
2024-02-10 20:18
文章标签 实现 opencv 变换 gabor


一直在做人脸识别方向,想用一下Gabor滤波器做一下Gabor人脸。从网上看到 Mian Zhou. Thesis. Gabor-Boosting Face Recognition的Gabor代码,也是基于Opencv的但是,代码是基于C结构的,用起来感觉不方便,就花一天的时间,修改成了C++结构的。
Copyright (C) 2014 by Fangqi Su
Reference: Mian Zhou. Thesis. Gabor-Boosting Face Recognition
#define CV_GABOR_REAL 1
#define CV_GABOR_IMAG 2
#define CV_GABOR_MAG 3
#define CV_GABOR_PHASE 4
using namespace cv;
class Gabor
{public:Gabor();Gabor(int iMu,int iNu,double dSigma);Gabor(int iMu,int iNu,double dSigma,double dF);Gabor(double dPhi,int iNu);Gabor(double dPhi,int iNu,double dSigma);Gabor(double dPhi,int iNu,double dSigma,double dF);Gabor(int iMu,int iNu);bool IsInit();bool IsKernelCreate();long mask_width();void Init(int iMu,int iNu,double dSigma,double dF);void Init(double dPhi,int iNu,double dSigma,double dF);void output_file(const char *filename,int Type);Mat get_matrix(int Type);Mat get_image(int Type);void show(int Type);void conv_img(Mat &src,Mat&dst,int Type);long Gabor::get_mask_width();protected:int KernelSize;double Sigma;double F;double Kmax;double K;double Phi;bool bInitialised;bool bKernel;long Width;Mat Imag;Mat Real;private:void creat_kernel();};#endif
Copyright (C) 2014 by Fangqi Su
Reference: Mian Zhou. Thesis. Gabor-Boosting Face Recognition
fn Gabor::Gabor(int iMu,int iNu,double dSigma);
Constuct a gabor
iMu		The orientation iMu*PI/8,
iNu 		The scale,
dSigma 		The sigma value of Gabor,Create a gabor with a orientation iMu*PI/8, a scale iNu, and a sigma value dSigma. The spatial frequence (F) is set to sqrt(2) defaultly. It calls Init() to generate parameters and kernels.
Gabor::Gabor(int iMu,int iNu,double dSigma)
\fn Gabor::Gabor(int iMu, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF)
Construct a gaborParameters:
iMu		    The orientation iMu*PI/8
iNu 		The scale
dSigma 		The sigma value of Gabor
dF		    The spatial frequency Returns:
NoneCreate a gabor with a orientation iMu*PI/8, a scale iNu, a sigma value dSigma, and a spatial frequence dF. It calls Init() to generate parameters and kernels.
Gabor::Gabor(int iMu,int iNu,double dSigma,double dF)
\fn Gabor::Gabor(double dPhi, int iNu)
Construct a gaborParameters:
dPhi		The orientation in arc
iNu 		The scaleReturns:
NoneCreate a gabor with a orientation dPhi, and with a scale iNu. The sigma (Sigma) and the spatial frequence (F) are set to 2*PI and sqrt(2) defaultly. It calls Init() to generate parameters and kernels.
Gabor::Gabor(double dPhi,int iNu)
\fn Gabor::Gabor(double dPhi, int iNu, double dSigma)
Construct a gaborParameters:
dPhi		The orientation in arc
iNu 		The scale
dSigma		The sigma value of GaborReturns:
NoneCreate a gabor with a orientation dPhi, a scale iNu, and a sigma value dSigma. The spatial frequence (F) is set to sqrt(2) defaultly. It calls Init() to generate parameters and kernels.
Gabor::Gabor(double dPhi,int iNu,double dSigma)
\fn Gabor::Gabor(double dPhi, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF)
Construct a gaborParameters:
dPhi		The orientation in arc
iNu 		The scale
dSigma 		The sigma value of Gabor
dF		The spatial frequency Returns:
NoneCreate a gabor with a orientation dPhi, a scale iNu, a sigma value dSigma, and a spatial frequence dF. It calls Init() to generate parameters and kernels.
