该类方法主要指的是活动轮廓模型(active contour model)以及在其基础上发展出来的算法,其基本思想是使用连续曲线来表达目标边缘,并定义一个能量泛函使得其自变量包括边缘曲线,因此分割过程就转变为求解能量泛函的最小值的过程,一般可通过求解函数对应的欧拉(Euler.Lagrange)方程来实现,能量达到最小时的曲线位置就是目标的轮廓所在。
描述曲线几何特征的两个重要参数是单位法矢和曲率,单位法矢描述曲线的方向,曲率则表述曲线弯曲的程度。曲线演化理论就是仅利用曲线的单位法矢和曲率等几何参数来研究曲线随时间的变形。曲线的演变过程可以认为是表示曲线在作用力 F的驱动下,朝法线方向 N以速度 v演化。而速度是有正负之分的,所以就有如果速度 v的符号为负,表示活动轮廓演化过程是朝外部方向的,如为正,则表示朝内部方向演化,活动曲线是单方向演化的,不可能同时往两个方向演化。
这两个问题的描述和解决就衍生出了很多的基于主动轮廓线模型的分割方法。第一个问题的回答,就形成了两大流派:如果这个轮廓是参数表示的,那么就是参数活动轮廓模型(parametric active contour model),典型为snake模型,如果这个轮廓是几何表示的,那么就是几何活动轮廓模型(geometric active contour model),即水平集方法(Level Set),它是把二维的轮廓嵌入到三维的曲面的零水平面来表达的(可以理解为一座山峰的等高线,某个等高线把山峰切了,这个高度山峰的水平形状就出来了,也就是轮廓了),所以低维的演化曲线或曲面,表达为高维函数曲面的零水平集的间接表达形式(这个轮廓的变化,直观上我们就可以调整山峰的形状或者调整登高线的高度来得到)。
Kass等提出的原始Snakes模型由一组控制点:v(s)=[x(s), y(s)] s∈[0, 1]组成,这些点首尾以直线相连构成轮廓线。其中x(s)和y(s)分别表示每个控制点在图像中的坐标位置。 s 是以傅立叶变换形式描述边界的自变量。在Snakes的控制点上定义能量函数(反映能量与轮廓之间的关系):
记外部力 F = −∇ P, Kass等将上式离散化后,对x(s)和y(s)分别构造两个五对角阵的线性方程组,通过迭代计算进行求解。在实际应用中一般先在物体周围手动点出控制点作为Snakes模型的起始位置,然后对能量函数迭代求解。
Snake模型发展10多年来,许多学者对于经典的snake模型做了改进,提出各种改进的snake模型,其中梯度矢量流(Gradient Vector Flow,GVF)模型扩大了经典snake的外力作用范围,加强了对目标凹轮廓边缘的吸引力,提高了传统的snake模型。
1.表示内部能量的曲线演化 2.外力 3.能量最小化
现有的初始轮廓确定的方法有以下几种:1.人工勾勒图像的边缘 2.序列图像差分边界 3.基于序列图像的前一帧图像边界的预测 4.基于传统图像分割结果进行边界选取
分水岭算法是由S.Beucher F.Meyer最早引入图像分割领域,它的基本思想是来源于测地学上的侧线重构,其内容是把图像看做是测地学上的拓扑地貌。进行分水岭模型计算的比较经典的算法是L Vincent提出的,在该算法中首先是对每个像素的灰度级进行从低到高排序,然后用等级对垒模拟淹没,初始时,等级队列中为淹没的初始点,在从低到高实现淹没的过程中,对每一个局部极小值在H阶高度的影响域采用先进先出(FIFO)结构进行判断及标注,直到最后一个值被淹没,从而正确划分各个区域。
1.Amini提出基于动态规划的snake算法。 2.变分法 3.贪婪算法 4.有限差分法 5.有限元法
1.模拟退火 2.遗传算法 3.神经网络
Snake模型的蚁群算法(Ant Colony Optimization)模型
1.McInerney 提出一种拓扑自适应snake模型(Topology Adaptive Snake,T-Snake)
该算法基于仿射细胞图像分解(Affine Cell Image Decomposition,ACID)先在待分割图像上加以三角网格,然后在图像区域的适当位置做一条初始曲线,最后取曲线与网格的交点作为snake的初始离散点,其第i个snake的离散点的坐标为其中,相邻两点,之间由一条弹性样条连接而成
3.Loop Snake 模型
Loop Snake模型是一种加强了拓扑控制的T-Snake模型,这种方法的关键集中在曲线的每一步进化中都要形成循环,其基本思想是,确保图像轮廓曲线精确地线性地映射到适当的分类中,然后在额外的记过loop-Tree的帮助下,尽可能少的时间内运用已经被snake探究的循环来决定是否进行区域划分,这种模型的实质是对T-Snake模型的一种改进。由于加强了拓扑控制,使得Loop Snake模型既可以忽略背景中强噪声又可以在演化过程中进行多次分裂。
- /*M///
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- // Intel License Agreement
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- //M*/
- #include "_cv.h"
- #define _CV_SNAKE_BIG 2.e+38f
- #define _CV_SNAKE_IMAGE 1
- #define _CV_SNAKE_GRAD 2
- /*F///
- // Name: icvSnake8uC1R
- // Purpose:
- // Context:
- // Parameters:
- // src - source image,
- // srcStep - its step in bytes,
- // roi - size of ROI,
- // pt - pointer to snake points array
- // n - size of points array,
- // alpha - pointer to coefficient of continuity energy,
- // beta - pointer to coefficient of curvature energy,
- // gamma - pointer to coefficient of image energy,
- // coeffUsage - if CV_VALUE - alpha, beta, gamma point to single value
- // if CV_MATAY - point to arrays
- // criteria - termination criteria.
