Rust: Reading and Writing Files

2024-08-28 03:12
文章标签 rust files reading writing

本文主要是介绍Rust: Reading and Writing Files,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Reading and Writing Files

We need some way to actually get data from the filesystem so we can process it, and write it back when we’re done

use std::fs;

std::fs::read_to_string returns a Result<String, std::io::Error>.
If the function succeeds, it produces a String. If it fails, it produces a std::io::Error, the standard library’s type for representing I/O problems.
std::fs::read_to_string返回Result<String, std::io::Error>。

fn main() {let args = parse_args();let data = match fs::read_to_string(&args.filename) { Ok(v) => v,Err(e) => {eprintln!("{} failed to read from file '{}': {:?}","Error:".red().bold(), args.filename, e);std::process::exit(1);} };match fs::write(&args.output, &data) { Ok(_) => {},Err(e) => {eprintln!("{} failed to write to file '{}': {:?}","Error:".red().bold(), args.filename, e);std::process::exit(1);} };

Find and Replace

The final touch for this program is to implement its actual functionality: finding and replacing. For this, we’ll use the regex crate, which compiles and executes regular expressions. It provides a struct called Regex, which represents a compiled regular expression. Regex has a method replace_all, which does exactly what it says: it searches a string for all matches of the regular expression and replaces each one with a given replacement string. We can pull this logic out into a function:

这个程序的最后一步是实现它的实际功能:查找和替换。为此,我们将使用regex crate,它编译并执行正则表达式。它提供了一个名为Regex的结构体,它表示编译后的正则表达式。Regex有一个方法replace_all,它所做的正是它所说的:它在字符串中搜索正则表达式的所有匹配项,并用给定的替换字符串替换每个匹配项。我们可以把这个逻辑放到一个函数中:

use regex::Regex;
fn replace(target: &str, replacement: &str, text: &str)-> Result<String, regex::Error>{let regex = Regex::new(target)?;Ok(regex.replace_all(text, replacement).to_string())}
fn main() {let args = parse_args();let data = match fs::read_to_string(&args.filename) { Ok(v) => v,Err(e) => {eprintln!("{} failed to read from file '{}': {:?}","Error:".red().bold(), args.filename, e);std::process::exit(1);} };let replaced_data = match replace(&, &args.replacement, &data) {Ok(v) => v,Err(e) => {eprintln!("{} failed to replace text: {:?}","Error:".red().bold(), e);std::process::exit(1);}};match fs::write(&args.output, &replaced_data) { Ok(v) => v,Err(e) => {eprintln!("{} failed to write to file '{}': {:?}","Error:".red().bold(), args.filename, e);std::process::exit(1);} };
$ echo "Hello, world" > test.txt
$ cargo run "world" "Rust" test.txt test-modified.txt
$ cat test-modified.txt 
Hello, Rust

这篇关于Rust: Reading and Writing Files的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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GDB watch starti i files

watch break starti 在程序的最初开始运行的位置处断下来 ​​ i files 查看程序及加载的 so 的 sections ​​