本文主要是介绍DAY40--learning English,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
- [CU]- the hard outer surface of bread.
- Example: sandwiches with the crusts cut off (切掉面包皮的三明治).
- [C usually sing.]- a layer of pastry, especially on top of a pie.
- Example: Bake until the crust is golden (把糕饼烤至外皮呈金黄色).
- [CU]- a hard layer or surface, especially above or around something soft or liquid.
- Examples:
- a thin crust of ice (一层薄冰).
- the earth's crust (地壳).
- Examples:
See also:the upper crust.
Idioms:see "earn."
- To make a hollow place in a hard surface, usually by hitting it.
- Example: The back of the car was badly dented in the collision (汽车尾部被撞后严重凹陷).
- To damage someone's confidence, reputation, etc.
- Example: It seemed that nothing could dent his confidence (似乎任何事情都不会使他的信心受挫)
**Dent** */dent/*
- **Definition**: A hollow place in a hard surface, usually caused by something hitting it.
- Example: a large dent in the car door (车门上一大块凹陷).
**Idioms (习语)**
1. **Make, etc. a dent in something**
- **Meaning**: To reduce the amount of something, especially money.
- Example: The lawyer's fees will make a dent in our finances (律师费将耗去我们一部分资金).
- Definition: A difficult or unpleasant situation, especially one where it is difficult to know what to do.
- Synonym: Quandary
- Examples:
- The club's financial predicament (俱乐部的财政困境).
- I'm in a terrible predicament (我的处境十分尴尬).
- [UC]A weather condition in which the temperature drops below 0°C (= freezing point) so that a thin white layer of ice forms on the ground and other surfaces, especially at night.
- Example: It will be a clear night with some ground frost (今夜晴,部分地面有霜冻).
- Types of frost: a sharp/hard/severe frost (酷寒).
- Temperature example: There were ten degrees of frost (= the temperature dropped to -10°C) last night (昨夜零下10摄氏度).
- Related term: frost damage (霜冻害).
- [U]The thin white layer of ice that forms when the temperature drops below 0°C.
- Example: The car windows were covered with frost (车窗玻璃结了霜).
See also: hoar frost
Frosting methods:
- ~ (sth) (over/up)To cover something or to become covered with a thin white layer of ice.
- [VN]Example: The mirror was frosted up (镜子蒙了一层霜).
- [V]Example: The windows had frosted over (窗子结满了霜).
- [VN] (especially NAmE)To cover a cake with icing/frosting.
- Application: Giving a cake a sugar frosting.
- Definition(informal): Of poor quality; with no value.
- Synonym: Rubbishy
- Example: Trashy TV shows (无聊的电视节目).
- [U][C usually pl.](Literary) Sleep; a time when someone is asleep.
- Example: She fell into a deep and peaceful slumber (她睡着了,睡得又沉又香).
Note: See also "sleep" [V] (Literary) to sleep (睡;睡眠).
- The joint between the upper and lower parts of the arm where it bends in the middle.
- Example: She jabbed him with her elbow (她用胳膊肘捅他).
- He's fractured his elbow (他肘部骨折).
- The part of a piece of clothing that covers the elbow.
- Example: The jacket was worn at the elbows (这件夹克衫的肘部磨破了).
- A part of a pipe, chimney, etc., where it bends at a sharp angle.
Idioms (习语)
- Get the elbow(BrE informal): To be told by someone that they no longer want to have a relationship with you; to be told to go away.
- Being rejected or dismissed.
- Give someone the elbow(BrE informal): To tell someone that you no longer want to have a relationship with them; to tell someone to go away.
- Rejecting or dismissing someone.
More usage:
- Elbow [VN usually + adv./prep.]: To push someone with your elbow, usually in order to get past them.
- Example: She elbowed me out of the way to get to the front of the line (她用肘部把我推开朝队伍前面挤).
- He elbowed his way through the crowd (他用手肘从人群中挤了过去).
(Especially NAmE)
- A building divided into two separate homes.
- This refers to a structure that is designed as two separate housing units within one building, often sharing a common wall.
- A flat/apartment with rooms on two floors.
- Also known as a duplex apartment, this type of living space spans two levels connected by an internal staircase, offering the feel of a house within an apartment setting.
- (Also foam rubber) [U]A soft light rubber material, full of small holes, that is used for seats, mattresses, etc.
- Example: a foam mattress (泡沫橡胶床垫)
- foam packaging (泡沫橡胶包装材料)
- [U]A mass of very small air bubbles on the surface of a liquid.
- Synonym: Froth
- Example: a glass of beer with a good head of foam (上面有厚厚一层泡沫的一杯啤酒)
- The breaking waves left the beach covered with foam (浪花四溅,海滩上满是泡沫).
