本文主要是介绍1.4.2 逆透视变换IPM,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
- 输入:至少四个对应点对,不能有三点及以上共线,不需要知道摄相机参数或者平面位置的任何信息。
- 数学原理:利用点对,求解透视变换矩阵,其中map_matrix是一个3×3矩阵,所以可以构建一个线性方程组进行求解。如果大于4个点,可采用 r a n s a c ransac ransac 的方法进行求解,一边具有更好的稳定性。
- 选点方法:一般采取手动选取,或者利用消影点(图像上平行线的交点,也叫消失点,vanish point)选取。
[ t i x i ′ t i y i ′ t i ] = m a p _ m a t r i x ⋅ [ x i y i 1 ] \begin{bmatrix} t_i x_i' \\ t_i y_i' \\ t_i \\ \end{bmatrix} = map\_matrix \cdot \begin{bmatrix} x_i \\ y_i \\ 1 \\ \end{bmatrix} tixi′tiyi′ti =map_matrix⋅ xiyi1
d s t ( i ) = ( x i ′ , y i ′ ) s r c ( i ) = ( x i , y i ) i = 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 dst(i) = (x_i', y_i') \\ src(i) = (x_i, y_i) \\ i = 0, 1, 2, 3 dst(i)=(xi′,yi′)src(i)=(xi,yi)i=0,1,2,3
- 代码实现:代码实现比较简单,可以很容易实现IPM变换
- 计算变换矩阵: H = getPerspectiveTransform()
- 获取IPM图像: warpPerspective();
void warpPerspective(Mat src, Mat &dst, Mat T){//此处注意计算模型的坐标系与Mat的不同//图像以左上点为(0,0),向左为x轴,向下为y轴,所以前期搜索到的特征点 存的格式是(图像x,图像y)---(rows,cols)//而Mat矩阵的是向下为x轴,向左为y轴,所以存的方向为(图像y,图像x)----(cols,rows)----(width,height)//创建原图的四个顶点的3*4矩阵(此处我的顺序为左上,右上,左下,右下)Mat tmp(3, 4, CV_64FC1, 1);tmp.at<double>(0, 0) = 0;tmp.at<double>(1, 0) = 0;tmp.at<double>(0, 1) = src.cols;tmp.at<double>(1, 1) = 0;tmp.at<double>(0, 2) = 0;tmp.at<double>(1, 2) = src.rows;tmp.at<double>(0, 3) = src.cols;tmp.at<double>(1, 3) = src.rows;//获得原图四个顶点变换后的坐标,计算变换后的图像尺寸Mat corner = T * tmp; //corner=(x,y)=(cols,rows)int width = 0, height = 0;double maxw = corner.at<double>(0, 0) / corner.at<double>(2,0);double minw = corner.at<double>(0, 0) / corner.at<double>(2,0);double maxh = corner.at<double>(1, 0) / corner.at<double>(2,0);double minh = corner.at<double>(1, 0) / corner.at<double>(2,0);for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {maxw = max(maxw, corner.at<double>(0, i) / corner.at<double>(2, i));minw = min(minw, corner.at<double>(0, i) / corner.at<double>(2, i));maxh = max(maxh, corner.at<double>(1, i) / corner.at<double>(2, i));minh = min(minh, corner.at<double>(1, i) / corner.at<double>(2, i));}//创建向前映射矩阵 map_x, map_y//size(height,width)dst.create(int(maxh - minh), int(maxw - minw), src.type());Mat map_x(dst.size(), CV_32FC1);Mat map_y(dst.size(), CV_32FC1);Mat proj(3,1, CV_32FC1,1);Mat point(3,1, CV_32FC1,1);T.convertTo(T, CV_32FC1); //本句是为了令T与point同类型【同类型才可以相乘,否则报错,也可以使用 T.convertTo(T, point.type());】Mat Tinv=T.inv();for (int i = 0; i < dst.rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dst.cols; j++) {point.at<float>(0) = j + minw;point.at<float>(1) = i + minh;proj = Tinv * point;map_x.at<float>(i, j) = proj.at<float>(0) / proj.at<float>(2);map_y.at<float>(i, j) = proj.at<float>(1) / proj.at<float>(2);}}remap(src, dst, map_x, map_y, CV_INTER_LINEAR);