- // scheme - image energy scheme
- // if _CV_SNAKE_IMAGE - image intensity is energy
- // if _CV_SNAKE_GRAD - magnitude of gradient is energy
- // Returns:
- //F*/
- static CvStatus
- icvSnake8uC1R( unsigned char *src, //原始图像数据
- int srcStep, //每行的字节数
- CvSize roi, //图像尺寸
- CvPoint * pt, //轮廓点(变形对象)
- int n, //轮廓点的个数
- float *alpha, //指向α的指针,α可以是单个值,也可以是与轮廓点个数一致的数组
- float *beta, //β的值,同α
- float *gamma, //γ的值,同α
- int coeffUsage, //确定αβγ是用作单个值还是个数组
- CvSize win, //每个点用于搜索的最小的领域大小,宽度为奇数
- CvTermCriteria criteria, //递归迭代终止的条件准则
- int scheme ) //确定图像能量场的数据选择,1为灰度,2为灰度梯度
- {
- int i, j, k;
- int neighbors = win.height * win.width; //当前点领域中点的个数
- //当前点的位置
- int centerx = win.width >> 1;
- int centery = win.height >> 1;
- float invn; //n 的倒数?
- int iteration = 0; //迭代次数
- int converged = 0; //收敛标志,0为非收敛
- //能量
- float *Econt; //
- float *Ecurv; //轮廓曲线能量
- float *Eimg; //图像能量
- float *E; //
- //αβγ的副本
- float _alpha, _beta, _gamma;
- /*#ifdef GRAD_SNAKE */
- float *gradient = NULL;
- uchar *map = NULL;
- int map_width = ((roi.width - 1) >> 3) + 1;
- int map_height = ((roi.height - 1) >> 3) + 1;
- CvSepFilter pX, pY;
- #define WTILE_SIZE 8
- #define TILE_SIZE (WTILE_SIZE + 2)
- CvMat _dx = cvMat( TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, CV_16SC1, dx );
- CvMat _dy = cvMat( TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, CV_16SC1, dy );
- CvMat _src = cvMat( roi.height, roi.width, CV_8UC1, src );
- /* inner buffer of convolution process */
- //char ConvBuffer[400];
- /*#endif */
- //检点参数的合理性
- /* check bad arguments */
- if( src == NULL )
- return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;
- if( (roi.height <= 0) || (roi.width <= 0) )
- return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;
- if( srcStep < roi.width )
- return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;
- if( pt == NULL )
- return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;
- if( n < 3 ) //轮廓点至少要三个
- return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;
- if( alpha == NULL )
- return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;
- if( beta == NULL )
- return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;
- if( gamma == NULL )
- return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;
- if( coeffUsage != CV_VALUE && coeffUsage != CV_ARRAY )
- return CV_BADFLAG_ERR;
- if( (win.height <= 0) || (!(win.height & 1))) //邻域搜索窗口得是奇数
- return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;
- if( (win.width <= 0) || (!(win.width & 1)))
- return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;
- invn = 1 / ((float) n); //轮廓点数n的倒数,用于求平均?
- if( scheme == _CV_SNAKE_GRAD )
- {
- //X方向上和Y方向上的Scoble梯度算子,用于求图像的梯度,
- //处理的图像最大尺寸为TILE_SIZE+2,此例为12,算子半长为3即{-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3}
- //处理后的数据类型为16位符号数,分别存放在_dx,_dy矩阵中,长度为10
- pX.init_deriv( TILE_SIZE+2, CV_8UC1, CV_16SC1, 1, 0, 3 );
- pY.init_deriv( TILE_SIZE+2, CV_8UC1, CV_16SC1, 0, 1, 3 );
- //图像梯度存放缓冲区
- gradient = (float *) cvAlloc( roi.height * roi.width * sizeof( float ));
- if( !gradient )
- //map用于标志相应位置的分块的图像能量是否已经求得
- map = (uchar *) cvAlloc( map_width * map_height );
- if( !map )
- {
- cvFree( &gradient );
- }
- /* clear map - no gradient computed */
- //清除map标志
- memset( (void *) map, 0, map_width * map_height );
- }
- //各种能量的存放处,取每点的邻域的能量
- Econt = (float *) cvAlloc( neighbors * sizeof( float ));
- Ecurv = (float *) cvAlloc( neighbors * sizeof( float ));
- Eimg = (float *) cvAlloc( neighbors * sizeof( float ));
