本文主要是介绍雅思词汇——Word List 2(V2),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
- 1. regional [ˈriːdʒənl]
- 2. secure [sɪˈkjʊər]
- 3. preserve [prɪˈzɜːrv]
- 4. reject [rɪˈdʒɛkt]
- 5. code [koʊd]
- 6. seek [siːk]
- 7. item [ˈaɪtəm]
- 8. crown [kraʊn]
- 9. effort [ˈɛfərt]
- 10. point [pɔɪnt]
- 11. review [rɪˈvjuː]
- 12. fabrication [ˌfæbrɪˈkeɪʃən]
- 13. series [ˈsɪəriːz]
- 14. variation [ˌvɛriˈeɪʃən]
- 15. margin [ˈmɑːdʒɪn]
- 16. distraction [dɪˈstrækʃən]
- 17. complicate [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪt]
- 18. tram [træm]
- 19. maturity [məˈtjʊərɪti]
- 20. download [ˈdaʊnˌloʊd]
- 21. refer [rɪˈfɜːr]
- 22. interview [ˈɪntərˌvjuː]
- 22. extent [ɪkˈstɛnt]
- 23. evacuate [ɪˈvækjueɪt]
- 24. stint [stɪnt]
- 25. embankment [ɪmˈbæŋkmənt]
- 26. squash [skwɒʃ]
- 27. federation [ˌfɛdəˈreɪʃən]
- 28. surge [sɜːdʒ]
- 29. physical [ˈfɪzɪkəl]
- 30. justify [ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ]
- 31. score [skɔː]
- 32. persuade [pəˈsweɪd]
- 33. migration [maɪˈɡreɪʃən]
- 34. overweight [ˌoʊvərˈweɪt]
- 35. cooperation [koʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃən]
- 36. zoological [zəʊəˈlɒdʒɪkl]
- 37. stamp [stæmp]
- 38. whistle [ˈwɪsl]
- 39. detective [dɪˈtɛktɪv]
- 40. occupy [ˈɒkjʊpaɪ]
- 41. ceremony [ˈsɛrəˌmoʊni]
- 42. diagnose [ˈdaɪəɡˌnoʊs]
- 43. denote [dɪˈnoʊt]
- 44. chink [tʃɪŋk]
- 45. iris [ˈaɪrɪs]
- 46. resource [rɪˈsɔːrs]
- 47. entire [ɪnˈtaɪər]
- 48. epitomise [ɪˈpɪtəmaɪz]
- 49. crocodile [ˈkrɒkəˌdaɪl]
- 50. summit [ˈsʌmɪt]
- 51. ensure [ɪnˈʃʊər]
- 52. odour [ˈoʊdər]
- 53. accurate [ˈækjərət]
- 54. superior [səˈpɪriər]
- 55. tender [ˈtɛndər]
- 56. willing [ˈwɪlɪŋ]
- 57. perform [pərˈfɔːrm]
- 58. seep [siːp]
- 59. ambassador [æmˈbæsədər]
- 60. delinquency [dɪˈlɪŋkwənsi]
- 61. deliberate [dɪˈlɪbərət]
- 62. implication [ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃən]
- 63. broom [bruːm]
- 64. opponent [əˈpoʊnənt]
- 65. sponsor [ˈspɒnsər]
- 66. decisive [dɪˈsaɪsɪv]
- 67. substantial [səbˈstænʃəl]
- 68. questionnaire [ˌkwɛstʃəˈnɛr]
- 69. viewpoint [ˈvjuːpɔɪnt]
- 70. routine [ruːˈtiːn]
- 71. nurture [ˈnɜːrtʃər]
- 72. slight [slaɪt]
- 73. genetic [dʒəˈnɛtɪk]
- 74. similarly [ˈsɪmɪlərli]
1. regional [ˈriːdʒənl]
- 中文意思:地区的、区域的
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- regional differences: 地区差异
- regional cuisine: 地方菜肴
- 例句:
- There are regional variations in climate.
(气候存在地区性变化。) - The festival celebrates regional culture.
- There are regional variations in climate.
