
2024-01-24 12:04


roots(x, subset = NULL)

        在 taxonomy 中查找根节点类群的索引值。

> x <- taxonomy(c('Carnivora', 'Felidae', 'Panthera', 'Panthera leo',
+                 'Panthera tigris', 'Ursidae', 'Ursus', 'Ursus arctos'),
+               supertaxa = c(NA, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 6, 7))> roots(x)
[1] 1> roots(x, subset = 2:8)
[1] 2 6

stems(x, value = NULL, ...)


> x <- taxonomy(c('Carnivora', 'Felidae', 'Panthera', 'Panthera leo',
+                 'Panthera tigris'),
+               supertaxa = c(NA, 1, 2, 3, 3))
> x <- c(x, x)> stems(x)
[1] 1 2[[2]]
[1] 6 7> stems(x, value = tax_name(x))
[1] "Carnivora" "Felidae"  [[2]]
[1] "Carnivora" "Felidae"  > x
1: Carnivora
└─2: Felidae└─3: Panthera├─4: Panthera leo└─5: Panthera tigris
6: Carnivora
└─7: Felidae└─8: Panthera├─9: Panthera leo└─10: Panthera tigris

subtaxa(x, subset = NULL, max_depth = NULL, include = FALSE, value = NULL, ...)


# Generate example data
x <- taxonomy(c('Carnivora', 'Felidae', 'Panthera', 'Panthera leo',
'Panthera tigris', 'Ursidae', 'Ursus', 'Ursus arctos'),
supertaxa = c(NA, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 6, 7))
# The indexes of all subtaxa (with subtaxa of subtaxa, etc) for each taxon
# The indexes of immediate subtaxa (without subtaxa of subtaxa, etc) for each taxon
subtaxa(x, max_depth = 1)
# Return something other than index
subtaxa(x, value = tax_name(x))
# Include each taxon with its subtaxa
subtaxa(x, value = tax_name(x), include = TRUE)
# Only return data for some taxa (faster than subsetting the whole result)
subtaxa(x, subset = 3)

supertaxa( x, subset = NULL, max_depth = NULL, include = FALSE, value = NULL, use_na = FALSE, ... )


# Generate example data
x <- taxonomy(c('Carnivora', 'Felidae', 'Panthera', 'Panthera leo',
'Panthera tigris', 'Ursidae', 'Ursus', 'Ursus arctos'),
supertaxa = c(NA, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 6, 7))
# The indexes of all supertaxa (with supertaxa of supertaxa, etc) for each taxon
# Return something other than index
supertaxa(x, value = tax_name(x))
# Include each taxon with its supertaxa
supertaxa(x, value = tax_name(x), include = TRUE)
# Only return data for some taxa (faster than subsetting the whole result)
supertaxa(x, subset = 3)




【前端学习】AntV G6-08 深入图形与图形分组、自定义节点、节点动画(下)

【课程链接】 AntV G6:深入图形与图形分组、自定义节点、节点动画(下)_哔哩哔哩_bilibili 本章十吾老师讲解了一个复杂的自定义节点中,应该怎样去计算和绘制图形,如何给一个图形制作不间断的动画,以及在鼠标事件之后产生动画。(有点难,需要好好理解) <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>06

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day-51 合并零之间的节点

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项目主页:https://tangyuan96.github.io/minigpt_3d_project_page/ 代码:https://github.com/TangYuan96/MiniGPT-3D 论文:https://arxiv.org/pdf/2405.01413 MiniGPT-3D在多个任务上取得了SoTA,被ACM MM2024接收,只拥有47.8M的可训练参数,在一张RTX

如何确定 Go 语言中 HTTP 连接池的最佳参数?

确定 Go 语言中 HTTP 连接池的最佳参数可以通过以下几种方式: 一、分析应用场景和需求 并发请求量: 确定应用程序在特定时间段内可能同时发起的 HTTP 请求数量。如果并发请求量很高,需要设置较大的连接池参数以满足需求。例如,对于一个高并发的 Web 服务,可能同时有数百个请求在处理,此时需要较大的连接池大小。可以通过压力测试工具模拟高并发场景,观察系统在不同并发请求下的性能表现,从而


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C语言指针入门 《C语言非常道》

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