本文主要是介绍《数据结构、算法与应用C++语言描述》- 最小输者树模板的C++实现,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
- a与b比赛,输者是b,赢者是a,将b放到内部节点,将a放到边上
- c与d比赛,输者是d,赢者是c,将d放到内部节点,将c放到边上
- e与f比赛,输者是e,赢者是f,将e放到内部节点,将f放到边上
- g与h比赛,输者是h,赢者是g,将h放到内部节点,将g放到边上
- a与c比赛,输者是c,赢者是a,将c放到内部节点,将a放到边上
- f与g比赛,输者是g,赢者是f,将g放到内部节点,将f放到边上
- a与f比赛,输者是a,赢者是f,将a放到内部节点,将f放到边上
- 将最终赢者放到数组的第0个元素
Project name : _30winnerTree
Last modified Date: 2023年12月19日16点48分
Last Version: V1.0
Descriptions: 最小输者树——main函数
#include "MinimumLoserTree.h"
int main(){MinimumLoserTreeTest();return 0;
Project name : _30winnerTree
Last modified Date: 2023年12月19日16点48分
Last Version: V1.0
Descriptions: 最小输者树——模板类
#include "loserTree.h"
#include "myExceptions.h"
using namespace std;void MinimumLoserTreeTest();template<class T>
class MinimumLoserTree : public loserTree<T> {
public:/*构造函数*/explicit MinimumLoserTree(T *thePlayer = nullptr, int theNumberOfPlayers = 0) {tree = nullptr;advance = nullptr;initialize(thePlayer, theNumberOfPlayers);}/*析构函数*/~MinimumLoserTree() {delete[] tree;delete[] advance;}void initialize(T *thePlayer, int theNumberOfPlayers);//初始化[[nodiscard]] int getTheWinner() const { return tree[0]; };//输出当前的赢者void rePlay(int thePlayer, T newvalue);//重构void output() const;
private:int numberOfPlayers{};int *tree;// 记录内部结点,tree[0]是最终的赢者下标,不使用二叉树结点,因为父子关系都是通过计算得出int *advance;// 记录比赛晋级的成员T *player;//参与比赛的元素int lowExt{};//最底层外部结点的个数,2*(n-s)int offset{};//2*s-1void play(int, int, int);int winner(int x, int y) { return player[x] <= player[y] ? x : y; };//返回更小的元素下标int loser(int x, int y) { return player[x] <= player[y] ? y : x; };//返回更大的元素下标
};template<class T>
void MinimumLoserTree<T>::initialize(T *thePlayer, int theNumberOfPlayers) {int n = theNumberOfPlayers;if (n < 2) {throw illegalParameterValue("must have at least 2 players");}player = thePlayer;numberOfPlayers = n;// 删除原来初始化的内存空间,初始化新的内存空间delete[] tree;delete[] advance;tree = new int[n + 1];advance = new int[n + 1];// 计算sint s;for (s = 1; 2 * s <= n - 1; s += s);//s=2^log(n-1)-1(常数优化速度更快),s是最底层最左端的内部结点lowExt = 2 * (n - s);offset = 2 * s - 1;for (int i = 2; i <= lowExt; i += 2)//最下面一层开始比赛play((i + offset) / 2, i - 1, i);//父结点计算公式第一条int temp = 0;if (n % 2 == 1) {//如果有奇数个结点,一定会存在特殊情况,需要内部节点和外部节点的比赛play(n / 2, advance[n - 1], lowExt + 1);temp = lowExt + 3;} else temp = lowExt + 2;//偶数个结点,直接处理次下层for (int i = temp; i <= n; i += 2)//经过这个循环,所有的外部结点都处理完毕play((i - lowExt + n - 1) / 2, i - 1, i);tree[0] = advance[1];//tree[0]是最终的赢者,也就是决赛的赢者}template<class T>
void MinimumLoserTree<T>::play(int p, int leftChild, int rightChild) {// tree结点存储相对较大的值,也就是这场比赛的输者tree[p] = loser(leftChild, rightChild);// advance结点存储相对较小的值,也就是这场比赛的晋级者advance[p] = winner(leftChild, rightChild);// 如果p是右孩子while (p % 2 == 1 && p > 1) {tree[p / 2] = loser(advance[p - 1], advance[p]);advance[p / 2] = winner(advance[p - 1], advance[p]);p /= 2;//向上搜索}
}template<class T>
