本文主要是介绍【2020-2024持续更新】Echo State Network和储层计算论文汇总!包括经典ESN、DeepESN、组合ESN和综述!,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
关键词:ESN、Echo state network、Reservoir Computing
1 综述
- Gallicchio, Claudio and Alessio Micheli. “Deep Echo State Network (DeepESN): A Brief Survey.” ArXiv abs/1712.04323 (2017): n. pag.
- Sun, Chenxi et al. “A Systematic Review of Echo State Networks From Design to Application.” IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence 5 (2024): 23-37.
- Soltani, Rebh et al. “Echo State Network Optimization: A Systematic Literature Review.” Neural Processing Letters 55 (2023): 10251-10285.
- Xu Y. A review of machine learning with echo state networks[J]. Proj. Rep, 2020.
- Margin D A, Dobrota V. Overview of Echo State Networks using Different Reservoirs and Activation Functions[C]//2021 20th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet). IEEE, 2021: 1-6.
- Sun, Chenxi et al. “A Review of Designs and Applications of Echo State Networks.” ArXiv abs/2012.02974 (2020): n. pag.
- Sun, Chenxi et al. “A Systematic Review of Echo State Networks From Design to Application.” IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence 5 (2024): 23-37.
2 ESN模型分类
2.1 ESN
- Manneschi, Luca et al. “Exploiting Multiple Timescales in Hierarchical Echo State Networks.” Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics (2021).
- Fourati R, Ammar B, Jin Y, et al. EEG feature learning with intrinsic plasticity based deep echo state network[C]//2020 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN). IEEE, 2020: 1-8.
- Liu, Qianwen et al. “Memory augmented echo state network for time series prediction.” Neural Computing and Applications (2023): 1-16.
- Akrami, Abbas et al. “Design of a reservoir for cloud-enabled echo state network with high clustering coefficient.” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2020 (2020): 1-14.
- Arroyo, Diana Carolina Roca. “A Modified Echo State Network Model Using Non-Random Topology.” (2023).
- Fu, Jun et al. “A double-cycle echo state network topology for time series prediction.” Chaos 33 9 (2023): n. pag.
- Akrami, Abbas et al. “Design of a reservoir for cloud-enabled echo state network with high clustering coefficient.” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2020 (2020): n. pag.
- Yang, Cuili and Zhanhong Wu. “Multi-objective sparse echo state network.” Neural Computing and Applications 35 (2022): 2867-2882.
- Tortorella, Domenico et al. “Spectral Bounds for Graph Echo State Network Stability.” 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (2022): 1-8.
- Zheng, Shoujing et al. “Improved Echo State Network With Multiple Activation Functions.” 2022 China Automation Congress (CAC) (2022): 346-350.
- Morra, Jacob and Mark Daley. “Imposing Connectome-Derived Topology on an Echo State Network.” 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (2022): 1-6.
- McDaniel, Shane et al. “Investigating Echo State Network Performance with Biologically-Inspired Hierarchical Network Structure.” 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (2022): 01-08.
- Yao, Xianshuang et al. “A stability criterion for discrete-time fractional-order echo state network and its application.” Soft Computing 25 (2021): 4823 - 4831.
- Mu, Xiaohui and Lixiang Li. “Memristor-based Echo State Network and Prediction for Time Series.” 2021 International Conference on Neuromorphic Computing (ICNC) (2021): 153-158.
- Mahmoud, Tarek A. and Lamiaa M. Elshenawy. “TSK fuzzy echo state neural network: a hybrid structure for black-box nonlinear systems identification.” Neural Computing and Applications 34 (2022): 7033 - 7051.
- Maksymov, Ivan S. et al. “Neural Echo State Network using oscillations of gas bubbles in water: Computational validation by Mackey-Glass time series forecasting.” Physical review. E 105 4-1 (2021): 044206 .
- Wang, Lei et al. “Design of sparse Bayesian echo state network for time series prediction.” Neural Computing and Applications 33 (2020): 7089 - 7102.
