管理驾驶舱是基于ERP的高层决策支持系统。通过详尽的指标体系,实时反映企业的运行 状态,将采集的数据形象化、直观化、具体化。“管理驾驶舱”充分融合了人脑科学、管理科学和信息科学的精华,以人为产品的核心,从管理者的决策环境、企业 管理综合指标的定义以及信息的表述,都围绕着激发人的智能、有利于思维连贯和有效思维判断为目的。将企业管理决策提升到一个新的高度。最大化地发挥高层经 理了解、领导和控制公司业务的管理室(即驾驶舱),实际上是一个为高层管理层提供的“一站式”(One-Stop)决策支持的管理信息中心系统。它以驾驶 舱的形式,通过各种常见的图表(速度表、音量柱、预警雷达、雷达球)形象标示企业运行的关键指标(KPI),直观的监测企业运营情况,并可以对异常关键指 标预警,和

/* 廖强 */
var jg_ok, jg_ie, jg_fast, jg_dom, jg_moz;
function _chkDHTM(x, i) {
x = document.body || null ;
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typeof x.appendChild != " undefined " &&
typeof document.createRange != " undefined " &&
typeof (i = document.createRange()).setStartBefore != " undefined " &&
typeof i.createContextualFragment != " undefined " );
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jg_moz = jg_dom && typeof x.style.MozOpacity != " undefined " ;
jg_ok = !! (jg_ie || jg_dom);
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var x = this .wnd.document.createRange();
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x = x.createContextualFragment(jg_fast ? this ._htmRpc() : this .htm);
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function _pntCnvIe() {
if ( this .cnv) this .cnv.insertAdjacentHTML( " BeforeEnd " , jg_fast ? this ._htmRpc() : this .htm);
this .htm = "" ;
function _pntDoc() {
this .wnd.document.write(jg_fast ? this ._htmRpc() : this .htm);
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this .htm += ' <div style="position:absolute; ' +
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' background-color: ' + this .color +
( ! jg_moz ? ' ;overflow:hidden ' : '' ) +
' ;"><\/div> ' ;
function _mkDivIe(x, y, w, h) {
this .htm += ' %% ' + this .color + ' ; ' + x + ' ; ' + y + ' ; ' + w + ' ; ' + h + ' ; ' ;
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this .htm += ' <div style="position:absolute; ' +
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( ! jg_moz ? ' ;overflow:hidden ' : '' ) +
' ;"><\/div> ' ;
var _regex = / %%([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+); / g;
function _htmRpc() {
return this .htm.replace(
' <div style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;background-color: ' +
' $1;left:$2;top:$3;width:$4;height:$5"></div>\n ' );
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return this .htm.replace(
' <div style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;background-color: ' +
' $1;left:$2;top:$3;width:$4;height:$5;border-left:$4px solid $1"></div>\n ' );
function _mkLin(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if (x1 > x2) {
var _x2 = x2;
var _y2 = y2;
x2 = x1;
y2 = y1;
x1 = _x2;
y1 = _y2;
var dx = x2 - x1, dy = Math.abs(y2 - y1),
x = x1, y = y1,
yIncr = (y1 > y2) ? - 1 : 1 ;
if (dx >= dy) {
var pr = dy << 1 ,
pru = pr - (dx << 1 ),
p = pr - dx,
ox = x;
while (dx > 0 ) {
-- dx;
++ x;
if (p > 0 ) {
this ._mkDiv(ox, y, x - ox, 1 );
y += yIncr;
p += pru;
ox = x;
else p += pr;
this ._mkDiv(ox, y, x2 - ox + 1 , 1 );
else {
var pr = dx << 1 ,
pru = pr - (dy << 1 ),
p = pr - dy,
oy = y;
if (y2 <= y1) {
while (dy > 0 ) {
-- dy;
if (p > 0 ) {
this ._mkDiv(x ++ , y, 1 , oy - y + 1 );
y += yIncr;
p += pru;
oy = y;
else {
y += yIncr;
p += pr;
this ._mkDiv(x2, y2, 1 , oy - y2 + 1 );
else {
while (dy > 0 ) {
-- dy;
y += yIncr;
if (p > 0 ) {
this ._mkDiv(x ++ , oy, 1 , y - oy);
p += pru;
oy = y;
else p += pr;
this ._mkDiv(x2, oy, 1 , y2 - oy + 1 );
function _mkLin2D(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if (x1 > x2) {
var _x2 = x2;
var _y2 = y2;
x2 = x1;
y2 = y1;
x1 = _x2;
y1 = _y2;
var dx = x2 - x1, dy = Math.abs(y2 - y1),
x = x1, y = y1,
yIncr = (y1 > y2) ? - 1 : 1 ;
var s = this .stroke;
if (dx >= dy) {
if (dx > 0 && s - 3 > 0 ) {
var _s = (s * dx * Math.sqrt( 1 + dy * dy / (dx * dx)) - dx - (s >> 1 ) * dy) / dx;
_s = ( ! (s - 4 ) ? Math.ceil(_s) : Math.round(_s)) + 1 ;
else var _s = s;
var ad = Math.ceil(s / 2 );
var pr = dy << 1 ,
pru = pr - (dx << 1 ),
p = pr - dx,
ox = x;
while (dx > 0 ) {
-- dx;
++ x;
if (p > 0 ) {
this ._mkDiv(ox, y, x - ox + ad, _s);
y += yIncr;
p += pru;
ox = x;
else p += pr;
this ._mkDiv(ox, y, x2 - ox + ad + 1 , _s);
else {
if (s - 3 > 0 ) {
var _s = (s * dy * Math.sqrt( 1 + dx * dx / (dy * dy)) - (s >> 1 ) * dx - dy) / dy;
_s = ( ! (s - 4 ) ? Math.ceil(_s) : Math.round(_s)) + 1 ;
else var _s = s;
var ad = Math.round(s / 2 );
var pr = dx << 1 ,
pru = pr - (dy << 1 ),
p = pr - dy,
oy = y;
if (y2 <= y1) {
++ ad;
while (dy > 0 ) {
-- dy;
if (p > 0 ) {
this ._mkDiv(x ++ , y, _s, oy - y + ad);
y += yIncr;
p += pru;
oy = y;
else {
y += yIncr;
p += pr;
this ._mkDiv(x2, y2, _s, oy - y2 + ad);
else {
while (dy > 0 ) {
-- dy;
y += yIncr;
if (p > 0 ) {
this ._mkDiv(x ++ , oy, _s, y - oy + ad);
p += pru;
oy = y;
else p += pr;
this ._mkDiv(x2, oy, _s, y2 - oy + ad + 1 );
function _mkLinDott(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if (x1 > x2) {
var _x2 = x2;
var _y2 = y2;
x2 = x1;
y2 = y1;
x1 = _x2;
y1 = _y2;
var dx = x2 - x1, dy = Math.abs(y2 - y1),
x = x1, y = y1,
yIncr = (y1 > y2) ? - 1 : 1 ,
drw = true ;
if (dx >= dy) {
