
2024-03-03 09:59



Ever wondered how flutter handles all your UI building and events like Futures, taps, etc.. on a single thread( yes it does all that on a single thread 😮😮😮 until and unless explicitly done).


什么是线程/隔离? (What is Thread/Isolates ?)

Thread is an independent process that has its own chunk of memory and executes the given instructions on that memory , It can work parallelly with other threads hence can reduce execution time of multiple process on a single thread .


Let’s understand this with an example :


In Fps games like counter strike, Call of duty, etc. you can see that as soon as you fire a weapon few tasks executes simultaneously like playing of bullet sound, change of bullet count and reduction in opponent health , All these things happens parallelly these are basically threads which execute parallelly and execute their task on separate isolates(isolates and threads can be used interchangeably as isolate is a Dart way of multi threading more on that below) which have its own memory.



Languages like JAVA and C++ Share Their heap memory with threads, but in case of flutter, every isolate has its own memory and works independently. As it has its own private space this memory doesn’t require locking, as if a thread finishes its task it already means that the thread has finished utilizing its memory space and then that memory can go for garbage collection.

诸如JAVA和C ++之类的语言与线程共享它们的堆内存,但是在出现混乱的情况下,每个隔离都有自己的内存并且可以独立工作。 由于该内存具有自己的私有空间,因此不需要锁定,就好像一个线程完成了它的任务一样,这意味着该线程已经完成了对它的内存空间的利用,然后该内存可以用于垃圾回收了。

To maintain these benefits flutter has a separate memory for every isolate(Flutter way of multi-threading) that’s why they are called isolate 🙂.


Learn more about isolates below.



它对我有什么帮助?在哪里应该使用隔离/线程? (How can it be helpful to me and where should I use isolates/Threads?)

何时使用隔离/线程? (When to use isolates/threads ?)

There are a few situations where isolates can be very handy.


  1. Let say you want to execute a network call and you want to process that data that you just received . and that data contains about million records that alone will hang your UI.

    假设您要执行网络呼叫,并且要处理刚收到的数据。 并且这些数据包含大约一百万条记录,仅此一项就会挂起您的UI。
  2. You have some image processing tasks that you want to do on-device these kinds of tasks are highly computational as they have to deal with lots of number crunching operations which may lead to frozen UI or legginess in UI.


So to conclude when to use isolates, We should use them whenever you think there is a lot of computation that needs to be offloaded from the main thread.


如何使用隔离株? (How to use isolates ?)

Flutter team has designed a very elegant and abstract way of using isolates/threads in a flutter, Using compute we can do the same task which isolates does but in a more cleaner and abstract way. Let’s take a look at the flutter compute function.

Flutter团队设计了一种在flutter中使用隔离/线程的非常优雅和抽象的方法。使用计算,我们可以执行与isolates相同的任务,但使用的方法更加简洁和抽象。 让我们看一下Flutter 计算功能。



var getData = await compute(function,parameter);

Compute function takes two parameters :


  1. A future or a function but that must be static (as in dart threads does not share memory so they are class level members not object level).

  2. Argument to pass into the function, To send multiple arguments you can pass it as a map(as it only supports single argument).


compute function returns a Future which if you want can store into a variable and can provide it into a future builder.


Let’s start by analyzing a sample problem:


import 'dart:io';import 'package:flutter/material.dart';class With10SecondDelay extends StatelessWidget {runningFunction() {int sum = 0;for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {sleep(Duration(seconds: 1));print(i);sum += i;}return "total sum is $sum";}pauseFunction() {//pause function is not asyncprint(runningFunction());}@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {pauseFunction();return Material(child: Center(child: Center(child: Text("Tnx for waiting 10 seconds : check console for response",style: TextStyle(fontSize: 50,),),),),);}

In the above code pausefunction() is called just below the build method which pauses the execution of code for 10 seconds. And because of that when you try to navigate to this page from a previous one there will be a delay of ten seconds before our page gets pushed on to the widget tree.

在上面的代码中,在build方法正下方调用了pausefunction(),该方法将代码的执行暂停10秒钟。 因此,当您尝试从上一个页面导航到该页面时,将有十秒钟的延迟,然后我们的页面被推到小部件树上。

We can try to resolve this issue by using async.


pauseFunction() async {//pause function is asyncprint(runningFunction());}

As you can see now we have declared our pause function as async even doing this will not help


As async in dart is basically puts our code in ideal until there is something to compute so it seems to us that dart is executing these on a different thread but actually it’s just waiting for some event to occur in that async function.


More on async below :



Let’s solve the above issue using compute.


import 'dart:io';import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';class ComputeWith10SecondDelay extends StatelessWidget {static Future<String> runningFunction(String str) async {int sum = 0;for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));print(i);sum += i;}return "Sum is : " + sum.toString() + str;}pauseFunction() async {print(await compute(runningFunction," This is an argument")); //storing data of copute result}@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {pauseFunction();return Material(child: Center(child: Center(child: Text("Wow , it saved my 10 seconds : check console for response",style: TextStyle(fontSize: 50,),),),),);}

In the above code, we basically passed our function in compute() function and that creates a separate isolate to handle the task and our main UI will still run without any delay (check the debug console for response ).




  1. Dart is by default executes all its code on a single-threaded.

  2. Every function and every async-await calls work only on the main thread(until and unless specified).

  3. We can create multiple threads using compute( Future function/normal function, argument).

    我们可以使用compute(Future function / normal function,arguments)创建多个线程。
  4. You can use compute for executing network calls, performing number-crunching calculations, image processing, etc.


This is all about compute to learn more about isolates (the underlying architecture of computing function) check out isolate .

这就是关于计算的全部内容,以了解有关隔离的更多信息(计算功能的基础体系结构)签出隔离 。

Thanks for reading this article.


If you find it interesting Please Clap! and if you found anything wrong please let me know I would appreciate it for your contribution.

如果您觉得有趣,请拍手! 如果您发现任何错误,请告诉我,感谢您的贡献。

Check out full code at FlutterDevs GitHub.

在以下位置查看完整代码 FlutterDevs GitHub。

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翻译自: https://medium.com/flutterdevs/flutter-performance-optimization-17c99bb31553




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