- Gong, Shangfu et al. “An Improved Small-World Topology for Optimizing the Performance of Echo State Network.” 2020 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications, Big Data & Cloud Computing, Sustainable Computing & Communications, Social Computing & Networking (ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom) (2020): 1413-1419.
- Iacob, Stefan et al. “Delay-Sensitive Local Plasticity in Echo State Networks.” 2023 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (2023): 1-8.
- Jordanou, Jean P. et al. “Investigation of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition for Echo State Networks.” Neurocomputing 548 (2022): 126395.
- Paassen, Benjamin et al. “Tree Echo State Autoencoders with Grammars.” 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (2020): 1-8.(有源码)
- Liu, Junxiu, et al. “Echo state network optimization using binary grey wolf algorithm.” Neurocomputing 385 (2020): 310-318.
- Trouvain, Nathan, et al. “Reservoirpy: an efficient and user-friendly library to design echo state networks.” International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.(源码)
- Hart, Allen, James Hook, and Jonathan Dawes. “Embedding and approximation theorems for echo state networks.” Neural Networks 128 (2020): 234-247.
- Morra, Jacob, and Mark Daley. “Imposing Connectome-Derived topology on an echo state network.” 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). IEEE, 2022.
- Na, Xiaodong, Weijie Ren, and Xinghan Xu. “Hierarchical delay-memory echo state network: A model designed for multi-step chaotic time series prediction.” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 102 (2021): 104229.
2.2 DeepESN
Deep Echo State Network
- Bouazizi, Samar et al. “Enhancing EEG-based emotion recognition using PSD-Grouped Deep Echo State Network.” JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science (2023): n. pag.
- Margin, Dan-Andrei et al. “Deep Reservoir Computing using Echo State Networks and Liquid State Machine.” 2022 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom) (2022): 208-213.
- Wang, Yuanhui et al. “A Weight Optimization Method of Deep Echo State Network Based on Improved Knowledge Evolution.” 2022 China Automation Congress (CAC) (2022): 395-400.
- Yang, Xiaojian et al. “An improved deep echo state network inspired by tissue-like P system forecasting for non-stationary time series.” Journal of Membrane Computing 4 (2022): 222 - 231.
- Kanda, Keiko and Sou Nobukawa. “Feature Extraction Mechanism for Each Layer of Deep Echo State Network.” 2022 International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Computational Intelligence (ICETCI) (2022): 65-70.
- Kim, Taehwan and Brian R. King. “Time series prediction using deep echo state networks.” Neural Computing and Applications (2020): 1-19.
- Hu, Ruihan et al. “Ensemble echo network with deep architecture for time-series modeling.” Neural Computing and Applications 33 (2020): 4997 - 5010.
- Ma, Qianli, Lifeng Shen, and Garrison W. Cottrell. “DeePr-ESN: A deep projection-encoding echo-state network.” Information Sciences 511 (2020): 152-171.
- Song, Zuohua, Keyu Wu, and Jie Shao. “Destination prediction using deep echo state network.” Neurocomputing 406 (2020): 343-353.
- Barredo Arrieta, Alejandro, et al. “On the post-hoc explainability of deep echo state networks for time series forecasting, image and video classification.” Neural Computing and Applications (2022): 1-21.(有源码)
2.3 组合ESN
- Lien, Justin. “Hypergraph Echo State Network.” ArXiv abs/2310.10177 (2023): n. pag.
- Deng, Lichi and Yuewei Pan. “Machine Learning Assisted Closed-Loop Reservoir Management using Echo State Network.” (2020).
- Trierweiler Ribeiro, Gabriel, et al. “Bayesian optimized echo state network applied to short-term load forecasting.” Energies 13.9 (2020): 2390.
3 开源论文
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- Robust optimization and validation ofecho state networksfor learning chaotic dynamics
- Gallicchio, Claudio and Alessio Micheli. “Deep Echo State Network (DeepESN): A Brief Survey.” ArXiv abs/1712.04323 (2017): n. pag.
- Steiner, Peter, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, and Peter Birkholz. “Cluster-based input weight initialization for echo state networks.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2022).
