【北邮国院大四上】Business Technology Strategy 企业技术战略 Terms

本文主要是介绍【北邮国院大四上】Business Technology Strategy 企业技术战略 Terms,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


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Technological Innovation

The act of introducing a new device, method, or material for application to commercial or practical objectives.


Innovation(have not found in PPT yet)

The practical implementatiopn of an idea into a new device or process


  • The ability to produce novel and useful work. 创造新颖和有用作品的能力。
  • The beginning of innovation.

Individual Creativity

Individual creativity is a function of:

  • Intellectual abilities (e.g., ability to articulate ideas) 智力能力(例如,表达想法的能力)
  • Knowledge (e.g., understand field, but not wed to paradigms) 知识(例如,理解领域,但不与范式结合)
  • Style of thinking (e.g., choose to think in novel ways) 思维方式(例如,选择以新颖的方式思考)
  • Personality (e.g., confidence in own capabilities) 个性(例如,对自己能力的信心)
  • Motivation (e.g., rely on intrinsic motivation) 动机(例如,依赖内在动机)
  • Environment (e.g., support and rewards for creative ideas) 环境(例如,对创意的支持和奖励)

Basic research

Research targeted at increasing scientific knowledge for its own sake. It may or may not have any long-term commercial application.


aims at increasing understanding of a topic or field without an immediate commercial application in mind.


Applied research 应用研究

Research targeted at increasing knowledge for a specific application or need.


aims at increasing understanding of a topic or field to meet a specific need.



Development refers to activities that apply knowledge to produce useful devices, materials, or processes


Complementors 补充者,互补公司(销售与其他公司的产品或服务相辅相成的产品或服务的公司。)

Producers of complementary goods or services (e.g., for video game console producers such as Sony or Nintendo, game developers) are complementors.


Absorptive capacity 吸收能力

The ability of an organization to recognize, assimilate, and utilize new knowledge.


TTO: Technology transfer offices 技术转移办公室:负责管理和促进大学或研究机构的技术转移和商业化的部门。

Offices designed to facilitate the transfer of technology developed in a research environment to an environment where it can be commercially applied


Collaborations include (but are not limited to): 合作包括(但不限于):

  • Joint ventures 合资企业:由两个或多个公司共同组建的企业,旨在共同开展特定的商业活动或项目。
  • Licensing and second-sourcing agreements 许可和二次采购协议
  • Research associations 研究协会:由一群研究人员组成的组织,旨在促进某个特定领域的研究和发展。
  • Government-sponsored joint research programs 政府资助的联合研究项目
  • Value-added networks for technical and scientific exchange 科技交流增值网络
  • Informal networks 非正式网络

Technology Clusters

Technology Clusters are regional clusters of firms that have a connection to a common technology, may work with the same suppliers, customers, or complements


Technological spillovers 技术外溢 (have not found in PPT yet)

A positive externality from R&D resulting from the spread of knowledge across organizational or regional boundaries



technology trajectory 技术轨道

The path a technology follows through time is termed its technology trajectory.


Many consistent patterns have been observed in technology trajectories, helping us understand how technologies improve and are diffused


Technology trajectories are most often used to represent the technology’s rate of performance improvement or its rate of adoption in the marketplace


Four of the dimensions most commonly used to categorize innovations are described here: 下面描述了最常用于对创新进行分类的四个维度:

Product innovation versus Process innovation


Radical Innovation versus Incremental Innovation


Competence-Enhancing Innovation versus Competence-Destroying Innovation


Architectural Innovation versus Component Innovation


Radical innovation(Not the original content of PPT)

An innovation that is very new and different from prior solutions,that is, "new for the world”

Incremental innovation(Not the original content of PPT)

An innovation that makes a relative minor change from exsiting practices, that is, “do better than what we already do”

Technological innovations

based on specific technology, invention, discovery


Non-Technological innovations

Service innovation, Business Model innovation


Social innovations

in critical historic periods more important than technological ones (mail, educational systém, social systém, healthcare, …


competence-enhancing innovation(Have not found in PPT yet)

An innovation that build on the existing knowledge and skills


competence-destroying innovation(Have not found in PPT yet)

An innovation that renders obsolete the existing knowledge and skills


Innovation categories

sustaining innovation 维持性创新

better products that can be sold with higher margin to demanding customers; incumbents win


disruptive innovation 颠覆性创新

commercialization of simpler, more userfriendly products, which are cheaper and targeted to new or less demanding customers; new entrants win


Open/closed innovation

Chapter3 PPT P33-34 表格

Technology S-Curves

Both the rate of a technology’s improvement, and its rate of diffusion to the market typically follow an s-shaped curve.