Gabor::Gabor(double dPhi,int iNu,double dSigma,double dF)
\fn Gabor::IsInit()
Determine the gabor is initilised or notParameters:
a boolean value, TRUE is initilised or FALSE is non-initilised.Determine whether the gabor has been initlized - variables F, K, Kmax, Phi, Sigma are filled.
bool Gabor::IsInit()
{return bInitialised;
\fn Gabor::mask_width()
Give out the width of the maskParameters:
The long type show the width.Return the width of mask (should be NxN) by the value of Sigma and iNu.
long Gabor::mask_width()
{long lWidth;if(IsInit()==false){perror("Error:Error: The Object has not been initilised in mask_width()!\n");return 0;}else {double dModSigma=Sigma/K;double dWidth=cvRound(dModSigma*6+1);if(fmod(dWidth,2.0)==0.0)dWidth++;lWidth=(long)dWidth;return lWidth;}
\fn Gabor::creat_kernel()
Create gabor kernelParameters:
NoneCreate 2 gabor kernels - REAL and IMAG, with an orientation and a scale 
void Gabor::creat_kernel()
{if (IsInit() == false) {perror("Error: The Object has not been initilised in creat_kernel()!\n");}else {Mat mReal(Width,Width,CV_32F),mImag(Width,Width,CV_32F);/**************************** Gabor Function ****************************/ int x,y;double dReal;double dImag;double dTemp1,dTemp2,dTemp3;for(int i=0;i<Width;i++){for(int j=0;j<Width;j++){x=i-(Width-1)/2;y=j-(Width-1)/2;dTemp1 = (pow(K,2)/pow(Sigma,2))*exp(-(pow((double)x,2)+pow((double)y,2))*pow(K,2)/(2*pow(Sigma,2)));dTemp2 = cos(K*cos(Phi)*x + K*sin(Phi)*y) - exp(-(pow(Sigma,2)/2));dTemp3 = sin(K*cos(Phi)*x + K*sin(Phi)*y);dReal = dTemp1*dTemp2;dImag = dTemp1*dTemp3;<float>(i,j)=dReal;<float>(i,j)=dImag;}}/**************************** Gabor Function ****************************/bKernel=true;mReal.copyTo(Real);mImag.copyTo(Imag);}
\fn Gabor::get_image(int Type)
Get the speific type of image of GaborParameters:
Type		The Type of gabor kernel, e.g. REAL, IMAG, MAG, PHASE   Returns:
Pointer to image structure, or NULL on failure	Return an Image (gandalf image class) with a specific Type   "REAL"	"IMAG" "MAG" "PHASE"  
Mat Gabor::get_image(int Type)
{if(IsKernelCreate() == false){ perror("Error: the Gabor kernel has not been created in get_image()!\n");return Mat();}Mat pImage(Width,Width,CV_32F,1);Mat newimage(Width,Width,CV_32FC1);Mat kernel(Width,Width,CV_32FC1);Mat re(Width,Width,CV_32FC1);Mat im(Width,Width,CV_32FC1);Mat ve;int rows=kernel.rows;int cols=kernel.cols;switch (Type){case 1://realReal.copyTo(kernel);kernel.copyTo(pImage);pImage=pImage.t();break;case 2://ImagImag.copyTo(kernel);kernel.copyTo(pImage);pImage=pImage.t();break;case 3://MagnitudeReal.copyTo(re);Imag.copyTo(im);pow(re,2,re);pow(im,2,im);pow(im+re,0.5,ve);ve.copyTo(pImage);pImage=pImage.t();break;default:break;}normalize(pImage,pImage,0,255,CV_MINMAX,NULL);pImage.convertTo(pImage,CV_8U);convertScaleAbs(pImage,newimage,1,0);newimage.convertTo(newimage,CV_8U);return newimage;
\fn Gabor::IsKernelCreate()
Determine the gabor kernel is created or notParameters:
a boolean value, TRUE is created or FALSE is non-created.Determine whether a gabor kernel is created.
bool Gabor::IsKernelCreate()
{return bKernel;
\fn Gabor::get_mask_width()
Reads the width of MaskParameters:
Pointer to long type width of mask.
long Gabor::get_mask_width()
{return Width;
\fn Gabor::Init(int iMu, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF)
Initilize the.gaborParameters:
iMu 	The orientations which is iMu*PI.8
iNu 	The scale can be from -5 to infinit
dSigma 	The Sigma value of gabor, Normally set to 2*PI
dF 	The spatial frequence , normally is sqrt(2)Returns:Initilize the.gabor with the orientation iMu, the scale iNu, the sigma dSigma, the frequency dF, it will call the function creat_kernel(); So a gabor is created.
