noi.openjudge 2406:Card Stacking

2024-01-12 00:48
文章标签 openjudge noi card 2406 stacking

本文主要是介绍noi.openjudge 2406:Card Stacking,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Bessie is playing a card game with her N-1 (2 <= N <= 100) cow friends using a deck with K (N <= K <= 100,000; K is a multiple of N) cards. The deck contains M = K/N “good” cards and K-M “bad” cards. Bessie is the dealer and, naturally, wants to deal herself all of the “good” cards. She loves winning.

Her friends suspect that she will cheat, though, so they devise a dealing system in an attempt to prevent Bessie from cheating. They tell her to deal as follows:

   1. Start by dealing the card on the top of the deck to the cow to her right2. Every time she deals a card, she must place the next P (1 <= P <= 10) cards on the bottom of the deck; and3. Continue dealing in this manner to each player sequentially in a counterclockwise manner

Bessie, desperate to win, asks you to help her figure out where she should put the “good” cards so that she gets all of them. Notationally, the top card is card #1, next card is #2, and so on.


  • Line 1: Three space-separated integers: N, K, and P


  • Lines 1…M: Positions from top in ascending order in which Bessie should place “good” cards, such that when dealt, Bessie will obtain all good cards.


3 9 2





Bessie is playing cards with two cow friends and a deck of 9 cards. She must place two cards on the bottom of the deck each time she deals one.


Bessie should put the “good” cards in positions 3, 7, and 8. The cards will be dealt as follows; the card numbers are “position in original deck”:

                                      Card Deck         P1      P2    BessieInitial configuration           1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  - - -   - - -   - - -Deal top card [1] to Player 1   2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9    1 - -   - - -   - - -Top card to bottom (#1 of 2)    3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2    1 - -   - - -   - - -Top card to bottom (#2 of 2)    4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3    1 - -   - - -   - - -Deal top card [4] to Player 2   5 6 7 8 9 2 3      1 - -   4 - -   - - -Top card to bottom (#1 of 2)    6 7 8 9 2 3 5      1 - -   4 - -   - - -Top card to bottom (#2 of 2)    7 8 9 2 3 5 6      1 - -   4 - -   - - -Deal top card [7] to Bessie     8 9 2 3 5 6        1 - -   4 - -   7 - -Top card to bottom (#1 of 2)    9 2 3 5 6 8        1 - -   4 - -   7 - -Top card to bottom (#2 of 2)    2 3 5 6 8 9        1 - -   4 - -   7 - -Deal top card [2] to Player 1   3 5 6 8 9          1 2 -   4 - -   7 - -Top card to bottom (#1 of 2)    5 6 8 9 3          1 2 -   4 - -   7 - -Top card to bottom (#2 of 2)    6 8 9 3 5          1 2 -   4 - -   7 - -Deal top card [6] to Player 2   8 9 3 5            1 2 -   4 6 -   7 - -Top card to bottom (#1 of 2)    9 3 5 8            1 2 -   4 6 -   7 - -Top card to bottom (#2 of 2)    3 5 8 9            1 2 -   4 6 -   7 - -Deal top card [3] to Bessie     5 8 9              1 2 -   4 6 -   7 3 -Top card to bottom (#1 of 2)    8 9 5              1 2 -   4 6 -   7 3 -Top card to bottom (#2 of 2)    9 5 8              1 2 -   4 6 -   7 3 -Deal top card [9] to Player 1   5 8                1 2 9   4 6 -   7 3 -Top card to bottom (#1 of 2)    8 5                1 2 9   4 6 -   7 3 -Top card to bottom (#2 of 2)    5 8                1 2 9   4 6 -   7 3 -Deal top card [5] to Player 2   8                  1 2 9   4 6 5   7 3 -Top card to bottom (#1 of 2)    8                  1 2 9   4 6 5   7 3 -Top card to bottom (#1 of 2)    8                  1 2 9   4 6 5   7 3 -Deal top card [8] to Bessie     -                  1 2 9   4 6 5   7 3 8

Bessie will end up with the “good cards” that have been placed in positions 3, 7, and 8 in the original deck.


题意 贝斯和奶牛们玩牌共n个队员玩k张牌,分牌时候,每轮先分给奶牛,再分给贝斯,每次分给一个队员牌后,将牌前面的q张牌按顺序放在后面,给出最后贝斯的排,按照从小到大排好序。
using namespace std;int n,k,p,i,j;
int q[6000010]={0},head,tail,cnt=0,a[100011];int main()
{scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&k,&p);memset(q,0,sizeof(q));for(i=1; i<=k; i++)q[i]=i;head=1;tail=k+1;cnt=0;for(i=1; i<=k; i++){if(i%n==0)//到贝斯的牌 a[++cnt]=q[head];head++;//发牌,队首出队 for(j=1;j<=p;j++) //移动p张牌到后面去 q[tail++]=q[head++];}sort(a+1,a+1+cnt);for(i=1; i<=cnt; i++)printf("%d\n",a[i]);return 0;

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NLP:Voting和Stacking的模型融合实现 参考资料: 最全NLP中文文本分类实践(下)——Voting和Stacking的模型融合实现

hdu5159 Card(组合数学)BC26

/* 问题描述 桌子上有a张牌,每张牌从1到a编号,编号为i(1<=i<=a)的牌上面标记着分数i , 每次从这a张牌中随机抽出一张牌,然后放回,执行b次操作,记第j次取出的牌上面分数是 Sj , 问b次操作后不同种类分数之和的期望是多少。 输入描述 多组数据,第一输入数据组数T ,接下来T行,每行两个整数a,b以空格分开 [参数说明] 所有输入均为整数 1<=

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判断卡片类型 这张卡就是本次实现的对象 ,一张废弃的校园卡,以下所有操作都以此卡展开 我们使用flipper的NFC功能扫描该卡片。我们直接read 我们得出最终结果该卡是M1 1K卡,也就是S50卡 。 Mifare 1卡是属于非接触式逻辑加密卡。MIFARE MF1是符合ISO/IEC 14443A的非接触智能卡。其通讯层(MIFARE RF 接口)符合ISO/IEC 14443


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这道题在小白书中的分类是动态规划,把题AC了之后在网上看解题报告后,多数解法也是DAG上的动态规划。但其实一个简单的深度优先就能解决问题了。首先将每数从大到小排序,再将各组按照排序后的第一个数字的大小进行从大到小排序。需要注意的是,记录各组数据的编号也要和数进行同步的排序。 #include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <vect