var pr = dy << 1 ,
pru = pr - (dx << 1 ),
p = pr - dx;
while (dx > 0 ) {
-- dx;
if (drw) this ._mkDiv(x, y, 1 , 1 );
drw = ! drw;
if (p > 0 ) {
y += yIncr;
p += pru;
else p += pr;
++ x;
else {
var pr = dx << 1 ,
pru = pr - (dy << 1 ),
p = pr - dy;
while (dy > 0 ) {
-- dy;
if (drw) this ._mkDiv(x, y, 1 , 1 );
drw = ! drw;
y += yIncr;
if (p > 0 ) {
++ x;
p += pru;
else p += pr;
if (drw) this ._mkDiv(x, y, 1 , 1 );
function _mkOv(left, top, width, height) {
var a = ( ++ width) >> 1 , b = ( ++ height) >> 1 ,
wod = width & 1 , hod = height & 1 ,
cx = left + a, cy = top + b,
x = 0 , y = b,
ox = 0 , oy = b,
aa2 = (a * a) << 1 , aa4 = aa2 << 1 , bb2 = (b * b) << 1 , bb4 = bb2 << 1 ,
st = (aa2 >> 1 ) * ( 1 - (b << 1 )) + bb2,
tt = (bb2 >> 1 ) - aa2 * ((b << 1 ) - 1 ),
w, h;
while (y > 0 ) {
if (st < 0 ) {
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x);
else if (tt < 0 ) {
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 ) - aa4 * (y - 1 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x) - aa2 * (((y -- ) << 1 ) - 3 );
w = x - ox;
h = oy - y;
if ((w & 2 ) && (h & 2 )) {
this ._mkOvQds(cx, cy, x - 2 , y + 2 , 1 , 1 , wod, hod);
this ._mkOvQds(cx, cy, x - 1 , y + 1 , 1 , 1 , wod, hod);
else this ._mkOvQds(cx, cy, x - 1 , oy, w, h, wod, hod);
ox = x;
oy = y;
else {
tt -= aa2 * ((y << 1 ) - 3 );
st -= aa4 * ( -- y);
w = a - ox + 1 ;
h = (oy << 1 ) + hod;
y = cy - oy;
this ._mkDiv(cx - a, y, w, h);
this ._mkDiv(cx + ox + wod - 1 , y, w, h);
function _mkOv2D(left, top, width, height) {
var s = this .stroke;
width += s + 1 ;
height += s + 1 ;
var a = width >> 1 , b = height >> 1 ,
wod = width & 1 , hod = height & 1 ,
cx = left + a, cy = top + b,
x = 0 , y = b,
aa2 = (a * a) << 1 , aa4 = aa2 << 1 , bb2 = (b * b) << 1 , bb4 = bb2 << 1 ,
st = (aa2 >> 1 ) * ( 1 - (b << 1 )) + bb2,
tt = (bb2 >> 1 ) - aa2 * ((b << 1 ) - 1 );
if (s - 4 < 0 && ( ! (s - 2 ) || width - 51 > 0 && height - 51 > 0 )) {
var ox = 0 , oy = b,
w, h,
while (y > 0 ) {
if (st < 0 ) {
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x);
else if (tt < 0 ) {
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 ) - aa4 * (y - 1 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x) - aa2 * (((y -- ) << 1 ) - 3 );
w = x - ox;
h = oy - y;
if (w - 1 ) {
pxw = w + 1 + (s & 1 );
h = s;
else if (h - 1 ) {
pxw = s;
h += 1 + (s & 1 );
else pxw = h = s;
this ._mkOvQds(cx, cy, x - 1 , oy, pxw, h, wod, hod);
ox = x;
oy = y;
else {
tt -= aa2 * ((y << 1 ) - 3 );
st -= aa4 * ( -- y);
this ._mkDiv(cx - a, cy - oy, s, (oy << 1 ) + hod);
this ._mkDiv(cx + a + wod - s, cy - oy, s, (oy << 1 ) + hod);
else {
var _a = (width - (s << 1 )) >> 1 ,
_b = (height - (s << 1 )) >> 1 ,
_x = 0 , _y = _b,
_aa2 = (_a * _a) << 1 , _aa4 = _aa2 << 1 , _bb2 = (_b * _b) << 1 , _bb4 = _bb2 << 1 ,
_st = (_aa2 >> 1 ) * ( 1 - (_b << 1 )) + _bb2,
_tt = (_bb2 >> 1 ) - _aa2 * ((_b << 1 ) - 1 ),
pxl = new Array(),
pxt = new Array(),
_pxb = new Array();
pxl[ 0 ] = 0 ;
pxt[ 0 ] = b;
_pxb[ 0 ] = _b - 1 ;
while (y > 0 ) {
if (st < 0 ) {
pxl[pxl.length] = x;
pxt[pxt.length] = y;
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x);
else if (tt < 0 ) {
pxl[pxl.length] = x;
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 ) - aa4 * (y - 1 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x) - aa2 * (((y -- ) << 1 ) - 3 );
pxt[pxt.length] = y;
else {
tt -= aa2 * ((y << 1 ) - 3 );
st -= aa4 * ( -- y);
if (_y > 0 ) {
if (_st < 0 ) {
_st += _bb2 * ((_x << 1 ) + 3 );
_tt += _bb4 * ( ++ _x);
_pxb[_pxb.length] = _y - 1 ;
else if (_tt < 0 ) {
_st += _bb2 * ((_x << 1 ) + 3 ) - _aa4 * (_y - 1 );
_tt += _bb4 * ( ++ _x) - _aa2 * (((_y -- ) << 1 ) - 3 );
_pxb[_pxb.length] = _y - 1 ;
else {
_tt -= _aa2 * ((_y << 1 ) - 3 );
_st -= _aa4 * ( -- _y);
_pxb[_pxb.length - 1 ] -- ;
var ox = - wod, oy = b,
_oy = _pxb[ 0 ],
l = pxl.length,
w, h;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < l; i ++ ) {
if ( typeof _pxb[i] != " undefined " ) {
if (_pxb[i] < _oy || pxt[i] < oy) {
x = pxl[i];
this ._mkOvQds(cx, cy, x, oy, x - ox, oy - _oy, wod, hod);
ox = x;
oy = pxt[i];
_oy = _pxb[i];
else {
x = pxl[i];
this ._mkDiv(cx - x, cy - oy, 1 , (oy << 1 ) + hod);
this ._mkDiv(cx + ox + wod, cy - oy, 1 , (oy << 1 ) + hod);
ox = x;
oy = pxt[i];
this ._mkDiv(cx - a, cy - oy, 1 , (oy << 1 ) + hod);
this ._mkDiv(cx + ox + wod, cy - oy, 1 , (oy << 1 ) + hod);
function _mkOvDott(left, top, width, height) {
var a = ( ++ width) >> 1 , b = ( ++ height) >> 1 ,
wod = width & 1 , hod = height & 1 , hodu = hod ^ 1 ,
cx = left + a, cy = top + b,
x = 0 , y = b,
aa2 = (a * a) << 1 , aa4 = aa2 << 1 , bb2 = (b * b) << 1 , bb4 = bb2 << 1 ,
st = (aa2 >> 1 ) * ( 1 - (b << 1 )) + bb2,
tt = (bb2 >> 1 ) - aa2 * ((b << 1 ) - 1 ),
drw = true ;
while (y > 0 ) {
if (st < 0 ) {
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x);
else if (tt < 0 ) {
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 ) - aa4 * (y - 1 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x) - aa2 * (((y -- ) << 1 ) - 3 );
else {
tt -= aa2 * ((y << 1 ) - 3 );
st -= aa4 * ( -- y);