2. secure [sɪˈkjʊər]
- 中文意思:安全的、确保
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- secure a loan: 获得贷款
- feel secure: 感到安全
- 例句:
- The house has a secure lock.
(这栋房子有一个安全的锁。) - We need to secure our data.
- The house has a secure lock.
3. preserve [prɪˈzɜːrv]
- 中文意思:保护、保持
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- preserve nature: 保护自然
- preserve history: 保护历史
- 例句:
- We must preserve our natural resources.
(我们必须保护我们的自然资源。) - It’s important to preserve ancient monuments.
- We must preserve our natural resources.
4. reject [rɪˈdʒɛkt]
- 中文意思:拒绝、驳回
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- reject a proposal: 拒绝提议
- reject an offer: 拒绝报价
- 例句:
- They had to reject the job offer.
(他们不得不拒绝这份工作的报价。) - The committee decided to reject the proposal.
- They had to reject the job offer.
5. code [koʊd]
- 中文意思:代码、法典
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- secret code: 秘密代码
- dress code: 着装规定
- 例句:
- Programmers write code for software.
(程序员编写软件代码。) - The school has a dress code for students.
- Programmers write code for software.
6. seek [siːk]
- 中文意思:寻找、追求
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- seek advice: 寻求建议
- seek opportunities: 寻找机会
- 例句:
- She seeks adventure wherever she goes.
(她无论到哪里都在寻找冒险。) - They seek solutions to global problems.
- She seeks adventure wherever she goes.
7. item [ˈaɪtəm]
- 中文意思:项目、物品
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- news item: 新闻项目
- purchase item: 购买物品
- 例句:
- The news item caught everyone’s attention.
(这则新闻引起了大家的关注。) - Please list each item separately.
- The news item caught everyone’s attention.
8. crown [kraʊn]
- 中文意思:王冠、顶点
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- royal crown: 皇冠
- crown a champion: 加冕冠军
- 例句:
- The queen wore a magnificent crown.
(女王戴着华丽的王冠。) - The victory crowned their efforts.
- The queen wore a magnificent crown.
9. effort [ˈɛfərt]
- 中文意思:努力、艰难尝试
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- make an effort: 做出努力
- concerted effort: 共同努力
- 例句:
- She put a lot of effort into her studies.
(她在学习上付出了很多努力。) - It took a team effort to complete the project.
- She put a lot of effort into her studies.
10. point [pɔɪnt]
- 中文意思:观点、要点
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- main point: 要点
- key point: 关键点
- 例句:
- She made a valid point during the discussion.
(她在讨论中提出了一个有力的观点。) - The article highlights several key points.
- She made a valid point during the discussion.
11. review [rɪˈvjuː]
- 中文意思:审查、评论
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- book review: 书评
- conduct a review: 进行审查
- 例句:
- The magazine published a positive review of the movie.
(杂志发表了一篇对这部电影的正面评论。) - They need to conduct a thorough review of the policy.
- The magazine published a positive review of the movie.
12. fabrication [ˌfæbrɪˈkeɪʃən]
- 中文意思:制造、捏造
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- fabrication process: 制造过程
- fabrication of evidence: 伪造证据
- 例句:
- The fabrication of the prototype took months.
(原型的制造花了几个月的时间。) - The accusation was based on fabrication of lies.
- The fabrication of the prototype took months.
13. series [ˈsɪəriːz]
- 中文意思:系列、连续
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- TV series: 电视剧
- series of events: 一连串的事件
- 例句:
- He watched the entire series in one weekend.
(他在一个周末内看完了整个系列。) - A series of mistakes led to the accident.
- He watched the entire series in one weekend.
14. variation [ˌvɛriˈeɪʃən]
- 中文意思:变化、差异
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- variation in temperature: 温度变化
- slight variation: 轻微差异
- 例句:
- There’s a wide variation in prices.
(价格有很大的差异。) - The experiment showed variations in results.
- There’s a wide variation in prices.
15. margin [ˈmɑːdʒɪn]
- 中文意思:边缘、利润
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- narrow margin: 狭窄边缘
- profit margin: 利润率
- 例句:
- Write your notes in the margin of the page.