When a technology’s performance is plotted against the amount of effort and money invested in the technology, it typically shows slow initial improvement, then accelerated improvement, then diminishing improvement.


discontinuous technology 不连续性技术

A discontinuous technology fulfills a similar market need by means of an entirely new knowledge base.


Technological discontinuity may initially have lower performance than incumbent technology


Technology diffusion 技术扩散

Technology diffusion means the spread of a technology through a population.


Technology cycles

Technological change tends to be cyclical:


  • Each new s-curve ushers in an initial period of turbulence, followed by rapid improvement, then diminishing returns, and ultimately is displaced by a new technological discontinuity. 每一条新的s曲线都会带来最初的动荡时期,随后是快速改善,然后是收益递减,最终被新的技术不连续所取代。
  • Utterback and Abernathy(1993)characterized the technology cycle into two phases: Utterback和Abernathy(1993)将技术周期分为两个阶段:
    • The fluid phase(when there is considerable uncertainty about the technology and its market; firms experiment with different product designs in this phase) 流体阶段(该技术及其市场存在相当大的不确定性);公司在这一阶段尝试不同的产品设计)
    • After a dominant design emerges, the specific phasebegins (when firms focus on incremental improvements to the design and manufacturing efficiency). 在主导设计出现后,特定阶段开始(当公司专注于设计和制造效率的增量改进时)。

Dominant design 主导设计

Dominant design, refers to a product design that is adopted by the majority of producers, typically creating a stable architecture on which the industry can focus its efforts.


A dominant design always rose to command the majority of market share unless the next discontinuity arrived too early.



Learning Effects

The more a technology is adopted, the more it is developed and the more effective and efficient it becomes.


  • Revenue generation for reinvestment on further developing in technology 为进一步发展技术的再投资创造收入
  • Experience and knowledge accumulation 经验和知识的积累

Absorptive Capacity

Absorptive Capacity refers to the phenomenon whereby as individuals or firms learn, they also increase their future ability to learn. The ability of an organization to recognize, assimilate, and utilize new knowledge


increasing return

When the rate of return(not just gross returns) from a product or process increases with the size of its installed base


Network Externalities (network effects, positive consumption externalities) 网络外部性(网络效应,正消费外部性)

the value of a good to a user increases with the number of other users of the same or similar good. Also termed positive consumption externalities, this is when the value of a good to a user increases with the number of other users of the same or similar good


Direct network externalities

the utility of a product to each user in a network depends on the number of users.


Indirect network externalities

a positive link between the utility to a customer and the number of other users of the product by expanding the range of complementary products.


Network externality value

Network externality value is a function of the size of the installed base and the availability of complementary goods.


  • a)The size of the technology’s installed base 该技术安装基础的大小
  • b)The availability of complementary goods 补充商品的可得性

installed base

The number of users of a particular technology is often referred to as its installed base


complementary goods 互补商品:在使用或消费过程中与其他商品相互补充的商品。

additional good and service that enable or enhance the value of another good.


Path dependency

when end results depend greatly on the events that took place leading up to the outcome. It is often impossible to reproduce the results that occur in such a situation


Increasing returns to adoption also imply that technology trajectories are characterized by path dependency


Natural monopolies 自然垄断:在特定产业中,由于某些自然条件或技术限制,只有一个企业能够高效率地提供产品或服务,并且其他企业很难进入该市场与之竞争。

the majority of the market is dominated by a single (or few) design(s)


Buyer Utility Map 买方实用工具地图

Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne developed the “Buyer Utility Map” to help managers determine what aspects of a new technology will be valued by potential customers (e.g. the functions it enables the customer to perform, its aesthetic qualities, its ease of use, etc.). They recommend considering six utility levers and the six stages of a buyers experience cycle (purchase, delivery, use, supplements, maintenance, and disposal) in order to fully understand a new technologies standalone value to a customer. Of course, each benefit has to be considered in light of its cost.

Chan Kim和Renee Mauborgne开发了“买家效用图”来帮助经理确定一项新技术的哪些方面将被潜在客户所重视(例如,它使客户能够执行的功能,它的美学质量,它的易用性等)。他们建议考虑六个效用杠杆和购买者体验周期的六个阶段(购买、交付、使用、补充、维护和处理),以充分理解一项新技术对客户的独立价值。当然,每一项效益都必须根据其成本来考虑。


First movers

First movers are the first entrants to sell in a new product or service category (“pioneers”).


