
2024-02-22 21:58




算子是通过计算各像素的Robert's梯度值和以像素为中心的一个窗口的灰度协方差矩阵 , 在图像中寻找具有尽可能小而接近圆的误差椭圆的点作为特征点 。 它能给 出特征点的类型且精度较高,所 实际中应用比较广泛.

[+v  matlab56 沟通技术问题]   


disp('Calling ip_fop ...');[win, corner, circ, noclass]=ip_fop( ...g,                                       ... intensity image (one channel, grey-level image)'DETECTION_METHOD',        'foerstner',  ... method for optimal search window: 'foerstner' (default) or 'koethe'   'SIGMA_N'                  ,1.0,         ... standard deviation of (constant) image noise (default: 2.0)'DERIVATIVE_FILTER'        ,'gaussian2d',... filter for gradient: 'gaussian2d'(default) oder 'gaussian1d''INTEGRATION_FILTER'       ,'gaussian',  ... integration kernel: 'box_filt' (default) oder 'gaussian' 'SIGMA_DERIVATIVE_FILTER'  ,0.7,         ... size of derivative filter (sigma) (default: 1.0)'SIGMA_INTEGRATION_FILTER' ,2,           ... size of integration filter (default: 1.41 * SIGMA_DIFF)'PRECISION_THRESHOLD'      ,0.5,         ... threshold for precision of points (default: 0.5 Pixel)    'ROUNDNESS_THRESHOLD'      ,0.3,         ... threshold for roundness (default: 0.3)'SIGNIFICANCE_LEVEL'       ,0.999,       ... significance level for point classification (default: 0.999)'VISUALIZATION'            ,'on');       ... visualization on or off (default : 'off')% 输出:disp('Results:');% a) integer positions of window centersdisp('Positions of window centers (actually were integers in the internally scaled image):');for i=1:length(win)fprintf('%5.1f   %5.1f\n',win(i).r,win(i).c);end% b) subpixel positions of corners with covariance matrixdisp('Subpixel positions of corners with covariance matrix');for i=1:length(corner)r=corner(i).rc=corner(i).ccov=corner(i).covend% c) subpixel positions of circular points with covariance matrixdisp('Subpixel positions of circular points with covariance matrix:');for i=1:length(circ)r=circ(i).rc=circ(i).ccov=circ(i).covend% d) window centers of points with could not be classified unambiguously  disp('Window centers of points with could not be classified unambiguously:');for i=1:length(noclass)r=noclass(i).rc=noclass(i).c    end



Linux 网络编程 --- 应用层

一、自定义协议和序列化反序列化 代码: 序列化反序列化实现网络版本计算器 二、HTTP协议 1、谈两个简单的预备知识 --- 域名 --- 域名解析 --- IP地址 http的端口号为80端口,https的端口号为443 url为统一资源定位符。CSDN


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Java的垃圾收集(Garbage Collection,GC)机制是Java语言的一大特色,它负责自动管理内存的回收,释放不再使用的对象所占用的内存。以下是对Java垃圾收集机制的详细介绍: 一、垃圾收集机制概述: 对象存活判断:垃圾收集器定期检查堆内存中的对象,判断哪些对象是“垃圾”,即不再被任何引用链直接或间接引用的对象。内存回收:将判断为垃圾的对象占用的内存进行回收,以便重新使用。

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我们经常会用到各种各样的编程思想,例如面向过程、面向对象。不过笔者在该博客简单介绍一下函数式编程思想. 如果对函数式编程思想进行概括,就是f(x) = na(x) , y=uf(x)…至于其他的编程思想,可能是y=a(x)+b(x)+c(x)…,也有可能是y=f(x)=f(x)/a + f(x)/b+f(x)/c… 面向过程的指令式编程 面向过程,简单理解就是y=a(x)+b(x)+c(x)