n = Z 2 σ 2 e 2 n = \frac{Z^2 \sigma^2}{e^2} n=e2Z2σ2
其中,n是样本容量,Z是置信水平对应的z值,σ是总体标准差,e是允许误差。 -
n = t 2 σ 2 e 2 n = \frac{t^2 \sigma^2}{e^2} n=e2t2σ2
其中,n是样本容量,t是置信水平对应的t值,σ是总体标准差,e是允许误差。 -
n = χ 2 σ 2 e 2 n = \frac{\chi^2 \sigma^2}{e^2} n=e2χ2σ2
- 质量控制:在质量控制中,需要对产品的质量进行抽样检验。样本容量的确定可以确保抽样检验的结果具有代表性,从而对产品的质量做出准确的判断。
- 市场调查:在市场调查中,需要对消费者的意见和态度进行抽样调查。样本容量的确定可以确保调查结果具有代表性,从而对消费者的意见和态度做出准确的判断。
- 医学研究:在医学研究中,需要对患者的病情进行抽样调查。样本容量的确定可以确保调查结果具有代表性,从而对患者的病情做出准确的判断。
- 正态分布法的优点是简单易用,计算方便。缺点是要求总体服从正态分布。
- t分布法的优点是适用范围更广,不要求总体服从正态分布。缺点是计算比正态分布法复杂。
- 卡方分布法的优点是适用于对比例或比率进行抽样调查。缺点是计算比正态分布法和t分布法复杂。
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats# 正态分布法
def sample_size_normal(confidence_level, margin_of_error, population_std_dev):"""Calculates the sample size for a normal distribution.Args:confidence_level: The desired confidence level, as a decimal between 0 and 1.margin_of_error: The maximum allowed error, as a decimal between 0 and 1.population_std_dev: The standard deviation of the population.Returns:The sample size, as an integer."""z = stats.norm.ppf(confidence_level)n = (z ** 2 * population_std_dev ** 2) / (margin_of_error ** 2)return int(np.ceil(n))# t分布法
def sample_size_t(confidence_level, margin_of_error, population_std_dev, degrees_of_freedom):"""Calculates the sample size for a t-distribution.Args:confidence_level: The desired confidence level, as a decimal between 0 and 1.margin_of_error: The maximum allowed error, as a decimal between 0 and 1.population_std_dev: The standard deviation of the population.degrees_of_freedom: The degrees of freedom for the t-distribution.Returns:The sample size, as an integer."""t = stats.t.ppf(confidence_level, degrees_of_freedom)n = (t ** 2 * population_std_dev ** 2) / (margin_of_error ** 2)return int(np.ceil(n))# 卡方分布法
def sample_size_chi_square(confidence_level, margin_of_error, population_proportion):"""Calculates the sample size for a chi-square distribution.Args:confidence_level: The desired confidence level, as a decimal between 0 and 1.margin_of_error: The maximum allowed error, as a decimal between 0 and 1.population_proportion: The proportion of the population that has the characteristic of interest.Returns:The sample size, as an integer."""chi_square = stats.chi2.ppf(confidence_level, 1)n = (chi_square * population_proportion * (1 - population_proportion)) / (margin_of_error ** 2)return int(np.ceil(n))# 使用正态分布法计算样本容量
confidence_level = 0.95
margin_of_error = 0.05
population_std_dev = 10
sample_size = sample_size_normal(confidence_level, margin_of_error, population_std_dev)
print("Sample size (normal distribution):", sample_size)# 使用t分布法计算样本容量
degrees_of_freedom = 10
sample_size = sample_size_t(confidence_level, margin_of_error, population_std_dev, degrees_of_freedom)
print("Sample size (t-distribution):", sample_size)# 使用卡方分布法计算样本容量
population_proportion = 0.5
sample_size = sample_size_chi_square(confidence_level, margin_of_error, population_proportion)
print("Sample size (chi-square distribution):", sample_size)
# 正态分布法
sample_size_normal <- function(confidence_level, margin_of_error, population_std_dev) {z <- qnorm(confidence_level)n <- (z^2 * population_std_dev^2) / margin_of_error^2return(ceiling(n))
}# t分布法
sample_size_t <- function(confidence_level, margin_of_error, population_std_dev, degrees_of_freedom) {t <- qt(confidence_level, degrees_of_freedom)n <- (t^2 * population_std_dev^2) / margin_of_error^2return(ceiling(n))
}# 卡方分布法
sample_size_chi_square <- function(confidence_level, margin_of_error, population_proportion) {chi_square <- qchisq(confidence_level, 1)n <- (chi_square * population_proportion * (1 - population_proportion)) / margin_of_error^2return(ceiling(n))
}# 使用正态分布法计算样本容量
confidence_level <- 0.95
margin_of_error <- 0.05
population_std_dev <- 10
sample_size <- sample_size_normal(confidence_level, margin_of_error, population_std_dev)
print(paste("Sample size (normal distribution):", sample_size))# 使用t分布法计算样本容量
degrees_of_freedom <- 10
sample_size <- sample_size_t(confidence_level, margin_of_error, population_std_dev, degrees_of_freedom)
print(paste("Sample size (t-distribution):", sample_size))# 使用卡方分布法计算样本容量
population_proportion <- 0.5
sample_size <- sample_size_chi_square(confidence_level, margin_of_error, population_proportion)
print(paste("Sample size (chi-square distribution):", sample_size))
- 在使用正态分布法、t分布法和卡方分布法确定样本容量时,需要根据实际情况选择合适的分布。
- 在使用正态分布法确定样本容量时,需要知道总体的标准差。如果不知道总体的标准差,则可以使用样本标准差来估计。
- 在使用t分布法确定样本容量时,需要知道总体的标准差和自由度。如果不知道总体的标准差,则可以使用样本标准差来估计。自由度可以根据样本容量来计算。
- 在使用卡方分布法确定样本容量时,需要知道总体的比例或比率。如果不知道总体的比例或比率,则可以使用样本比例或比率来估计。