The Calling of Saint Matthew, Caravaggio, 1599-1600

2024-01-17 02:59

本文主要是介绍The Calling of Saint Matthew, Caravaggio, 1599-1600,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


The Calling of Saint Matthew,
Caravaggio, 1599-1600











Thus, not unlike the scene over the dinner table, portrayed in Supper at Emmaus (1601, National Gallery, London), Caravaggio shows us that miracles occur in the midst of the most mundane situations.



  这是一个什么故事?(what is its subject?)

  这个地方不是酒馆/赌场,而是一个custom house(海关)。指的人就是Jesus,被指的人叫Matthew,Jesus对Mstthew说“follow me”(让他成为apostle(传教士)),然后Matthew就站起来跟着Jesus走了。Matthew的职业是tax collector。站在Jesus Christ旁边的人不是这个地方的伙计,而是跟随Jesus的Saint Peter。(故事来源:Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 9:9))




Subject matter[edit]

The painting depicts the story from the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 9:9): "Jesus saw a man named Matthew at his seat in the custom house, and said to him, "Follow me", and Matthew rose and followed Him." Caravaggio depicts Matthew the tax collector sitting at a table with four other men. Jesus Christ and Saint Peter have entered the room, and Jesus is pointing at Matthew. A beam of light illuminates the faces of the men at the table who are looking at Jesus Christ.

Identity of Matthew[edit]

There is some debate over which man in the picture is Saint Matthew, as the surprised gesture of the bearded man at the table can be read in two ways.

Most writers on the Calling assume Saint Matthew to be the bearded man, and see him to be pointing at himself, as if to ask "Me?" in response to Christ's summons. This theory is strengthened when one takes into consideration the other two works in this series, The Inspiration of Saint Matthew, and The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew. The bearded man who models as Saint Matthew appears in all three works, with him unequivocally playing the role of Saint Matthew in both the "Inspiration" and the "Martyrdom".

A more recent interpretation proposes that the bearded man is in fact pointing at the young man at the end of the table, whose head is slumped. In this reading, the bearded man is asking "Him?" in response to Christ's summons, and the painting is depicting the moment immediately before a young Matthew raises his head to see Christ. Other writers describe the painting as deliberately ambiguous.[1]



In addition, the ray of light illuminating their faces, draws attention to the two youths, who appear rather lost in this group of older men. While one of them draws back in apprehension and looks to his older neighbour for protection, the other has turned to confront Christ, causing Saint Peter to gesture firmly for calm. Through the visual contrast between their reactions, Caravaggio displays psychological insight into two possible patterns of human behaviour in the same situation.

  2.Jesus和Saint Peter的脚居然是赤裸的!和tax collector的靴子形成了鲜明的对比!

Here, for instance, the dandyish tax-collector and his fashionably-dressed associates - all busily counting the day's proceeds - are contrasted with the barefoot Christ.

  3. 中间的Matthew在和Jesus沟通的同时,右手还覆盖在桌上的钱上!(所以这么注重钱的人怎么就立刻跟着Jesus走了??)

 So as well as casting his gaze on a sinner like Levi, Jesus is shown to shine the cleansing light of faith into Levi's dark habitat of financial greed. Notice, for example, how Levi keeps his right hand on the coin he was counting before being interrupted by Christ.


The Church saw Christ as a second Adam, a view acknowledged by the fact that Christ's gesture as he indicates Levi, is almost identical to Adam's gesture in The Creation of Adam (1511), part of the Genesis Fresco in the Sistine Chapel, by Michelangelo.


But Caravaggio's masterpiece is no film, and Levi's moment of uncertainty - juxtaposed with the monumental certainty of Jesus Christ - will last for ever.






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