(在页面的边缘写上你的笔记。) - The company aims to increase its profit margin.
- Write your notes in the margin of the page.
16. distraction [dɪˈstrækʃən]
- 中文意思:分心、娱乐
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- avoid distraction: 避免分心
- source of distraction: 分心的来源
- 例句:
- She found it hard to concentrate with so much distraction.
(有这么多的娱乐分心,她觉得很难集中注意力。) - His phone is a constant source of distraction.
- She found it hard to concentrate with so much distraction.
17. complicate [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪt]
- 中文意思:使复杂化、使混乱
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- complicate matters: 使情况复杂化
- complicate the situation: 使情况复杂化
- 例句:
- His decision will complicate things.
(他的决定会使事情复杂化。) - Don’t complicate the situation further.
- His decision will complicate things.
18. tram [træm]
- 中文意思:有轨电车
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- take the tram: 坐有轨电车
- tram network: 有轨电车网
- 例句:
- They took the tram to get downtown.
(他们坐有轨电车去市中心。) - The city has an extensive tram network.
- They took the tram to get downtown.
19. maturity [məˈtjʊərɪti]
- 中文意思:成熟、到期
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- financial maturity: 财务成熟
- reach maturity: 达到成熟期
- 例句:
- His work shows a level of maturity beyond his years.
(他的工作展现了超出年龄的成熟度。) - The investment will reach maturity in five years.
- His work shows a level of maturity beyond his years.
20. download [ˈdaʊnˌloʊd]
- 中文意思:下载
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- download a file: 下载文件
- download music: 下载音乐
- 例句:
- He needs to download the software update.
(他需要下载软件更新。) - You can download the app for free.
- He needs to download the software update.
21. refer [rɪˈfɜːr]
- 中文意思:参考、提及
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- refer to a book: 参考一本书
- refer to as: 称为
- 例句:
- You can refer to the manual for instructions.
(你可以参考手册获得指导。) - He is often referred to as a genius.
- You can refer to the manual for instructions.
22. interview [ˈɪntərˌvjuː]
- 中文意思:面试、采访
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- job interview: 求职面试
- conduct an interview: 进行采访
- 例句:
- She has an interview for a new job tomorrow.
(明天她有一个新工作的面试。) - The journalist will conduct an interview with the author.
- She has an interview for a new job tomorrow.
22. extent [ɪkˈstɛnt]
- 中文意思:程度、范围
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- to a great extent: 在很大程度上
- limit the extent: 限制程度
- 例句:
- The damage was extensive, to a great extent.
(损坏程度相当严重。) - They need to limit the extent of their activities.
- The damage was extensive, to a great extent.
23. evacuate [ɪˈvækjueɪt]
- 中文意思:撤离、疏散
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- evacuate the area: 疏散该地区
- emergency evacuation: 紧急疏散
- 例句:
- Authorities ordered residents to evacuate the area immediately.
(当局命令居民立即撤离该地区。) - The hotel conducted an emergency evacuation drill.
- Authorities ordered residents to evacuate the area immediately.
24. stint [stɪnt]
- 中文意思:限制、限量
- 使用频率:低
- 常用短语:
- a brief stint: 短暂的时间
- stint on something: 限制某事
- 例句:
- She had a brief stint as a teacher before changing careers.
(她在改变职业之前当了一段时间的老师。) - They shouldn’t stint on resources for the project.
- She had a brief stint as a teacher before changing careers.
25. embankment [ɪmˈbæŋkmənt]
- 中文意思:堤岸、筑堤
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- river embankment: 河堤
- build an embankment: 筑堤
- 例句:
- The river embankment prevented flooding in the town.
(河堤防止了城镇的洪水泛滥。) - They plan to build a new embankment along the coast.
- The river embankment prevented flooding in the town.
26. squash [skwɒʃ]
- 中文意思:挤压、壁球
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- squash a rumor: 扑灭谣言
- play squash: 打壁球
- 例句:
- They tried to squash the rumors about the merger.