if (drw && y >= hodu) this ._mkOvQds(cx, cy, x, y, 1 , 1 , wod, hod);
drw = ! drw;
function _mkRect(x, y, w, h) {
var s = this .stroke;
this ._mkDiv(x, y, w, s);
this ._mkDiv(x + w, y, s, h);
this ._mkDiv(x, y + h, w + s, s);
this ._mkDiv(x, y + s, s, h - s);
function _mkRectDott(x, y, w, h) {
this .drawLine(x, y, x + w, y);
this .drawLine(x + w, y, x + w, y + h);
this .drawLine(x, y + h, x + w, y + h);
this .drawLine(x, y, x, y + h);
function jsgFont() {
this .PLAIN = ' font-weight:normal; ' ;
this .BOLD = ' font-weight:bold; ' ;
this .ITALIC = ' font-style:italic; ' ;
this .ITALIC_BOLD = this .ITALIC + this .BOLD;
var Font = new jsgFont();
function jsgStroke() {
this .DOTTED = - 1 ;
var Stroke = new jsgStroke();
function jsGraphics(cnv, wnd) {
this .setColor = function (x) {
this .color = x.toLowerCase();
this .setStroke = function (x) {
this .stroke = x;
if ( ! (x + 1 )) {
this .drawLine = _mkLinDott;
this ._mkOv = _mkOvDott;
this .drawRect = _mkRectDott;
else if (x - 1 > 0 ) {
this .drawLine = _mkLin2D;
this ._mkOv = _mkOv2D;
this .drawRect = _mkRect;
else {
this .drawLine = _mkLin;
this ._mkOv = _mkOv;
this .drawRect = _mkRect;
this .setPrintable = function (arg) {
this .printable = arg;
if (jg_fast) {
this ._mkDiv = _mkDivIe;
this ._htmRpc = arg ? _htmPrtRpc : _htmRpc;
else this ._mkDiv = arg ? _mkDivPrt : _mkDiv;
this .setFont = function (fam, sz, sty) {
this .ftFam = fam;
this .ftSz = sz;
this .ftSty = sty || Font.PLAIN;
this .drawPolyline = this .drawPolyLine = function (x, y) {
for ( var i = x.length - 1 ; i; ) {
-- i;
this .drawLine(x[i], y[i], x[i + 1 ], y[i + 1 ]);
this .fillRect = function (x, y, w, h) {
this ._mkDiv(x, y, w, h);
this .drawPolygon = function (x, y) {
this .drawPolyline(x, y);
this .drawLine(x[x.length - 1 ], y[x.length - 1 ], x[ 0 ], y[ 0 ]);
this .drawEllipse = this .drawOval = function (x, y, w, h) {
this ._mkOv(x, y, w, h);
this .fillEllipse = this .fillOval = function (left, top, w, h) {
var a = w >> 1 , b = h >> 1 ,
wod = w & 1 , hod = h & 1 ,
cx = left + a, cy = top + b,
x = 0 , y = b, oy = b,
aa2 = (a * a) << 1 , aa4 = aa2 << 1 , bb2 = (b * b) << 1 , bb4 = bb2 << 1 ,
st = (aa2 >> 1 ) * ( 1 - (b << 1 )) + bb2,
tt = (bb2 >> 1 ) - aa2 * ((b << 1 ) - 1 ),
xl, dw, dh;
if (w) while (y > 0 ) {
if (st < 0 ) {
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x);
else if (tt < 0 ) {
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 ) - aa4 * (y - 1 );
xl = cx - x;
dw = (x << 1 ) + wod;
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x) - aa2 * (((y -- ) << 1 ) - 3 );
dh = oy - y;
this ._mkDiv(xl, cy - oy, dw, dh);
this ._mkDiv(xl, cy + y + hod, dw, dh);
oy = y;
else {
tt -= aa2 * ((y << 1 ) - 3 );
st -= aa4 * ( -- y);
this ._mkDiv(cx - a, cy - oy, w, (oy << 1 ) + hod);
this .fillArc = function (iL, iT, iW, iH, fAngA, fAngZ) {
var a = iW >> 1 , b = iH >> 1 ,
iOdds = (iW & 1 ) | ((iH & 1 ) << 16 ),
cx = iL + a, cy = iT + b,
x = 0 , y = b, ox = x, oy = y,
aa2 = (a * a) << 1 , aa4 = aa2 << 1 , bb2 = (b * b) << 1 , bb4 = bb2 << 1 ,
st = (aa2 >> 1 ) * ( 1 - (b << 1 )) + bb2,
tt = (bb2 >> 1 ) - aa2 * ((b << 1 ) - 1 ),
// Vars for radial boundary lines
xEndA, yEndA, xEndZ, yEndZ,
iSects = ( 1 << (Math.floor((fAngA %= 360.0 ) / 180.0 ) << 3 ))
| ( 2 << (Math.floor((fAngZ %= 360.0 ) / 180.0 ) << 3 ))
| ((fAngA >= fAngZ) << 16 ),
aBndA = new Array(b + 1 ), aBndZ = new Array(b + 1 );
// Set up radial boundary lines
fAngA *= Math.PI / 180.0 ;
fAngZ *= Math.PI / 180.0 ;
xEndA = cx + Math.round(a * Math.cos(fAngA));
yEndA = cy + Math.round( - b * Math.sin(fAngA));
_mkLinVirt(aBndA, cx, cy, xEndA, yEndA);
xEndZ = cx + Math.round(a * Math.cos(fAngZ));
yEndZ = cy + Math.round( - b * Math.sin(fAngZ));
_mkLinVirt(aBndZ, cx, cy, xEndZ, yEndZ);
while (y > 0 ) {
if (st < 0 ) // Advance x
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x);
else if (tt < 0 ) // Advance x and y
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 ) - aa4 * (y - 1 );
ox = x;
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x) - aa2 * (((y -- ) << 1 ) - 3 );
this ._mkArcDiv(ox, y, oy, cx, cy, iOdds, aBndA, aBndZ, iSects);
oy = y;
else // Advance y
tt -= aa2 * ((y << 1 ) - 3 );
st -= aa4 * ( -- y);
if (y && (aBndA[y] != aBndA[y - 1 ] || aBndZ[y] != aBndZ[y - 1 ])) {
this ._mkArcDiv(x, y, oy, cx, cy, iOdds, aBndA, aBndZ, iSects);
ox = x;
oy = y;
this ._mkArcDiv(x, 0 , oy, cx, cy, iOdds, aBndA, aBndZ, iSects);
if (iOdds >> 16 ) // Odd height
if (iSects >> 16 ) // Start-angle > end-angle
var xl = (yEndA <= cy || yEndZ > cy) ? (cx - x) : cx;
this ._mkDiv(xl, cy, x + cx - xl + (iOdds & 0xffff ), 1 );
else if ((iSects & 0x01 ) && yEndZ > cy)
this ._mkDiv(cx - x, cy, x, 1 );
/* fillPolygon method, implemented by Matthieu Haller.
This javascript function is an adaptation of the gdImageFilledPolygon for Walter Zorn lib.
C source of GD 1.8.4 found at http://www.boutell.com/gd/
THANKS to Kirsten Schulz for the polygon fixes!
The intersection finding technique of this code could be improved
by remembering the previous intertersection, and by using the slope.
