


Automation server can't create object 


regsvr32 msxml3.dll




"Automation server can't create object" and other VS 2002/2003 Start Page Problems, Issues, and Bugs
Yes, I was one of the testers for the Start Page in Visual Studio 2002 and 2003.  There are a LOT of good reasons we are scrapping it and starting over with a new Start Page for VS 2005. Our redesign certainly takes into account the comments left here and countless other places we've looked for feedback.  You'll see a renewed focus on simplicity and the main purpose of launching your recent projects.  But this post isn't meant to be about the new start page.  This is a brain dump of the known problems I've seen with the existing start page and how you can potentially solve them. 
The "Automation Sever Can't Create Object" error message.
There may be a problem with the installed version of the Windows Scripting component. See KB323885.
Sometimes there are problems with different versions of MSXML being registered on the machine.  The VS.NET start page uses the msxml3 object to render content in the start page.  There have been a few known issues where installs of different versions ( there are a few!) of the msxml object will stomp on the previously installed versions ( link).  Here is how I have fixed it on some machines:
  1. Bring up a command prompt (cmd.exe)
  2. in the command prompt “cd c:/windows/system32” (no quotes)
  3. Then “xmlinst –u”
  4. “regsvr32 msxml3.dll”
  5. Close cmd prompt
Sometimes this is caused by aggressive anti-virus software that blocks the scripting components from launching.  I talk about this extensively here.
Update: If you are unable to create projects.
I recently helped someone work with support to track down another issue and fix.  Here are some steps that may help your problem. Essentially there are three registry keys that can get in a funky state where they have no owner of thier permissions...
Apparently, the Scripting.FileSystem object could not be accessed by Visual Studio.Net when trying to create a project.   We figured that out by having me use regmon when sharing my desktop and trying to create a project.  There were three keys I couldn't access or change permissions on:  Scripting.Dictionary, Scripting.Encode and Scripting.FileSystemObject.  However, I discovered through regedit that no owner assigned to the keys.  I updated the security permissions after changing the owner and now I can create projects in Visual Studio.Net.
"You must be connected to the internet to use this feature."
The new start page will simply be polling it's online content from RSS feeds, but the old page polls a more proprietary XML standard down from MSDN servers to populate with content. The start page simply does a transform of the XML into the standard it prefers.  We connect to this XML by using the
Try clearing your internet cache.
Try changing your selected help filter and re-loading the page. 
Verify, with your internet connection you can connect to this page and see the XML there. ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/vsdata/vsdata.asp?tab=vs_online_community) If you can't, then there is an issue with your internet connect or firewall/proxy settings. 
We use the "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" object to connect to and pull down this content. There are some issues with some versions of this object that cause it not to work properly through a proxy.  You can see if you have this problem by downloading this file ( www.winisp.net/scooblog/ietest.zip), extracting the results and opening the "test.htm" file.  (You'll have to enable script in the security settings for XP SP2 as it kindly blocks the test for you.) If the results look like the "good.txt" you don't have this problem. If they look like the "bad.txt" you have this problem. The problem is actually with the XMLHTTP object and, as far as I know, the IE team does not yet have a QFE or fix for this.  Hey, check out the developer centers if you want good content. :-)
Filed under: Microsoft, Visual Studio
# re: "Automation server can't create object" and other VS 2002/2003 Start Page Problems, Issues, and Bugs
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 2:44 AM by Stephane Rodriguez

Sounds like a broken product to me. Hopefully, the Start Page messes around only upon request, not automatically for you. Right?
# re: "Automation server can't create object" and other VS 2002/2003 Start Page Problems, Issues, and Bugs
Wednesday, September 01, 2004 4:11 PM by Kris
# re: "Automation server can't create object" and other VS 2002/2003 Start Page Problems, Issues, and Bugs
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 9:37 AM by Booya
I gotta tell ya I recently installed VS.NET on my desktop with a few hitches but it is up and running. When I tried to install it on mylaptop, I keep getting this error whenever I try to create any new project. I have tried everything and nothing works. I am running Windows XP Pro and it is VS.NET 2003 Enterprise. I am desperate.
# re: "Automation server can't create object" and other VS 2002/2003 Start Page Problems, Issues, and Bugs
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 11:45 AM by jledgard
Booya: Do you have any anti-virus software running on that laptop? Feel free to mail me at jledgard@microsoft.com and I can see if I can help.
# re: "Automation server can't create object" and other VS 2002/2003 Start Page Problems, Issues, and Bugs
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 11:46 AM by jledgard
Booya: Do you have any anti-virus software running on that laptop? Feel free to mail me at jledgard@microsoft.com and I can see if I can help.
# re: "Automation server can't create object" and other VS 2002/2003 Start Page Problems, Issues, and Bugs
Friday, October 21, 2005 10:47 AM by Booya
Currently I do not have any antivirus running on this machine. I had norton corporate but I romoved it.
# re: "Automation server can't create object" and other VS 2002/2003 Start Page Problems, Issues, and Bugs
Thursday, November 03, 2005 2:22 AM by jledgard
Sorry for the late reply... did you contact me offline with a different address? Have you tried the suggestion of re-installing the windows script host?
# re: "Automation server can't create object" and other VS 2002/2003 Start Page Problems, Issues, and Bugs
Tuesday, February 28, 2006 4:31 AM by Daryl
Thanks, your suggestion of re-registering the dll worked 100% for me. Seems like it was caused by a windows security update that was performed on my l/t.

Rgds D
# re: "Automation server can't create object" and other VS 2002/2003 Start Page Problems, Issues, and Bugs
Tuesday, February 28, 2006 10:44 AM by jledgard
Daryl: Glad this resource helped!
# re: "Automation server can't create object" and other VS 2002/2003 Start Page Problems, Issues, and Bugs
Wednesday, March 01, 2006 11:45 AM by Frustrated
Re-registering which .dll?  I have been having this same problem since last week out of the blue.

# re: "Automation server can't create object" and other VS 2002/2003 Start Page Problems, Issues, and Bugs
Wednesday, March 01, 2006 12:40 PM by jledgard
See step 4 above. It works for some instances of this error.
# re: "Automation server can't create object" and other VS 2002/2003 Start Page Problems, Issues, and Bugs
Wednesday, March 01, 2006 1:19 PM by Frustrated
I tried Step 4 but it didn't fix my problem.  I also re-installed Windows Script 5.6, rebooted and re-registered the .olb file and nothing changed there either.  I then re-installed Visual Studio .Net Framework 2.0 and that didn't help.  Very frustrated here.  This error came out of the blue so I am guessing a Microsoft or CA eTrust Anti-Virus update either disabled or corrupted something.

# re: "Automation server can't create object" and other VS 2002/2003 Start Page Problems, Issues, and Bugs
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 3:37 AM by elie chaaya
use the internet explorer - tools - internet option- security tab - custom level and check the enable active X control!
# re: "Automation server can't create object" and other VS 2002/2003 Start Page Problems, Issues, and Bugs
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 12:55 PM by jledgard
Thanks elie!
# re: "Automation server can't create object" and other VS 2002/2003 Start Page Problems, Issues, and Bugs
Monday, July 24, 2006 1:16 PM by Chris Stone
Hey Josh,

Thank you SO much for your information!  I've been battling with an Outlook Web Access and Project Web Access problem on our Terminal Servers.  I've scoured forums, Microsoft's site, Google, no luck until I found your suggestion to register MSXML3.dll that you posted here:


Now everything is working great!!

Thank you!!





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