索引优先队列 Indexed Priority Queue

2024-02-23 21:50

本文主要是介绍索引优先队列 Indexed Priority Queue,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

索引优先队列 Indexed Priority Queue的C 语言实现

  1. 索引优先队列定义

​ 在谈论索引优先队列时,无法绕开的话题就是优先队列,那么让我们简单回顾一下优先队列的定义。

1.1 优先队列(Priority Queue=PQ)

​ 优先队列的定义一般用Heap实现,过程中不断对Heap进行操作。常见的有最小优先队列和最大优先队列,最小优先队列的实现依靠min-heap的中元素不断进行上移或下沉操作,在顶部永远对应可比较对象的最小元素;而最大优先队列恰恰相反,其实现逻辑与最小优先队列类似。通过优先队列,可以快速对根元素进行访问和删除操作。

1.2 索引优先队列(Indexed Priority Queue= IPQ)

​ 既然有了优先队列这类数据,为什么还需要引入索引优先队列的概念呢? 假设我们需要删除队列中的非根元素,那么正常的步骤就需要按照二叉树逐个进行遍历,首先找到此元素的位置,此过程需要花费大量的时间,无法在程序过程中直接访问;找到元素位置之后,和最后一个元素进行交换,再重新调整堆中个元素的位置。整个过程需要大量的遍历和数据移动,不方便程序操作。 为了解决这个问题,就提出了索引优先队列概念,索引优先队列和优先队列实际上有本质的区别。

​ 索引优先队列的核心是维护pm[]和im[]数组,而优先队列的核心是不断交换或调整heap中实际元素;索引优先队列无需对实际元素进行操作,实际上IPQ操作对象为数组的索引号(比如vals[]数组),通过维护pm[]和im[]数组达到索引化,从而让优先队列的访问更加灵活。

​ pm[]数组,pm(position map)数组实际上映射的是vals数组索引在二叉树上节点的序列号,形象记忆为KN(KeyIndex–>NodeIndex),通过pm映射,我们可以立即找到某个values的keyindex在优先队列中的节点位置。

​ im[]数组,im(inverse map)实际上是把二叉树上节点的序列号映射到vals数组的索引,形象记忆为(NK)(NodeIndex–>KeyIndex),通过im映射,我们可以立即找到某个二叉树上节点序列号所对应的keyindex.

IPQ slide

大家可以通过William 的上述标记,进一步理解pm数组和im数组的具体含义。

  1. IPQ的实现(参考Java 版本)


2.1 首先通过结构体建立IPQ所包含的基本对象,包含了基本pm[],im[],values[]以及当前IPQ大小(元素数量)

#if !defined DIJKSTRA_IPQ_Htypedef int IPQElemType;
#endif/*** @brief Define IPQ node struct* @param pm, position map,a given the key index of ki, pm will denote node index* @param im, inverse map, a give the index of node, im will denote the key index* @param sz, current size of IPQ_Node(number of elements)*/
typedef struct IPQ_Node
{int         pm[MAX_SIZE];int         im[MAX_SIZE];IPQElemType   values[MAX_SIZE];int         sz;

2.2 基本函数

  • swim 函数,Swim函数的作用是,按照比较大小,对pm[], im[]操作,重新向上(float)调整顺序。
void swim(IPQ_Node *Q, int i)
{while (parent(i) >= 0 && less_value(Q->values[Q->im[i]], Q->values[Q->im[parent(i)]])){swap(Q,i,parent(i));i=parent(i);}
  • sink 函数,Sink函数的作用是,按照比较大小,对pm[], im[]操作,重新向下(调整)调整顺序。
void sink(IPQ_Node *Q, int i)
{int l;int r;int smallest;l=left(i);r=right(i);if(l<Q->sz && less_value(Q->values[Q->im[l]],Q->values[Q->im[i]])){smallest=l;}else{smallest=i;}if(r<Q->sz && less_value(Q->values[Q->im[r]],Q->values[Q->im[smallest]])){smallest =r;}while(smallest != i){swap(Q,i,smallest);i=smallest;l = left(i);r = right(i); if (l < Q->sz && less_value(Q->values[Q->im[l]], Q->values[Q->im[i]])){smallest = l;}else{smallest = i;}if (r < Q->sz && less_value(Q->values[Q->im[r]], Q->values[Q->im[smallest]])){smallest = r;}}
  • swap 函数,这个函数不是交换values数组中的元素,而是维护im[]和pm[]数组