That could help to adjust intersections to produce a nice
interior_extrema. */
this .fillPolygon = function (array_x, array_y) {
var i;
var y;
var miny, maxy;
var x1, y1;
var x2, y2;
var ind1, ind2;
var ints;
var n = array_x.length;
if ( ! n) return ;
miny = array_y[ 0 ];
maxy = array_y[ 0 ];
for (i = 1 ; i < n; i ++ ) {
if (array_y[i] < miny)
miny = array_y[i];
if (array_y[i] > maxy)
maxy = array_y[i];
for (y = miny; y <= maxy; y ++ ) {
var polyInts = new Array();
ints = 0 ;
for (i = 0 ; i < n; i ++ ) {
if ( ! i) {
ind1 = n - 1 ;
ind2 = 0 ;
else {
ind1 = i - 1 ;
ind2 = i;
y1 = array_y[ind1];
y2 = array_y[ind2];
if (y1 < y2) {
x1 = array_x[ind1];
x2 = array_x[ind2];
else if (y1 > y2) {
y2 = array_y[ind1];
y1 = array_y[ind2];
x2 = array_x[ind1];
x1 = array_x[ind2];
else continue ;
// Modified 11. 2. 2004 Walter Zorn
if ((y >= y1) && (y < y2))
polyInts[ints ++ ] = Math.round((y - y1) * (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1) + x1);
else if ((y == maxy) && (y > y1) && (y <= y2))
polyInts[ints ++ ] = Math.round((y - y1) * (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1) + x1);
for (i = 0 ; i < ints; i += 2 )
this ._mkDiv(polyInts[i], y, polyInts[i + 1 ] - polyInts[i] + 1 , 1 );
this .drawString = function (txt, x, y) {
this .htm += ' <div style="position:absolute;white-space:nowrap; ' +
' left: ' + x + ' px; ' +
' top: ' + y + ' px; ' +
' font-family: ' + this .ftFam + ' ; ' +
' font-size: ' + this .ftSz + ' ; ' +
' color: ' + this .color + ' ; ' + this .ftSty + ' "> ' +
txt +
' <\/div> ' ;
/* drawStringRect() added by Rick Blommers.
Allows to specify the size of the text rectangle and to align the
text both horizontally (e.g. right) and vertically within that rectangle */
this .drawStringRect = function (txt, x, y, width, halign) {
this .htm += ' <div style="position:absolute;overflow:hidden; ' +
' left: ' + x + ' px; ' +
' top: ' + y + ' px; ' +
' width: ' + width + ' px; ' +
' text-align: ' + halign + ' ; ' +
' font-family: ' + this .ftFam + ' ; ' +
' font-size: ' + this .ftSz + ' ; ' +
' color: ' + this .color + ' ; ' + this .ftSty + ' "> ' +
txt +
' <\/div> ' ;
this .drawImage = function (imgSrc, x, y, w, h, a) {
this .htm += ' <div style="position:absolute; ' +
' left: ' + x + ' px; ' +
' top: ' + y + ' px; ' +
// w (width) and h (height) arguments are now optional.
// Added by Mahmut Keygubatli, 14.1.2008
(w ? ( ' width: ' + w + ' px; ' ) : '' ) +
(h ? ( ' height: ' + h + ' px; ' ) : '' ) + ' "> ' +
' <img src=" ' + imgSrc + ' " ' + (w ? ( ' width=" ' + w + ' " ' ) : '' ) + (h ? ( ' height=" ' + h + ' " ' ) : '' ) + (a ? ( ' ' + a) : '' ) + ' > ' +
' <\/div> ' ;
this .clear = function () {
this .htm = "" ;
if ( this .cnv) this .cnv.innerHTML = "" ;
this ._mkOvQds = function (cx, cy, x, y, w, h, wod, hod) {
var xl = cx - x, xr = cx + x + wod - w, yt = cy - y, yb = cy + y + hod - h;
if (xr > xl + w) {
this ._mkDiv(xr, yt, w, h);
this ._mkDiv(xr, yb, w, h);
w = xr - xl + w;
this ._mkDiv(xl, yt, w, h);
this ._mkDiv(xl, yb, w, h);
this ._mkArcDiv = function (x, y, oy, cx, cy, iOdds, aBndA, aBndZ, iSects) {
var xrDef = cx + x + (iOdds & 0xffff ), y2, h = oy - y, xl, xr, w;
if ( ! h) h = 1 ;
x = cx - x;
if (iSects & 0xff0000 ) // Start-angle > end-angle
y2 = cy - y - h;
if (iSects & 0x00ff ) {
if (iSects & 0x02 ) {
xl = Math.max(x, aBndZ[y]);
w = xrDef - xl;
if (w > 0 ) this ._mkDiv(xl, y2, w, h);
if (iSects & 0x01 ) {
xr = Math.min(xrDef, aBndA[y]);
w = xr - x;
if (w > 0 ) this ._mkDiv(x, y2, w, h);
this ._mkDiv(x, y2, xrDef - x, h);
y2 = cy + y + (iOdds >> 16 );
if (iSects & 0xff00 ) {
if (iSects & 0x0100 ) {
xl = Math.max(x, aBndA[y]);
w = xrDef - xl;
if (w > 0 ) this ._mkDiv(xl, y2, w, h);
if (iSects & 0x0200 ) {
xr = Math.min(xrDef, aBndZ[y]);
w = xr - x;
if (w > 0 ) this ._mkDiv(x, y2, w, h);
this ._mkDiv(x, y2, xrDef - x, h);
else {
if (iSects & 0x00ff ) {
if (iSects & 0x02 )
xl = Math.max(x, aBndZ[y]);
xl = x;
if (iSects & 0x01 )
xr = Math.min(xrDef, aBndA[y]);
xr = xrDef;
y2 = cy - y - h;
w = xr - xl;
if (w > 0 ) this ._mkDiv(xl, y2, w, h);
if (iSects & 0xff00 ) {
if (iSects & 0x0100 )
xl = Math.max(x, aBndA[y]);
xl = x;
if (iSects & 0x0200 )
xr = Math.min(xrDef, aBndZ[y]);
xr = xrDef;
y2 = cy + y + (iOdds >> 16 );
w = xr - xl;
if (w > 0 ) this ._mkDiv(xl, y2, w, h);
this .setStroke( 1 );
this .setFont( " verdana,geneva,helvetica,sans-serif " , " 12px " , Font.PLAIN);
this .color = " #000000 " ;
this .htm = "" ;
this .wnd = wnd || window;
if ( ! jg_ok) _chkDHTM();
if (jg_ok) {
if (cnv) {
if ( typeof (cnv) == " string " )
this .cont = document.all ? ( this .wnd.document.all[cnv] || null )
: document.getElementById ? ( this .wnd.document.getElementById(cnv) || null )
: null ;
else if (cnv == window.document)
this .cont = document.getElementsByTagName( " body " )[ 0 ];
// If cnv is a direct reference to a canvas DOM node
// (option suggested by Andreas Luleich)
else this .cont = cnv;
// Create new canvas inside container DIV. Thus the drawing and clearing
// methods won't interfere with the container's inner html.
// Solution suggested by Vladimir.
