Muscle setup肌肉设置
- Avatar Body Mask阿凡达身体遮罩
- Retargeting of Humanoid animations人类动作重定义
- Inverse Kinematics (Pro only)反向动作
- Generic Animations in Mecanim通用动作
- Bringing Characters to Life角色接地气
- Looping animation clips动作剪辑的循环
- Animator Component and Animator Controller动作组件与动作控制器
- Animation State Machines状态机
- Animation States动作状态
- Animation Transitions动作转换
- Animation Parameters动作参数
- Blend Trees混合树
- Mecanim Advanced topics高级主题
- Working with Animation Curves in Mecanim (Pro only)动作曲线
- Sub-State Machines子状态机
- Animation Layers动画层
- Animation State Machine Preview (solo and mute)动作状态机
- Target Matching目标匹配
- Root Motion - how it works根动作
- Tutorial: Scripting Root Motion for "in-place" humanoid animations教程:根动作编程
- Legacy animation system旧版动作系统
- Animation View Guide (Legacy)动作视态向导
- Animation Scripting (Legacy)动作编程
- Navmesh and Pathfinding (Pro only)导航网格与寻路
- Navmesh Baking导航网格烘培
- Sound声音
- Game Interface Elements游戏界面元素
- Networked Multiplayer网络多人游戏
- Unity Basics基础知识
- Getting Started with Native Client Development开始本机代码开发
- Getting Started with Flash Development 开始Flash开发
- Flash: Setup设置
- Flash: Building & Running构建与运行
- Flash: Debugging调试
- Flash: What is and is not supported不支持特性
- Flash: Embedding Unity Generated Flash Content in Larger Flash Projects在Flash工程中嵌入Unity生成的Flash内容
- Flash: Adobe Premium Features LicenseAdobe额外特性授权证书
- Example: Supplying Data from Flash to Unity从Flash传递数据至Unity
- Example: Calling ActionScript Functions from Unity从Unity中调用Flash AS脚本功能
- Example: Browser JavaScript Communication与浏览器JS脚本交互
- Example: Accessing the Stage访问关卡
- FAQ问题集
- Upgrade Guide from Unity 3.5 to 4.0从3.5升级工程到4.0
- Unity 3.5 upgrade guide升级到3.5
- Upgrading your Unity Projects from 2.x to 3.x从2.x升级到3.x
- Physics upgrade details物理引擎升级细节
- Mono Upgrade DetailsMono引擎升级细节
- Rendering upgrade details渲染器升级细节
- Unity 3.x Shader Conversion Guide3. x著色器转换向导
- Unity 4.0 Activation - Overview4.0版本激活
- Managing your Unity 4.x license管理4.x授权证书
- Step-by-Step Guide to Online Activation of Unity 4.0手把手教在线激活
- Step-by-Step Guide to Manual Activation of Unity 4.0手把手教手动激活
- Game Code Questions游戏编码问题
- How to make a simple first person walkthrough如何设置第一人称场景漫游
- Graphics Questions图像问题
- How do I Import Alpha Textures?如何倒入半透明纹理
- How do I Use Normal Maps?法线贴图使用
- How do I use Detail Textures?细节纹理使用
- How do I Make a Cubemap Texture?制作立方体贴图
- How do I Make a Skybox?制作天空盒
- How do I make a Mesh Particle Emitter? (Legacy Particle System)制作旧版网格粒子发射器
- How do I make a Splash Screen?制作启动屏
- How do I make a Spot Light Cookie?制作聚光灯遮罩
- How do I fix the rotation of an imported model?修复导入模式的旋转
- How do I use Water?使用水
- HOWTO-exportFBX导出FBX
- HOWTO-ArtAssetBestPracticeGuide资源最佳实践
- How do I import objects from my 3D app?如何倒入三维模型
- Importing Objects From Maya从Maya
- Importing Objects From Cinema 4D从Cinema 4D
- Importing Objects From 3D Studio Max从3D Studio Max
- Importing Objects From Cheetah3D从Cheetah3D
- Importing Objects From Modo从Modo
- Importing Objects From Lightwave从Lightwave
- Importing Objects From Blender从Blender
- Workflow Questions工作流程问题
- Getting started with Mono Develop使用Mono开发工具
- How do I reuse assets between projects?在工程之间重用资源
- How do I install or upgrade Standard Assets?安装及升级标准资源
- Porting a Project Between Platforms工程在平台间移植问题
- Mobile Developer Checklist手机开发者检查列表
- Crashes崩溃
- Profiling分析
- Optimizations优化
- Advanced高级主题
- Vector Cookbook向量
- Understanding Vector Arithmetic向量运算
- Direction and Distance from One Object to Another物体间的距离及方向
- Computing a Normal/Perpendicular vector计算法向向量
- The Amount of One Vector's Magnitude that Lies in Another Vector's Direction向量归一化
- AssetBundles (Pro only)资源包
- AssetBundles FAQ问题集
- Building AssetBundles构造资源包
- Downloading AssetBundles下载资源包