Early followers

Early followers are early to market but not the first.


Late entrants

Late entrants do not enter the market until the product begins to penetrate the mass market or later.


incumbent inertia 现任惯性

The tendency for incumbents to be slow to respond to changes in the industry environment due to their large size, established routines, or prior strategic commitments to existing suppliers and customers. 现有企业由于规模大、惯例或对现有供应商和客户的战略承诺而对行业环境变化反应迟缓的趋势。

Parallel development process 并行开发过程

Parallel development process means When multiple stages of the new product development process occur simultaneously.



Oligopolistic industries 寡头垄断行业

Highly consolidated industries with a few large competitors.


Exit barriers 退出壁垒

Costs or other commitments that make it difficult for firms to abandon an industry (large fixed-asset investments, emotional commitment to the industry, etc.).


Switching costs 转换成本


Factors that make it difficult or expensive to change suppliers or buyers, such as investments in specialized assets to work with a particular supplier or buyer.


Vertical integration 垂直整合


Getting into the business of one’s suppliers (backward vertical integration) or one’s buyers (forward vertical integration). For example, a firm that begins producing its own supplies has practiced backward vertical integration, and a firm that buys its distributor has practiced forward vertical integration.


Substitutes 替代品

Substitutes are products or services that are not considered competitors, but fulfill a strategically equivalent role for the customer.


Stakeholder 利益相关者

Any entity that has an interest (“stake”) in the organization.


Stakeholders include (but are not limited to) stockholders, employees, customers, suppliers, lenders, the local community, government, and rivals



Tacit resources 隐性资源

Resources of an intangible nature (such as knowledge) that cannot be readily codified.


Socially complex resources 社会复杂资源

Resources or activities that emerge through the interaction of multiple individuals.


Causal ambiguity 因果歧义

The relationship between a resource and the outcome it produces is poorly understood.


Core Rigidities 核心僵化

The Risk of Core Rigidities is faced by firms when they focus on current capabilities and do not develop new ones. Sometimes the very things that a firm excels at can enslave it, making the firm rigid and overly committed to inappropriate skills and resources.


Strategic Intent 战略意图

A long-term goal that is ambitious, builds upon and stretches firm’s core competencies, and draws from all levels of the organization.


Strategic intent provides clarity, brings about focus, and inspires the people.



Capital rationing 资本配给

The allocation of a finite quantity of resources over different possible uses.


Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Methods 折现现金流(DCF)方法


Net Present Value(NPV) 净现值


Expected cash inflows are discounted and compared to outlays.


Internal Rate of Return(IRR) 内部收益率


The discount rate that makes the net present value of investment zero.


Discounted payback period 折现回收期


The time required to break even on a project using discounted cash flows.


Real Options 实物期权

Applies stock option model to nonfinancial resource investments.



discounted payback period 折现回收期


the time required to break even on the project using discounted cash flows


Screening Questions 筛选问题

Assess different dimensions of the project decision


The Aggregate Project Planning Framework 项目总体规划框架

Emphasizes balance of different types of projects and their match to resource availability, cash flow needs, etc.


Q-Sort Q分类

ranks projects on a variety of dimensions.


Advanced R&D Projects 先进研发项目

develop cutting-edge technologies; often no immediate commercial application; take a long time to pay off (or may not pay off at all), but can position the firm to be a technological leader.


Breakthrough Projects 突破性项目

incorporate revolutionary new technologies into a commercial application.


Platform Projects 平台项目

not revolutionary, but offer fundamental improvements over preceding generations of products.


Derivative Projects 衍生项目

incremental improvements and variety in design features. These projects pay off the quickest, and help service the firm’s short-term cash flow needs


Conjoint Analysis 联合分析

a family of techniques enabling the relative importance of product attributes to be derived statistically.


Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) 数据包络分析(DEA)

facilitates the comparison of projects using multiple criteriaand different kinds of measurement unitsbased on a linear programming.


Efficiency frontier 效率边界

the range of hypothetical configurations that optimize a combination of features. 优化特征组合的假设配置范围。

Scoring Models 评分模型

scores and ranks projects using criteria system and quantifying mechanism.



Joint venture 合资企业

A partnership between two or more firms involving a significant equity stake by the partners and often resulting in the creation of a new business entity.


Capability complementation 功能互补

Combining (“pooling”) the capabilities and other resources of partner firms, but not necessarily transferring those resources between the partners.


Capability transfer 能力转移

Exchange of capabilities across firms in such a manner that partners can internalize the capabilities and use them independently of the particular development project.


