本文主要是介绍React 错误边界组件 react-error-boundary 源码解析,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
- 捕获错误 hook
- 创建错误边界组件 Provider
- 定义错误边界组件
- 定义边界组件状态
- 捕捉错误
- 渲染备份组件
- 重置组件
- 通过 useHook 控制边界组件
捕获错误 hook
- getDerivedStateFromError
- 返回值会作为组件的 state 用于展示错误时的内容
- componentDidCatch
创建错误边界组件 Provider
- 错误边界组件其实是一个通过 Context.Provider 包裹的组件,这样使得组件内部可以获取到捕捉的相关操作
import { createContext } from "react";export type ErrorBoundaryContextType = {didCatch: boolean;error: any;resetErrorBoundary: (...args: any[]) => void;
};// 错误边界组件其实是一个通过 Context.Provider 包裹的组件
export const ErrorBoundaryContext =createContext<ErrorBoundaryContextType | null>(null);
type ErrorBoundaryState =| {didCatch: true;error: any;}| {didCatch: false;error: null;};const initialState: ErrorBoundaryState = {didCatch: false, // 错误是否捕捉error: null, // 捕捉到的错误信息
- getDerivedStateFromError 捕捉到错误后,设置组件状态展示备份组件
- componentDidCatch 用于触发错误回调
export class ErrorBoundary extends Component<ErrorBoundaryProps,ErrorBoundaryState
> {constructor(props: ErrorBoundaryProps) {super(props);this.resetErrorBoundary = this.resetErrorBoundary.bind(this);this.state = initialState;}static getDerivedStateFromError(error: Error) {return { didCatch: true, error };}componentDidCatch(error: Error, info: ErrorInfo) {this.props.onError?.(error, info);}}
- 通过指定的参数名区分是无状态组件还是有状态组件
- 无状态组件通过直接调用函数传递 props
- 有状态组件通过 createElement 传递 props
- 通过 createElement 处理传递的组件更加优雅
- createElement(元素类型,参数,子元素)详情,其中第一个参数可以直接传递 Context.Provider
export class ErrorBoundary extends Component<ErrorBoundaryProps,ErrorBoundaryState
> {// ...render() {const { children, fallbackRender, FallbackComponent, fallback } =this.props;const { didCatch, error } = this.state;let childToRender = children;// 如果捕捉到了错误if (didCatch) {const props: FallbackProps = {error,resetErrorBoundary: this.resetErrorBoundary,};// 通过指定的参数名区分是无状态组件还是有状态组件if (typeof fallbackRender === "function") {childToRender = fallbackRender(props);} else if (FallbackComponent) {childToRender = createElement(FallbackComponent, props);} else if (fallback === null || isValidElement(fallback)) {childToRender = fallback;} else {if (isDevelopment) {console.error("react-error-boundary requires either a fallback, fallbackRender, or FallbackComponent prop");}throw error;}}// Context.Provider 可以直接作为 createElement 的第一个参数return createElement(ErrorBoundaryContext.Provider,{value: { // Context.Provider 提供可供消费的内容didCatch,error,resetErrorBoundary: this.resetErrorBoundary,},},childToRender);}// ...
- 将错误信息重置使得能渲染原组件
const initialState: ErrorBoundaryState = {didCatch: false, // 错误是否捕捉error: null, // 捕捉到的错误信息
};export class ErrorBoundary extends Component<ErrorBoundaryProps,ErrorBoundaryState
> {// ...resetErrorBoundary(...args: any[]) {const { error } = this.state;if (error !== null) {this.props.onReset?.({ // 触发对应回调args,reason: "imperative-api",});this.setState(initialState);}}// ...// 根据 resetKeys 重置,但并未对外暴露该 APIcomponentDidUpdate(prevProps: ErrorBoundaryProps,prevState: ErrorBoundaryState) {const { didCatch } = this.state;const { resetKeys } = this.props;// There's an edge case where if the thing that triggered the error happens to *also* be in the resetKeys array,// we'd end up resetting the error boundary immediately.// This would likely trigger a second error to be thrown.// So we make sure that we don't check the resetKeys on the first call of cDU after the error is set.if (didCatch &&prevState.error !== null &&hasArrayChanged(prevProps.resetKeys, resetKeys)) {this.props.onReset?.({next: resetKeys,prev: prevProps.resetKeys,reason: "keys",});this.setState(initialState);}}
}function hasArrayChanged(a: any[] = [], b: any[] = []) {return (a.length !== b.length || a.some((item, index) => !Object.is(item, b[index])));
通过 useHook 控制边界组件
- 通过 context 获取最近的边界组件内容
- 通过手动抛出错误重新触发边界组件
import { useContext, useMemo, useState } from "react";
import { assertErrorBoundaryContext } from "./assertErrorBoundaryContext";
import { ErrorBoundaryContext } from "./ErrorBoundaryContext";type UseErrorBoundaryState<TError> =| { error: TError; hasError: true }| { error: null; hasError: false };export type UseErrorBoundaryApi<TError> = {resetBoundary: () => void;showBoundary: (error: TError) => void;
};export function useErrorBoundary<TError = any>(): UseErrorBoundaryApi<TError> {// 获取最近的边界组件 Provider 的内容const context = useContext(ErrorBoundaryContext);// 断言 Context 是否为空assertErrorBoundaryContext(context);const [state, setState] = useState<UseErrorBoundaryState<TError>>({error: null,hasError: false,});const memoized = useMemo(() => ({resetBoundary: () => {// 提供 Provider 对应的重置边界组件方法,渲染原组件context.resetErrorBoundary();setState({ error: null, hasError: false });},// 手动抛出错误,触发边界组件showBoundary: (error: TError) =>setState({error,hasError: true,}),}),[context.resetErrorBoundary]);// 当调用 showBoundary 后,该 hook 会手动抛出错误,让边界组件来捕捉if (state.hasError) {throw state.error;}return memoized;
这篇关于React 错误边界组件 react-error-boundary 源码解析的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!