- E = (float *) cvAlloc( neighbors * sizeof( float ));
- //开始迭代
- while( !converged ) //收敛标志无效时进行
- {
- float ave_d = 0; //轮廓各点的平均距离
- int moved = 0; //轮廓变形时,发生移动的数量
- converged = 0; //标志未收敛
- iteration++; //更新迭代次数+1
- //计算轮廓中各点的平均距离
- /* compute average distance */
- //从点0到点n-1的距离和
- for( i = 1; i < n; i++ )
- {
- int diffx = pt[i - 1].x - pt[i].x;
- int diffy = pt[i - 1].y - pt[i].y;
- ave_d += cvSqrt( (float) (diffx * diffx + diffy * diffy) );
- }
- //再加上从点n-1到点0的距离,形成回路轮廓
- ave_d += cvSqrt( (float) ((pt[0].x - pt[n - 1].x) *
- (pt[0].x - pt[n - 1].x) +
- (pt[0].y - pt[n - 1].y) * (pt[0].y - pt[n - 1].y)));
- //求平均,得出平均距离
- ave_d *= invn;
- /* average distance computed */
- //对于每个轮廓点进行特定循环迭代求解
- for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
- {
- /* Calculate Econt */
- //初始化各个能量
- float maxEcont = 0;
- float maxEcurv = 0;
- float maxEimg = 0;
- float minEcont = _CV_SNAKE_BIG;
- float minEcurv = _CV_SNAKE_BIG;
- float minEimg = _CV_SNAKE_BIG;
- float Emin = _CV_SNAKE_BIG;
- //初始化变形后轮廓点的偏移量
- int offsetx = 0;
- int offsety = 0;
- float tmp;
- //计算边界
- /* compute bounds */
- //计算合理的搜索边界,以防领域搜索超过ROI图像的范围
- int left = MIN( pt[i].x, win.width >> 1 );
- int right = MIN( roi.width - 1 - pt[i].x, win.width >> 1 );
- int upper = MIN( pt[i].y, win.height >> 1 );
- int bottom = MIN( roi.height - 1 - pt[i].y, win.height >> 1 );
- //初始化Econt
- maxEcont = 0;
- minEcont = _CV_SNAKE_BIG;
- //在合理的搜索范围内进行Econt的计算
- for( j = -upper; j <= bottom; j++ )
- {
- for( k = -left; k <= right; k++ )
- {
- int diffx, diffy;
- float energy;
- //在轮廓点集的首尾相接处作相应处理,求轮廓点差分
- if( i == 0 )
- {
- diffx = pt[n - 1].x - (pt[i].x + k);
- diffy = pt[n - 1].y - (pt[i].y + j);
- }
- else
- //在其他地方作一般处理
- {
- diffx = pt[i - 1].x - (pt[i].x + k);
- diffy = pt[i - 1].y - (pt[i].y + j);
- }
- //将邻域陈列坐标转成Econt数组的下标序号,计算邻域中每点的Econt
- //Econt的值等于平均距离和此点和上一点的距离的差的绝对值(这是怎么来的?)
- Econt[(j + centery) * win.width + k + centerx] = energy =
- (float) fabs( ave_d -
- cvSqrt( (float) (diffx * diffx + diffy * diffy) ));
- //求出所有邻域点中的Econt的最大值和最小值
- maxEcont = MAX( maxEcont, energy );
- minEcont = MIN( minEcont, energy );
- }
- }
- //求出邻域点中最大值和最小值之差,并对所有的邻域点的Econt进行标准归一化,若最大值最小
- //相等,则邻域中的点Econt全相等,Econt归一化束缚为0
- tmp = maxEcont - minEcont;
- tmp = (tmp == 0) ? 0 : (1 / tmp);
- for( k = 0; k < neighbors; k++ )
- {
- Econt[k] = (Econt[k] - minEcont) * tmp;
- }
- //计算每点的Ecurv
- /* Calculate Ecurv */
- maxEcurv = 0;
- minEcurv = _CV_SNAKE_BIG;
- for( j = -upper; j <= bottom; j++ )
- {
- for( k = -left; k <= right; k++ )
- {
- int tx, ty;
- float energy;
- //第一个点的二阶差分
- if( i == 0 )
- {
- tx = pt[n - 1].x - 2 * (pt[i].x + k) + pt[i + 1].x;
- ty = pt[n - 1].y - 2 * (pt[i].y + j) + pt[i + 1].y;
- }
- //最后一个点的二阶差分
- else if( i == n - 1 )
- {
- tx = pt[i - 1].x - 2 * (pt[i].x + k) + pt[0].x;
- ty = pt[i - 1].y - 2 * (pt[i].y + j) + pt[0].y;
- }
- //其余点的二阶差分
- else
- {
- tx = pt[i - 1].x - 2 * (pt[i].x + k) + pt[i + 1].x;
- ty = pt[i - 1].y - 2 * (pt[i].y + j) + pt[i + 1].y;
- }
- //转换坐标为数组序号,并求各点的Ecurv的值,二阶差分后取平方
- Ecurv[(j + centery) * win.width + k + centerx] = energy =
- (float) (tx * tx + ty * ty);
- //取最小的Ecurv和最大的Ecurv
- maxEcurv = MAX( maxEcurv, energy );
- minEcurv = MIN( minEcurv, energy );
- }
- }
- //对Ecurv进行标准归一化
- tmp = maxEcurv - minEcurv;
- tmp = (tmp == 0) ? 0 : (1 / tmp);
- for( k = 0; k < neighbors; k++ )
- {
- Ecurv[k] = (Ecurv[k] - minEcurv) * tmp;
- }
- //求Eimg
- /* Calculate Eimg */
- for( j = -upper; j <= bottom; j++ )
- {
- for( k = -left; k <= right; k++ )
- {
- float energy;
- //若采用灰度梯度数据
