本文主要是介绍haswell grub_东芝推出279美元的13英寸英特尔Haswell Chromebook,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

haswell grub

Toshiba announced their first Chromebook at CES yesterday, and it’s the first one with a 13.3-inch display, priced under 300 bucks. Haswell processor and nine hours of battery life make it an interesting choice.
东芝昨天在国际消费电子展上宣布了他们的第一台Chromebook,这是第一款配备13.3英寸显示屏,售价不到300美元的Chromebook。 Haswell处理器和九小时的电池寿命使其成为一个有趣的选择。
We haven’t had a chance to get our hands on the new unit yet, so we’re not sure how the keyboard feels or what the display looks like in person. It’s a standard 1366×768 resolution panel, so the pixels will be slightly bigger than the other 11-inch Chromebooks that have the same resolution, but it should also be a little easier to see the screen this way.
我们还没有机会尝试使用新设备,因此我们不确定键盘的感觉或显示的外观。 它是标准的1366×768分辨率面板,因此像素将比具有相同分辨率的其他11英寸Chromebook稍大,但是以这种方式查看屏幕也应该更容易一些。
This unit weighs 3.3 pounds and is 0.8-inch thick. It’s got only 2 GB of RAM compared to some of the other models on the market with 4 GB, but a Chromebook doesn’t really need a ton of memory to begin with. 16 GB of solid state storage, two USB 3.0 ports, HDMI output, memory card reader, and dual-band 802.11n Wi-Fi.
该装置重3.3磅,厚0.8英寸。 与市场上其他一些型号的4 GB相比,它只有2 GB的RAM,但是Chromebook并不需要太多的内存。 16 GB固态存储,两个USB 3.0端口,HDMI输出,存储卡读取器和双频802.11n Wi-Fi。
The new Chromebook is available starting February 16th everywhere.
Toshiba Press Announcement [PDF Alert]
东芝新闻发布[PDF Alert]
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/179351/toshiba-launches-13-intel-haswell-chromebook-for-279/
haswell grub
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