    void swap(IPQ_Node *Q, int i, int j)
    {int temp;Q->pm[Q->im[i]]=j;Q->pm[Q->im[j]]=i;temp=Q->im[i];Q->im[i]=Q->im[j];Q->im[j]=temp;
  • 求heap 中各节点位置的函数

    int left(int i){return 2*i+1;}int right(int i){return 2*i+2;}int parent(int i){return (i-1)/2;}
  • 比较函数,比较函数可以放在具体的应用中进行实现,比如Dijkstra或者main测试函数中实现,由于本文定义为整型,所以实现起来比较简单。
int less_value(IPQElemType v1, IPQElemType v2)
{return v1<v2;

2.3 操作函数实现(具体参考代码)

  1. 参考代码

3.1 头函数文件(IndexedPriorityQueue.h)

/*** @file IndexedPriorityQueue.h* @author your name (you@domain.com)* @brief * Reference code link in the learning note.md documentation* @version 0.1* @date 2023-02-09* * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023* */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define  MAX_SIZE 100#if !defined DIJKSTRA_IPQ_H
typedef int IPQElemType;
#endif/*** @brief Define indexed priority queue node* @param pm, position map, given the key index of ki, pm will denote node index* @param im, inverse map, give the index of node, im will denote the key index* @param sz, current size of IPQ_Node(number of elements)*/
typedef struct IPQ_Node
{int         pm[MAX_SIZE];int         im[MAX_SIZE];IPQElemType   values[MAX_SIZE];int         sz;
}IPQ_Node;/*** @brief Initialize indexed priority queue* * @param Q */
void Init_IPQ(IPQ_Node *Q);/*** @brief Check if ki had been included in the ipq* * @param Q  indexed priority queue* @param ki key index number* @return true * @return false */
bool contains(IPQ_Node Q,int ki);/*** @brief Get the key index of node[0]* @param Q  indexed priority queue* @return int -Key index of node[0]*/
int Peek_MinKeyIndex(IPQ_Node Q);/*** @brief Get the node[0] as the min key index* Remove this element** @param Q Pointer to indexed priority queue* @return int int -Key index of node[0]*/
int Poll_MinKeyIndex(IPQ_Node *Q);/*** @brief Look for the values of node[0]* * @param Q indexed priority queue* @return IPQElemType -Object of IPQElemType*/
IPQElemType Peek_MinValue(IPQ_Node Q);/*** @brief Get the ki from the node[0] and look for the value based on ki** @param Q Pointer to indexed priority queue* @return IPQElemType -Min value from the key index,follow this ki and return */
IPQElemType Poll_MinValue(IPQ_Node *Q);/*** @brief Assign value to a certain of Q->values[], then conduct the swim function** @param Q Pointer to indexed priority queue* @param ki Key index with hashtable* @param value Value(weight/distance etc.) to be assigned to Q->values[]*/
void Insert_KeyValue(IPQ_Node *Q, int ki, IPQElemType value);/*** @brief Acquire the value from values[] based on key index(ki)* * @param ki Key index of pair map* @return IPQElemType -Return IPQElemType object*/
IPQElemType Get_ValueOf(IPQ_Node Q, int ki);/*** @brief Delete the value of key index(ki)* * @param Q Poiner to IPQ_Node* @param ki Key index* @return -IPQElemType IPQElemType object*/
IPQElemType Delete_ValueOf(IPQ_Node *Q, int ki);/*** @brief Update the value at ki locatoin, then execute swim() and sink() function* * @param Q Pointer to IPQ_Node* @param ki Key index* @param value new value* @return IPQElemType -Return the old value */
IPQElemType Update_ValueOf(IPQ_Node *Q, int ki,IPQElemType value);/*** @brief Decrease the value at the location of ki to new value(value)* * @param Q Pointer to IPQ_Node* @param ki Key index* @param value -New value(decreased to this value)*/
void Decrease_Valueof(IPQ_Node *Q, int ki, IPQElemType value);/*** @brief Increase the value at the location of ki to new value(value)** @param Q Pointer to IPQ_Node* @param ki Key index* @param value -New value(increased to this value)*/
void Increase_Valueof(IPQ_Node *Q, int ki, IPQElemType value);/*It will list the helper function in next section
*//*** @brief Return the left child of index i* * @param i parent index* @return int */
int left(int i);/*** @brief Return the right child of index i* * @param i current index* @return int return the index of right child*/
int right(int i);/*** @brief Return the parent node of index i** @param i current index* @return int return the index of right child*/
int parent(int i);/*** @brief Float up since node[i]* * @param Q Pointer to IPQ_Node* @param i Index of node(node[i]) */
void swim(IPQ_Node *Q, int i);/*** @brief Sink down since node[i]** @param Q Pointer to IPQ_Node* @param i Index of node(node[i])*/
void sink(IPQ_Node *Q, int i);/*** @brief Update the pm[] and i[] in the IPQ_Node* * @param Q Pointer to IPQ_Node* @param i Index of node i(node[i])* @param j Index of node j(node[j])*/
void swap(IPQ_Node *Q, int i, int j);/*** @brief Compare index of array* * @param i index i* @param j index j* @return int return i<j;*/
int less_index(int i, int j);/*** @brief Compare the value of IPQElemType v1 and v2* IPQElement should be comparable* * @param v1 First value* @param v2 Second value* @return int return v1<v2(comparable)*/
int less_value(IPQElemType v1, IPQElemType v2);#endif