- [UC]A chemical substance that forms or produces a soft mass of very small bubbles, used for washing, shaving, or putting out fires, for example.
- Example: shaving foam (剃须泡沫膏)
Consummate/kənˈsʌmət/ /ˈkɒnsəmət/
- Adjective [usually before noun](Formal) Extremely skilled; perfect.
- Example: She was a consummate performer (她是个技艺非凡的表演者).
- He played the shot with consummate skill (他以高超的技巧击球).
- (Disapproving)
- Example: A consummate liar (撒谎高手).
Derivatives (派生词)
- Consummatelyadv
- (Formal)Having total power; able to do anything.
- Example: an omnipotent God (全能的上帝)
Derivatives (派生词)
- Omnipotence[U]/ˈɒmnɪpətəns/
- Example: the omnipotence of God (上帝的全能)
- [U]A poisonous substance in tobacco that people become addicted to, making it difficult to stop smoking.
- Example: 尼古丁;烟碱
- Verb
- To make a loud sound by breathing air out noisily through your nose, especially to show that you are angry or amused (表示气愤或被逗乐).
- Example: to snort with laughter (扑哧一声笑了)
- She snorted in disgust (她厌恶地哼了一声).
- The horse snorted and tossed its head (马打了个响鼻儿,晃晃脑袋).
- [V speech]'You!' he snorted contemptuously ( “你!”他轻蔑地哼了一声).
- To make a loud sound by breathing air out noisily through your nose, especially to show that you are angry or amused (表示气愤或被逗乐).
- Verb
- To take drugs by breathing them in through the nose (用鼻子吸(毒品)).
- Example: to snort cocaine (吸可卡因).
- To take drugs by breathing them in through the nose (用鼻子吸(毒品)).
- Noun
- A loud sound that you make by breathing air out noisily through your nose, especially to show that you are angry or amused (尤指表示气愤或被逗乐的).
- Example: to give a snort (哼了一声)
- A snort of disgust (厌恶的哼声)
- I could hear the snort and stamp of a horse (我能听见马打响鼻儿、跺蹄子的声音).
- A loud sound that you make by breathing air out noisily through your nose, especially to show that you are angry or amused (尤指表示气愤或被逗乐的).
- Noun
- A small amount of a drug that is breathed in through the nose; an act of taking a drug in this way (用鼻子吸入的毒品;用鼻子吸毒).
- Example: to take a snort of cocaine (吸一下可卡因).
- A small amount of a drug that is breathed in through the nose; an act of taking a drug in this way (用鼻子吸入的毒品;用鼻子吸毒).
- Noun
- A competition in which people try to win something (比赛;竞赛).
- Example: a singing contest (歌咏比赛)
- A talent contest (新秀大奖赛)
- To enter/win/lose a contest (参加╱赢得竞赛;竞赛失败)
- See also:beauty contest
- A competition in which people try to win something (比赛;竞赛).
- Noun
- A struggle to gain control or power (控制权或权力的争夺,竞争).
- Example: a contest for the leadership of the party (争夺政党的领导权)
- A struggle to gain control or power (控制权或权力的争夺,竞争).
- be no contest
- Used to say that one side in a competition is so much stronger or better than the other that it is sure to win easily (表示竞争中的一方过于强大或出色,完全不是对手,毫无竞争可言).
- To take part in a competition, election, etc. and try to win it (争取赢得(比赛、选举等)).
- Three candidates contested the leadership (有三位候选人角逐领导权).
- A hotly/fiercely/keenly contested game (= one in which the players try very hard to win and the scores are close) (竞争十分激烈的比赛)
- To formally oppose a decision or statement because you think it is wrong (争辩;就…提出异议).
- To contest a will (= try to show that it was not correctly made in law) (对遗嘱提出质疑)
- The divorce was not contested (这桩离婚案没有人提出异议).
- Verb
- To get a free ride in a person's car; to travel around in this way, by standing at the side of the road and trying to get passing cars to stop (免费搭车;搭便车).
- Example: They hitched a ride in a truck (他们搭乘了一辆路过的货车).
- (British English also)They hitched a lift (他们搭了便车).
- Example: We spent the summer hitching around Europe (我们借搭便车在欧洲各地旅行了一个夏天).
- See also:hitchhike
- To get a free ride in a person's car; to travel around in this way, by standing at the side of the road and trying to get passing cars to stop (免费搭车;搭便车).
- Verb
- To pull up a piece of your clothing (提起,拉起衣服).
- Synonym: hike up
- Example: She hitched up her skirt and waded into the river (她提起裙子,蹚进河里).
- To pull up a piece of your clothing (提起,拉起衣服).
- Verb
- To lift yourself into a higher position, or the position mentioned (攀上;跃上).
- Example: She hitched herself up (她爬了上去).
- Example: He hitched himself onto the bar stool (他一跃坐到了酒吧间的高凳上).
