# 时间字段:f_create_time
# 金额字段:f_trans_amount
# 开始时间:start_time
# 结束时间:end_time# 按年汇总
select to_char(f_create_time, 'YYYY') as t, count(*) as total_count,sum(f_trans_amount) as total_amount
from table_name
where f_create_time between start_time and end_time
group by t;# 按月汇总
select to_char(f_create_time, 'YYYY-MM') as t, count(*) as total_count,sum(f_trans_amount) as total_amount
from table_name
where f_create_time between start_time and end_time
group by t;# 按天汇总 方式一
select to_char(f_create_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as t, count(*) as total_count,sum(f_trans_amount) as total_amount
from table_name
where f_create_time between start_time and end_time
group by t;# 按天汇总 方式二
COUNT(*) AS count,
SUM(f_trans_amount) AS total_amount
FROM table_name
WHERE f_create_time >= '2020-01-01 00:00:00'
AND f_create_time <= '2020-03-01 23:59:59'
GROUP BY f_create_time::date
order by 1;# 按小时汇总
select to_char(f_create_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24') as t, count(*) as total_count,sum(f_trans_amount) as total_amount
from table_name
where f_create_time between start_time and end_time
group by t;# 按分钟汇总
select to_char(f_create_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') as t, count(*) as total_count,sum(f_trans_amount) as total_amount
from table_name
where f_create_time between start_time and end_time
group by t;# 按秒汇总
select to_char(f_create_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as t, count(*) as total_count,sum(f_trans_amount) as total_amount
from table_name
where f_create_time between start_time and end_time
group by t;