
2024-01-10 13:08


本文来自: 人大经济论坛 博弈论 版,详细出处参考: http://bbs.pinggu.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=113173&page=1

(1)game theory,auction theory(拍卖理论),principal agent theory (代理人agent理论) 


Course Description:
Game theory has found its applications in numerous fields such as Economics, Social Science, Political Science, Evolutionary Biology. Game theory is now finding its applications in computer science. The nature of computing is changing because of success of Internet and the revolution in Information technology. The advancement in technologies have made it possible to commoditize the components such as network, computing, storage and software. In the new paradigm, there are multiple entities (hardware, software agents, protocols etc.) that work on behalf of different autonomous bodies (such as a user, a business etc.) and provide services to other similar entities. Internet has made is possible for many such geographically distributed antonomous entities to interact with each other and provide various services. These entities will work for their respective owners to achieve their individual goals (maximize their individual payoffs), as opposed to obtaining a system optima (that is socially desirable). This results in an entirely different paradigm of computing where the "work" is performed in a completely distributed/decentralized fashion by different entities where the primary objective of each entity is to maximize the objective of its owner. Therefore, it is important to study traditional computer science concepts such as algorithm design, protocols, performance optimization under a game-theoretic model. This course aims to provide an basic understanding of various game-theoretic concepts and its application in different domains. After this course the students should be able to model many real situation using game-theory and design solutions (mechanisms, algorithms, protocols etc.) that are robust even in presence of "self-centered" entities.
Active participation from the class is very important for this course to be successful. The course content will largely depend on what students want to learn. I have organized this course in two parts. In the first part I will teach some important basic concepts in the theory of cooperative and non-cooperative games alongwith some of their celebrated applications. In the second part, the students (preferably in gorups of two) are expected to present a topic (in game theory or its application) of their choice to the class. The student presentation will form a significant part of their overall evaluation. The evaluation of the presentation will be done jointly by me and the students.

Students (in groups of two) are expected to scribe lectures. These notes will have to be in html format. I will give my comments on the first draft of the notes based on which the students can revise their notes. After one or two rounds of revisions, the notes will be publicly posted on the course web site for other students.










自适应布局 1.1、线性布局(LinearLayout) 通过线性容器Row和Column实现线性布局。Column容器内的子组件按照垂直方向排列,Row组件中的子组件按照水平方向排列。 属性说明space通过space参数设置主轴上子组件的间距,达到各子组件在排列上的等间距效果alignItems设置子组件在交叉轴上的对齐方式,且在各类尺寸屏幕上表现一致,其中交叉轴为垂直时,取值为Vert


收集了一些平时遇到的前端比较优秀的组件,方便以后开发的时候查找!!! 函数工具: Lodash 页面固定: stickUp、jQuery.Pin 轮播: unslider、swiper 开关: switch 复选框: icheck 气泡: grumble 隐藏元素: Headroom


知识星球:https://articles.zsxq.com/id_fxvgc803qmr2.html 目录 一.定义: 精确模式(默认模式): 全模式: 搜索引擎模式: paddle 模式(基于深度学习的分词模式): 二 自定义词典 三.文本解析   调整词出现的频率 四. 关键词提取 A. 基于TF-IDF算法的关键词提取 B. 基于TextRank算法的关键词提取


在当今社会,随着科技的飞速发展,各种智能监测系统已成为保障公共安全、促进资源管理和环境保护的重要工具。其中,水位雨量在线监测系统作为自然灾害预警、水资源管理及水利工程运行的关键技术,其重要性不言而喻。 一、水位雨量在线监测系统的基本原理 水位雨量在线监测系统主要由数据采集单元、数据传输网络、数据处理中心及用户终端四大部分构成,形成了一个完整的闭环系统。 数据采集单元:这是系统的“眼睛”,


2014/1/29/   最近刚开始学hash,名字很陌生,但是hash的思想却很熟悉,以前早就做过此类的题,但是不知道这就是hash思想而已,说白了hash就是一个映射,往往灵活利用数组的下标来实现算法,hash的作用:1、判重;2、统计次数;

csu 1446 Problem J Modified LCS (扩展欧几里得算法的简单应用)

这是一道扩展欧几里得算法的简单应用题,这题是在湖南多校训练赛中队友ac的一道题,在比赛之后请教了队友,然后自己把它a掉 这也是自己独自做扩展欧几里得算法的题目 题意:把题意转变下就变成了:求d1*x - d2*y = f2 - f1的解,很明显用exgcd来解 下面介绍一下exgcd的一些知识点:求ax + by = c的解 一、首先求ax + by = gcd(a,b)的解 这个


题意:求一个序列经过一定的操作得到的序列的最小逆序数 这题会用到逆序数的一个性质,在0到n-1这些数字组成的乱序排列,将第一个数字A移到最后一位,得到的逆序数为res-a+(n-a-1) 知道上面的知识点后,可以用暴力来解 代码如下: #include<iostream>#include<algorithm>#include<cstring>#include<stack>#in


题意:在一颗树上找两个点,使得所有点到选择与其更近的一个点的距离的最大值最小。 思路:如果是选择一个点的话,那么点就是直径的中点。现在考虑两个点的情况,先求树的直径,再把直径最中间的边去掉,再求剩下的两个子树中直径的中点。 代码如下: #include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <algorithm>#include <map>#

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