- if( scheme == _CV_SNAKE_GRAD )
- {
- /* look at map and check status */
- int x = (pt[i].x + k)/WTILE_SIZE;
- int y = (pt[i].y + j)/WTILE_SIZE;
- //若此处的图像能量还没有获取,则对此处对应的图像分块进行图像能量的求解
- if( map[y * map_width + x] == 0 )
- {
- int l, m;
- /* evaluate block location */
- //计算要进行梯度算子处理的图像块的位置
- int upshift = y ? 1 : 0;
- int leftshift = x ? 1 : 0;
- int bottomshift = MIN( 1, roi.height - (y + 1)*WTILE_SIZE );
- int rightshift = MIN( 1, roi.width - (x + 1)*WTILE_SIZE );
- //图像块的位置大小(由于原ROI不一定是8的倍数,所以图像块会大小不一)
- CvRect g_roi = { x*WTILE_SIZE - leftshift, y*WTILE_SIZE - upshift,
- leftshift + WTILE_SIZE + rightshift, upshift + WTILE_SIZE + bottomshift };
- CvMat _src1;
- cvGetSubArr( &_src, &_src1, g_roi ); //得到图像块的数据
- //分别对图像的X方向和Y方向进行梯度算子
- pX.process( &_src1, &_dx );
- pY.process( &_src1, &_dy );
- //求分块区域中的每个点的梯度
- for( l = 0; l < WTILE_SIZE + bottomshift; l++ )
- {
- for( m = 0; m < WTILE_SIZE + rightshift; m++ )
- {
- gradient[(y*WTILE_SIZE + l) * roi.width + x*WTILE_SIZE + m] =
- (float) (dx[(l + upshift) * TILE_SIZE + m + leftshift] *
- dx[(l + upshift) * TILE_SIZE + m + leftshift] +
- dy[(l + upshift) * TILE_SIZE + m + leftshift] *
- dy[(l + upshift) * TILE_SIZE + m + leftshift]);
- }
- }
- //map相应位置置1表示此处图像能量已经获取
- map[y * map_width + x] = 1;
- }
- //以梯度数据作为图像能量
- Eimg[(j + centery) * win.width + k + centerx] = energy =
- gradient[(pt[i].y + j) * roi.width + pt[i].x + k];
- }
- else
- {
- //以灰度作为图像能量
- Eimg[(j + centery) * win.width + k + centerx] = energy =
- src[(pt[i].y + j) * srcStep + pt[i].x + k];
- }
- //获得邻域中最大和最小的图像能量
- maxEimg = MAX( maxEimg, energy );
- minEimg = MIN( minEimg, energy );
- }
- }
- //Eimg的标准归一化
- tmp = (maxEimg - minEimg);
- tmp = (tmp == 0) ? 0 : (1 / tmp);
- for( k = 0; k < neighbors; k++ )
- {
- Eimg[k] = (minEimg - Eimg[k]) * tmp;
- }
- //加入系数
- /* locate coefficients */
- if( coeffUsage == CV_VALUE)
- {
- _alpha = *alpha;
- _beta = *beta;
- _gamma = *gamma;
- }
- else
- {
- _alpha = alpha[i];
- _beta = beta[i];
- _gamma = gamma[i];
- }
- /* Find Minimize point in the neighbors */
- //求得每个邻域点的Snake能量
- for( k = 0; k < neighbors; k++ )
- {
- E[k] = _alpha * Econt[k] + _beta * Ecurv[k] + _gamma * Eimg[k];
- }
- Emin = _CV_SNAKE_BIG;
- //获取最小的能量,以及对应的邻域中的相对位置
- for( j = -upper; j <= bottom; j++ )
- {
- for( k = -left; k <= right; k++ )
- {
- if( E[(j + centery) * win.width + k + centerx] < Emin )
- {
- Emin = E[(j + centery) * win.width + k + centerx];
- offsetx = k;
- offsety = j;
- }
- }
- }
- //如果轮廓点发生改变,则记得移动次数
- if( offsetx || offsety )
- {
- pt[i].x += offsetx;
- pt[i].y += offsety;
- moved++;
- }
- }
- //各个轮廓点迭代计算完成后,如果没有移动的点了,则收敛标志位有效,停止迭代
- converged = (moved == 0);
- //达到最大迭代次数时,收敛标志位有效,停止迭代
- if( (criteria.type & CV_TERMCRIT_ITER) && (iteration >= criteria.max_iter) )
- converged = 1;
- //到大相应精度时,停止迭代(与第一个条件有相同效果)
- if( (criteria.type & CV_TERMCRIT_EPS) && (moved <= criteria.epsilon) )
- converged = 1;
- }
- //释放各个缓冲区
- cvFree( &Econt );
- cvFree( &Ecurv );
- cvFree( &Eimg );
- cvFree( &E );
- if( scheme == _CV_SNAKE_GRAD )
- {
- cvFree( &gradient );
- cvFree( &map );
- }
- return CV_OK;
- }
- CV_IMPL void
- cvSnakeImage( const IplImage* src, CvPoint* points,
- int length, float *alpha,
- float *beta, float *gamma,
- int coeffUsage, CvSize win,
- CvTermCriteria criteria, int calcGradient )
- {
- CV_FUNCNAME( "cvSnakeImage" );
- __BEGIN__;
- uchar *data;
- CvSize size;
- int step;
- if( src->nChannels != 1 )
- CV_ERROR( CV_BadNumChannels, "input image has more than one channel" );
- if( src->depth != IPL_DEPTH_8U )
- CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, cvUnsupportedFormat );
- cvGetRawData( src, &data, &step, &size );
- IPPI_CALL( icvSnake8uC1R( data, step, size, points, length,
- alpha, beta, gamma, coeffUsage, win, criteria,
- calcGradient ? _CV_SNAKE_GRAD : _CV_SNAKE_IMAGE ));
- __END__;
- }
- /* end of file */
- 测试应用程序
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <cxcore.h>
- #include <cv.h>
- #include <highgui.h>
- #include <fstream>
- IplImage *image = 0 ; //原始图像
- IplImage *image2 = 0 ; //原始图像copy
- using namespace std;
- int Thresholdness = 141;
- int ialpha = 20;
- int ibeta=20;
- int igamma=20;
- void onChange(int pos)
- {
- if(image2) cvReleaseImage(&image2);
- if(image) cvReleaseImage(&image);
- image2 = cvLoadImage("grey.bmp",1); //显示图片
- image= cvLoadImage("grey.bmp",0);
- cvThreshold(image,image,Thresholdness,255,CV_THRESH_BINARY); //分割域值
- CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
- CvSeq* contours = 0;
- cvFindContours( image, storage, &contours, sizeof(CvContour), //寻找初始化轮廓
- if(!contours) return ;
- int length = contours->total;
- if(length<10) return ;
- CvPoint* point = new CvPoint[length]; //分配轮廓点
- CvSeqReader reader;
- CvPoint pt= cvPoint(0,0);;
- CvSeq *contour2=contours;
- cvStartReadSeq(contour2, &reader);
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
- {
- CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(pt, reader);
- point[i]=pt;
- }
- cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage);
- //显示轮廓曲线
- for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
- {
- int j = (i+1)%length;
- cvLine( image2, point[i],point[j],CV_RGB( 0, 0, 255 ),1,8,0 );
- }
- float alpha=ialpha/100.0f;
- float beta=ibeta/100.0f;
- float gamma=igamma/100.0f;
- CvSize size;
- size.width=3;
- size.height=3;
- CvTermCriteria criteria;
- criteria.type=CV_TERMCRIT_ITER;
- criteria.max_iter=1000;
- criteria.epsilon=0.1;
- cvSnakeImage( image, point,length,&alpha,&beta,&gamma,CV_VALUE,size,criteria,0 );
- //显示曲线
- for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
- {
- int j = (i+1)%length;
- cvLine( image2, point[i],point[j],CV_RGB( 0, 255, 0 ),1,8,0 );
- }
- delete []point;
- }
- int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- {
- cvNamedWindow("win1",0);
- cvCreateTrackbar("Thd", "win1", &Thresholdness, 255, onChange);
- cvCreateTrackbar("alpha", "win1", &ialpha, 100, onChange);
- cvCreateTrackbar("beta", "win1", &ibeta, 100, onChange);
- cvCreateTrackbar("gamma", "win1", &igamma, 100, onChange);
- cvResizeWindow("win1",300,500);
- onChange(0);
- for(;;)
- {
- if(cvWaitKey(40)==27) break;
- cvShowImage("win1",image2);
- }
- return 0;
- }

// By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
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// Intel License Agreement
// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
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#include "_cv.h"#define _CV_SNAKE_BIG 2.e+38f
#define _CV_SNAKE_IMAGE 1
#define _CV_SNAKE_GRAD 2/*F///
// Name: icvSnake8uC1R
// Purpose:
// Context:
// Parameters:
// src - source image,
// srcStep - its step in bytes,
// roi - size of ROI,
// pt - pointer to snake points array
// n - size of points array,
// alpha - pointer to coefficient of continuity energy,
// beta - pointer to coefficient of curvature energy,
// gamma - pointer to coefficient of image energy,
// coeffUsage - if CV_VALUE - alpha, beta, gamma point to single value
// if CV_MATAY - point to arrays
// criteria - termination criteria.