1. Paper:Stereo inverse perspective mapping: theory and applications 文章地址
{ u ( x , y , 0 ) = arctan { h sin [ arctan ( y − d x − l ) ] y − d } − ( θ ~ − α ) 2 α m − 1 v ( x , y , 0 ) = arctan [ y − d x − l ] − ( γ ~ − α ) 2 α n − 1 (World to Image) \left\{ \begin{aligned} u(x,y,0)&=\frac{\arctan{\Bigg\lbrace\frac{h\sin\big[\arctan\big(\frac{y-d}{x-l}\big)\big]}{y-d}\Bigg\rbrace}-(\tilde{\theta}-\alpha)}{\frac{2\alpha}{m-1}}\\ v(x,y,0)&=\frac{\arctan\big[\frac{y-d}{x-l}\big]-(\tilde{\gamma}-\alpha)}{\frac{2\alpha}{n-1}}\\ \end{aligned} \right. \tag{World to Image} ⎩ ⎨ ⎧u(x,y,0)v(x,y,0)=m−12αarctan{y−dhsin[arctan(x−ly−d)]}−(θ~−α)=n−12αarctan[x−ly−d]−(γ~−α)(World to Image)
{ x ( u , v ) = h × cot [ ( θ ~ − α ) + u 2 α m − 1 ] × cos [ ( γ ~ − α ) + v 2 α n − 1 ] + l y ( u , v ) = h × cot [ ( θ ~ − α ) + u 2 α m − 1 ] × sin [ ( γ ~ − α ) + v 2 α n − 1 ] + d z ( u , v ) = 0 (Image to World) \left\{ \begin{aligned} x(u,v)&=h\times\cot \left[(\tilde{\theta}-\alpha)+u\frac{2\alpha}{m-1}\right]\\ &\times\cos\left[(\tilde{\gamma}-\alpha)+v\frac{2\alpha}{n-1} \right]+l\\ y(u,v)&=h\times\cot\left[(\tilde{\theta}-\alpha)+u\frac{2\alpha}{m-1}\right]\\ &\times\sin\left[(\tilde{\gamma}-\alpha)+v\frac{2\alpha}{n-1} \right]+d\\ z(u,v)&=0 \end{aligned} \right. \tag{Image to World} ⎩ ⎨ ⎧x(u,v)y(u,v)z(u,v)=h×cot[(θ~−α)+um−12α]×cos[(γ~−α)+vn−12α]+l=h×cot[(θ~−α)+um−12α]×sin[(γ~−α)+vn−12α]+d=0(Image to World)
α : 相机一半视场角 ( l , d , h ) : 相机在世界坐标系下的位置 γ ~ 、 θ ~ :航向角和俯仰角 m 、 n : 图像高、宽 \begin{aligned} & \alpha:相机一半视场角 \\ & (l,d,h): 相机在世界坐标系下的位置 \\ & \tilde{\gamma} 、\tilde{\theta}:航向角和俯仰角 \\ & m、n: 图像高、宽 \\ \end{aligned} α:相机一半视场角(l,d,h):相机在世界坐标系下的位置γ~、θ~:航向角和俯仰角m、n:图像高、宽
2. Paper:Robust Inverse Perspective Mapping Based on Vanishing Point 论文地址
(1) 基于消失点的俯仰角和偏航角计算
(2) 消失点具有一些重要的性质:
- 真实道路场景中相互平行的车道线以及与其他和车道线平行的直线都指向相同的消失点;
- 某条直线对应的消失点一定位于这条直线在图像平面的投影射线方向上;
- 消失点的位置和滚转角无关,仅仅和俯仰角、偏航角有关;
- 当偏转角为90度时,车道线所对应的消失点位于道路图像水平方向外部;
- 当俯仰角为90度时,车道线所对应的消失点位于道路图像垂直方向外部;
- 当相机坐标系和世界坐标系原点完全重合时,消失点位于道路图像中心;