- Bianchi, Filippo Maria et al. “Bidirectional deep-readout echo state networks.” The European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (2017).
- Maat, Jacob Reinier et al. “Efficient Optimization of Echo State Networks for Time Series Datasets.” 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (2018): 1-7.
- Heim, Niklas and James E. Avery. “Adaptive Anomaly Detection in Chaotic Time Series with a Spatially Aware Echo State Network.” ArXiv abs/1909.01709 (2019): n. pag.
- Bianchi, Filippo Maria et al. “Reservoir Computing Approaches for Representation and Classification of Multivariate Time Series.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 32 (2018): 2169-2179.
- Lukoševičius, Mantas, and Arnas Uselis. “Efficient implementations of echo state network cross-validation.” Cognitive computation (2021): 1-15.
- Lukoševičius, Mantas and Arnas Uselis. “Efficient Cross-Validation of Echo State Networks.” International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (2019).
- Özdemir, Anil et al. “EchoVPR: Echo State Networks for Visual Place Recognition.” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters PP (2021): 1-1.
- Verzelli, Pietro et al. “Echo State Networks with Self-Normalizing Activations on the Hyper-Sphere.” Scientific Reports 9 (2019): n. pag.
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- Strock, Anthony et al. “A Simple Reservoir Model of Working Memory with Real Values.” 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (2018): 1-8.
- Zhang, Yuanzhao and Sean P. Cornelius. “Catch-22s of reservoir computing.” Physical Review Research (2022): n. pag.
- Gao, Ruobin et al. “Dynamic ensemble deep echo state network for significant wave height forecasting.” Applied Energy (2023): n. pag.
- Gallicchio, Claudio and Alessio Micheli. “Reservoir Topology in Deep Echo State Networks.” International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (2019).
- Lukoševičius, Mantas and Arnas Uselis. “Efficient Implementations of Echo State Network Cross-Validation.” Cognitive Computation 15 (2020): 1470 - 1484.
- Mattheakis, Marios et al. “Unsupervised Reservoir Computing for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations.” ArXiv abs/2108.11417 (2021): n. pag.
- Paassen, Benjamin et al. “Tree Echo State Autoencoders with Grammars.” 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (2020): 1-8.
- Evanusa, Matthew et al. “Hybrid Backpropagation Parallel Reservoir Networks.” ArXiv abs/2010.14611 (2020): n. pag.
- Trouvain, Nathan, et al. “Reservoirpy: an efficient and user-friendly library to design echo state networks.” International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
- Cossu, Andrea, et al. “Continual learning with echo state networks.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.07674 (2021).
- Gauthier, Daniel J., et al. “Next generation reservoir computing.” Nature communications 12.1 (2021): 5564.
- Vlachas, Pantelis R., et al. “Backpropagation algorithms and reservoir computing in recurrent neural networks for the forecasting of complex spatiotemporal dynamics.” Neural Networks 126 (2020): 191-217.
- Cucchi, Matteo, et al. “Hands-on reservoir computing: a tutorial for practical implementation.” Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering 2.3 (2022): 032002.(储层计算实践)
- Mattheakis, Marios, Hayden Joy, and Pavlos Protopapas. “Unsupervised reservoir computing for solving ordinary differential equations.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.11417 (2021).
- Barredo Arrieta, Alejandro, et al. “On the post-hoc explainability of deep echo state networks for time series forecasting, image and video classification.” Neural Computing and Applications (2022): 1-21.
4 储层计算相关研究
- Margin D A, Ivanciu I A, Dobrota V. Deep Reservoir Computing using Echo State Networks and Liquid State Machine[C]//2022 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom). IEEE, 2022: 208-213.
- Bianchi, Filippo Maria et al. “Reservoir Computing Approaches for Representation and Classification of Multivariate Time Series.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 32 (2018): 2169-2179.
- Chattopadhyay, Ashesh et al. “Data-driven prediction of a multi-scale Lorenz 96 chaotic system using deep learning methods: Reservoir computing, ANN, and RNN-LSTM.” (2019).
- Steiner, Peter, et al. “PyRCN: A toolbox for exploration and application of Reservoir Computing Networks.” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 113 (2022): 104964.