// scheme - image energy scheme
// if _CV_SNAKE_IMAGE - image intensity is energy
// if _CV_SNAKE_GRAD - magnitude of gradient is energy
// Returns:
//F*/static CvStatus
icvSnake8uC1R( unsigned char *src, //原始图像数据int srcStep, //每行的字节数CvSize roi, //图像尺寸CvPoint * pt, //轮廓点(变形对象)int n, //轮廓点的个数float *alpha, //指向α的指针,α可以是单个值,也可以是与轮廓点个数一致的数组float *beta, //β的值,同αfloat *gamma, //γ的值,同αint coeffUsage, //确定αβγ是用作单个值还是个数组CvSize win, //每个点用于搜索的最小的领域大小,宽度为奇数CvTermCriteria criteria, //递归迭代终止的条件准则
int scheme ) //确定图像能量场的数据选择,1为灰度,2为灰度梯度
{int i, j, k;int neighbors = win.height * win.width; //当前点领域中点的个数//当前点的位置int centerx = win.width >> 1; int centery = win.height >> 1; float invn; //n 的倒数?int iteration = 0; //迭代次数int converged = 0; //收敛标志,0为非收敛//能量float *Econt; //float *Ecurv; //轮廓曲线能量float *Eimg; //图像能量float *E; ////αβγ的副本float _alpha, _beta, _gamma;/*#ifdef GRAD_SNAKE */float *gradient = NULL;uchar *map = NULL;int map_width = ((roi.width - 1) >> 3) + 1;int map_height = ((roi.height - 1) >> 3) + 1;CvSepFilter pX, pY;#define WTILE_SIZE 8#define TILE_SIZE (WTILE_SIZE + 2) short dx[TILE_SIZE*TILE_SIZE], dy[TILE_SIZE*TILE_SIZE];CvMat _dx = cvMat( TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, CV_16SC1, dx );CvMat _dy = cvMat( TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, CV_16SC1, dy );CvMat _src = cvMat( roi.height, roi.width, CV_8UC1, src );/* inner buffer of convolution process *///char ConvBuffer[400];/*#endif *///检点参数的合理性/* check bad arguments */if( src == NULL )return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;if( (roi.height <= 0) || (roi.width <= 0) )return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;if( srcStep < roi.width )return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;if( pt == NULL )return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;if( n < 3 ) //轮廓点至少要三个return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;if( alpha == NULL )return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;if( beta == NULL )return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;if( gamma == NULL )return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;if( coeffUsage != CV_VALUE && coeffUsage != CV_ARRAY )return CV_BADFLAG_ERR;if( (win.height <= 0) || (!(win.height & 1))) //邻域搜索窗口得是奇数return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;if( (win.width <= 0) || (!(win.width & 1)))return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;invn = 1 / ((float) n); //轮廓点数n的倒数,用于求平均?if( scheme == _CV_SNAKE_GRAD )
//处理后的数据类型为16位符号数,分别存放在_dx,_dy矩阵中,长度为10pX.init_deriv( TILE_SIZE+2, CV_8UC1, CV_16SC1, 1, 0, 3 );pY.init_deriv( TILE_SIZE+2, CV_8UC1, CV_16SC1, 0, 1, 3 );//图像梯度存放缓冲区gradient = (float *) cvAlloc( roi.height * roi.width * sizeof( float ));if( !gradient )return CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;//map用于标志相应位置的分块的图像能量是否已经求得map = (uchar *) cvAlloc( map_width * map_height );if( !map ){cvFree( &gradient );return CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;}/* clear map - no gradient computed *///清除map标志memset( (void *) map, 0, map_width * map_height );
//各种能量的存放处,取每点的邻域的能量Econt = (float *) cvAlloc( neighbors * sizeof( float ));Ecurv = (float *) cvAlloc( neighbors * sizeof( float ));Eimg = (float *) cvAlloc( neighbors * sizeof( float ));E = (float *) cvAlloc( neighbors * sizeof( float ));//开始迭代while( !converged ) //收敛标志无效时进行{float ave_d = 0; //轮廓各点的平均距离int moved = 0; //轮廓变形时,发生移动的数量converged = 0; //标志未收敛iteration++; //更新迭代次数+1//计算轮廓中各点的平均距离/* compute average distance *///从点0到点n-1的距离和for( i = 1; i < n; i++ ){int diffx = pt[i - 1].x - pt[i].x;int diffy = pt[i - 1].y - pt[i].y;ave_d += cvSqrt( (float) (diffx * diffx + diffy * diffy) ); }//再加上从点n-1到点0的距离,形成回路轮廓ave_d += cvSqrt( (float) ((pt[0].x - pt[n - 1].x) *(pt[0].x - pt[n - 1].x) +(pt[0].y - pt[n - 1].y) * (pt[0].y - pt[n - 1].y)));//求平均,得出平均距离ave_d *= invn;/* average distance computed *///对于每个轮廓点进行特定循环迭代求解for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){/* Calculate Econt *///初始化各个能量float maxEcont = 0;float maxEcurv = 0;float maxEimg = 0;float minEcont = _CV_SNAKE_BIG;float minEcurv = _CV_SNAKE_BIG;float minEimg = _CV_SNAKE_BIG;float Emin = _CV_SNAKE_BIG;//初始化变形后轮廓点的偏移量int offsetx = 0;int offsety = 0;float tmp;//计算边界/* compute bounds *///计算合理的搜索边界,以防领域搜索超过ROI图像的范围int left = MIN( pt[i].x, win.width >> 1 );int right = MIN( roi.width - 1 - pt[i].x, win.width >> 1 );int upper = MIN( pt[i].y, win.height >> 1 );int bottom = MIN( roi.height - 1 - pt[i].y, win.height >> 1 );//初始化EcontmaxEcont = 0;minEcont = _CV_SNAKE_BIG;//在合理的搜索范围内进行Econt的计算for( j = -upper; j <= bottom; j++ ){for( k = -left; k <= right; k++ ){int diffx, diffy;float energy;//在轮廓点集的首尾相接处作相应处理,求轮廓点差分if( i == 0 ){diffx = pt[n - 1].x - (pt[i].x + k);diffy = pt[n - 1].y - (pt[i].y + j);}else//在其他地方作一般处理{diffx = pt[i - 1].x - (pt[i].x + k);diffy = pt[i - 1].y - (pt[i].y + j);}//将邻域陈列坐标转成Econt数组的下标序号,计算邻域中每点的Econt//Econt的值等于平均距离和此点和上一点的距离的差的绝对值(这是怎么来的?)Econt[(j + centery) * win.width + k + centerx] = energy =(float) fabs( ave_d -cvSqrt( (float) (diffx * diffx + diffy * diffy) ));//求出所有邻域点中的Econt的最大值和最小值maxEcont = MAX( maxEcont, energy );minEcont = MIN( minEcont, energy );}}//求出邻域点中最大值和最小值之差,并对所有的邻域点的Econt进行标准归一化,若最大值最小//相等,则邻域中的点Econt全相等,Econt归一化束缚为0tmp = maxEcont - minEcont;tmp = (tmp == 0) ? 0 : (1 / tmp);for( k = 0; k < neighbors; k++ ){Econt[k] = (Econt[k] - minEcont) * tmp;}//计算每点的Ecurv/* Calculate Ecurv */maxEcurv = 0;minEcurv = _CV_SNAKE_BIG;for( j = -upper; j <= bottom; j++ ){for( k = -left; k <= right; k++ ){int tx, ty;float energy;//第一个点的二阶差分if( i == 0 ){tx = pt[n - 1].x - 2 * (pt[i].x + k) + pt[i + 1].x;ty = pt[n - 1].y - 2 * (pt[i].y + j) + pt[i + 1].y;}//最后一个点的二阶差分else if( i == n - 1 ){tx = pt[i - 1].x - 2 * (pt[i].x + k) + pt[0].x;ty = pt[i - 1].y - 2 * (pt[i].y + j) + pt[0].y;}//其余点的二阶差分else{tx = pt[i - 1].x - 2 * (pt[i].x + k) + pt[i + 1].x;ty = pt[i - 1].y - 2 * (pt[i].y + j) + pt[i + 1].y;}//转换坐标为数组序号,并求各点的Ecurv的值,二阶差分后取平方Ecurv[(j + centery) * win.width + k + centerx] = energy =(float) (tx * tx + ty * ty);//取最小的Ecurv和最大的EcurvmaxEcurv = MAX( maxEcurv, energy );minEcurv = MIN( minEcurv, energy );}}//对Ecurv进行标准归一化tmp = maxEcurv - minEcurv;tmp = (tmp == 0) ? 0 : (1 / tmp);for( k = 0; k < neighbors; k++ ){Ecurv[k] = (Ecurv[k] - minEcurv) * tmp;}//求Eimg/* Calculate Eimg */for( j = -upper; j <= bottom; j++ ){for( k = -left; k <= right; k++ ){float energy;//若采用灰度梯度数据if( scheme == _CV_SNAKE_GRAD ){/* look at map and check status */int x = (pt[i].x + k)/WTILE_SIZE;int y = (pt[i].y + j)/WTILE_SIZE;//若此处的图像能量还没有获取,则对此处对应的图像分块进行图像能量的求解if( map[y * map_width + x] == 0 ){int l, m; /* evaluate block location *///计算要进行梯度算子处理的图像块的位置int upshift = y ? 1 : 0;int leftshift = x ? 1 : 0;int bottomshift = MIN( 1, roi.height - (y + 1)*WTILE_SIZE );int rightshift = MIN( 1, roi.width - (x + 1)*WTILE_SIZE );//图像块的位置大小(由于原ROI不一定是8的倍数,所以图像块会大小不一)CvRect g_roi = { x*WTILE_SIZE - leftshift, y*WTILE_SIZE - upshift,leftshift + WTILE_SIZE + rightshift, upshift + WTILE_SIZE + bottomshift };CvMat _src1;cvGetSubArr( &_src, &_src1, g_roi ); //得到图像块的数据//分别对图像的X方向和Y方向进行梯度算子pX.process( &_src1, &_dx );pY.process( &_src1, &_dy );//求分块区域中的每个点的梯度for( l = 0; l < WTILE_SIZE + bottomshift; l++ ){for( m = 0; m < WTILE_SIZE + rightshift; m++ ){gradient[(y*WTILE_SIZE + l) * roi.width + x*WTILE_SIZE + m] =(float) (dx[(l + upshift) * TILE_SIZE + m + leftshift] *dx[(l + upshift) * TILE_SIZE + m + leftshift] +dy[(l + upshift) * TILE_SIZE + m + leftshift] *dy[(l + upshift) * TILE_SIZE + m + leftshift]);}}//map相应位置置1表示此处图像能量已经获取map[y * map_width + x] = 1;}//以梯度数据作为图像能量Eimg[(j + centery) * win.width + k + centerx] = energy =gradient[(pt[i].y + j) * roi.width + pt[i].x + k];}else{//以灰度作为图像能量Eimg[(j + centery) * win.width + k + centerx] = energy =src[(pt[i].y + j) * srcStep + pt[i].x + k];}//获得邻域中最大和最小的图像能量maxEimg = MAX( maxEimg, energy );minEimg = MIN( minEimg, energy );}}//Eimg的标准归一化tmp = (maxEimg - minEimg);tmp = (tmp == 0) ? 