( X p o s , Y p o s ) : 消失点坐标 ( X , Y , Z = 0 ) : 世界坐标系下的地平面 ( U , V ) : 图像坐标系 ( M , N ) : 图像宽高 X 0 ( r , c ) , Y 0 ( r , c ) : 图像坐标系到世界坐标系映射 C = ( C x , C y , C z ) : 世界坐标系下的相机位置 C x = C y = 0 , C z : 相机高度 ( A l p h a V , A l p h a U ) : 垂直、水平视场角的一半 A l p h a U = arctan ( W 2 × F ) A l p h a V = arctan ( H ^ 2 × F ) X ( r , c ) , Y ( r , c ) : 含 γ 角度补偿的图像坐标系到世界坐标系映射 \begin{aligned} & (X_{pos}, Y_{pos}): 消失点坐标 \\ & (X,Y,Z=0): 世界坐标系下的地平面 \\ & (U,V): 图像坐标系\\ & (M, N): 图像宽高 \\ & X_{0}(r,c), Y_{0}(r,c): 图像坐标系到世界坐标系映射\\ & C=(C_{x},C_{y},C_{z}): 世界坐标系下的相机位置\\ & C_{x}=C_{y}=0, C_{z}: 相机高度\\ & (AlphaV, AlphaU): 垂直、水平视场角的一半 \\ & AlphaU=\arctan(\frac{W}{2\times F})\\ & AlphaV=\arctan(\frac{\hat{H}}{2\times F})\\ & X(r,c),Y(r,c): 含\gamma角度补偿的图像坐标系到世界坐标系映射 \\ \end{aligned} (Xpos,Ypos):消失点坐标(X,Y,Z=0):世界坐标系下的地平面(U,V):图像坐标系(M,N):图像宽高X0(r,c),Y0(r,c):图像坐标系到世界坐标系映射C=(Cx,Cy,Cz):世界坐标系下的相机位置Cx=Cy=0,Cz:相机高度(AlphaV,AlphaU):垂直、水平视场角的一半AlphaU=arctan(2×FW)AlphaV=arctan(2×FH^)X(r,c),Y(r,c):含γ角度补偿的图像坐标系到世界坐标系映射
{ θ = arctan ( tan ( A l p h a V ) × ( 1 − 2 Y p o s N ) ) γ = arctan ( tan ( A l p h a U ) × ( 2 X p o s M − 1 ) ) \left\{ \begin{aligned} \theta&=\arctan(\tan(AlphaV)\times(1-\frac{2Y_{pos}}{N}))\\ \gamma&=\arctan(\tan(AlphaU)\times(\frac{2X_{pos}}{M}-1))\\ \end{aligned} \right. ⎩ ⎨ ⎧θγ=arctan(tan(AlphaV)×(1−N2Ypos))=arctan(tan(AlphaU)×(M2Xpos−1))
{ r F a c t o r = ( 1 − 2 U M ⊤ 1 ) × tan ( A l p h a V ) c F a c t o r = ( 1 − 2 V N − 1 ) × tan ( A l p h a U ) \left\{ \begin{aligned} rFactor&=(1-\frac{2U}{M_{\top}1})\times\tan(AlphaV)\\ cFactor&=(1-\frac{2V}{N-1})\times\tan(AlphaU)\\ \end{aligned} \right. ⎩ ⎨ ⎧rFactorcFactor=(1−M⊤12U)×tan(AlphaV)=(1−N−12V)×tan(AlphaU)
{ X 0 ( r , c ) = C z × 1 + r F a c t o r × tan ( θ ) tan ( θ ) − r F a c t o r + C x Y 0 ( r , c ) = C z × c F a c t o r × cos ( θ ) tan ( θ ) − r F a c t o r + C y \left\{ \begin{aligned} X_{0}(r,c)&=C_{z}\times\frac{1+rFactor\times\tan(\theta)}{\tan( \theta)-rFactor}+C_{x}\\ Y_{0}(r,c)&=C_{z}\times\frac{cFactor\times\cos(\theta)}{\tan(\theta)-rFactor}+C_{y}\\ \end{aligned} \right. ⎩ ⎨ ⎧X0(r,c)Y0(r,c)=Cz×tan(θ)−rFactor1+rFactor×tan(θ)+Cx=Cz×tan(θ)−rFactorcFactor×cos(θ)+Cy
{ X ( r , c ) = X 0 ( r , c ) × cos ( γ ) + Y 0 ( r , c ) × sin ( γ ) Y ( r , c ) = X 0 ( r , c ) × ( − sin ( γ ) ) + Y 0 ( r , c ) × cos ( γ ) \left\{ \begin{aligned} X(r,c)&=X_{0}(r,c)\times\cos(\gamma)+Y_{0}(r,c)\times \sin(\gamma)\\ Y(r,c)&=X_{0}(r,c)\times(-\sin(\gamma))+Y_{0}(r,c)\times\cos(\gamma)\\ \end{aligned} \right. {X(r,c)Y(r,c)=X0(r,c)×cos(γ)+Y0(r,c)×sin(γ)=X0(r,c)×(−sin(γ))+Y0(r,c)×cos(γ)
- 代码实现:
void build_ipm_table(const int srcw,const int srch,const int dstw,const int dsth,const int vptx,const int vpty,int* maptable,){const float alpha_h = 0.5f * FOV_H * DEG2RAD;const float alpha_v = 0.5f * FOV_V * DEG2RAD;const float gamma = -(float)(vptx - (srcw >> 1)) * alpha_h / (srcw >> 1); // camera pan angleconst float theta = -(float)(vpty - (srch >> 1)) * alpha_v / (srch >> 1); // camera tilt angleconst int front_map_start_position = dsth >> 1;const int front_map_end_position = front_map_start_position + dsth;const int side_map_mid_position = dstw >> 1;//scale to get better mapped imageconst int front_map_scale_factor = 4;const int side_map_scale_factor = 2;for (int y = 0; y < dstw; ++y){for (int x = front_map_start_position; x < front_map_end_position; ++x){int idx = y * dsth + (x - front_map_start_position);int deltax = front_map_scale_factor * (front_map_end_position - x - CAMERA_POS_X);int deltay = side_map_scale_factor * (y - side_map_mid_position - CAMERA_POS_Y);if (deltay == 0){maptable[idx] = maptable[idx - dsth];}else{int u = (int)((atan(CAMERA_POS_Z * sin(atan((float)deltay / deltax)) / deltay) - (theta - alpha_v)) / (2 * alpha_v / srch));int v = (int)((atan((float)deltay / deltax) - (gamma - alpha_h)) / (2 * alpha_h / srcw));if (u >= 0 && u < srch && v >= 0 && v < srcw){maptable[idx] = srcw * u + v;}else{maptable[idx] = -1;}}}}
3. Paper:Adaptive Inverse Perspective Mapping for Lane Map Generation with SLAM 论文地址
{ X ( v ) = h cot ( θ 0 + θ ( v ) ) = h tan ( θ 0 ) tan ( θ ( v ) ) − 1 tan ( θ 0 ) + tan ( θ ( v ) ) = h tan ( θ 0 ) ( 1 − 2 v − 1 m − 1 ) tan ( α r ) − 1 tan ( θ 0 ) + ( 1 − 2 v − 1 m − 1 ) tan ( α r ) Y ( u , v ) = − 1 K ( u − n + 1 2 ) 2 K tan ( α c ) n − 1 X ( v ) = ( 1 − 2 u − 1 n − 1 ) tan ( α c ) X ( v ) \left\{ \begin{aligned} {\bf X}({\bf v}) &= {\bf h}\cot(\theta_{0}+\theta(v))\\ &={\bf h}\frac{\tan(\theta_{0})\tan(\theta({\bf v}))-{\bf 1}}{\tan( \theta_{0})+\tan(\theta({\bf v}))}\\ &={\bf h}\frac{\tan(\theta_{0})\Big({\bf 1}-2\frac{{\bf v}-{\bf 1 }}{{\bf m}-{\bf 1}}\Big)\tan(\alpha_{r})-{\bf 1}}{\tan(\theta_{0})+\Big({\bf 1}-2 \frac{{\bf v}-{\bf 1}}{{\bf m}-{\bf 1}}\Big)\tan(\alpha_{r})}\\ {\bf Y}({\bf u},{\bf v}) &= -\frac{1}{\bf K}\Big({\bf u}-\frac{{\bf n}+{\bf 1}}{{\bf 2}} \Big)\frac{2{\bf K}\tan(\alpha_{c})}{{\bf n}-{\bf 1}}{\bf X}({\bf v}) \\ &= \Big({\bf 1}-2\frac{{\bf u}-{\bf 1}}{{\bf n}-{\bf 1}}\Big)\tan( \alpha_{c}){\bf X}({\bf v}) \end{aligned} \right. ⎩ ⎨ ⎧X(v)Y(u,v)=hcot(θ0+θ(v))=htan(θ0)+tan(θ(v))tan(θ0)tan(θ(v))−1=htan(θ0)+(1−2m−1v−1)tan(αr)tan(θ0)(1−2m−1v−1)tan(αr)−1=−K1(u−2n+1)n−12Ktan(αc)X(v)=(1−2n−1u−1)tan(αc)X(v)
