
2024-02-27 06:32





[html]  view plain copy
  1. Theme.Holo.Light.NoActionBar.TranslucentDecor  


[html]  view plain copy
  1. Theme.Holo.NoActionBar.TranslucentDecor  


[html]  view plain copy
  1. <style name="AppTheme" parent="AppBaseTheme">  
  2. <!-- Status Bar -->  
  3. <item name="android:windowTranslucentStatus">true</item>  
  4. <!-- Navigation Bar -->  
  5. <item name="android:windowTranslucentNavigation">true</item>  
  6. </style>  




package com.susan.project.myapplication;

import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Window;
import android.view.WindowManager;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {@Override
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);

        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) {setTranslucentStatus(true);
            SystemBarTintManager tintManager = new SystemBarTintManager(this);

    }@TargetApi(19)private void setTranslucentStatus(boolean on) {Window win = getWindow();
        WindowManager.LayoutParams winParams = win.getAttributes();
        final int bits = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_STATUS;
        if (on) {winParams.flags |= bits;
        } else {winParams.flags &= ~bits;

package com.susan.project.myapplication;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.Window;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.widget.FrameLayout.LayoutParams;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

 * Class to manage status and navigation bar tint effects when using KitKat
 * translucent system UI modes.
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
public class SystemBarTintManager {static {// Android allows a system property to override the presence of the navigation bar.
        // Used by the emulator.
        // See
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) {try {Class c = Class.forName("android.os.SystemProperties");
                Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod("get", String.class);
                sNavBarOverride = (String) m.invoke(null, "qemu.hw.mainkeys");
            } catch (Throwable e) {sNavBarOverride = null;
     * The default system bar tint color value.
    public static final int DEFAULT_TINT_COLOR = 0x99000000;

    private static String sNavBarOverride;

    private final SystemBarConfig mConfig;
    private boolean mStatusBarAvailable;
    private boolean mNavBarAvailable;
    private boolean mStatusBarTintEnabled;
    private boolean mNavBarTintEnabled;
    private View mStatusBarTintView;
    private View mNavBarTintView;

     * Constructor. Call this in the host activity onCreate method after its
     * content view has been set. You should always create new instances when
     * the host activity is recreated.
     * @param activity The host activity.
    @TargetApi(19)public SystemBarTintManager(Activity activity) {Window win = activity.getWindow();
        ViewGroup decorViewGroup = (ViewGroup) win.getDecorView();