2.2 函数的实现C语言实现文件(IndexedPriorityQueue.c)

/*** @file IndexedPriorityQueue.c* @author your name (you@domain.com)* @brief * @version 0.1* @date 2023-02-09* * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023* */#ifndef INDEXPRIORITYQUEUE_C
#include "IndexedPriorityQueue.h"void swim(IPQ_Node *Q, int i)
{while (parent(i) >= 0 && less_value(Q->values[Q->im[i]], Q->values[Q->im[parent(i)]])){swap(Q,i,parent(i));i=parent(i);}
}void sink(IPQ_Node *Q, int i)
{int l;int r;int smallest;l=left(i);r=right(i);if(l<Q->sz && less_value(Q->values[Q->im[l]],Q->values[Q->im[i]])){smallest=l;}else{smallest=i;}if(r<Q->sz && less_value(Q->values[Q->im[r]],Q->values[Q->im[smallest]])){smallest =r;}while(smallest != i){swap(Q,i,smallest);i=smallest;l = left(i);r = right(i); if (l < Q->sz && less_value(Q->values[Q->im[l]], Q->values[Q->im[i]])){smallest = l;}else{smallest = i;}if (r < Q->sz && less_value(Q->values[Q->im[r]], Q->values[Q->im[smallest]])){smallest = r;}}
}void swap(IPQ_Node *Q, int i, int j)
{int temp;Q->pm[Q->im[i]]=j;Q->pm[Q->im[j]]=i;temp=Q->im[i];Q->im[i]=Q->im[j];Q->im[j]=temp;
}int left(int i)
{return 2*i+1;
}int right(int i)
{return 2*i+2;
}int parent(int i)
{return (i-1)/2;
}/* Main function implementation*/void Init_IPQ(IPQ_Node *Q)
{int i;for(i=0;i<MAX_SIZE;i++){Q->pm[i]=-1;Q->im[i]=-1;Q->values[i]=INT_MIN;}Q->sz=0;
}bool contains(IPQ_Node Q, int ki)
{return Q.pm[ki]!=-1;
}int Peek_MinKeyIndex(IPQ_Node Q)
{return Q.im[0];
}int Poll_MinKeyIndex(IPQ_Node *Q)
{int minki;minki= Peek_MinKeyIndex(*Q);Delete_ValueOf(Q,minki);return minki;
}IPQElemType Peek_MinValue(IPQ_Node Q)
{return Q.values[Q.im[0]];
}IPQElemType Poll_MinValue(IPQ_Node *Q)
{IPQElemType minvalue;minvalue = Peek_MinValue(*Q);Delete_ValueOf(Q,Peek_MinKeyIndex(*Q));return minvalue;
}void Insert_KeyValue(IPQ_Node *Q, int ki, IPQElemType value)
}IPQElemType Get_ValueOf(IPQ_Node Q, int ki)
{return Q.values[ki];
}IPQElemType Delete_ValueOf(IPQ_Node *Q, int ki)