Licensing 许可

Licensing is a contractual arrangement whereby one organization or individual (the licensee) obtains the rights to use the proprietary technology (or trademark, copyright, etc.) of another organization or individual (the licensor).Licensing enables a firm to rapidly acquire a technology (or other resource or capability) it does not possess.


Outsourcing 外包

An organization (or individual) procures services or products from another rather than producing them in-house.


Partner Selection的factor

resource fit 资源契合

Resource fit refers to the degree to which potential partners have resources that can be effectively integrated into a strategy that creates value. Such resources may be either complementary or supplementary. Most collaborations are motivated by the need to access resources the firm does not possess; such collaborations are based on the combination of complementary resources.


strategic fit 战略契合:指两家公司在合并中的适合程度。

Strategic fit refers to the degree to which partners have compatible objectives and styles. The objectives of the partners need not be the same as long as the objectives can be achieved without harming the alliance or the partners. Not knowing a partner’s true objectives or forging an alliance with a partner with incompatible objectives can result in conflict, wasted resources, and forfeited opportunities.



Appropriability 独占性

The degree to which a firm is able to capture the rents from its innovation.


Tacit knowledge 默知


Knowledge that cannot be readily codified or transferred in written form.


A firm’s unique prior experience or talent pool may give it a foundation of technical know-how that its competitors do not possess.


Socially complex Knowledge 社会复杂知识

Knowledge that arises from the interaction of multiple individuals.


Patent 专利

A patent protects an invention.


  • A property right protecting a process, machine, manufactured item (or design for manufactured item), or variety of plant. 保护工艺、机器、制成品(或制成品的设计)或各种设备的产权。

Trademark 商标

A trademark protects words or symbols intended to distinguish the source of a good.


  • An indicator used to distinguish the source of a good. 指示用来区分商品来源

Copyright 版权

A copyright protects an original artistic or literary work.


  • A property right protecting works of authorship. 保护作者作品的财产权。

Trade Secrets 商业机密

Trade Secret: information that belongs to a business that is generally unknown to others.


  • Firm can protect proprietary product or process as trade secret without disclosing detailed information that would be required in patent. 企业可以保护专有产品或工艺作为商业秘密,而无需披露专利所要求的详细信息。
  • Enables broad class of assets and activities to be protectable. 使广泛的资产和活动类别得到保护。

Wholly proprietary systems 完全专有系统

Goods based on technology that is owned and vigorously protected through patents, copyrights, secrecy, or other mechanisms. Wholly proprietary technologies may be legally produced and augmented only by their developers.


Wholly open systems 完全开放系统

Goods based on technology that is not protected and that is freely available for production or augmentation by other producers.



Formalization 正规化/形式化

The degree to which the firm utilizes rules procedures, and written documentation to structure the behavior of individuals or groups within the organization.


Standardization 标准化

The degree to which activities are performed in a uniform manner.


Centralization 集中化

The degree to which decision-making authority is kept at top levels of the firm


Decentralization 非集权化

The degree to which decision-making authority is pushed down to lower levels of the firm.


Mechanistic structure 机械式结构

The combination of formalization and standardization results in what is often termed a mechanistic structure.


  • An organization structure characterized by a high degree of formalization and standardization, causing operations to be almost automatic or mechanical. 一种以高度形式化和标准化为特征的组织结构,使操作几乎自动化或机械化。

Organic structures 有机结构

An organization structure characterized by a low degree of formalization and standardization. Employees may not have well-defined job responsibilities and operations may be characterized by a high degree of variation.


Ambidextrous organization

An ambidextrous organization is a firm with a complex organizational form that is composed of multiple internally inconsistent architectures that can collectively achieve both short-term efficiency and long-term innovation.


In other words, the ability of an organization to behave almost as two different kinds of companies at once. Different divisions of the firm may have different structures and control systems, enabling them to have different cultures and patterns of operations.


Skunk Works 臭鼬工厂/秘密研发小组/项目

Skunk Works is a term that originated with a division of Lockheed Martin that was formed in June of 1943 to quickly develop a jet fighter for the United States Army. It has evolved as skunk works to refer more generally to new product development teams that operate nearly autonomously from the parent organization, with considerable decentralization of authority and little bureaucracy.

