2024-02-15 16:32
文章标签 vs etl eai

本文主要是介绍EAI Vs ETL,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

EAI Vs ETL (forever 友情翻译)


尽管一些厂商会有其他的一些说法,但实际上 EAI与ETL这两种技术之间不是相互竞争的。在很多情况下它们也可以与对方配合使用。EAI可以做为ETL的数据源,而ETL成为 EAI的一个功能组件。EAI的一个主要功能是为现存一个机构内的众多应用系统提供透明的访问接口。
因此ETL产品可以通过EAI-to-ETL的接口访问应用系统的数据。web servicce或者消息队列都可以应用于此,这种接口使得ETL厂商不用专门为应用程序开发插件。同时也使EAI程序专注于实时处理的部分,那些需要快速响应的ETL程序也可由该接口提供实时触发的数据源。当然ETL程序也可把接口做为ETL的目标。
尽管一些厂商会有其他的一些说法,但实际上 EAI与ETL这两种技术之间不是相互竞争的。在很多情况下它们也可以与对方配合使用。EAI可以做为ETL的数据源,而ETL成为 EAI的一个功能组件。EAI的一个主要功能是为现存一个机构内的众多应用系统提供透明的访问接口。
因此ETL产品可以通过EAI-to-ETL的接口访问应用系统的数据。web servicce或者消息队列都可以应用于此,这种接口使得ETL厂商不用专门为应用程序开发插件。同时也使EAI程序专注于实时处理的部分,那些需要快速响应的ETL程序也可由该接口提供实时触发的数据源。当然ETL程序也可把接口做为ETL的目标。

除了动态实时的使用EAI-to-ETL接口,现在很多用户开始用EAI产品生成ETL程序所需要的数据文件。与之对应的,EAI系统也可以使用ETL作为一个组件,一部分ETL厂商已经允许开发人员以Web Service方式发布每一个单独的任务。这些ETL过程的Web Service能够被其他EAI系统调用。这样对于EAI系统来说不仅增强了数据转换方面的功能,也能够更好的支持代码和元数据重用。

EAI versus ETL
Although some vendors would have you believe otherwise, EAI and ETL are not competing
 technologies. There are many situations where they can be used in conjunction with each other. EAI can act as an input source for ETL, and ETL can act as service to EAI.
One of the main objectives of EAI is to provide transparent access to the wide range of applications that exist in an organization. An EAI-to-ETL interface could therefore be used to give an ETL product access to this application data. This interconnection could be built using a Web service or a message queue. Such an interface eliminates the need for ETL vendors to develop point-to-point adapters for these application data sources. Also, given that EAI is focused on real-time processing,the EAI-to-ETL interface can also act as a real-time event source for ETL applications that require low-latency data. The interface can also be used as a data target by an ETL application. Although several ETL and EAI vendors have announced marketing and technology relationships, the interfaces they provide are often still in their infancy. Potential users need to evaluate carefully the functionality and performance of these interfaces. It is expected, however, that the quality of these interfaces will steadily improve. EAI At present, instead of using a dynamic EAI-to-ETL interface, many organizations are using EAI products to create data files, which are then input to ETL applications. In the reverse direction, EAI applications can use ETL as a service. Several ETL vendors already allow developers to define ETL tasks as Web services. These ETL Web services can be invoked by EAI applications. This not only adds additional transformation power to the EAI environment, but also supports code and metadata reuse

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