本文主要是介绍Understanding JDBC Metadata, By Kyle Brown,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
Understanding JDBC MetadataBy Kyle Brown, Knowledge Systems Corporation
In the previous article in this series, we stopped in the middle of building a set of classes that comprise a vendor-independent tool for maintaining database schemas.构建一个厂商无关的维护数据库模式的工具 We had just introduced the concept of Metadata, and looked at how having an object representation of a set of database tables and columns can make it possible to modify and maintain them in an easy and flexible way.
JDBC Metadata
One of the parts of the JDBC that is not well covered in the existing literature - mostly because existing examples are more focused on the practical aspects of how to retrieve and store data in SQL databases with JDBC - is the metadata component of JDBC. In fact, the JDK documentation for this portion of the JDBC is thin in any case, and downright misleading in some cases.
There are two interfaces that comprise the metadata portion of the JDBC. They are DatabaseMetadata and ResultSetMetadata. (JDBC的元数据由两个接口构成。分别是DatabaseMetadata和ResultSetMetadata。) DatabaseMetadata(according to the class comment) "provides information about the database as a whole". It provides methods so that you can discover what a particular database and driver combination can do. ResultSetMetadata is much more specific. It is "used to find out about the types and properties of the columns in a ResultSet." In short, it can examine what kind of information was returned by a database query or a method of DatabaseMetadata.
In our particular problem we're interested in two aspects of using the JDBC metadata facilities. They are:
1) Obtaining a list of tables available in the database, and
2) Obtaining information about the columns in those tables
To accomplish our first task we have to use a method in DatabaseMetadata, getTables(). The getTables()method takes four parameters. They are:
1) String catalog—only used by databases that support catalogs. May be null.
2) String schemaPattern—only used by databases that support schemas. May be null.
3) String tableNamePattern—the pattern of the table name to be matched
4) String types[]—an array of the types of table names to retrieve. Commonly seen types are "TABLE", "VIEW", "SYSTEM TABLE" and "SYNONYM". The entire list supported by a driver can be retrieved by using DatabaseMetadata.getTableTypes().用DatabaseMetadata.getTableTypes()来获取driver支持的所有类型的列表。
The two "pattern" parameters take Strings that can match the JDBC pattern-matching format. A percent ("%") character will match 0 or more characters in a String, while an underscore ("_") character will match any single character. So, if you wanted to retrieve information on all tables containing the string "Employee", you could use "%Employee%" for the tableNamePattern parameter. %匹配0个或者多个字符;_匹配单个的字符。
What this method returns is a ResultSet that has the following columns:函数的返回值包含以下列:
a String named "TABLE_CAT" representing the table catalog (which may be null)
a String named "TABLE_SCHEM" representing the table schema (which also may be NULL),
a String named "TABLE_NAME" that gives the name of the table,
a "TABLE_TYPE" column that gives the type for that particular table (one of the same values in the types[] array),
a "REMARKS" column that gives any explanatory comments about the table.
After we've obtained the information about the tables in the database we now need to examine the individual columns within those tables. That is the province of the getColumns() method. getColumns()函数的职责是获取这些表的每一列的信息。The getColumns() method has some peculiarities(独特性)—it shows that despite the fact that Java has defined some standard interfaces, that not all database driver authors quite live up to those standards. The method comment describes a set of columns that should be returned in the ResultSet when this method is executed. What I have found is that the results of the method can differ from this set. Most database drivers are completely compliant to the standard—for instance, IBM's native DB2 drivers, and Oracles native drivers (both using SQLLIB and their 100% pure Java drivers) do return the stated set of columns. However, when you use the Intersolve's JDBC driver for Oracle with the JDBC-ODBC bridge, you get a different set. The moral is that you should still be careful about what drivers you use—always use the latest driver available.
getColumns()函数具有一些独特性,表现为,尽管Java定义了一些标准接口,但并不是所有driver的作者都严格遵循这些标准。这个函数的注释中描述了它执行完成后作为ResultSet返回的一些列。据我所知,这个函数的结果可以跟这些描述出的集合不一致。多数数据库的driver完全遵循这个标准,比如IBM的native DB2 driver,Oracle的native driver。然而,当你使用Intersolve的JDBC driver通过JDBC-ODBC桥连接Oracle时,你将得到一个不同的结果。其宗旨是,你应当谨慎你所使用的driver,应该总数使用最新的driver。
These methods allows us to construct instances of our DbTable class directly from the metadata representations of the tables stored in the database schema. The question that then arises is how should the tables be created from this information? One possibility would be to allow the DbTables to read them in themselves—since it's difficult to read in an object that hasn't yet been instantiated, this could presumably be done through a static method in the DbTable class. But that isn't the best solution, since the process of creating a set of DbTables involves quite a lot of data manipulation, as we can see from the previous two methods.