(2) 考虑帧间自适应变换:
{ X ( v , θ p ) = h tan ( θ 0 + θ p ) ( 1 − 2 v − 1 m − 1 ) tan ( α r ) − 1 tan ( θ 0 + θ p ) + ( 1 − 2 v − 1 m − 1 ) tan ( α r ) Y ( u , v , θ p ) = ( 1 − 2 u − 1 n − 1 ) tan ( α c ) X ( v , θ p ) \left\{ \begin{aligned} \mathbf{X}(\mathbf{v},\theta_{\mathbf{p}}) &= \mathbf{h}\frac{\tan(\theta_{0}+\theta_{p})\Big(\mathbf{1}-2 \frac{\mathbf{v}-1}{\mathbf{m}-1}\Big)\tan(\alpha_{r})-\mathbf{1}}{\tan( \theta_{0}+\theta_{p})+\Big(\mathbf{1}-2\frac{\mathbf{v}-1}{\mathbf{m}-1} \Big)\tan(\alpha_{r})}\\ \mathbf{Y}(\mathbf{u},\mathbf{v},\theta_{\mathbf{p}}) &= \Big(\mathbf{1}-2\frac{\mathbf{u}-\mathbf{1}}{\mathbf{n}- \mathbf{1}}\Big)\tan(\alpha_{c})\mathbf{X}(\mathbf{v},\theta_{\mathbf{p}}) \\ \end{aligned} \right. ⎩ ⎨ ⎧X(v,θp)Y(u,v,θp)=htan(θ0+θp)+(1−2m−1v−1)tan(αr)tan(θ0+θp)(1−2m−1v−1)tan(αr)−1=(1−2n−1u−1)tan(αc)X(v,θp)
- 代码实现:
void AdaptiveIPM::ipm_based_on_vp(){//根据灭点来进行反投影变换Point2d ptVP = m_ptVP;Mat imgSrc = m_SrcImg;int v = imgSrc.rows;int u = imgSrc.cols;ptVP.y = MAX(0, ptVP.y);m_ipmInfo.vpPortion = m_ipmInfo.vpInitPortion;FLOAT_MAT_ELEM_TYPE eps = m_ipmInfo.vpPortion * v;//cout<<eps<<endl;m_ipmInfo.ipmLeft = MAX(0, m_ipmInfo.ipmLeft);m_ipmInfo.ipmRight = MIN(u - 1, m_ipmInfo.ipmRight);m_ipmInfo.ipmTop = ptVP.y + eps;// MAX(ptVanish.y+eps, m_ipmInfo.ipmTop);//动态转化大小m_ipmInfo.ipmBottom = MIN(v - 1, m_ipmInfo.ipmBottom);FLOAT_MAT_ELEM_TYPE uvLimitsp[] = { ptVP.x, m_ipmInfo.ipmRight, m_ipmInfo.ipmLeft, ptVP.x,m_ipmInfo.ipmTop, m_ipmInfo.ipmTop, m_ipmInfo.ipmTop, m_ipmInfo.ipmBottom };CvMat uvLimits = cvMat(2, 4, FLOAT_MAT_TYPE, uvLimitsp);//get these points on the ground planeCvMat *xyLimitsp = cvCreateMat(2, 4, FLOAT_MAT_TYPE);CvMat xyLimits = *xyLimitsp;transformImage2Ground(&uvLimits, &xyLimits, m_cam);//get extent on the ground planeCvMat row1, row2;cvGetRow(&xyLimits, &row1, 0);cvGetRow(&xyLimits, &row2, 1);double xfMax, xfMin, yfMax, yfMin;cvMinMaxLoc(&row1, (double*)&xfMin, (double*)&xfMax, 0, 0, 0);cvMinMaxLoc(&row2, (double*)&yfMin, (double*)&yfMax, 0, 0, 0);int outRow = m_IpmImg.rows; //设定512*512int outCol = m_IpmImg.cols;//cout<<"x:"<<xfMax<<" "<<xfMin<<endl<<"y:"<<yfMax<<" "<<yfMin<<endl;FLOAT_MAT_ELEM_TYPE stepRow = (yfMax - yfMin) / outRow;FLOAT_MAT_ELEM_TYPE stepCol = (xfMax - xfMin) / outCol;CvMat *xyGrid = cvCreateMat(2, outRow*outCol, FLOAT_MAT_TYPE);INT i, j;FLOAT_MAT_ELEM_TYPE x, y;//fill it with x-y values on the ground plane in world