- To lift yourself into a higher position, or the position mentioned (攀上;跃上).
- Verb
- To fix something to something else with a rope, a hook, etc. (拴住;套住;钩住).
- Example: She hitched the pony to the gate (她把小马拴在大门上).
- To fix something to something else with a rope, a hook, etc. (拴住;套住;钩住).
- Get hitched
- (informal)To get married (结婚)
- A problem or difficulty that causes a short delay (暂时的困难;故障;障碍).
- Example: The ceremony went off without a hitch(仪式进行得很顺利).
- Example: a technical hitch (技术故障)
- A type of knot (某种结)
- Example: a clove hitch (卷结)
Innate /ɪˈneɪt/
- (of a quality, feeling, etc.)that you have when you are born (天生的;先天的;与生俱来的)
- Synonym: inborn
- Example: the innate ability to learn (天生的学习能力)
- Example: He believes that humans are innately violent (他相信人性本恶)
Bash /bæʃ/
- (transitive)to hit somebody/something very hard (猛击;猛撞)
- Example: He bashed her over the head with a hammer (他用锤子猛击她的头部).
- Example: I braked too late and bashed into the car in front (我刹车太晚,撞上了前面的车).
- (transitive)to criticize somebody/something strongly (严厉批评)
- Example: Bashing politicians is normal practice in the press (严厉批判政治人物乃是新闻界常事).
- Example: a liberal-bashing administration (打击自由主义的一届政府)
Phrasal Verbs
- bash away (on/at sth) / bash on (with sth)
- (British English)to continue working hard at something (持续努力;持之以恒)
- Example: He sat bashing away at his essay all day (他一整天都坐着不停地写文章).
- Example: We'll never get finished at this rate. We'd better bash on (以这种速度我们永远也完成不了。我们最好加把劲).
- bash sth down / bash sth in
- to destroy something by hitting it very hard and often (不断猛击使之毁坏)
- Example: The police bashed the door down (警察用强力把门撞倒了).
- Example: I'll bash your head in if you do that again (如果你再那么做,我就砸扁你的脑袋).
- bash sth out
- to produce something quickly and in large quantities, but not of very good quality (大量粗制滥造)
- Synonym: knock out
- Example: She bashed out about four books a year (她一年大概炮制出四本书).
- bash sb up
(British English)to attack somebody violently (猛击某人)
- have a bash (at sth)
(British English informal)to try to do something, especially when you are not sure if you will succeed (尝试做(没有把握的事))- Example: I'm not sure I'll be any good but I'll have a bash (我不敢保证我能有什么用,但我会试试).
(British English)
- a person who is trying to lose weight (减肥者;减轻体重者)
- Example: a calorie-controlled diet for slimmers (控制热量的减肥食谱)
See also: slim (adjective)
1. **Crust**: The pizza had a perfectly crispy crust that added to its delicious taste.
2. **Dent**: After the minor car accident, there was a small dent on the bumper.
3. **Predicament**: He found himself in a predicament when he realized he had forgotten his wallet at home. (困境:当他意识到把钱包忘在家里时,他发现自己处于困境。)
4. **Frost**: The early morning frost covered the grass with a thin, white layer.
5. **Trashy**: The movie was so trashy that we left the theater halfway through.
6. **Slumber**: After a long day of work, he fell into a deep slumber as soon as his head hit the pillow. (睡眠:经过一整天的工作,他一头碰到枕头就沉沉睡去。)
7. **Elbow**: She accidentally hit her elbow against the door, causing a sharp pain.
8. **Duplex**: They bought a duplex, planning to live in one unit and rent out the other.
9. **Foam**: He added the chemical to the solution, and it immediately started to foam.
10. **Consummate**: As a consummate professional, she handled the crisis with ease and efficiency. (完美的/完成:作为一个完美的专业人士,她轻松有效地处理了危机。)
11. **Omnipotent**: In many mythologies, gods are described as omnipotent beings with unlimited power. (全能的:在许多神话中,神被描述为拥有无限力量的全能生物。)
12. **Nicotine**: Nicotine is an addictive substance found in cigarettes.
13. **Snort**: The horse gave a loud snort and then galloped away.
14. **Contest**: The annual baking contest always attracted talented pastry chefs from around the region. (竞赛:年度烘焙比赛总是吸引来自该地区的才华横溢的糕点师。)
15. **Hitch**: They encountered a hitch in their travel plans when their flight was suddenly canceled. (障碍:当他们的航班突然被取消时,他们的旅行计划遇到了障碍。)
16. **Innate**: His innate talent for music was evident even when he was a child.
17. **Bash**: They planned a big bash for her 30th birthday, inviting all her friends and family.
18. **Slimmer**: After months of diet and exercise, he became noticeably slimmer.
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