GeoTools Eclipse 快速入门03

2024-02-24 18:32

本文主要是介绍GeoTools Eclipse 快速入门03,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Quickstart Application

Now that your environment is setup we can put together a simple Quickstart. This example will display a shapefile on screen.

1.Create the package org.geotools.tutorial.quickstart using your IDE.

2.Create the org.geotools.tutorial.quickstart.Quickstart class using your IDE.

3.Fill in the following code:

1. We need to download some sample data to work with. The  project is a great project supported by the North American Cartographic Information Society. Head to the link below and download some cultural vectors. You can use the 'Download all 50m cultural themes' at top.

  • 1:50m Cultural Vectors

Please unzip the above data into a location you can find eaily such as the desktop.

2.Run the application to open a file chooser. Choose a shapefile from the example dataset.

3. The application will connect to your shapefile, produce a map content, and display the shapefile.

4. A couple of things to note about the code example:
  • The shapefile is not loaded into memory - instead it is read from disk each and every time it is needed This approach allows you to work with data sets larger than available memory.
  • We are using a very basic display style here that just shows feature outlines. In the examples that follow we will see how to specify more sophisticated styles


1、使用您的IDE创建一个叫 org.geotools.tutorial.quickstart   的包。
2、再用您的IDE创建一个叫 org.geotools.tutorial.quickstart.Quickstart 的类。


1、为了方便使用,我们需要下载一些样例代码。 此网址中的这个项目是由北美制图信息学会主持的一个大规模工程。请到下面的链接下载一些以文化为主题的矢量专题图,您可以选择顶部的“下载全部50米像元文化专题图”(“Download all 50m cultural themes” )下载链接如下:
  • 1:50m Cultural Vectors



  • 这个shape文件并没有加载到内存中,而是在您每次需要的时候即时从硬盘中读取,这种方法允许您处理大于可用内存的数据集。
  • 这个例子中,我们只是采用了最基本的展示风格——仅仅呈现要素轮廓,后面的例子中,我们将会详细列举更为复杂的展示样式。

这篇关于GeoTools Eclipse 快速入门03的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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