        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) {// check theme attrs
            int[] attrs = {android.R.attr.windowTranslucentStatus,
            TypedArray a = activity.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs);
            try {mStatusBarAvailable = a.getBoolean(0, false);
                mNavBarAvailable = a.getBoolean(1, false);
            } finally {a.recycle();
            }// check window flags
            WindowManager.LayoutParams winParams = win.getAttributes();
            int bits = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_STATUS;
            if ((winParams.flags & bits) != 0) {mStatusBarAvailable = true;
            }bits = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_NAVIGATION;
            if ((winParams.flags & bits) != 0) {mNavBarAvailable = true;
            }}mConfig = new SystemBarConfig(activity, mStatusBarAvailable, mNavBarAvailable);
        // device might not have virtual navigation keys
        if (!mConfig.hasNavigtionBar()) {mNavBarAvailable = false;
        }if (mStatusBarAvailable) {setupStatusBarView(activity, decorViewGroup);
        }if (mNavBarAvailable) {setupNavBarView(activity, decorViewGroup);
     * Enable tinting of the system status bar.
     * <p/>
     * If the platform is running Jelly Bean or earlier, or translucent system
     * UI modes have not been enabled in either the theme or via window flags,
     * then this method does nothing.
     * @param enabled True to enable tinting, false to disable it (default).
    public void setStatusBarTintEnabled(boolean enabled) {mStatusBarTintEnabled = enabled;
        if (mStatusBarAvailable) {mStatusBarTintView.setVisibility(enabled ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
     * Enable tinting of the system navigation bar.
     * <p/>
     * If the platform does not have soft navigation keys, is running Jelly Bean
     * or earlier, or translucent system UI modes have not been enabled in either
     * the theme or via window flags, then this method does nothing.
     * @param enabled True to enable tinting, false to disable it (default).
    public void setNavigationBarTintEnabled(boolean enabled) {mNavBarTintEnabled = enabled;
        if (mNavBarAvailable) {mNavBarTintView.setVisibility(enabled ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
     * Apply the specified color tint to all system UI bars.
     * @param color The color of the background tint.
    public void setTintColor(int color) {setStatusBarTintColor(color);
     * Apply the specified drawable or color resource to all system UI bars.
     * @param res The identifier of the resource.
    public void setTintResource(int res) {setStatusBarTintResource(res);
     * Apply the specified drawable to all system UI bars.
     * @param drawable The drawable to use as the background, or null to remove it.
    public void setTintDrawable(Drawable drawable) {setStatusBarTintDrawable(drawable);
     * Apply the specified alpha to all system UI bars.
     * @param alpha The alpha to use
    public void setTintAlpha(float alpha) {setStatusBarAlpha(alpha);
     * Apply the specified color tint to the system status bar.
     * @param color The color of the background tint.
    public void setStatusBarTintColor(int color) {if (mStatusBarAvailable) {mStatusBarTintView.setBackgroundColor(color);
     * Apply the specified drawable or color resource to the system status bar.
     * @param res The identifier of the resource.
    public void setStatusBarTintResource(int res) {if (mStatusBarAvailable) {mStatusBarTintView.setBackgroundResource(res);
     * Apply the specified drawable to the system status bar.
     * @param drawable The drawable to use as the background, or null to remove it.
    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")public void setStatusBarTintDrawable(Drawable drawable) {if (mStatusBarAvailable) {mStatusBarTintView.setBackgroundDrawable(drawable);
     * Apply the specified alpha to the system status bar.
     * @param alpha The alpha to use
    @TargetApi(11)public void setStatusBarAlpha(float alpha) {if (mStatusBarAvailable && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) {mStatusBarTintView.setAlpha(alpha);
     * Apply the specified color tint to the system navigation bar.
     * @param color The color of the background tint.
    public void setNavigationBarTintColor(int color) {if (mNavBarAvailable) {mNavBarTintView.setBackgroundColor(color);
     * Apply the specified drawable or color resource to the system navigation bar.
     * @param res The identifier of the resource.
    public void setNavigationBarTintResource(int res) {if (mNavBarAvailable) {mNavBarTintView.setBackgroundResource(res);
     * Apply the specified drawable to the system navigation bar.
     * @param drawable The drawable to use as the background, or null to remove it.
    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")public void setNavigationBarTintDrawable(Drawable drawable) {if (mNavBarAvailable) {mNavBarTintView.setBackgroundDrawable(drawable);
     * Apply the specified alpha to the system navigation bar.
     * @param alpha The alpha to use
    @TargetApi(11)public void setNavigationBarAlpha(float alpha) {if (mNavBarAvailable && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) {mNavBarTintView.setAlpha(alpha);
     * Get the system bar configuration.
     * @return The system bar configuration for the current device configuration.
    public SystemBarConfig getConfig() {return mConfig;
     * Is tinting enabled for the system status bar?
     * @return True if enabled, False otherwise.
    public boolean isStatusBarTintEnabled() {return mStatusBarTintEnabled;
     * Is tinting enabled for the system navigation bar?
     * @return True if enabled, False otherwise.
    public boolean isNavBarTintEnabled() {return mNavBarTintEnabled;
    }private void setupStatusBarView(Context context, ViewGroup decorViewGroup) {mStatusBarTintView = new View(context);
        LayoutParams params = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, mConfig.getStatusBarHeight());
        params.gravity = Gravity.TOP;
        if (mNavBarAvailable && !mConfig.isNavigationAtBottom()) {params.rightMargin = mConfig.getNavigationBarWidth();
    }private void setupNavBarView(Context context, ViewGroup decorViewGroup) {mNavBarTintView = new View(context);
        LayoutParams params;
        if (mConfig.isNavigationAtBottom()) {params = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, mConfig.getNavigationBarHeight());
            params.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM;
        } else {params = new LayoutParams(mConfig.getNavigationBarWidth(), LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
            params.gravity = Gravity.RIGHT;
     * Class which describes system bar sizing and other characteristics for the current
     * device configuration.
    public static class SystemBarConfig {private static final String STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT_RES_NAME = "status_bar_height";
        private static final String NAV_BAR_HEIGHT_RES_NAME = "navigation_bar_height";
        private static final String NAV_BAR_HEIGHT_LANDSCAPE_RES_NAME = "navigation_bar_height_landscape";
        private static final String NAV_BAR_WIDTH_RES_NAME = "navigation_bar_width";
        private static final String SHOW_NAV_BAR_RES_NAME = "config_showNavigationBar";