臭鼬工厂/秘密研发小组/项目(Skunk Works)这个词起源于洛克希德·马丁公司(Lockheed Martin)的一个部门,该部门成立于1943年6月,目的是为美国陆军快速开发一种喷气式战斗机。它已经演变为臭鼬工作,更广泛地指新产品开发团队,这些团队几乎独立于母公司运作,具有相当大的权力分散和很少的官僚主义。

Modularity 模块化

Modularity refers to the degree to which a system’s components can be separated and recombined.


loosely coupled organizational structures

When products are made more modular, it enables the entire production system to be made more modular. The standard interfaces reduce the amount of coordination that must take place between the developers of different components, freeing them to pursue more flexible arrangements than the typical organizational hierarchy.


Such flexible arrangements are referred to as “loosely coupled organizational structures.”



The “freemium”model 免费增值商业模式

A pricing model where a base product or service is offered for free, but a premium is charged for additional features or service. 免费提供基本产品或服务,但对附加功能或服务收取额外费用的定价模式。

四种Intermediaries 中间商

Manufacturers’ representatives 制造商代表

independent agents that may promote and sell the product lines of one or a few manufacturers.


  • Useful for direct selling when it’s impractical for manufacturer to have own direct sales force for all markets. 当制造商在所有市场都拥有自己的直销队伍是不切实际的时候,这对直销很有用。

Wholesalers 批发商

firms that buy manufacturer’s products in bulk then resell them (typically in smaller, more diverse bundles)


  • Provide bulk breaking and carry inventory. 提供散装拆装和搬运库存。
  • Handles transactions with retailers and provides transportation. 处理与零售商的交易并提供运输服务。

Retailers 零售商

firms that sell goods to public


  • Provide convenience for customers 为客户提供便利
  • Enable on-site examination and service 能够进行现场检查和服务

Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) 原始设备制造商(oem)

A company that buys products (or components) from other manufacturers and assembles them or customizes them and sells under its own brand name. E.g., Dell Computer


  • Aggregates components from multiple manufacturers 聚合来自多个制造商的组件
  • Provides single point-of-contact and service for customer 为客户提供单点接触和服务

这篇关于【北邮国院大四上】Business Technology Strategy 企业技术战略 Terms的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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原文链接: https://tecdat.cn/?p=37628 6月16日,小鹏汇天旅航者X2在北京大兴国际机场临空经济区完成首飞,这也是小鹏汇天的产品在京津冀地区进行的首次飞行。小鹏汇天方面还表示,公司准备量产,并计划今年四季度开启预售小鹏汇天分体式飞行汽车,探索分体式飞行汽车城际通勤。阅读原文,获取专题报告合集全文,解锁文末271份飞行汽车相关行业研究报告。 据悉,业内人士对飞行汽车行业

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前端技术(七)——less 教程

一、less简介 1. less是什么? less是一种动态样式语言,属于css预处理器的范畴,它扩展了CSS语言,增加了变量、Mixin、函数等特性,使CSS 更易维护和扩展LESS 既可以在 客户端 上运行 ,也可以借助Node.js在服务端运行。 less的中文官网:https://lesscss.cn/ 2. less编译工具 koala 官网 http://koala-app.


读《Spring技术内幕》第二版,计文柯著。 如果我们要简要地描述Spring的设计⽬标,可以这么说,Spring为开发者提供的是⼀个⼀站式的轻量级应⽤开发框架(平台)。 作为平台,Spring抽象了我们在 许多应⽤开发中遇到的共性问题;同时,作为⼀个轻量级的应⽤开发框架,Spring和传统的J2EE开发相⽐,有其⾃⾝的特点。 通过这些⾃⾝的特点,Spring充分体现了它的设计理念:在


http://blog.csdn.net/Daybreak1209/article/details/51382604 一种最为简单的线程创建和回收的方法: [html]  view plain copy new Thread(new Runnable(){                @Override               public voi


http://blog.csdn.net/daybreak1209/article/details/51307679      在java多线程——线程同步问题中,对于多线程下程序启动时出现的线程安全问题的背景和初步解决方案已经有了详细的介绍。本文将再度深入解析对线程代码块和方法的同步控制和多线程间通信的实例。 一、再现多线程下安全问题 先看开启两条线程,分别按序打印字符串的


很多的公司都没有安全团队,只有运维来负责整个公司的安全,从而安全问题也大打折扣。我最近一直在给各个公司做安全检测,就把自己的心得写下来,有什么不足之处还望补充。 0×01  无线安全 很多的公司都有不怎么注重公司的无线电安全,有钱的公司买设备,没钱的公司搞人力。但是人的技术在好,没有设备的辅助,人力在牛逼也没有个卵用。一个好的路由器、交换机、IDS就像你装备了 无尽、狂徒、杀人书一