(他们试图扑灭有关合并的谣言。) - Let’s play squash this weekend.
- They tried to squash the rumors about the merger.
27. federation [ˌfɛdəˈreɪʃən]
- 中文意思:联邦、联盟
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- trade federation: 贸易联盟
- form a federation: 成立联邦
- 例句:
- The trade federation supported new policies.
(贸易联盟支持新政策。) - Several states decided to form a federation for better cooperation.
- The trade federation supported new policies.
28. surge [sɜːdʒ]
- 中文意思:激增、激增
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- surge in demand: 需求激增
- experience a surge: 经历激增
- 例句:
- There was a surge in online shopping during the holidays.
(节日期间网购需求激增。) - Hospitals experienced a surge in COVID-19 cases.
- There was a surge in online shopping during the holidays.
29. physical [ˈfɪzɪkəl]
- 中文意思:身体的、物理的
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- physical health: 身体健康
- physical examination: 身体检查
- 例句:
- Regular exercise is essential for physical health.
(定期锻炼对身体健康至关重要。) - She went for a physical examination at the clinic.
- Regular exercise is essential for physical health.
30. justify [ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ]
- 中文意思:证明…有道理、辩解
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- justify the decision: 证明决定合理
- try to justify: 尝试辩解
- 例句:
- They need to justify their reasons for the delay.
(他们需要证明延迟的原因合理。) - She tried to justify her actions, but it was difficult.
- They need to justify their reasons for the delay.
31. score [skɔː]
- 中文意思:得分、分数、成绩
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- high score: 高分
- score a goal: 进球
- 例句:
- He achieved a perfect score on the test.
(他在考试中取得了满分。) - The team scored a goal in the first minute.
- He achieved a perfect score on the test.
32. persuade [pəˈsweɪd]
- 中文意思:说服、劝说
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- try to persuade: 尝试说服
- easily persuaded: 容易被说服
- 例句:
- He tried to persuade them to change their minds.
(他试图说服他们改变主意。) - She’s easily persuaded by new ideas.
- He tried to persuade them to change their minds.
33. migration [maɪˈɡreɪʃən]
- 中文意思:迁徙、移民
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- bird migration: 鸟类迁徙
- migration patterns: 迁徙模式
- 例句:
- The migration of birds happens every year.
(鸟类每年都会迁徙。) - They studied the migration patterns of whales.
- The migration of birds happens every year.
34. overweight [ˌoʊvərˈweɪt]
- 中文意思:超重的、肥胖的
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- overweight person: 超重的人
- overweight baggage: 超重行李
- 例句:
- She’s concerned about being overweight.
(她担心自己超重了。) - The airline charges extra for overweight baggage.
- She’s concerned about being overweight.
35. cooperation [koʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃən]
- 中文意思:合作、合作协议
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- international cooperation: 国际合作
- cooperation agreement: 合作协议
- 例句:
- International cooperation is crucial for solving global issues.
(国际合作对解决全球问题至关重要。) - They signed a cooperation agreement between the companies.
- International cooperation is crucial for solving global issues.
36. zoological [zəʊəˈlɒdʒɪkl]
- 中文意思:动物学的、动物园的
- 使用频率:低
- 常用短语:
- zoological park: 动物园
- zoological research: 动物学研究
- 例句:
- The city plans to build a new zoological park.
(这座城市计划建造一个新的动物园。) - She’s involved in zoological research on endangered species.
- The city plans to build a new zoological park.
37. stamp [stæmp]
- 中文意思:邮票、盖章
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- postage stamp: 邮票
- stamp the document: 盖章文件
- 例句:
- He collects rare postage stamps.
(他收集稀有邮票。) - Don’t forget to stamp the papers before submitting them.
- He collects rare postage stamps.
38. whistle [ˈwɪsl]
- 中文意思:口哨、吹口哨
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- blow a whistle: 吹口哨
- hear a whistle: 听到口哨声
- 例句:
- He likes to whistle while he works.
(他喜欢一边工作一边吹口哨。) - Did you hear that loud whistle just now?