framefor (i = 0, y = yfMax - .5*stepRow; i < outRow; i++, y -= stepRow){for (j = 0, x = xfMin + .5*stepCol; j < outCol; j++, x += stepCol){//cout<<"x:"<<x<<"y:"<<y<<endl;CV_MAT_ELEM(*xyGrid, FLOAT_MAT_ELEM_TYPE, 0, i*outCol + j) = x;CV_MAT_ELEM(*xyGrid, FLOAT_MAT_ELEM_TYPE, 1, i*outCol + j) = y;}}//get their pixel values in image frame //获取每个像素的真实像素值,创建输出2行,outRow*outCol大小的矩阵CvMat *uvGrid = cvCreateMat(2, outRow*outCol, FLOAT_MAT_TYPE);transformGround2Image(xyGrid, uvGrid, m_cam);//now loop and find the nearest pixel value for each position//that's inside the image, otherwise put it zeroFLOAT_MAT_ELEM_TYPE ui, vi;//get mean of the input image//cout<<m_srcImg.type()<<endl;CvMat *inImage = cvCreateMat(imgSrc.rows, imgSrc.cols, imgSrc.type());CvMat tempImg = imgSrc;cvCopy(&tempImg, inImage);CvScalar means = cvAvg(inImage);double mean = means.val[0];for (i = 0; i < outRow; i++){for (j = 0; j < outCol; j++){/*get pixel coordiantes*/ui = CV_MAT_ELEM(*uvGrid, FLOAT_MAT_ELEM_TYPE, 0, i*outCol + j);vi = CV_MAT_ELEM(*uvGrid, FLOAT_MAT_ELEM_TYPE, 1, i*outCol + j);if (ui<m_ipmInfo.ipmLeft || ui>m_ipmInfo.ipmRight || vi<m_ipmInfo.ipmTop || vi>m_ipmInfo.ipmBottom){m_IpmImg.at<uchar>(i, j) = 0;}/*not out of bounds, then get nearest neighbor*/else{/*Bilinear interpolation 双线性插值*/if (m_ipmInfo.ipmInterpolation == 0){int x1 = int(ui);int x2 = int(ui + 0.5);int y1 = int(vi);int y2 = int(vi + 0.5);float x = ui - x1;float y = vi - y1;float val = CV_MAT_ELEM(*inImage, uchar, y1, x1) * (1 - x) * (1 - y) + CV_MAT_ELEM(*inImage, uchar, y1, x2) * x * (1 - y) + CV_MAT_ELEM(*inImage, uchar, y2, x1) * (1 - x) * y + CV_MAT_ELEM(*inImage, uchar, y2, x2) * x * y;m_IpmImg.at<uchar>(i, j) = (float)val;}/*nearest-neighbor interpolation最近邻插值*/else{m_IpmImg.at<uchar>(i, j) = CV_MAT_ELEM(*inImage, uchar, int(vi + .5), int(ui + .5));}}}}m_ipmInfo.xLimits[0] = CV_MAT_ELEM(*xyGrid, FLOAT_MAT_ELEM_TYPE, 0, 0);m_ipmInfo.xLimits[1] = CV_MAT_ELEM(*xyGrid, FLOAT_MAT_ELEM_TYPE, 0, (outRow - 1)*outCol + outCol - 1);m_ipmInfo.yLimits[1] = CV_MAT_ELEM(*xyGrid, FLOAT_MAT_ELEM_TYPE, 1, 0);m_ipmInfo.yLimits[0] = CV_MAT_ELEM(*xyGrid, FLOAT_MAT_ELEM_TYPE, 1, (outRow - 1)*outCol + outCol - 1);m_ipmInfo.xScale = 1 / stepCol;m_ipmInfo.yScale = 1 / stepRow;m_ipmInfo._width = outCol;m_ipmInfo._height = outRow;cout << stepCol << endl;cout << stepRow << endl;//cleancvReleaseMat(&xyLimitsp);cvReleaseMat(&xyGrid);cvReleaseMat(&uvGrid);cvReleaseMat(&inImage);}
1. 在相机坐标系下已求得路平面方程求IPM