{int i;IPQElemType value;i=Q->pm[ki];value=Q->values[ki];Q->sz--;swap(Q,i,Q->sz);sink(Q,i);swim(Q,i);Q->values[ki]=INT_MIN;Q->pm[ki]=-1; //node index set to -1Q->im[Q->sz]=-1;return value;
}IPQElemType Update_ValueOf(IPQ_Node *Q, int ki, IPQElemType value)
{int i;IPQElemType old_value;i=Q->pm[ki];old_value=Q->values[ki];Q->values[ki]=value;sink(Q,i);swim(Q,i);return old_value;
}void Decrease_Valueof(IPQ_Node *Q, int ki, IPQElemType value)
{if (less_value(value, Q->values[ki])){Q->values[ki] = value;swim(Q,Q->pm[ki]);}
}void Increase_Valueof(IPQ_Node *Q, int ki, IPQElemType value)
{if (less_value(Q->values[ki],value)){Q->values[ki] = value;sink(Q,Q->pm[ki]);}
  1. 主函数测试(IndexedPriorityQueue_main.c)
/*** @file IndexedPriorityQueue_main.c* @author your name (you@domain.com)* @brief * @version 0.1* @date 2023-02-09* * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023* */#ifndef INDEXPRIORITYQUEUE_MAIN_C
#include "IndexedPriorityQueue.c"int main(void)
{int ki;int N=5;char *map[]={"jason","mary","jacky","lily","maggy"};int  values[]={3,20,5,9,2};IPQ_Node Q;int minvalue;Init_IPQ(&Q);for(ki=0;ki<N;ki++){Insert_KeyValue(&Q,ki,values[ki]);}Increase_Valueof(&Q,4,7);minvalue=Peek_MinValue(Q);minvalue = Poll_MinValue(&Q);minvalue = Peek_MinValue(Q);printf("\n end \n");getchar();return EXIT_SUCCESS;
}int less_value(IPQElemType v1, IPQElemType v2)
{return v1<v2;
  1. 总结

    通过对IPQ的学习和C语言实现,初步掌握了PQ(Priority Queue)和IPQ(Indexed Priority Queue)之间的区别,另外通过C语言实现,将为Dijkstra的eager算法提供了可能。




  2. 总结

    通过对IPQ的学习和C语言实现,初步掌握了PQ(Priority Queue)和IPQ(Indexed Priority Queue)之间的区别,另外通过C语言实现,将为Dijkstra的eager算法提供了可能。





  1. Indexed Priority Queue的Java实现 by William Fiset


  1. Video Index Priority Queue by William Fiset


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此题要求最少到达目标点T的最短时间,所以我选择了广度优先搜索,并且要用到优先队列。 另外此题注意点较多,比如说可以在某个点停留,我wa了好多两次,就是因为忽略了这一点,然后参考了大神的思想,然后经过反复修改才AC的 这是我的代码 #include<iostream>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#include<stack>#include<


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