The best solution would be to create a new class whose purpose is to read tables. Let's call it (appropriately enough) TableReader. This is an application of a coding pattern that Kent Beck calls "Method Object". It basically converts a single, long, confusing method into a simple, easy-to-understand class.
The first method we want to examine in TableReader is readTables():
public void readTables() throws SQLException {
DatabaseMetaData metadata = null;
Connection currentConnection =
metadata = currentConnection.getMetaData();
String[] names = {"TABLE"};
ResultSet tableNames = metadata.getTables(null,"%", "%", names);
while (tableNames.next()) {
DbTable table = new DbTable(tableNames.getString("TABLE_NAME"));
readTableColumns(metadata, table);
The first thing we do in this method is obtain a database connection—this uses the DbToolkit class that we'll examine later—for now just assume that it's a valid open connection. Next we get the DatabaseMetadata using getMetadata()and then ask the metadata for the getTables() result set. We can then iterate over the set of results in the result set and create the DbTable instances that correspond to each of the table names in the result set. After instantiating each new instance, we then call the method readTableColumns()to get the column information, as is shown below:
public void readTableColumns(DatabaseMetaData meta, DbTable table) throws SQLException {
ResultSet columns =
meta.getColumns(null, "%", table.getTableName(), "%");
while (columns.next()) {
String columnName = columns.getString("COLUMN_NAME");
String datatype = columns.getString("TYPE_NAME");
int datasize = columns.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE");
int digits = columns.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS");
int nullable = columns.getInt("NULLABLE");
boolean isNull = (nullable == 1);
DbColumn newColumn =
new DbColumn(columnName, datatype, datasize, digits, isNull);
This method basically reflects the previous method—it obtains the Column information from the database metadata using the getColumns() method, and then iterates through the columns creating an instance of DbColumn and filling it out with the appropriate information. By the time these two methods complete we have our tables Vector filled with instances of DbTable containing DbColumns matching the metadata currently in the database. We can then begin modifying the metadata and creating modification commands as we saw in the previous article, and later replay the commands back on to the database.
Applying Commands
There are two more pieces of "Magic" from the previous article that we need to examine in order to understand how our design interacts with the classes in the JDBC. One of the things that was explicitly left out of our previous discussion was how the database commands actually get executed so that the actual tables state changes to match that of our internal table representation.
In the previous article we discussed a method called generateSQLWith() that worked with the DbTable and the Command classes through to generate the appropriate SQL statements to perform each command in a particular platform-specific way. What we left out was the details of how that SQL is executed. It turns out that solving that is in itself is another interesting trip into the differences between database implementations.
The simplest and most straightforward way to execute these database commands happens when any commands, be they ANSI SQL or vendor-specific stored procedures or additional command syntax can be processed by the database drivers in the same way. Both Oracle and SQL Server are alike in this respect, in that a user with appropriate DBA privileges can execute any SQL command or vendor command. The solution in this case looks like the following, which is the execute() method in the OracleSqlGenerator class
public void execute(String sqlText) {
Connection current = null;
try {
current = DbToolkit.getCurrent().getConnection ();
Statement stmt = current.createStatement();
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("Unexpected Exception: " + e);
Here we simply use the standard features of the JDBC to create a Statement from a Connection, and then execute an update command (JDBC considers any SQL statement that is NOT expected to return a ResultSet (i.e. a SELECT statement) to be an update). In this example we capture the SQLExceptions locally and handle them by ignoring them. In a production system the commands would all need to be executed together in a single transaction—we would then have to use Connection.commit() at the end of all of the statements, or Connection.rollback() if any of them failed.
The execute() method is called with each of the buildXXXSQL() methods in the SqlGenerator classes. This allows us to execute the entire stack of commands held by the TableBuilder at a single go, like the following shows:
public void executeStack(SQLGenerator gen) {
Enumeration enum = commands.elements();
DbTable inProgress = originalTable.copy();
while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
AbstractCommand next = (AbstractCommand) enum.nextElement();
next.generateSQLWith(gen, inProgress);
The code is easy to understand. It simply iterates through the stack of commands, instructing them first to generate (and execute) their SQL equivalents, and then apply themselves to the table in progress. What is slightly more interesting is the need to have the beginStack() and endStack() statements surrounding the execution code. The reason for this gets into another story about how flexible design helps deal with unexpected requirements.
Lately I decided to add another database to the list of databases supported in the previous article. I had recently installed DB2 Universal in order to work with some of IBM's e-business products and thought it would be helpful to be able to administer my table schemas on DB2 in the same way as Oracle and SQL Server. It seemed straightforward—I added a new SqlGenerator subclass called DB2SqlGenerator that handled the SQL generation for the commands to add, rename and delete columns, and I thought that I would be up and running in record time. What stymied (妨碍) me was the implementation of the execute() statement in DB2SqlGenerator.