- He likes to whistle while he works.
39. detective [dɪˈtɛktɪv]
- 中文意思:侦探、侦探的
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- private detective: 私人侦探
- detective work: 侦探工作
- 例句:
- The novel is about a detective solving a mystery.
(这本小说讲的是一个侦探解决一个谜团。) - She’s interested in doing detective work.
- The novel is about a detective solving a mystery.
40. occupy [ˈɒkjʊpaɪ]
- 中文意思:占领、占据
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- occupy a room: 占用房间
- occupy the throne: 登上王位
- 例句:
- They occupy a large portion of the market share.
(他们占据了市场份额的大部分。) - The king planned to occupy the neighboring kingdom.
- They occupy a large portion of the market share.
41. ceremony [ˈsɛrəˌmoʊni]
- 中文意思:仪式、典礼
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- wedding ceremony: 婚礼仪式
- opening ceremony: 开幕式
- 例句:
- The wedding ceremony was beautiful and heartfelt.
(婚礼仪式美丽而充满诚意。) - The opening ceremony marked the beginning of the event.
- The wedding ceremony was beautiful and heartfelt.
42. diagnose [ˈdaɪəɡˌnoʊs]
- 中文意思:诊断、判断
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- diagnose a disease: 诊断疾病
- accurately diagnose: 准确诊断
- 例句:
- The doctor needs more tests to diagnose the illness.
(医生需要更多检查来诊断疾病。) - It’s essential to accurately diagnose the problem.
- The doctor needs more tests to diagnose the illness.
43. denote [dɪˈnoʊt]
- 中文意思:表示、代表
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- denote meaning: 表示含义
- word denoting: 表示的单词
- 例句:
- The color red often denotes passion or love.
(红色通常代表着热情或爱情。) - In this context, the word “bright” denotes intelligence.
- The color red often denotes passion or love.
44. chink [tʃɪŋk]
- 中文意思:裂缝、缺口
- 使用频率:低
- 常用短语:
- small chink: 小裂缝
- chink in the armor: 弱点
- 例句:
- There was a small chink in the wall.
(墙上有一个小缝隙。) - The team found a chink in their opponent’s defense.
- There was a small chink in the wall.
45. iris [ˈaɪrɪs]
- 中文意思:虹膜、鸢尾属
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- iris of the eye: 眼睛的虹膜
- iris flower: 鸢尾花
- 例句:
- The iris of her eye had a unique color.
(她眼睛的虹膜颜色很独特。) - The garden was filled with beautiful iris flowers.
- The iris of her eye had a unique color.
46. resource [rɪˈsɔːrs]
- 中文意思:资源、手段
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- natural resources: 自然资源
- utilize resources: 利用资源
- 例句:
- The country is rich in natural resources.
(这个国家资源丰富。) - They need to better utilize their resources.
- The country is rich in natural resources.
47. entire [ɪnˈtaɪər]
- 中文意思:整个的、全部的
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- the entire team: 整个团队
- the entire day: 整天
- 例句:
- The entire building was renovated.
(整个建筑都进行了翻新。) - She spent the entire day cleaning the house.
- The entire building was renovated.
48. epitomise [ɪˈpɪtəmaɪz]
- 中文意思:是…的缩影、概括
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- epitomise a concept: 概括一个概念
- epitomise the problem: 是问题的缩影
- 例句:
- His life epitomises the American Dream.
(他的生活是美国梦的缩影。) - This situation epitomises the challenges we face.
- His life epitomises the American Dream.
49. crocodile [ˈkrɒkəˌdaɪl]
- 中文意思:鳄鱼
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- Nile crocodile: 尼罗鳄
- saltwater crocodile: 咸水鳄
- 例句:
- Nile crocodiles are found in various African countries.
(尼罗鳄分布在非洲的各个国家。) - The saltwater crocodile is the largest living reptile.
- Nile crocodiles are found in various African countries.
50. summit [ˈsʌmɪt]
- 中文意思:顶峰、峰会
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- reach the summit: 登顶
- summit meeting: 峰会
- 例句:
- They reached the summit of the mountain at sunrise.