- 相机坐标系下路平面方程 a x + b y + c z + d = 0 ax + by + cz + d = 0 ax+by+cz+d=0
- 相机内参
(1) 利用相机成像原理,由图像坐标求得一个射线 λ ( X , Y . Z ) T = K − 1 ∗ ( u , v , 1 ) T λ(X,Y.Z)^T = K^{-1}*(u,v,1)^T λ(X,Y.Z)T=K−1∗(u,v,1)T
(2) 射线与平面相交即可求得此图像像素点的3维坐标;
2. 已知相机位姿,利用求单应矩阵得到IPM
H = K ( R + T d − 1 N T ) K − 1 H=K(R+Td^{-1}N^T)K{^-1} \\ H=K(R+Td−1NT)K−1
N , d N,d N,d 表示路平面参数
H = K R K − 1 H=KRK{-1} \\ H=KRK−1
d s t ( x , y ) = s r c ( ( H 11 x + H 12 y + H 13 ) / ( H 31 x + H 32 y + H 33 ) , ( H 21 x + H 22 y + H 23 ) / ( H 31 x + H 32 y + H 33 ) ) dst(x,y) = src((H_{11}x+H_{12}y+H_{13})/(H_{31}x+H_{32}y+H_{33}), \quad(H_{21}x+H_{22}y+H_{23})/(H_{31}x+H_{32}y+H_{33}))\\ dst(x,y)=src((H11x+H12y+H13)/(H31x+H32y+H33),(H21x+H22y+H23)/(H31x+H32y+H33))
- 代码实现:
void basicPanoramaStitching(const string &img1Path, const string &img2Path){Mat img1 = imread("Blender_Suzanne1.jpg");Mat img2 = imread("Blender_Suzanne2.jpg");//! [camera-pose-from-Blender-at-location-1]Mat c1Mo = (Mat_<double>(4, 4) << 0.9659258723258972, 0.2588190734386444, 0.0, 1.5529145002365112,0.08852133899927139, -0.3303661346435547, -0.9396926164627075, -0.10281121730804443,-0.24321036040782928, 0.9076734185218811, -0.342020183801651, 6.130080699920654,0, 0, 0, 1);//! [camera-pose-from-Blender-at-location-1]//! [camera-pose-from-Blender-at-location-2]Mat c2Mo = (Mat_<double>(4, 4) << 0.9659258723258972, -0.2588190734386444, 0.0, -1.5529145002365112,-0.08852133899927139, -0.3303661346435547, -0.9396926164627075, -0.10281121730804443,0.24321036040782928, 0.9076734185218811, -0.342020183801651, 6.130080699920654,0, 0, 0, 1);//! [camera-pose-from-Blender-at-location-2]Mat cameraMatrix = (Mat_<double>(3, 3) << 700.0, 0.0, 320.0,0.0, 700.0, 240.0,0, 0, 1);Mat R1 = c1Mo(Range(0, 3), Range(0, 3));Mat R2 = c2Mo(Range(0, 3), Range(0, 3));//c1Mo * oMc2Mat R_2to1 = R1*R2.t();//! [compute-homography]Mat H = cameraMatrix * R_2to1 * cameraMatrix.inv();H /= H.at<double>(2, 2);cout << "H:\n" << H << endl;//! [compute-homography]//! [stitch]Mat img_stitch;warpPerspective(img2, img_stitch, H, Size(img2.cols * 2, img2.rows));Mat half = img_stitch(Rect(0, 0, img1.cols, img1.rows));img1.copyTo(half);//! [stitch]Mat img_compare;Mat img_space = Mat::zeros(Size(50, img1.rows), CV_8UC3);hconcat(img1, img_space, img_compare);hconcat(img_compare, img2, img_compare);imshow("Compare images", img_compare);imshow("Panorama stitching", img_stitch);waitKey();}
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