
2024-02-14 20:30




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When you buy an Amazon hardware product, like an Echo, Fire TV, or Fire tablet, it arrives already linked to your Amazon account in order to reduce any friction with the setup process. But if you want to give one of these devices as a gift to someone else, here’s how to unregister your Amazon account from the device.

当您购买诸如Echo , Fire TV或Fire tablet之类的Amazon硬件产品时,该产品已经链接到您的Amazon帐户,以减少设置过程中的麻烦。 但是,如果您想将其中一台设备作为礼物送给其他人,请按照以下方法从该设备上注销您的Amazon帐户。

Ideally, when you go to buy the device from Amazon’s website, you’ll check the box next to “This is a gift” before you add it to your cart and check out. This makes sure that Amazon doesn’t ship you the device with your Amazon account already linked to it. Instead, they’ll just make sure that it’s not registered with any account at all, and the person who receives it can link their own Amazon account.

理想情况下,当您从亚马逊网站上购买设备时,请先选中“这是礼物”旁边的框,然后再将其添加到购物车并签出。 这可以确保Amazon不会随您的设备将Amazon账户链接到您的设备。 取而代之的是,他们只需确保它根本没有在任何帐户中注册,接收它的人就可以链接自己的Amazon帐户。

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However, this checkbox isn’t blatantly obvious, and even if you know it’s there, you might not think twice about it when you go to hit the buy button. Plus, many shoppers may not even know that Amazon devices come pre-registered and linked to their own Amazon account, so both the shopper and the recipient of the gift would be in for a surprise.

但是,此复选框并不是很明显,即使您知道它存在,在单击“购买”按钮时也可能不会三思而后行。 另外,许多购物者可能甚至不知道亚马逊设备已经预先注册并链接到他们自己的亚马逊帐户,因此礼物的购物者和接收者都会感到惊讶。

So if you forgot to mark the device as a gift during the checkout process, it’s not too late to unregister the device from your Amazon account. Here’s how to do it.

因此,如果您在结帐过程中忘记将设备标记为礼物,那么从您的Amazon帐户中注销该设备还为时不晚。 这是操作方法。

First off, go to Amazon.com and hover over “Your Account” toward the upper-right corner of the screen—make sure you’re logged in first.

首先,转到Amazon.com ,将鼠标悬停在屏幕右上角的“您的帐户”上-确保您首先登录。


A pop-up menu will appear. From this list, select “Manage Your Content and Devices”.

将会出现一个弹出菜单。 从此列表中选择“管理您的内容和设备”。


On the next screen, click on the “Your Devices” tab.



This tab will show you all of your Amazon devices that you have associated with your Amazon account. Go ahead and select the one that you want to unregister.

该选项卡将向您显示与您的亚马逊账户关联的所有亚马逊设备。 继续,然后选择您要注销的那个。


On the section below, click on “Device Actions”.



In the drop-down menu that appears, click on “Deregister”.



You’ll get a pop-up warning saying that doing this “will remove all content from the device and many features will not work.” Click on “Deregister” to confirm the action.

您会收到一个弹出警告,提示“这样做将删除设备上的所有内容,并且许多功能将无法使用。” 单击“注销”以确认操作。


After that, the device will no longer be associated with your Amazon account and you can freely gift the item to someone else, from which they can login using their own Amazon account at that point.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/283760/how-to-unregister-an-amazon-product-to-give-it-to-someone-else/






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