- Zhang, Yuanzhao and Sean P. Cornelius. “Catch-22s of reservoir computing.” Physical Review Research (2022): n. pag.
- Gallicchio, Claudio and Alessio Micheli. “Reservoir Topology in Deep Echo State Networks.” International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (2019).
- Margin, Dan-Andrei et al. “Deep Reservoir Computing using Echo State Networks and Liquid State Machine.” 2022 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom) (2022): 208-213.
- Manjunath, G… “Memory-Loss is Fundamental for Stability and Distinguishes the Echo State Property Threshold in Reservoir Computing & Beyond.” ArXiv abs/2001.00766 (2020): n. pag.
- Margin, Dan-Andrei et al. “Deep Reservoir Computing using Echo State Networks and Liquid State Machine.” 2022 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom) (2022): 208-213.
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- Sun, Xiaochuan et al. “Towards Fault Tolerance of Reservoir Computing in Time Series Prediction.” Inf. 14 (2023): 266.
- Lee, Kundo and Tomoki Hamagami. “Reservoir Computing for Scalable Hardware with Block‐Based Neural Network.” IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 16 (2021): n. pag.
- Ren, Bin and Huanfei Ma. “Global optimization of hyper-parameters in reservoir computing.” Electronic Research Archive (2022): n. pag.
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- Bendali, Wadie et al. “Optimization of Deep Reservoir Computing with Binary Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Time Horizon Forecasting of Power Consumption.” Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (2022): n. pag.
- Bacciu, Davide et al. “Federated Reservoir Computing Neural Networks.” 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (2021): 1-7.
- Mattheakis, Marios et al. “Unsupervised Reservoir Computing for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations.” ArXiv abs/2108.11417 (2021): n. pag.(有源码)
- Love, Jake et al. “Task Agnostic Metrics for Reservoir Computing.” ArXiv abs/2108.01512 (2021): n. pag.
- Heyder, Florian et al. “Generalizability of reservoir computing for flux-driven two-dimensional convection.” Physical review. E 106 5-2 (2021): 055303 .
- Honda, Hirotada. “A novel framework for reservoir computing with inertial manifolds.” 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC) (2021): 347-352.
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- Doan, Nguyen Anh Khoa et al. “Auto-Encoded Reservoir Computing for Turbulence Learning.” ArXiv abs/2012.10968 (2020): n. pag.
- Gallicchio, Claudio et al. “Frontiers in Reservoir Computing.” The European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (2020).
- Evanusa, Matthew et al. “Hybrid Backpropagation Parallel Reservoir Networks.” ArXiv abs/2010.14611 (2020): n. pag.(有源码)
- Kleyko, Denis, et al. “Integer echo state networks: Efficient reservoir computing for digital hardware.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 33.4 (2020): 1688-1701.
- Huhn, Francisco, and Luca Magri. “Gradient-free optimization of chaotic acoustics with reservoir computing.” Physical Review Fluids 7.1 (2022): 014402.
- Alomar, Miquel L., et al. “Efficient parallel implementation of reservoir computing systems.” Neural Computing and Applications 32 (2020): 2299-2313.
- Manneschi, Luca, Andrew C. Lin, and Eleni Vasilaki. “SpaRCe: Improved learning of reservoir computing systems through sparse representations.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2021).
- Damicelli, Fabrizio, Claus C. Hilgetag, and Alexandros Goulas. “Brain connectivity meets reservoir computing.” PLoS Computational Biology 18.11 (2022): e1010639.
- Gauthier, Daniel J., et al. “Next generation reservoir computing.” Nature communications 12.1 (2021): 5564.(有源码)
- Gallicchio, Claudio. “Sparsity in reservoir computing neural networks.” 2020 International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA). IEEE, 2020.
- Vlachas, Pantelis R., et al. “Backpropagation algorithms and reservoir computing in recurrent neural networks for the forecasting of complex spatiotemporal dynamics.” Neural Networks 126 (2020): 191-217.