- Loading resources from AssetBundles从资源包装入资源
- Keeping track of loaded AssetBundles保持装入资源的跟踪
- Storing and loading binary data in an AssetBundle在资源包中存储二进制数据,以及使用时导入
- Protecting Content保护内容
- Managing asset dependencies管理资源依赖
- Including scripts in AssetBundles资源包中内置脚本
- Graphics Features图像特性
- HDR (High Dynamic Range) Rendering in Unity动态范围渲染
- Rendering Paths渲染途径
- Linear Lighting (Pro Only)线性光
- Level of Detail (Pro Only)图像细节调整
- Shaders著色器
- Shaders: ShaderLab & Fixed Function shaders著色器与预制功能
- Shaders: Vertex and Fragment Programs顶点与片断编程
- Using DirectX 11 in Unity 4使用DirectX
- Compute Shaders计算着色器
- Graphics Emulation图像模拟
- AssetDatabase资源数据库
- Build Player Pipeline构造游戏器管道
- Profiler (Pro only)性能分析器
- Lightmapping Quickstart光照图
- Lightmapping In-Depth深入光照图
- Custom Beast Settings定制野兽设置
- Lightmapping UVs光照图UV
- Light Probes光线探测子
- Occlusion Culling (Pro only)遮挡剔除
- Camera Tricks镜头特技
- Understanding Frustum截顶金字塔
- The Size of the Frustum at a Given Distance from the Camera金字塔尺寸
- Dolly Zoom (AKA the "Trombone" Effect)喇叭缩放
- Rays from the Camera镜头射线
- Using an Oblique Frustum斜截金字塔
- Creating an Impression of Large or Small Size创建印痕
- Loading Resources at Runtime运行时装入资源
- Modifying Source Assets Through Scripting脚本修改源资源
- Generating Mesh Geometry Procedurally生成网格
- Anatomy of a Mesh网格解剖
- Using the Mesh Class使用网格类型
- Example - Creating a Billboard Plane创建暴雪板
- Rich Text带格式文本
- Using Mono DLLs in a Unity Project在Unity中使用Mono动态库
- Execution Order of Event Functions事件回调函数的执行顺序
- Practical Guide to Optimization for Mobiles手机优化指南
- Practical Guide to Optimization for Mobiles - Future & High End Devices未来的设备
- Practical Guide to Optimization for Mobiles - Graphics Methods图像方法
- Practical Guide to Optimization for Mobiles - Scripting and Gameplay Methods游戏性编程接口
- Practical Guide to Optimization for Mobiles - Rendering Optimizations渲染优化
- Practical Guide to Optimization for Mobiles - Optimizing Scripts优化脚本
- Optimizing Graphics Performance优化图像性能
- Draw Call Batching批量调用Draw
- Modeling Characters for Optimal Performance修改模型以优化性能
- Rendering Statistics Window渲染统计
- Reducing File Size减少程序大小
- Understanding Automatic Memory Management理解自动内存管理
- Platform Dependent Compilation平台依赖适配
- Generic Functions通用功能
- Debugging除错
- Console输出窗
- Debugger调试器
- Log Files记录
- Accessing hidden folders访问隐藏目录
- Plugins (Pro/Mobile-Only Feature)平台功能插件
- PluginsForDesktop桌面插件
- Building Plugins for iOSiPhone插件
- Building Plugins for AndroidAndroid插件
- Low-level Native Plugin Interface系统底层插件接口
- Textual Scene File Format (Pro-only Feature)材质化场景文件格式
- Description of the Format格式描述
- YAMLSceneExampleYAML场景例子
- YAML Class ID ReferenceYAML类标识参考
- Streaming Assets资源网格管流
- Command line arguments命令接口
- Running Editor Script Code on Launch运行时运行编辑器脚本
- Network Emulation网络模拟
- Security Sandbox of the Webplayer网页Unity演播器安全环境
- Overview of available .NET Class Libraries可用的.NET类库一览
- Visual Studio C# IntegrationVS C#开发环境集成
- Using External Version Control Systems with Unity使用外部版本控制系统
- Analytics分析
- Check For Updates检查更新
- Installing Multiple Versions of Unity安装不同版本的Unity
- Trouble Shooting解决困难
- Vector Cookbook向量
- IME in Unity输入法
- Shadows in Unity阴影
- Directional Shadow Details直射光
- Troubleshooting Shadows定位阴影问题
- Shadow Size Computation阴影尺寸计算
- Shadows in Unity阴影
- Optimizing for integrated graphics cards为图形卡优化
- Web Player Deployment网页演播器布署
- HTML code to load Unity content装入Unity内容的HTML代码
- Working with UnityObject与Unity对象一起工作
- Customizing the Unity Web Player loading screen定制网页播放器的装入画面
- Customizing the Unity Web Player's Behavior定制网页播放器的行为
- Unity Web Player and browser communication与网页浏览器通讯
- Using web player templates使用网页播放器模板
- Web Player Streaming网络播放器流式播放
Page last updated: 2012-08-13
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