this .cnv = this .wnd.document.createElement( " div " );
this .cnv.style.fontSize = 0 ;
this .cont.appendChild( this .cnv);
this .paint = jg_dom ? _pntCnvDom : _pntCnvIe;
this .paint = _pntDoc;
this .paint = _pntN;
this .setPrintable( false );
function _mkLinVirt(aLin, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var dx = Math.abs(x2 - x1), dy = Math.abs(y2 - y1),
x = x1, y = y1,
xIncr = (x1 > x2) ? - 1 : 1 ,
yIncr = (y1 > y2) ? - 1 : 1 ,
i = 0 ;
if (dx >= dy) {
var pr = dy << 1 ,
pru = pr - (dx << 1 );
p = pr - dx;
while (dx > 0 ) {
-- dx;
if (p > 0 ) // Increment y
aLin[i ++ ] = x;
y += yIncr;
p += pru;
else p += pr;
x += xIncr;
else {
var pr = dx << 1 ,
pru = pr - (dy << 1 );
p = pr - dy;
while (dy > 0 ) {
-- dy;
y += yIncr;
aLin[i ++ ] = x;
if (p > 0 ) // Increment x
x += xIncr;
p += pru;
else p += pr;
for ( var len = aLin.length, i = len - i; i; )
aLin[len - (i -- )] = x;
function _CompInt(x, y) {
return (x - y);
var jg_ok, jg_ie, jg_fast, jg_dom, jg_moz;
function _chkDHTM(x, i) {
x = document.body || null ;
jg_ie = x && typeof x.insertAdjacentHTML != " undefined " && document.createElement;
jg_dom = (x && ! jg_ie &&
typeof x.appendChild != " undefined " &&
typeof document.createRange != " undefined " &&
typeof (i = document.createRange()).setStartBefore != " undefined " &&
typeof i.createContextualFragment != " undefined " );
jg_fast = jg_ie && document.all && ! window.opera;
jg_moz = jg_dom && typeof x.style.MozOpacity != " undefined " ;
jg_ok = !! (jg_ie || jg_dom);
function _pntCnvDom() {
var x = this .wnd.document.createRange();
x.setStartBefore( this .cnv);
x = x.createContextualFragment(jg_fast ? this ._htmRpc() : this .htm);
if ( this .cnv) this .cnv.appendChild(x);
this .htm = "" ;
function _pntCnvIe() {
if ( this .cnv) this .cnv.insertAdjacentHTML( " BeforeEnd " , jg_fast ? this ._htmRpc() : this .htm);
this .htm = "" ;
function _pntDoc() {
this .wnd.document.write(jg_fast ? this ._htmRpc() : this .htm);
this .htm = '' ;
function _pntN() {
function _mkDiv(x, y, w, h) {
this .htm += ' <div style="position:absolute; ' +
' left: ' + x + ' px; ' +
' top: ' + y + ' px; ' +
' width: ' + w + ' px; ' +
' height: ' + h + ' px; ' +
' clip:rect(0, ' + w + ' px, ' + h + ' px,0); ' +
' background-color: ' + this .color +
( ! jg_moz ? ' ;overflow:hidden ' : '' ) +
' ;"><\/div> ' ;
function _mkDivIe(x, y, w, h) {
this .htm += ' %% ' + this .color + ' ; ' + x + ' ; ' + y + ' ; ' + w + ' ; ' + h + ' ; ' ;
function _mkDivPrt(x, y, w, h) {
this .htm += ' <div style="position:absolute; ' +
' border-left: ' + w + ' px solid ' + this .color + ' ; ' +
' left: ' + x + ' px; ' +
' top: ' + y + ' px; ' +
' width:0px; ' +
' height: ' + h + ' px; ' +
' clip:rect(0, ' + w + ' px, ' + h + ' px,0); ' +
' background-color: ' + this .color +
( ! jg_moz ? ' ;overflow:hidden ' : '' ) +
' ;"><\/div> ' ;
var _regex = / %%([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+); / g;
function _htmRpc() {
return this .htm.replace(
' <div style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;background-color: ' +
' $1;left:$2;top:$3;width:$4;height:$5"></div>\n ' );
function _htmPrtRpc() {
return this .htm.replace(
' <div style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;background-color: ' +
' $1;left:$2;top:$3;width:$4;height:$5;border-left:$4px solid $1"></div>\n ' );
function _mkLin(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if (x1 > x2) {
var _x2 = x2;
var _y2 = y2;
x2 = x1;
y2 = y1;
x1 = _x2;
y1 = _y2;
var dx = x2 - x1, dy = Math.abs(y2 - y1),
x = x1, y = y1,
yIncr = (y1 > y2) ? - 1 : 1 ;
if (dx >= dy) {
var pr = dy << 1 ,
pru = pr - (dx << 1 ),
p = pr - dx,
ox = x;
while (dx > 0 ) {
-- dx;
++ x;
if (p > 0 ) {
this ._mkDiv(ox, y, x - ox, 1 );
y += yIncr;
p += pru;
ox = x;
else p += pr;
this ._mkDiv(ox, y, x2 - ox + 1 , 1 );
else {
var pr = dx << 1 ,
pru = pr - (dy << 1 ),
p = pr - dy,
oy = y;
if (y2 <= y1) {
while (dy > 0 ) {
-- dy;
if (p > 0 ) {
this ._mkDiv(x ++ , y, 1 , oy - y + 1 );
y += yIncr;
p += pru;
oy = y;
else {
y += yIncr;
p += pr;
this ._mkDiv(x2, y2, 1 , oy - y2 + 1 );
else {
while (dy > 0 ) {
-- dy;
y += yIncr;
if (p > 0 ) {
this ._mkDiv(x ++ , oy, 1 , y - oy);
p += pru;
oy = y;
else p += pr;
this ._mkDiv(x2, oy, 1 , y2 - oy + 1 );
function _mkLin2D(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if (x1 > x2) {
var _x2 = x2;
var _y2 = y2;
x2 = x1;
y2 = y1;
x1 = _x2;
y1 = _y2;
var dx = x2 - x1, dy = Math.abs(y2 - y1),
x = x1, y = y1,
yIncr = (y1 > y2) ? - 1 : 1 ;
var s = this .stroke;
if (dx >= dy) {
if (dx > 0 && s - 3 > 0 ) {
var _s = (s * dx * Math.sqrt( 1 + dy * dy / (dx * dx)) - dx - (s >> 1 ) * dy) / dx;
_s = ( ! (s - 4 ) ? Math.ceil(_s) : Math.round(_s)) + 1 ;
else var _s = s;
var ad = Math.ceil(s / 2 );
var pr = dy << 1 ,
pru = pr - (dx << 1 ),
p = pr - dx,
ox = x;
while (dx > 0 ) {
-- dx;
++ x;
if (p > 0 ) {
this ._mkDiv(ox, y, x - ox + ad, _s);
y += yIncr;
p += pru;
ox = x;
else p += pr;
this ._mkDiv(ox, y, x2 - ox + ad + 1 , _s);
else {
if (s - 3 > 0 ) {
var _s = (s * dy * Math.sqrt( 1 + dx * dx / (dy * dy)) - (s >> 1 ) * dx - dy) / dy;
_s = ( ! (s - 4 ) ? Math.ceil(_s) : Math.round(_s)) + 1 ;
else var _s = s;
var ad = Math.round(s / 2 );
var pr = dx << 1 ,
pru = pr - (dy << 1 ),
p = pr - dy,
oy = y;
if (y2 <= y1) {
++ ad;
while (dy > 0 ) {
-- dy;
if (p > 0 ) {