        private final boolean mTranslucentStatusBar;
        private final boolean mTranslucentNavBar;
        private final int mStatusBarHeight;
        private final int mActionBarHeight;
        private final boolean mHasNavigationBar;
        private final int mNavigationBarHeight;
        private final int mNavigationBarWidth;
        private final boolean mInPortrait;
        private final float mSmallestWidthDp;

        private SystemBarConfig(Activity activity, boolean translucentStatusBar, boolean traslucentNavBar) {Resources res = activity.getResources();
            mInPortrait = (res.getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT);
            mSmallestWidthDp = getSmallestWidthDp(activity);
            mStatusBarHeight = getInternalDimensionSize(res, STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT_RES_NAME);
            mActionBarHeight = getActionBarHeight(activity);
            mNavigationBarHeight = getNavigationBarHeight(activity);
            mNavigationBarWidth = getNavigationBarWidth(activity);
            mHasNavigationBar = (mNavigationBarHeight > 0);
            mTranslucentStatusBar = translucentStatusBar;
            mTranslucentNavBar = traslucentNavBar;
        }@TargetApi(14)private int getActionBarHeight(Context context) {int result = 0;
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) {TypedValue tv = new TypedValue();
                context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.actionBarSize, tv, true);
                result = TypedValue.complexToDimensionPixelSize(, context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics());
            }return result;
        }@TargetApi(14)private int getNavigationBarHeight(Context context) {Resources res = context.getResources();
            int result = 0;
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) {if (hasNavBar(context)) {String key;
                    if (mInPortrait) {key = NAV_BAR_HEIGHT_RES_NAME;
                    } else {key = NAV_BAR_HEIGHT_LANDSCAPE_RES_NAME;
                    }return getInternalDimensionSize(res, key);
                }}return result;
        }@TargetApi(14)private int getNavigationBarWidth(Context context) {Resources res = context.getResources();
            int result = 0;
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) {if (hasNavBar(context)) {return getInternalDimensionSize(res, NAV_BAR_WIDTH_RES_NAME);
                }}return result;
        }@TargetApi(14)private boolean hasNavBar(Context context) {Resources res = context.getResources();
            int resourceId = res.getIdentifier(SHOW_NAV_BAR_RES_NAME, "bool", "android");
            if (resourceId != 0) {boolean hasNav = res.getBoolean(resourceId);
                // check override flag (see static block)
                if ("1".equals(sNavBarOverride)) {hasNav = false;
                } else if ("0".equals(sNavBarOverride)) {hasNav = true;
                }return hasNav;
            } else { // fallback
                return !ViewConfiguration.get(context).hasPermanentMenuKey();
            }}private int getInternalDimensionSize(Resources res, String key) {int result = 0;
            int resourceId = res.getIdentifier(key, "dimen", "android");
            if (resourceId > 0) {result = res.getDimensionPixelSize(resourceId);
            }return result;
        }@SuppressLint("NewApi")private float getSmallestWidthDp(Activity activity) {DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRealMetrics(metrics);
            } else {// TODO this is not correct, but we don't really care pre-kitkat
            }float widthDp = metrics.widthPixels / metrics.density;
            float heightDp = metrics.heightPixels / metrics.density;
            return Math.min(widthDp, heightDp);
         * Should a navigation bar appear at the bottom of the screen in the current
         * device configuration? A navigation bar may appear on the right side of
         * the screen in certain configurations.
         * @return True if navigation should appear at the bottom of the screen, False otherwise.
        public boolean isNavigationAtBottom() {return (mSmallestWidthDp >= 600 || mInPortrait);
         * Get the height of the system status bar.
         * @return The height of the status bar (in pixels).
        public int getStatusBarHeight() {return mStatusBarHeight;
         * Get the height of the action bar.
         * @return The height of the action bar (in pixels).
        public int getActionBarHeight() {return mActionBarHeight;
         * Does this device have a system navigation bar?
         * @return True if this device uses soft key navigation, False otherwise.
        public boolean hasNavigtionBar() {return mHasNavigationBar;
         * Get the height of the system navigation bar.
         * @return The height of the navigation bar (in pixels). If the device does not have
         * soft navigation keys, this will always return 0.
        public int getNavigationBarHeight() {return mNavigationBarHeight;
         * Get the width of the system navigation bar when it is placed vertically on the screen.
         * @return The nbsp;width of the navigation bar (in pixels). If the device does not have
         * soft navigation keys, this will always return 0.
        public int getNavigationBarWidth() {return mNavigationBarWidth;
         * Get the layout inset for any system UI that appears at the top of the screen.
         * @param withActionBar True to include the height of the action bar, False otherwise.
         * @return The layout inset (in pixels).
        public int getPixelInsetTop(boolean withActionBar) {return (mTranslucentStatusBar ? mStatusBarHeight : 0) + (withActionBar ? mActionBarHeight : 0);
         * Get the layout inset for any system UI that appears at the bottom of the screen.
         * @return The layout inset (in pixels).
        public int getPixelInsetBottom() {if (mTranslucentNavBar && isNavigationAtBottom()) {return mNavigationBarHeight;
            } else {return 0;
         * Get the layout inset for any system UI that appears at the right of the screen.
         * @return The layout inset (in pixels).
        public int getPixelInsetRight() {if (mTranslucentNavBar && !isNavigationAtBottom()) {return mNavigationBarWidth;
            } else {return 0;






