
2024-02-03 04:38
文章标签 music 加州 旅馆



hotel california(加州旅馆) - the eagles(飞鹰乐队)

on a dark desert highway.
cool wind in my hair.
warm smell of colitas rising
up through the air up ahead in the distance.
i saw a shimmering light
my head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
i had to stop for the night
there she stood in the doorway
i heard the mission bell
and i was thinking to myself
this could be heaven or this could be hell
then she lit up a candle
and she showed me the way
there were voices down in corridor
i thought i heard them say......
welcome to the hotel california
such a lovely place (such a lovely face)
there's plenty of rooms at the
hotel california
any time of year you can find it here
her mind is tiffany-twisted
she got the mercedes-benz
she got a lot of pretty,
pretty boys that she calls friends
how they dance in the courtyard
sweet summer sweat
some dance to remember
some dance to forget
so i called up the captain
please bring me my wine
he said we haven't had that spirit
here since nineteen sixty nine
and still those voices are
calling from far away
wake you up in the middle of the night
just to hear them say......
welcome to the hotel
calofornia such a lovely place
(such a loveely face)
they livin'it up at the hotel california
what a nice surprise bring your alibis
mirrors on the ceilling
the pink champagne on ice
and she said we are all just prisoners
here of our own device
and in the master's chambers
they gathered for the feast
they stab it with their steely knives
but they just can't kill the beast
last thing i remember,
i was running for the door
i had to find the passage back
to the place i was before
relax said programmed to receive
you can check out any time you like
but you can never leave





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代码解读 | Hybrid Transformers for Music Source Separation[04]

一、背景         0、Hybrid Transformer 论文解读         1、代码复现|Demucs Music Source Separation_demucs架构原理-CSDN博客         2、Hybrid Transformer 各个模块对应的代码具体在工程的哪个地方         3、Hybrid Transformer 各个模块的底层到底是个啥(

论文阅读:《Improving Content-based and Hybrid Music Recommendation using Deep Learning》

https://blog.csdn.net/u011239443/article/details/79984751 论文地址: https://www.smcnus.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/deep_mr.pdf 摘要 现有的基于内容的音乐推荐系统通常采用两阶段的方法。他们首先提取传统的音频内容特征,如 Mel-frequency cepstral系

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音频筑基:200字说清声和音的区别(Sound/Audio/Music/Voice/Speech辨析) 音频筑基:200字说清声和音的区别 音频筑基:200字说清声和音的区别(Sound/Audio/Music/Voice/Speech辨析) 梳理如下: 声音 声(Sound) 广义:机械波产生的振动狭义:人耳可听到的振动(20-20kHz) 音(Audio) 有意义的声(滤去


参考链接:https://hands1ml.apachecn.org/2/#_12 数据探索和可视化、发现规律 通过之前的工作,你只是快速查看了数据,对要处理的数据有了整体了解,现在的目标是更深的探索数据。 首先,保证你将测试集放在了一旁,只是研究训练集。 另外,如果训练集非常大,你可能需要再采样一个探索集,保证操作方便快速。 在这个案例中,因为数据集很小,所以可以在全集上直接工作。创建一个


5月11日,美联社消息,美国加州政府正在测试ChatGPT等生成式AI,应用在税收和收费管理部、交通部、公共卫生部以及卫生与公众服务部4大部门。 测试时间6个月,为其提供技术支持的一共有5家公司,分别是OpenAI、Anthropic、谷歌、Meta和ServiceNow,测试环境将在多家云服务平台中进行,费用只需每家支付1美元。 测试期间,州政府会根据实际业务的应用情况,要求对生成式AI工具

bzoj1593[Usaco2008 Feb]Hotel旅馆

题目链接:http://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=1593 题目大意: 有一家著名旅馆,这家旅馆一共有N 间客房,都在同一楼层,一字顺序排开。旅店前台的工作是忙碌的,他们需要处理订房请求和退房请求。有订房请求的游客会要求预定一 段连续的房间。如果能够满足客户的要求,前台总会尽量满足,如果有多处连续的空房可供预定,前台会挑选编号最靠前的优先