- Cucchi, Matteo, et al. “Hands-on reservoir computing: a tutorial for practical implementation.” Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering 2.3 (2022): 032002.(有源码)(储层计算实践)
- Lim, Soon Hoe, et al. “Predicting critical transitions in multiscale dynamical systems using reservoir computing.” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 30.12 (2020).
- Mattheakis, Marios, Hayden Joy, and Pavlos Protopapas. “Unsupervised reservoir computing for solving ordinary differential equations.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.11417 (2021).(有源码)
5 应用
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- Viehweg J, Worthmann K, Mäder P. Parameterizing echo state networks for multi-step time series prediction[J]. Neurocomputing, 2023, 522: 214-228.
- Bai, Yu-ting et al. “Nonstationary Time Series Prediction Based on Deep Echo State Network Tuned by Bayesian Optimization.” Mathematics (2023): n. pag.
- Bianchi, Filippo Maria et al. “Reservoir Computing Approaches for Representation and Classification of Multivariate Time Series.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 32 (2018): 2169-2179.
- Özdemir, Anil et al. “EchoVPR: Echo State Networks for Visual Place Recognition.” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters PP (2021): 1-1.
- Gao, Ruobin et al. “Dynamic ensemble deep echo state network for significant wave height forecasting.” Applied Energy (2023): n. pag.
- Liu, Qianwen et al. “Memory augmented echo state network for time series prediction.” Neural Computing and Applications (2023): 1-16.
- Deng, Lichi and Yuewei Pan. “Machine-Learning-Assisted Closed-Loop Reservoir Management Using Echo State Network for Mature Fields under Waterflood.” Spe Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 23 (2020): n. pag.
- Mandal, Swarnendu and Manish Dev Shrimali. “Learning unidirectional coupling using echo-state network.” Physical review. E 107 6-1 (2023): 064205 .
- Koprinkova-Hristova, Petia D. et al. “Echo state network for features extraction and segmentation of tomography images.” Computer Science and Information Systems (2023): n. pag.
- Bouazizi, Samar et al. “Enhancing EEG-based emotion recognition using PSD-Grouped Deep Echo State Network.” JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science (2023): n. pag.
- Soltani, Rebh et al. “Optimized Echo State Network based on PSO and Gradient Descent for Choatic Time Series Prediction.” 2022 IEEE 34th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI) (2022): 747-754.
- Caremel, Cedric et al. “Echo State Network for Soft Actuator Control.” J. Robotics Mechatronics 34 (2022): 413-421.
- Ren, Weijie et al. “Time series prediction based on echo state network tuned by divided adaptive multi-objective differential evolution algorithm.” Soft Computing 25 (2021): 4489 - 4502.
- Na, Yongsu et al. “Near real-time predictions of tropical cyclone trajectory and intensity in the northwestern Pacific Ocean using echo state network.” Climate Dynamics 58 (2021): 651 - 667.
- Gandhi, Manjunath. “An Echo State Network Imparts a Curve Fitting.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 33 (2021): 2596-2604.
- Jere, Shashank et al. “Channel Equalization Through Reservoir Computing: A Theoretical Perspective.” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 12 (2023): 774-778.
- Jordanou, Jean P. et al. “Echo State Networks for Practical Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Unknown Dynamic Systems.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 33 (2021): 2615-2629.
- Kim, Taehwan and Brian R. King. “Time series prediction using deep echo state networks.” Neural Computing and Applications (2020): 1-19.
- Simov, Kiril Ivanov et al. “A Reservoir Computing Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation.” Cognitive Computation 15 (2020): 1409 - 1418.
- Cossu, Andrea, et al. “Continual learning with echo state networks.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.07674 (2021).(有源码)
- Fourati, Rahma, et al. “EEG feature learning with intrinsic plasticity based deep echo state network.” 2020 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN). IEEE, 2020.
- Fourati, Rahma, et al. “Unsupervised learning in reservoir computing for eeg-based emotion recognition.” IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 13.2 (2020): 972-984.
这篇关于【2020-2024持续更新】Echo State Network和储层计算论文汇总!包括经典ESN、DeepESN、组合ESN和综述!的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!