void Gabor::Init(int iMu,int iNu,double dSigma,double dF)
{bInitialised=false;bKernel=false;F=dF;Sigma=dSigma;Kmax=CV_PI/2;// Absolute value of KK = Kmax / pow(F, (double)iNu);Phi = CV_PI*iMu/8;bInitialised = true;Width = mask_width();Real = Mat( Width, Width, CV_32FC1);Imag = Mat( Width, Width, CV_32FC1);creat_kernel();  }
\fn CvGabor::CvGabor(int iMu, int iNu)
Gabor::Gabor(int iMu, int iNu)
{double dSigma = 2*CV_PI; F = sqrt(2.0);Init(iMu, iNu, dSigma, F);
\fn Gabor::Init(double dPhi, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF)
Initilize the.gaborParameters:
dPhi 	The orientations 
iNu 	The scale can be from -5 to infinit
dSigma 	The Sigma value of gabor, Normally set to 2*PI
dF 	The spatial frequence , normally is sqrt(2)Returns:
NoneInitilize the.gabor with the orientation dPhi, the scale iNu, the sigma dSigma, the frequency dF, it will call the function creat_kernel(); So a gabor is created.filename 	The name of the image file
file_format 	The format of the file, e.g. GAN_PNG_FORMAT
image 	The image structure to be written to the file
octrlstr 	Format-dependent control structure*/
void Gabor::Init(double dPhi, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF)
{bInitialised = false;bKernel = false;Sigma = dSigma;F = dF;Kmax =CV_PI/2;// Absolute value of KK = Kmax / pow(F, (double)iNu);Phi = dPhi;bInitialised = true;Width = mask_width();Real = Mat( Width, Width, CV_32FC1);Imag = Mat( Width, Width, CV_32FC1);creat_kernel();  
\fn Gabor::get_matrix(int Type)
Get a matrix by the type of kernelParameters:
Type		The type of kernel, e.g. REAL, IMAG, MAG, PHASEReturns:
Pointer to matrix structure, or NULL on failure.Return the gabor kernel.
Mat Gabor::get_matrix(int Type)
{if (!IsKernelCreate()) {perror("Error: the gabor kernel has not been created!\n"); return Mat();}switch (Type){case CV_GABOR_REAL:return Real;break;case CV_GABOR_IMAG:return Imag;break;case CV_GABOR_MAG:return Mat();break;case CV_GABOR_PHASE:return Mat();break;}
\fn Gabor::output_file(const char *filename, Gan_ImageFileFormat file_format, int Type)
Writes a gabor kernel as an image file.Parameters:
filename 	The name of the image file
file_format 	The format of the file, e.g. GAN_PNG_FORMAT
Type		The Type of gabor kernel, e.g. REAL, IMAG, MAG, PHASE   
NoneWrites an image from the provided image structure into the given file and the type of gabor kernel.
void Gabor::output_file(const char *filename, int Type)
{Mat pImage;pImage = get_image(Type);if(pImage .data!= NULL){if( imwrite(filename, pImage )) printf("%s has been written successfully!\n", filename);else printf("Error: writting %s has failed!\n", filename);}else perror("Error: the image is empty in output_file()!\n"); }
\fn CvGabor::conv_img_a(IplImage *src, IplImage *dst, int Type)
void Gabor::conv_img(Mat &src, Mat &dst, int Type)
{Mat mat;src.copyTo(mat);mat.convertTo(mat,CV_32FC1);mat=mat.t();Mat temp;Mat rmat(src.rows,src.cols,CV_32FC1);Mat imat(src.rows,src.cols,CV_32FC1);Mat kernel(Width,Width,CV_32FC1);switch (Type){case CV_GABOR_REAL:Real.copyTo(kernel);filter2D( mat, mat,mat.depth(),kernel, Point( (Width-1)/2, (Width-1)/2));break;case CV_GABOR_IMAG:Imag.copyTo(kernel);filter2D( mat, mat,mat.depth(),kernel, Point( (Width-1)/2, (Width-1)/2));break;case CV_GABOR_MAG:/* Real Response */Real.copyTo(kernel);filter2D( mat, rmat,rmat.depth(),kernel, Point( (Width-1)/2, (Width-1)/2));/* Imag Response */Imag.copyTo(kernel);filter2D( mat, imat,imat.depth(),kernel, Point( (Width-1)/2, (Width-1)/2));/* Magnitude response is the square root of the sum of the square of real response and imaginary response */pow(rmat,2,rmat);pow(imat,2,imat);add(rmat,imat,temp);pow(temp,0.5,temp);temp.copyTo(mat);break;case CV_GABOR_PHASE:break;}normalize(mat,mat,0,255,CV_MINMAX,NULL);mat.convertTo(mat,CV_8U);mat=mat.t();mat.copyTo(dst);




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