PS:在使用过程中发现了一些问题,使用以上方法对单个Activity有效,但是对继承了TabActivity的导航页怎么办呢?假如MainActivity继承了TabActivity,Tab1Activity、Tab2Activity、Tab3Activity是三个子项,那么设置状态栏的代码需写在MainActivity中,而 android:fitsSystemWindows="true"需写在三个子Activity的xml布局文件中,这样设置后仍然有问题,就是进入应用后首页也就是Tab1Activity没有问题,而Tab2Activity、Tab3Activity却没达到效果,它们的效果相当于未加android:fitsSystemWindows="true"时的效果,期初我怀疑是Activity不同的原因,因此我把Tab1Activity和Tab3Activity调了下位置,结果Tab3Activity成为首页后正常,而Tab1Activity又不正常了,百思不得姐,最后实在没办法,就在Tab2Activity、Tab3Activity的OnCreate方法中加了几句代码:

[html]  view plain copy
在CODE上查看代码片 派生到我的代码片
  2.        ((LinearLayout)findViewById(, SysUtils.getStatusHeight(this), 0,0);  
  3.    }  


[html]  view plain copy
在CODE上查看代码片 派生到我的代码片
  1. /**  
  2.          * 状态栏高度算法  
  3.          * @param activity  
  4.          * @return  
  5.          */  
  6.         public static int getStatusHeight(Activity activity){    
  7.             int statusHeight = 0;    
  8.             Rect localRect = new Rect();    
  9.             activity.getWindow().getDecorView().getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame(localRect);    
  10.             statusHeight =;    
  11.             if (0 == statusHeight){    
  12.                 Class<?> localClass;    
  13.                 try {    
  14.                     localClass = Class.forName("$dimen");    
  15.                     Object localObject = localClass.newInstance();    
  16.                     int i5 = Integer.parseInt(localClass.getField("status_bar_height").get(localObject).toString());    
  17.                     statusHeight = activity.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(i5);    
  18.                 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {    
  19.                     e.printStackTrace();    
  20.                 } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {    
  21.                     e.printStackTrace();    
  22.                 } catch (InstantiationException e) {    
  23.                     e.printStackTrace();    
  24.                 } catch (NumberFormatException e) {    
  25.                     e.printStackTrace();    
  26.                 } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {    
  27.                     e.printStackTrace();    
  28.                 } catch (SecurityException e) {    
  29.                     e.printStackTrace();    
  30.                 } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {    
  31.                     e.printStackTrace();    
  32.                 }    
  33.             }    
  34.             return statusHeight;    
  35.         }    




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