const app = getApp();Page({/*** 页面的初始数据*/data: {userInfo: {},isOverShare: true},/*** 生命周期函数--监听页面加载*/onLoad: async function(options) {await this.getUserInfo()this.csh()},/*** 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成*/onReady: function() {},/*** 生命周期函数--监听页面显示*/onShow: function() {},// 获取用户信息async getUserInfo() {let userInfo = await app.api.getUserInfo()this.setData({userInfo: userInfo});},// 生成分享海报// 初始化csh() {wx.showLoading({title: "海报绘制中..."});var that = this;// 获取设备宽高,以备海报全屏显示wx.getSystemInfo({success: function(res) {that.setData({windowW: res.windowWidth,windowH: res.windowHeight});}});// 海报背景图线上地址var url = "https://xianganzhu.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/images/poster/fx-bg.png";var i1 = false;// 商品图片(哪吒头像)线上地址// var urll = that.data.urlHeader;var i2 = true;// 小程序二维码var urlqCord = that.data.userInfo.share_qrcode;// 自己头像var urlavati = that.data.userInfo.avatarurlvar i3 = false;var aa = Promise.all([that.getBG(url), that.getBG(urlqCord), that.getBG(urlavati)]).then( res => {console.log(123 ,res)this.setData({bgpic: res[0],qCord: res[1],avait: res[2]})that.drawCanvas();})},isdrawCanvas(i1 = true, i2 = true, i3 = true) {var that = this;if (i1 == true && i2 == true && i3 == true) {that.drawCanvas();}},// 点击生成并保持海报到手机相册// 生成二维码// clickMe() {// var that = this;// that.setData({// show: true// });// // setTimeout(() => {}, 3000);// // that.drawCanvas();// that.csh();// },// 绘制canvasdrawCanvas() {var that = this;var windowW = that.data.windowW;var windowH = that.data.windowH;var text = this.data.userInfo.nickname.length <= 5 ? '' : '...'var textName = (this.data.userInfo.nickname).slice(0, 5) + text// var text = '从不拘泥任何世俗凡人的目光,我要奔向前方那光芒,生而为魔,那又如何'// 使用 wx.createContext 获取绘图上下文 contextvar context = wx.createCanvasContext("firstCanvas");// 海报背景图// context.drawImage(that.data.bgpic, (windowW - 280) / 2, (windowH - 450) / 2, 280, 450)context.drawImage(that.data.bgpic,(windowW - 310) / 2,(windowH - 631) / 2,310,551);console.log('背景图', that.data.bgpic)// 商品图片// context.drawImage(// that.data.propic,// (windowW - 240) / 2,// (windowH - 440) / 2,// 230,// 230// );// 商品文字描述// context.setFontSize(16);// context.setFillStyle("#2BA148");// context.fillText(// "扫码立即加入湘安猪",// (windowW - 200) / 2,// (windowH + 55) / 2// );context.setFontSize(20)context.setFillStyle("#2BA148")context.fillText('我是' + textName, (windowW - 100) / 2, (windowH - 20) / 2)// 设置线条的起始路径坐标// context.moveTo((windowW + 45) / 2, (windowH + 44) / 2);// 设置线条的终点路径坐标// context.lineTo((windowW + 200) / 2, (windowH + 44) / 2);context.stroke(); //对当前路径进行描边// 商品名字,名字很长调用方法将文字折行,传参 文字内容text,画布context// var row = that.newLine(text, context)var a = 24; //定义行高25// for (var i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {// context.setFontSize(16)// context.setFillStyle("#000000")// context.fillText(row[i], (windowW - 195) / 2, (windowH + 130) / 2 + a * i, 320)// }// 识别小程序二维码context.save();context.beginPath();context.arc(100 / 2 + (windowW - 85) / 2, 100 / 2 + (windowH + 70) / 2, 100 / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);context.clip();context.drawImage(that.data.qCord,(windowW - 85) / 2,(windowH + 70) / 2,100,100);console.log('二维码', that.data.qCord)context.restore();// context.save();context.beginPath();context.arc(45 / 2 + (windowW - 30) / 2, 45 / 2 + (windowH + 125) / 2, 45 / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);context.clip();context.drawImage(that.data.avait,(windowW - 30) / 2,(windowH + 125) / 2,45,45);console.log('头象', that.data.avait)context.restore();// context.save();//绘制头像// context.beginPath(); //开始绘制//先画个圆,前两个参数确定了圆心 (x,y) 坐标 第三个参数是圆的半径 四参数是绘图方向 默认是false,即顺时针// context.arc(45 / 2 + (windowW - 30) / 2, 45 / 2 + (windowH + 115) / 2, 45 / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);// context.clip(); //画好了圆 剪切 原始画布中剪切任意形状和尺寸。// 一旦剪切了某个区域,则所有之后的绘图都会被限制在被剪切的区域内 这也是我们要save上下文的原因// context.drawImage(that.data.avait, (windowW - 30) / 2, (windowH + 115) / 2, 45, 45);// context.restore();context.draw();wx.hideLoading();},// 点击保存按钮,同时将画布转化为图片daochu: function() {wx.showLoading({title: "制造中..."});var that = this;wx.canvasToTempFilePath({x: 0,y: 0,canvasId: "firstCanvas",fileType: "jpg",quality: 1,success: function(res) {that.setData({shareImage: res.tempFilePath});wx.hideLoading();setTimeout(function() {wx.showModal({title: "提示",content: "将生成的海报保存到手机相册,可以发送给微信好友或分享到朋友圈",success(res) {if (res.confirm) {that.eventSave();} else if (res.cancel) {console.log("用户点击取消");}}});}, 1000);},fail() {wx.hideLoading();wx.showToast({title: "制造失败",icon: "none",duration: 2000});}});},// 将商品分享图片保存到本地eventSave() {// console.log('保存图片', this.data.shareImage);wx.showLoading({title: "保存中..."});wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({filePath: this.data.shareImage,success(res) {wx.hideLoading();wx.showToast({title: "保存图片成功",icon: "success",duration: 2000});},fail() {wx.hideLoading();wx.showToast({title: "保存图片失败",icon: "none",duration: 2000});}});},//将线上图片地址下载到本地,此函数进行了封装,只有在需要转换url的时候调用即可getBG(url) {// Promise函数给我很大的帮助,让我能return出回调函数中的值return new Promise(function(resolve) {wx.downloadFile({url: url,success: function(res) {url = res.tempFilePath;resolve(url);}});});},// canvas多文字换行newLine(txt, context) {var txtArr = txt.split("");var temp = "";var row = [];for (var i = 0; i < txtArr.length; i++) {if (context.measureText(temp).width < 210) {temp += txtArr[i];} else {i--;row.push(temp);temp = "";}}row.push(temp);//如果数组长度大于3 则截取前三个if (row.length > 3) {var rowCut = row.slice(0, 3);var rowPart = rowCut[2];var test = "";var empty = [];for (var a = 0; a < rowPart.length; a++) {if (context.measureText(test).width < 180) {test += rowPart[a];} else {break;}}empty.push(test);var group = empty[0] + "..."; //这里只显示三行,超出的用...表示rowCut.splice(2, 1, group);row = rowCut;}return row;},/*** 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏*/onHide: function() {},/*** 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载*/onUnload: function() {},/*** 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作*/onPullDownRefresh: function() {},/*** 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数*/onReachBottom: function() {},/*** 用户点击右上角分享*/onShareAppMessage: function() {return {// title: '做任务赢积分',path: "/pages/xiangan_home/home/home?uid=" + this.data.userInfo.uuid};}