0 : (1 / tmp);for( k = 0; k < neighbors; k++ ){Eimg[k] = (minEimg - Eimg[k]) * tmp;}//加入系数/* locate coefficients */if( coeffUsage == CV_VALUE){_alpha = *alpha;_beta = *beta;_gamma = *gamma;}else{ _alpha = alpha[i];_beta = beta[i];_gamma = gamma[i];}/* Find Minimize point in the neighbors *///求得每个邻域点的Snake能量for( k = 0; k < neighbors; k++ ){E[k] = _alpha * Econt[k] + _beta * Ecurv[k] + _gamma * Eimg[k];}Emin = _CV_SNAKE_BIG;//获取最小的能量,以及对应的邻域中的相对位置for( j = -upper; j <= bottom; j++ ){for( k = -left; k <= right; k++ ){if( E[(j + centery) * win.width + k + centerx] < Emin ){Emin = E[(j + centery) * win.width + k + centerx];offsetx = k;offsety = j;}}}//如果轮廓点发生改变,则记得移动次数if( offsetx || offsety ){pt[i].x += offsetx;pt[i].y += offsety;moved++;}}//各个轮廓点迭代计算完成后,如果没有移动的点了,则收敛标志位有效,停止迭代converged = (moved == 0);//达到最大迭代次数时,收敛标志位有效,停止迭代if( (criteria.type & CV_TERMCRIT_ITER) && (iteration >= criteria.max_iter) )converged = 1;//到大相应精度时,停止迭代(与第一个条件有相同效果)if( (criteria.type & CV_TERMCRIT_EPS) && (moved <= criteria.epsilon) )converged = 1;}//释放各个缓冲区cvFree( &Econt );cvFree( &Ecurv );cvFree( &Eimg );cvFree( &E );if( scheme == _CV_SNAKE_GRAD ){cvFree( &gradient );cvFree( &map );}return CV_OK;
}CV_IMPL void
cvSnakeImage( const IplImage* src, CvPoint* points,int length, float *alpha,float *beta, float *gamma,int coeffUsage, CvSize win,CvTermCriteria criteria, int calcGradient )
{CV_FUNCNAME( "cvSnakeImage" );__BEGIN__;uchar *data;CvSize size;int step;if( src->nChannels != 1 )CV_ERROR( CV_BadNumChannels, "input image has more than one channel" );if( src->depth != IPL_DEPTH_8U )CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, cvUnsupportedFormat );cvGetRawData( src, &data, &step, &size );IPPI_CALL( icvSnake8uC1R( data, step, size, points, length,alpha, beta, gamma, coeffUsage, win, criteria,calcGradient ? _CV_SNAKE_GRAD : _CV_SNAKE_IMAGE ));__END__;
}/* end of file */测试应用程序#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <cxcore.h>
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
#include <fstream>IplImage *image = 0 ; //原始图像
IplImage *image2 = 0 ; //原始图像copyusing namespace std;
int Thresholdness = 141;
int ialpha = 20;
int ibeta=20;
int igamma=20;void onChange(int pos)
{if(image2) cvReleaseImage(&image2);if(image) cvReleaseImage(&image);image2 = cvLoadImage("grey.bmp",1); //显示图片image= cvLoadImage("grey.bmp",0);cvThreshold(image,image,Thresholdness,255,CV_THRESH_BINARY); //分割域值 CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);CvSeq* contours = 0;cvFindContours( image, storage, &contours, sizeof(CvContour), //寻找初始化轮廓CV_RETR_EXTERNAL , CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );if(!contours) return ;int length = contours->total; if(length<10) return ;CvPoint* point = new CvPoint[length]; //分配轮廓点CvSeqReader reader;CvPoint pt= cvPoint(0,0);; CvSeq *contour2=contours; cvStartReadSeq(contour2, &reader);for (int i = 0; i < length; i++){CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(pt, reader);point[i]=pt;}cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage);//显示轮廓曲线for(int i=0;i<length;i++){int j = (i+1)%length;cvLine( image2, point[i],point[j],CV_RGB( 0, 0, 255 ),1,8,0 );}float alpha=ialpha/100.0f;float beta=ibeta/100.0f;float gamma=igamma/100.0f;CvSize size;size.width=3;size.height=3;CvTermCriteria criteria;criteria.type=CV_TERMCRIT_ITER;criteria.max_iter=1000;criteria.epsilon=0.1;cvSnakeImage( image, point,length,&alpha,&beta,&gamma,CV_VALUE,size,criteria,0 );//显示曲线for(int i=0;i<length;i++){int j = (i+1)%length;cvLine( image2, point[i],point[j],CV_RGB( 0, 255, 0 ),1,8,0 );}delete []point;}int main(int argc, char* argv[])
{cvNamedWindow("win1",0);cvCreateTrackbar("Thd", "win1", &Thresholdness, 255, onChange);cvCreateTrackbar("alpha", "win1", &ialpha, 100, onChange);cvCreateTrackbar("beta", "win1", &ibeta, 100, onChange);cvCreateTrackbar("gamma", "win1", &igamma, 100, onChange);cvResizeWindow("win1",300,500);onChange(0);for(;;){if(cvWaitKey(40)==27) break;cvShowImage("win1",image2);}return 0;
李天庆等,Snake模型综述,计算机工程,2005,第31卷 第9期