2018.7.7 toefl independent writing

2023-12-21 23:30

本文主要是介绍2018.7.7 toefl independent writing,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

When it comes to the issue what’s a better way to get relaxation, people’s opinion differs from person to person. Some prefer to watch movie and read books, while others are obsessed in physical sports to unwind. Certain personality, as well, lend people more enjoy one way versus the other. Very likely, the choice between watching or reading interest materials and participating physical sports comes down to whether one's job keeps one indoor all the time, or constantly working out like an athlete. All in all, I think the answer to this dilemma depends on which job a person has for the following reasons.


On the one hand, watching movies and reading books offer a spiritual relaxation for those who have extensive physical training every day. For example, once, I had been training as a runner in high school when I had to take strict daily exercise. After I had finished all strength training and endurance training, would it helpful if I chose some different and interesting sports? It is obvious that find a quiet place and read some fascinating stories is better. I often chose some books related with advance training. By this way, I had broadened my horizon on how professional athlete training in order to win the game. At the same time, I also balanced my body much better as I had a better relaxation after tough training. Had I merrily found other friends together to have a redundant sports game, I would be exhausted the second day. Additionally, I may hurt my body because overwhelming sports activities. However, given the face that each person in the training team was willing to see a movie or read some books, during the break of the exercise, we were able to share what we had seen and known which made the intense training more enjoyable and relaxing.


On the other hand, physical training serves as a perfect complement for those who need to stay at the office dealing all kinds of files. Some office workers always complain about the tedious work or feel stress about their life. Numerous papers and videos may already have been skimmed as a part of their daily work. Probably, it may be proved in vain hoping to get relaxation from interest books or movies as they already have trouble to focus. A proper relax and leisure physical exercise, however, not only relieve the pressure but also make them better enjoy their life. For instance, computer science became my major after I went to college. Studying complicated computer theory made me nearly crazy when I had to write codes to implement some real-life problems. It was not until I began to work out with some of my best friends that I started to pretty enjoy my college life. The sports game like basketball gave me an invaluable way to relax my tried and stiff body when I could stretch every part of it to keep healthy and energetic. Additionally, long-lasting relationship also establishes because sports game serves as a good opportunity to communicate with each other.


In summary, whether a way is most suitable for a person to get relax depends on which kind of work that person is dealing with. Generally, it is better for a sportsman to sit and rest when he enjoys reading or watching some interest topic, while physical exercise maybe a better choice for an office worker to relax.

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When it comes to the issue what’s a better way for relaxation, people’s opinion differs from person to person. Some prefer to watch movie and read books, while others are obsessed in physical sports to unwind. Certain personality, as well, lend people more enjoy one way versus the other. Very likely, the choice between watching or reading interest materials and participating physical sports comes down to whether one's job keeps one indoor all the time, or constantly working out like an athlete. All in all, I think the answer to this dilemma depends on which job a person has for the following reasons.


On the one hand, watching movies and reading books offer a spiritual relaxation for those who have extensive physical training every day. For example, once, I had been training as a runner in high school when I had to take strict daily exercise. After I had finished all strength training and endurance training, would it helpful if I chose some different and interesting sports? It is obvious that finding a quiet place and read some fascinating stories is better. I often chose some books related to advance training. By this way, I had broadened my horizon on how professional athlete training in order to win the game. At the same time, I also balanced my body much better as I had a better relaxation after tough training. Had I merrily found other friends together to have a redundant sports game, I would be exhausted the second day. Additionally, I may hurt my body because overwhelming sports activities. However, given the face that each person in the training team was willing to see a movie or read some books, during the break of the exercise, we were able to share what we had seen and known which made the intense training more enjoyable and relaxing.


On the other hand, physical training serves as a perfect complement for those who stay in the office all day long. Some office workers always complain about the tedious work or feel stress about their life. Numerous papers and videos may already have been skimmed as a part of their daily work. Probably, it may be proved in vain hoping to get relaxation from interest books or movies as they already have trouble to focus. A proper relax and leisure physical exercise, however, not only relieve the pressure but also make them better enjoy their life. For instance, computer science became my major after I went to college. Studying complicated computer theory made me nearly crazy when I had to write codes to implement some real-life problems. It was not until I began to work out with some of my best friends that I started to pretty enjoy my college life. The sports game like basketball gave me an invaluable way to relax my tired and stiff body when I could stretch every part of it to keep healthy and energetic. Additionally, long-lasting relationship also establishes because sports game serves as a good opportunity to communicate with each other.


In summary, whether a way is most suitable for a person to get relax depends on what kind of work that person is dealing with. Generally, it is better for a sportsman to sit and rest when he enjoys reading or watching some interest topic, while physical exercise maybe a better choice for an office worker to relax.

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