DB2 comes with a set of utility programs (like Oracle and SQL Server) that can dump data from a database onto a flat file, and recover it in the same way. Since DB2 doesn't include specific ways to delete or rename columns (unlike Oracle or SQL Server) I discovered I would have to implement the following procedure to change a table:
Export selected columns of the old table to a flat file
DROP the table
CREATE a new table (with fewer columns, or renamed columns)
Import the data from the flat file into the new table
The problem is that the Export and Import commands cannot be executed from a JDBC database driver like they can in the other databases. These commands can only be executed through a special command-line interface that is provided with DB2. So instead of using the previous solution of executing updates through JDBC, I had to take another tack, first create a flat file containing the commands executed during a session, and then invoke the DB2 Command line interface tool. Unfortunately, there's a pretty significant overhead to invoking the tool—on my 166 Mhz Pentium Windows NT machine, it takes a couple of seconds for the command line prompt to come up before it executes any commands, and another couple of seconds to shutdown after the commands are executed.
I therefore concluded that I would have to place all of the commands into a single batch file for execution. After examining my design, I decided that I just needed to open a file at the beginning of the executeStack()method and close it at the end. But how could I do this without coding DB2-specific dependencies into a class that should be generic to all databases? The inspiration to my solution to that problem came from the pages of Design Patterns in the form of two hook methods.
Design Patterns discusses the use of special "do-nothing" methods called hooks in the context of the Template Method pattern. A Template Method is a concrete method that is defined in an abstract superclass that relies on behavior that has been deferred to the subclasses. A special type of method that Template Methods may call is a "hook" method that does absolutely nothing in the superclass. Subclasses may choose to override this behavior to do something at some specific point in the processing of the template method.
A perfect instance of this is the start() and stop() methods of Applet. Applet implements default versions of these methods that don't do anything. Subclasses of Applet can override this behavior to do things like opening or closing network or JDBC connections, beginning or ending animations, etc. You don't necessarily have to be using the Template Method pattern to use the hook idea, though. Any method can call hook methods, as long as it is understood that the receiver of the method may be the class the hook is defined in, or any subclass of that class.
This was the perfect solution to my problem. I implemented "Do-nothing" hooks called beginStack() and endStack() in my abstract SqlGenerator class and added the calls to those methods into executeStack(). My code worked for Oracle and SQL Server exactly as it had before. However, this allowed me to add an implementation of beginStack() in DB2SqlGenerator that opened the command file, and an implementation of endStack() that closed the command file and invoked the command line tool using that file as a parameter. I avoided a major rewrite of my classes, and avoided messy conditional code as well.
Singleton, Abstract Factory and Factory Method
Having done everything so far described, I was left with two final problems to complete my domain design. The unanswered questions were: How would I know what kind of SQLGenerator subclass to instantiate when I needed to execute a stack, and how do I know how to connect to the particular kind of database I needed to execute the command against? The answers to these two questions came together in a single class hierarchy.
Since I decided to solve the former before the latter, let's discuss them in that order. Since the syntax of the Driver.connect() connection string differ from database to database I decided to create a hierarchy of classes that would be able to create connect to each database, and hold that database connection. I created an abstract DbToolkit class and a subclass for each Database type. The DbToolkit defined an abstract method called makeConnection() that hid the details of the particular database connection from the rest of the system. Each subclass defined it in its own specific way.
Once I had made that decision, I realized that, in effect, the DbToolkit was acting like a kind of AbstractFactory (ala Design Patterns). It was a short hop from that decision to then deciding to use the Factory Method pattern to make the DbToolkit also responsible for creating instances of SqlGenerator subclasses. I added another abstract method in DbToolkit called getGenerator() that created and returned an instance of a SQLGenerator. In this way, I was able to hide from the rest of the system what particular kind of SQLGenerator I was using. The getGenerator() method was acting like a Factory Method in that simply produced a product of a particular type - the subclasses decided what particular class of product to instantiate. The following diagram shows the dependencies that emerged from this design
Each SQLGenerator depends on the DbToolkit to obtain the Connection that it needs to execute its SQL, but other classes decide on what kind of SQLGenerator to obtain by asking the Toolkit to create an instance. DbToolkit is itself an instance of another pattern - the Singleton pattern. Since we can safely assume that we will be working with only one database at a time in our design, we can make DbToolkit contain a singleton instance of one of its subclasses in a class variable. Of course, the changes to allow multiple databases to be available at a single time would not be very complicated.
So, let's summarize these two articles by looking at the following table, which shows the patterns we've used, and the classes in our design that participated in those patterns.
Pattern Participants
Command AbstractCommand and subclasses
Strategy SqlGenerator and subclasses
Builder TableBuilder
AbstractFactory, FactoryMethod, Singleton DbToolkit
The final tally shows that we used six design patterns (seven if you count the almost-use of Template Method). Not bad for a design that has less than twenty classes!
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