this ._mkDiv(x ++ , y, _s, oy - y + ad);
y += yIncr;
p += pru;
oy = y;
else {
y += yIncr;
p += pr;
this ._mkDiv(x2, y2, _s, oy - y2 + ad);
else {
while (dy > 0 ) {
-- dy;
y += yIncr;
if (p > 0 ) {
this ._mkDiv(x ++ , oy, _s, y - oy + ad);
p += pru;
oy = y;
else p += pr;
this ._mkDiv(x2, oy, _s, y2 - oy + ad + 1 );
function _mkLinDott(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if (x1 > x2) {
var _x2 = x2;
var _y2 = y2;
x2 = x1;
y2 = y1;
x1 = _x2;
y1 = _y2;
var dx = x2 - x1, dy = Math.abs(y2 - y1),
x = x1, y = y1,
yIncr = (y1 > y2) ? - 1 : 1 ,
drw = true ;
if (dx >= dy) {
var pr = dy << 1 ,
pru = pr - (dx << 1 ),
p = pr - dx;
while (dx > 0 ) {
-- dx;
if (drw) this ._mkDiv(x, y, 1 , 1 );
drw = ! drw;
if (p > 0 ) {
y += yIncr;
p += pru;
else p += pr;
++ x;
else {
var pr = dx << 1 ,
pru = pr - (dy << 1 ),
p = pr - dy;
while (dy > 0 ) {
-- dy;
if (drw) this ._mkDiv(x, y, 1 , 1 );
drw = ! drw;
y += yIncr;
if (p > 0 ) {
++ x;
p += pru;
else p += pr;
if (drw) this ._mkDiv(x, y, 1 , 1 );
function _mkOv(left, top, width, height) {
var a = ( ++ width) >> 1 , b = ( ++ height) >> 1 ,
wod = width & 1 , hod = height & 1 ,
cx = left + a, cy = top + b,
x = 0 , y = b,
ox = 0 , oy = b,
aa2 = (a * a) << 1 , aa4 = aa2 << 1 , bb2 = (b * b) << 1 , bb4 = bb2 << 1 ,
st = (aa2 >> 1 ) * ( 1 - (b << 1 )) + bb2,
tt = (bb2 >> 1 ) - aa2 * ((b << 1 ) - 1 ),
w, h;
while (y > 0 ) {
if (st < 0 ) {
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x);
else if (tt < 0 ) {
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 ) - aa4 * (y - 1 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x) - aa2 * (((y -- ) << 1 ) - 3 );
w = x - ox;
h = oy - y;
if ((w & 2 ) && (h & 2 )) {
this ._mkOvQds(cx, cy, x - 2 , y + 2 , 1 , 1 , wod, hod);
this ._mkOvQds(cx, cy, x - 1 , y + 1 , 1 , 1 , wod, hod);
else this ._mkOvQds(cx, cy, x - 1 , oy, w, h, wod, hod);
ox = x;
oy = y;
else {
tt -= aa2 * ((y << 1 ) - 3 );
st -= aa4 * ( -- y);
w = a - ox + 1 ;
h = (oy << 1 ) + hod;
y = cy - oy;
this ._mkDiv(cx - a, y, w, h);
this ._mkDiv(cx + ox + wod - 1 , y, w, h);
function _mkOv2D(left, top, width, height) {
var s = this .stroke;
width += s + 1 ;
height += s + 1 ;
var a = width >> 1 , b = height >> 1 ,
wod = width & 1 , hod = height & 1 ,
cx = left + a, cy = top + b,
x = 0 , y = b,
aa2 = (a * a) << 1 , aa4 = aa2 << 1 , bb2 = (b * b) << 1 , bb4 = bb2 << 1 ,
st = (aa2 >> 1 ) * ( 1 - (b << 1 )) + bb2,
tt = (bb2 >> 1 ) - aa2 * ((b << 1 ) - 1 );
if (s - 4 < 0 && ( ! (s - 2 ) || width - 51 > 0 && height - 51 > 0 )) {
var ox = 0 , oy = b,
w, h,
while (y > 0 ) {
if (st < 0 ) {
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x);
else if (tt < 0 ) {
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 ) - aa4 * (y - 1 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x) - aa2 * (((y -- ) << 1 ) - 3 );
w = x - ox;
h = oy - y;
if (w - 1 ) {
pxw = w + 1 + (s & 1 );
h = s;
else if (h - 1 ) {
pxw = s;
h += 1 + (s & 1 );
else pxw = h = s;
this ._mkOvQds(cx, cy, x - 1 , oy, pxw, h, wod, hod);
ox = x;
oy = y;
else {
tt -= aa2 * ((y << 1 ) - 3 );
st -= aa4 * ( -- y);
this ._mkDiv(cx - a, cy - oy, s, (oy << 1 ) + hod);
this ._mkDiv(cx + a + wod - s, cy - oy, s, (oy << 1 ) + hod);
else {
var _a = (width - (s << 1 )) >> 1 ,
_b = (height - (s << 1 )) >> 1 ,
_x = 0 , _y = _b,
_aa2 = (_a * _a) << 1 , _aa4 = _aa2 << 1 , _bb2 = (_b * _b) << 1 , _bb4 = _bb2 << 1 ,
_st = (_aa2 >> 1 ) * ( 1 - (_b << 1 )) + _bb2,
_tt = (_bb2 >> 1 ) - _aa2 * ((_b << 1 ) - 1 ),
pxl = new Array(),
pxt = new Array(),
_pxb = new Array();
pxl[ 0 ] = 0 ;
pxt[ 0 ] = b;
_pxb[ 0 ] = _b - 1 ;
while (y > 0 ) {
if (st < 0 ) {
pxl[pxl.length] = x;
pxt[pxt.length] = y;
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x);
else if (tt < 0 ) {
pxl[pxl.length] = x;
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 ) - aa4 * (y - 1 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x) - aa2 * (((y -- ) << 1 ) - 3 );
pxt[pxt.length] = y;
else {
tt -= aa2 * ((y << 1 ) - 3 );
st -= aa4 * ( -- y);
if (_y > 0 ) {
if (_st < 0 ) {
_st += _bb2 * ((_x << 1 ) + 3 );
_tt += _bb4 * ( ++ _x);
_pxb[_pxb.length] = _y - 1 ;
else if (_tt < 0 ) {
_st += _bb2 * ((_x << 1 ) + 3 ) - _aa4 * (_y - 1 );
_tt += _bb4 * ( ++ _x) - _aa2 * (((_y -- ) << 1 ) - 3 );
_pxb[_pxb.length] = _y - 1 ;
else {
_tt -= _aa2 * ((_y << 1 ) - 3 );
_st -= _aa4 * ( -- _y);
_pxb[_pxb.length - 1 ] -- ;
var ox = - wod, oy = b,
_oy = _pxb[ 0 ],
l = pxl.length,
w, h;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < l; i ++ ) {
if ( typeof _pxb[i] != " undefined " ) {
if (_pxb[i] < _oy || pxt[i] < oy) {
x = pxl[i];
this ._mkOvQds(cx, cy, x, oy, x - ox, oy - _oy, wod, hod);
ox = x;
oy = pxt[i];
_oy = _pxb[i];
else {
x = pxl[i];
this ._mkDiv(cx - x, cy - oy, 1 , (oy << 1 ) + hod);
this ._mkDiv(cx + ox + wod, cy - oy, 1 , (oy << 1 ) + hod);
ox = x;
oy = pxt[i];
this ._mkDiv(cx - a, cy - oy, 1 , (oy << 1 ) + hod);
this ._mkDiv(cx + ox + wod, cy - oy, 1 , (oy << 1 ) + hod);
function _mkOvDott(left, top, width, height) {
var a = ( ++ width) >> 1 , b = ( ++ height) >> 1 ,
wod = width & 1 , hod = height & 1 , hodu = hod ^ 1 ,
cx = left + a, cy = top + b,
x = 0 , y = b,
aa2 = (a * a) << 1 , aa4 = aa2 << 1 , bb2 = (b * b) << 1 , bb4 = bb2 << 1 ,
st = (aa2 >> 1 ) * ( 1 - (b << 1 )) + bb2,
tt = (bb2 >> 1 ) - aa2 * ((b << 1 ) - 1 ),
drw = true ;
while (y > 0 ) {
if (st < 0 ) {