(他们在日出时登上了山顶。) - World leaders gathered for a summit meeting on climate change.
- They reached the summit of the mountain at sunrise.
51. ensure [ɪnˈʃʊər]
- 中文意思:确保、保证
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- ensure safety: 确保安全
- ensure success: 确保成功
- 例句:
- The company takes measures to ensure safety.
(公司采取措施确保安全。) - Studying consistently will ensure success in exams.
- The company takes measures to ensure safety.
52. odour [ˈoʊdər]
- 中文意思:气味、臭气
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- unpleasant odor: 难闻的气味
- strong odor: 浓烈气味
- 例句:
- There was an unpleasant odor coming from the kitchen.
(厨房里传来一股难闻的气味。) - The flowers had a strong, sweet odor.
- There was an unpleasant odor coming from the kitchen.
53. accurate [ˈækjərət]
- 中文意思:准确的、精确的
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- accurate information: 准确信息
- accurate measurement: 精确测量
- 例句:
- It’s important to provide accurate details.
(提供准确的细节很重要。) - The scale provides accurate measurements.
- It’s important to provide accurate details.
54. superior [səˈpɪriər]
- 中文意思:优越的、上级的
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- superior quality: 优质
- superior officer: 上级军官
- 例句:
- This product has a reputation for its superior quality.
(这个产品以其优质而闻名。) - He reports directly to his superior officer.
- This product has a reputation for its superior quality.
55. tender [ˈtɛndər]
- 中文意思:温柔的、投标、招标
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- tender heart: 温柔的心
- tender for a project: 投标项目
- 例句:
- She has a tender heart and cares for everyone.
(她心地温柔,关心每个人。) - Several companies submitted a tender for the construction project.
- She has a tender heart and cares for everyone.
56. willing [ˈwɪlɪŋ]
- 中文意思:愿意的、乐意的
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- be willing to: 愿意
- willing to help: 乐于帮助
- 例句:
- She’s willing to learn new skills.
(她愿意学习新技能。) - He’s always willing to help his colleagues.
- She’s willing to learn new skills.
57. perform [pərˈfɔːrm]
- 中文意思:执行、表演
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- perform a task: 执行任务
- perform on stage: 在舞台上表演
- 例句:
- He can perform various tasks efficiently.
(他能够高效地执行各种任务。) - The actors will perform Shakespeare’s play next week.
- He can perform various tasks efficiently.
58. seep [siːp]
- 中文意思:渗漏、渗出
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- water seepage: 水渗漏
- seep through: 渗透
- 例句:
- There’s water seepage in the basement.
(地下室有水渗漏。) - The ink started to seep through the paper.
- There’s water seepage in the basement.
59. ambassador [æmˈbæsədər]
- 中文意思:大使
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- diplomatic ambassador: 外交大使
- cultural ambassador: 文化大使
- 例句:
- She’s been appointed as the new cultural ambassador.
(她被任命为新的文化大使。) - The ambassador attended the diplomatic meeting.
- She’s been appointed as the new cultural ambassador.
60. delinquency [dɪˈlɪŋkwənsi]
- 中文意思:失职、犯罪行为
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- juvenile delinquency: 青少年犯罪
- financial delinquency: 财务失职
- 例句:
- The school aims to reduce juvenile delinquency.
(学校的目标是减少青少年犯罪。) - He was charged with financial delinquency.
- The school aims to reduce juvenile delinquency.
61. deliberate [dɪˈlɪbərət]
- 中文意思:慎重的、故意的
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- deliberate decision: 深思熟虑的决定
- deliberate act: 故意行为
- 例句:
- It was a deliberate choice made after much consideration.
(那是经过深思熟虑后做出的选择。) - He did it with deliberate intention to provoke.
- It was a deliberate choice made after much consideration.
62. implication [ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃən]
- 中文意思:含义、暗示
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- unintended implication: 非预期的含义
- consider the implication: 考虑含义
- 例句:
- There are unintended implications in his words.
(他的话中有非预期的含义。) - It’s important to consider the implications of your actions.