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x);
else if (tt < 0 ) {
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 ) - aa4 * (y - 1 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x) - aa2 * (((y -- ) << 1 ) - 3 );
else {
tt -= aa2 * ((y << 1 ) - 3 );
st -= aa4 * ( -- y);
if (drw && y >= hodu) this ._mkOvQds(cx, cy, x, y, 1 , 1 , wod, hod);
drw = ! drw;
function _mkRect(x, y, w, h) {
var s = this .stroke;
this ._mkDiv(x, y, w, s);
this ._mkDiv(x + w, y, s, h);
this ._mkDiv(x, y + h, w + s, s);
this ._mkDiv(x, y + s, s, h - s);
function _mkRectDott(x, y, w, h) {
this .drawLine(x, y, x + w, y);
this .drawLine(x + w, y, x + w, y + h);
this .drawLine(x, y + h, x + w, y + h);
this .drawLine(x, y, x, y + h);
function jsgFont() {
this .PLAIN = ' font-weight:normal; ' ;
this .BOLD = ' font-weight:bold; ' ;
this .ITALIC = ' font-style:italic; ' ;
this .ITALIC_BOLD = this .ITALIC + this .BOLD;
var Font = new jsgFont();
function jsgStroke() {
this .DOTTED = - 1 ;
var Stroke = new jsgStroke();
function jsGraphics(cnv, wnd) {
this .setColor = function (x) {
this .color = x.toLowerCase();
this .setStroke = function (x) {
this .stroke = x;
if ( ! (x + 1 )) {
this .drawLine = _mkLinDott;
this ._mkOv = _mkOvDott;
this .drawRect = _mkRectDott;
else if (x - 1 > 0 ) {
this .drawLine = _mkLin2D;
this ._mkOv = _mkOv2D;
this .drawRect = _mkRect;
else {
this .drawLine = _mkLin;
this ._mkOv = _mkOv;
this .drawRect = _mkRect;
this .setPrintable = function (arg) {
this .printable = arg;
if (jg_fast) {
this ._mkDiv = _mkDivIe;
this ._htmRpc = arg ? _htmPrtRpc : _htmRpc;
else this ._mkDiv = arg ? _mkDivPrt : _mkDiv;
this .setFont = function (fam, sz, sty) {
this .ftFam = fam;
this .ftSz = sz;
this .ftSty = sty || Font.PLAIN;
this .drawPolyline = this .drawPolyLine = function (x, y) {
for ( var i = x.length - 1 ; i; ) {
-- i;
this .drawLine(x[i], y[i], x[i + 1 ], y[i + 1 ]);
this .fillRect = function (x, y, w, h) {
this ._mkDiv(x, y, w, h);
this .drawPolygon = function (x, y) {
this .drawPolyline(x, y);
this .drawLine(x[x.length - 1 ], y[x.length - 1 ], x[ 0 ], y[ 0 ]);
this .drawEllipse = this .drawOval = function (x, y, w, h) {
this ._mkOv(x, y, w, h);
this .fillEllipse = this .fillOval = function (left, top, w, h) {
var a = w >> 1 , b = h >> 1 ,
wod = w & 1 , hod = h & 1 ,
cx = left + a, cy = top + b,
x = 0 , y = b, oy = b,
aa2 = (a * a) << 1 , aa4 = aa2 << 1 , bb2 = (b * b) << 1 , bb4 = bb2 << 1 ,
st = (aa2 >> 1 ) * ( 1 - (b << 1 )) + bb2,
tt = (bb2 >> 1 ) - aa2 * ((b << 1 ) - 1 ),
xl, dw, dh;
if (w) while (y > 0 ) {
if (st < 0 ) {
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x);
else if (tt < 0 ) {
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 ) - aa4 * (y - 1 );
xl = cx - x;
dw = (x << 1 ) + wod;
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x) - aa2 * (((y -- ) << 1 ) - 3 );
dh = oy - y;
this ._mkDiv(xl, cy - oy, dw, dh);
this ._mkDiv(xl, cy + y + hod, dw, dh);
oy = y;
else {
tt -= aa2 * ((y << 1 ) - 3 );
st -= aa4 * ( -- y);
this ._mkDiv(cx - a, cy - oy, w, (oy << 1 ) + hod);
this .fillArc = function (iL, iT, iW, iH, fAngA, fAngZ) {
var a = iW >> 1 , b = iH >> 1 ,
iOdds = (iW & 1 ) | ((iH & 1 ) << 16 ),
cx = iL + a, cy = iT + b,
x = 0 , y = b, ox = x, oy = y,
aa2 = (a * a) << 1 , aa4 = aa2 << 1 , bb2 = (b * b) << 1 , bb4 = bb2 << 1 ,
st = (aa2 >> 1 ) * ( 1 - (b << 1 )) + bb2,
tt = (bb2 >> 1 ) - aa2 * ((b << 1 ) - 1 ),
// Vars for radial boundary lines
xEndA, yEndA, xEndZ, yEndZ,
iSects = ( 1 << (Math.floor((fAngA %= 360.0 ) / 180.0 ) << 3 ))
| ( 2 << (Math.floor((fAngZ %= 360.0 ) / 180.0 ) << 3 ))
| ((fAngA >= fAngZ) << 16 ),
aBndA = new Array(b + 1 ), aBndZ = new Array(b + 1 );
// Set up radial boundary lines
fAngA *= Math.PI / 180.0 ;
fAngZ *= Math.PI / 180.0 ;
xEndA = cx + Math.round(a * Math.cos(fAngA));
yEndA = cy + Math.round( - b * Math.sin(fAngA));
_mkLinVirt(aBndA, cx, cy, xEndA, yEndA);
xEndZ = cx + Math.round(a * Math.cos(fAngZ));
yEndZ = cy + Math.round( - b * Math.sin(fAngZ));
_mkLinVirt(aBndZ, cx, cy, xEndZ, yEndZ);
while (y > 0 ) {
if (st < 0 ) // Advance x
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 );
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x);
else if (tt < 0 ) // Advance x and y
st += bb2 * ((x << 1 ) + 3 ) - aa4 * (y - 1 );
ox = x;
tt += bb4 * ( ++ x) - aa2 * (((y -- ) << 1 ) - 3 );
this ._mkArcDiv(ox, y, oy, cx, cy, iOdds, aBndA, aBndZ, iSects);
oy = y;
else // Advance y
tt -= aa2 * ((y << 1 ) - 3 );
st -= aa4 * ( -- y);
if (y && (aBndA[y] != aBndA[y - 1 ] || aBndZ[y] != aBndZ[y - 1 ])) {
this ._mkArcDiv(x, y, oy, cx, cy, iOdds, aBndA, aBndZ, iSects);
ox = x;
oy = y;
this ._mkArcDiv(x, 0 , oy, cx, cy, iOdds, aBndA, aBndZ, iSects);
if (iOdds >> 16 ) // Odd height
if (iSects >> 16 ) // Start-angle > end-angle
var xl = (yEndA <= cy || yEndZ > cy) ? (cx - x) : cx;
this ._mkDiv(xl, cy, x + cx - xl + (iOdds & 0xffff ), 1 );
else if ((iSects & 0x01 ) && yEndZ > cy)
this ._mkDiv(cx - x, cy, x, 1 );
/* fillPolygon method, implemented by Matthieu Haller.
This javascript function is an adaptation of the gdImageFilledPolygon for Walter Zorn lib.
C source of GD 1.8.4 found at http://www.boutell.com/gd/
THANKS to Kirsten Schulz for the polygon fixes!
The intersection finding technique of this code could be improved
by remembering the previous intertersection, and by using the slope.