- There are unintended implications in his words.
63. broom [bruːm]
- 中文意思:扫帚
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- old broom: 旧扫帚
- sweep with a broom: 用扫帚扫
- 例句:
- She swept the floor with an old broom.
(她用旧扫帚扫地。) - Do you know where I can find a broom?
- She swept the floor with an old broom.
64. opponent [əˈpoʊnənt]
- 中文意思:对手、反对者
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- political opponent: 政治对手
- defeat an opponent: 打败对手
- 例句:
- He’s a tough opponent in the upcoming match.
(他是即将到来的比赛中的强劲对手。) - The candidate defeated his political opponents.
- He’s a tough opponent in the upcoming match.
65. sponsor [ˈspɒnsər]
- 中文意思:赞助商、赞助
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- corporate sponsor: 企业赞助商
- sponsor an event: 赞助活动
- 例句:
- The company became the main corporate sponsor of the event.
(该公司成为该活动的主要企业赞助商。) - They decided to sponsor the local charity event.
- The company became the main corporate sponsor of the event.
66. decisive [dɪˈsaɪsɪv]
- 中文意思:决定性的、果断的
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- make a decisive move: 做出决定性的举动
- be decisive in action: 行动果断
- 例句:
- His decisive action saved the situation.
(他果断的行动挽救了局面。) - It’s important to make a decisive move at this point.
- His decisive action saved the situation.
67. substantial [səbˈstænʃəl]
- 中文意思:可观的、大量的
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- substantial amount: 可观数量
- make substantial progress: 取得可观进展
- 例句:
- They invested a substantial amount of money in the project.
(他们在项目中投入了可观的资金。) - The team made substantial progress in a short time.
- They invested a substantial amount of money in the project.
68. questionnaire [ˌkwɛstʃəˈnɛr]
- 中文意思:问卷、调查表
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- complete a questionnaire: 填写问卷
- distribute questionnaires: 发放调查问卷
- 例句:
- Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire.
(请花几分钟填写问卷。) - They plan to distribute questionnaires to gather feedback.
- Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire.
69. viewpoint [ˈvjuːpɔɪnt]
- 中文意思:观点、视角
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- different viewpoints: 不同观点
- from a different viewpoint: 从不同视角
- 例句:
- They have different viewpoints on the matter.
(他们在这件事上有不同的观点。) - Looking at the issue from a different viewpoint can be insightful.
- They have different viewpoints on the matter.
70. routine [ruːˈtiːn]
- 中文意思:例行、常规
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- daily routine: 日常例行
- break the routine: 打破常规
- 例句:
- He follows a strict daily routine.
(他遵循严格的日常例行。) - They decided to break the routine and try something new.
- He follows a strict daily routine.
71. nurture [ˈnɜːrtʃər]
- 中文意思:培育、养育
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- nurture talent: 培养才华
- emotional nurture: 情感培育
- 例句:
- It’s important to nurture young minds.
(培育年轻的思想是很重要的。) - They focus on emotional nurture in early education.
- It’s important to nurture young minds.
72. slight [slaɪt]
- 中文意思:轻微的、轻视
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- a slight difference: 轻微差异
- feel slighted: 感到受到轻视
- 例句:
- There’s only a slight difference between the two models.
(这两个型号之间只有轻微的差异。) - She felt slighted by their comments.
- There’s only a slight difference between the two models.
73. genetic [dʒəˈnɛtɪk]
- 中文意思:遗传的、基因的
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- genetic disorder: 遗传疾病
- genetic traits: 遗传特征
- 例句:
- The condition is caused by a genetic mutation.
(这种病症是由基因突变引起的。) - They study the genetic traits of different species.
- The condition is caused by a genetic mutation.
74. similarly [ˈsɪmɪlərli]
- 中文意思:同样地、类似地
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- act similarly: 类似地行动
- think similarly: 类似地思考
- 例句:
- They both reacted similarly to the situation.
(他们两人对这种情况的反应很相似。) - They tend to think similarly about most issues.
- They both reacted similarly to the situation.
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