That could help to adjust intersections to produce a nice
interior_extrema. */
this .fillPolygon = function (array_x, array_y) {
var i;
var y;
var miny, maxy;
var x1, y1;
var x2, y2;
var ind1, ind2;
var ints;
var n = array_x.length;
if ( ! n) return ;
miny = array_y[ 0 ];
maxy = array_y[ 0 ];
for (i = 1 ; i < n; i ++ ) {
if (array_y[i] < miny)
miny = array_y[i];
if (array_y[i] > maxy)
maxy = array_y[i];
for (y = miny; y <= maxy; y ++ ) {
var polyInts = new Array();
ints = 0 ;
for (i = 0 ; i < n; i ++ ) {
if ( ! i) {
ind1 = n - 1 ;
ind2 = 0 ;
else {
ind1 = i - 1 ;
ind2 = i;
y1 = array_y[ind1];
y2 = array_y[ind2];
if (y1 < y2) {
x1 = array_x[ind1];
x2 = array_x[ind2];
else if (y1 > y2) {
y2 = array_y[ind1];
y1 = array_y[ind2];
x2 = array_x[ind1];
x1 = array_x[ind2];
else continue ;
// Modified 11. 2. 2004 Walter Zorn
if ((y >= y1) && (y < y2))
polyInts[ints ++ ] = Math.round((y - y1) * (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1) + x1);
else if ((y == maxy) && (y > y1) && (y <= y2))
polyInts[ints ++ ] = Math.round((y - y1) * (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1) + x1);
for (i = 0 ; i < ints; i += 2 )
this ._mkDiv(polyInts[i], y, polyInts[i + 1 ] - polyInts[i] + 1 , 1 );
this .drawString = function (txt, x, y) {
this .htm += ' <div style="position:absolute;white-space:nowrap; ' +
' left: ' + x + ' px; ' +
' top: ' + y + ' px; ' +
' font-family: ' + this .ftFam + ' ; ' +
' font-size: ' + this .ftSz + ' ; ' +
' color: ' + this .color + ' ; ' + this .ftSty + ' "> ' +
txt +
' <\/div> ' ;
/* drawStringRect() added by Rick Blommers.
Allows to specify the size of the text rectangle and to align the
text both horizontally (e.g. right) and vertically within that rectangle */
this .drawStringRect = function (txt, x, y, width, halign) {
this .htm += ' <div style="position:absolute;overflow:hidden; ' +
' left: ' + x + ' px; ' +
' top: ' + y + ' px; ' +
' width: ' + width + ' px; ' +
' text-align: ' + halign + ' ; ' +
' font-family: ' + this .ftFam + ' ; ' +
' font-size: ' + this .ftSz + ' ; ' +
' color: ' + this .color + ' ; ' + this .ftSty + ' "> ' +
txt +
' <\/div> ' ;
this .drawImage = function (imgSrc, x, y, w, h, a) {
this .htm += ' <div style="position:absolute; ' +
' left: ' + x + ' px; ' +
' top: ' + y + ' px; ' +
// w (width) and h (height) arguments are now optional.
// Added by Mahmut Keygubatli, 14.1.2008
(w ? ( ' width: ' + w + ' px; ' ) : '' ) +
(h ? ( ' height: ' + h + ' px; ' ) : '' ) + ' "> ' +
' <img src=" ' + imgSrc + ' " ' + (w ? ( ' width=" ' + w + ' " ' ) : '' ) + (h ? ( ' height=" ' + h + ' " ' ) : '' ) + (a ? ( ' ' + a) : '' ) + ' > ' +
' <\/div> ' ;
this .clear = function () {
this .htm = "" ;
if ( this .cnv) this .cnv.innerHTML = "" ;
this ._mkOvQds = function (cx, cy, x, y, w, h, wod, hod) {
var xl = cx - x, xr = cx + x + wod - w, yt = cy - y, yb = cy + y + hod - h;
if (xr > xl + w) {
this ._mkDiv(xr, yt, w, h);
this ._mkDiv(xr, yb, w, h);
w = xr - xl + w;
this ._mkDiv(xl, yt, w, h);
this ._mkDiv(xl, yb, w, h);
this ._mkArcDiv = function (x, y, oy, cx, cy, iOdds, aBndA, aBndZ, iSects) {
var xrDef = cx + x + (iOdds & 0xffff ), y2, h = oy - y, xl, xr, w;
if ( ! h) h = 1 ;
x = cx - x;
if (iSects & 0xff0000 ) // Start-angle > end-angle
y2 = cy - y - h;
if (iSects & 0x00ff ) {
if (iSects & 0x02 ) {
xl = Math.max(x, aBndZ[y]);
w = xrDef - xl;
if (w > 0 ) this ._mkDiv(xl, y2, w, h);
if (iSects & 0x01 ) {
xr = Math.min(xrDef, aBndA[y]);
w = xr - x;
if (w > 0 ) this ._mkDiv(x, y2, w, h);
this ._mkDiv(x, y2, xrDef - x, h);
y2 = cy + y + (iOdds >> 16 );
if (iSects & 0xff00 ) {
if (iSects & 0x0100 ) {
xl = Math.max(x, aBndA[y]);
w = xrDef - xl;
if (w > 0 ) this ._mkDiv(xl, y2, w, h);
if (iSects & 0x0200 ) {
xr = Math.min(xrDef, aBndZ[y]);
w = xr - x;
if (w > 0 ) this ._mkDiv(x, y2, w, h);
this ._mkDiv(x, y2, xrDef - x, h);
else {
if (iSects & 0x00ff ) {
if (iSects & 0x02 )
xl = Math.max(x, aBndZ[y]);
xl = x;
if (iSects & 0x01 )
xr = Math.min(xrDef, aBndA[y]);
xr = xrDef;
y2 = cy - y - h;
w = xr - xl;
if (w > 0 ) this ._mkDiv(xl, y2, w, h);
if (iSects & 0xff00 ) {
if (iSects & 0x0100 )
xl = Math.max(x, aBndA[y]);
xl = x;
if (iSects & 0x0200 )
xr = Math.min(xrDef, aBndZ[y]);
xr = xrDef;
y2 = cy + y + (iOdds >> 16 );
w = xr - xl;
if (w > 0 ) this ._mkDiv(xl, y2, w, h);
this .setStroke( 1 );
this .setFont( " verdana,geneva,helvetica,sans-serif " , " 12px " , Font.PLAIN);
this .color = " #000000 " ;
this .htm = "" ;
this .wnd = wnd || window;
if ( ! jg_ok) _chkDHTM();
if (jg_ok) {
if (cnv) {
if ( typeof (cnv) == " string " )
this .cont = document.all ? ( this .wnd.document.all[cnv] || null )
: document.getElementById ? ( this .wnd.document.getElementById(cnv) || null )
: null ;
else if (cnv == window.document)
this .cont = document.getElementsByTagName( " body " )[ 0 ];
// If cnv is a direct reference to a canvas DOM node
// (option suggested by Andreas Luleich)
else this .cont = cnv;
// Create new canvas inside container DIV. Thus the drawing and clearing
// methods won't interfere with the container's inner html.
// Solution suggested by Vladimir.
this .cnv = this .wnd.document.createElement( " div " );
this .cnv.style.fontSize = 0 ;
this .cont.appendChild( this .cnv);
this .paint = jg_dom ? _pntCnvDom : _pntCnvIe;
this .paint = _pntDoc;
this .paint = _pntN;
this .setPrintable( false );
function _mkLinVirt(aLin, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var dx = Math.abs(x2 - x1), dy = Math.abs(y2 - y1),
x = x1, y = y1,
xIncr = (x1 > x2) ? - 1 : 1 ,
yIncr = (y1 > y2) ? - 1 : 1 ,
i = 0 ;
if (dx >= dy) {
var pr = dy << 1 ,
pru = pr - (dx << 1 );
p = pr - dx;
while (dx > 0 ) {
-- dx;
if (p > 0 ) // Increment y
aLin[i ++ ] = x;
y += yIncr;
p += pru;
else p += pr;
x += xIncr;
else {
var pr = dx << 1 ,
pru = pr - (dy << 1 );
p = pr - dy;
while (dy > 0 ) {
-- dy;
y += yIncr;
aLin[i ++ ] = x;
if (p > 0 ) // Increment x
x += xIncr;
p += pru;
else p += pr;
for ( var len = aLin.length, i = len - i; i; )
aLin[len - (i -- )] = x;
function _CompInt(x, y) {
return (x - y);

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