void MinimumLoserTree<T>::rePlay(int thePlayer, T newvalue) {int n = numberOfPlayers;if (thePlayer <= 0 || thePlayer > n) {throw illegalParameterValue("Player index is illegal");}player[thePlayer] = newvalue;int matchNode,//将要比赛的场次leftChild,//比赛结点的左孩子rightChild;//比赛结点的右孩子if (thePlayer <= lowExt) {//如果要比赛的结点在最下层matchNode = (offset + thePlayer) / 2;leftChild = 2 * matchNode - offset;rightChild = leftChild + 1;} else {//要比赛的结点在次下层matchNode = (thePlayer - lowExt + n - 1) / 2;if (2 * matchNode == n - 1) {//特殊情况,比赛的一方是晋级leftChild = advance[2 * matchNode];rightChild = thePlayer;} else {leftChild = 2 * matchNode - n + 1 + lowExt;//这个操作是因为上面matchNode计算中/2取整了rightChild = leftChild + 1;}}//到目前位置,我们已经确定了要比赛的场次以及比赛的选手//下面进行比赛重构,也就是和赢者树最大的不同,分两种情况if (thePlayer == tree[0]) {//当你要重构的点是上一场比赛的赢家的话,过程比赢者树要简化,简化之后只需要和父亲比较,不需要和兄弟比较for (; matchNode >= 1; matchNode /= 2) {int oldLoserNode = tree[matchNode];//上一场比赛的输者tree[matchNode] = loser(oldLoserNode, thePlayer);advance[matchNode] = winner(oldLoserNode, thePlayer);thePlayer = advance[matchNode];}} else {//其他情况重构和赢者树相同tree[matchNode] = loser(leftChild, rightChild);advance[matchNode] = winner(leftChild, rightChild);if (matchNode == n - 1 && n % 2 == 1) {//特殊情况// 特殊在matchNode/2后,左孩子是内部节点,右孩子是外部节点matchNode /= 2;tree[matchNode] = loser(advance[n - 1], lowExt + 1);advance[matchNode] = winner(advance[n - 1], lowExt + 1);}matchNode /= 2;for (; matchNode >= 1; matchNode /= 2) {tree[matchNode] = loser(advance[matchNode * 2], advance[matchNode * 2 + 1]);advance[matchNode] = winner(advance[matchNode * 2], advance[matchNode * 2 + 1]);}}tree[0] = advance[1];//最终胜者
}template<class T>
void MinimumLoserTree<T>::output() const
{cout << "number of players = " << numberOfPlayers<< " lowExt = " << lowExt<< " offset = " << offset << endl;cout << "complete loser tree pointers are" << endl;for (int i = 1; i < numberOfPlayers; i++)cout << tree[i] << ' ';cout << endl;
Project name : _30winnerTree
Last modified Date: 2023年12月19日16点48分
Last Version: V1.0
Descriptions: 最小输者树——测试函数
#include "MinimumLoserTree.h"void MinimumLoserTreeTest(){int n;cout << "Enter number of players, >= 2" << endl;cin >> n;if (n < 2){cout << "Bad input" << endl;exit(1);}int *thePlayer = new int[n + 1];cout << "Enter player values" << endl;for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++){cin >> thePlayer[i];}MinimumLoserTree<int> *w =new MinimumLoserTree<int>(thePlayer, n);cout << "The loser tree is" << endl;w->output();w->rePlay(2, 0);cout << "Changed player 2 to zero, new tree is" << endl;w->output();w->rePlay(3, -1);cout << "Changed player 3 to -1, new tree is" << endl;w->output();w->rePlay(7, 2);cout << "Changed player 7 to 2, new tree is" << endl;w->output();delete [] thePlayer;delete w;
Project name : _30winnerTree
Last modified Date: 2023年12月19日16点48分
Last Version: V1.0
Descriptions: 最小输者树——虚基类
#define _31LOSERTREE_LOSERTREE_Htemplate<class T>
class loserTree {
public:virtual ~loserTree() {}virtual void initialize(T *thePlayer, int number) = 0;virtual int getTheWinner() const = 0;virtual void rePlay(int thePLayer, T newvalue) = 0;
Project name : _30winnerTree
Last modified Date: 2023年12月18日16点28分
Last Version: V1.0
Descriptions: 异常汇总
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <utility>using namespace std;// illegal parameter value
class illegalParameterValue : public std::exception
public:explicit illegalParameterValue(string theMessage = "Illegal parameter value"){message = std::move(theMessage);}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// illegal input data
class illegalInputData : public std::exception
public:explicit illegalInputData(string theMessage = "Illegal data input"){message = std::move(theMessage);}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// illegal index
class illegalIndex : public std::exception
public:explicit illegalIndex(string theMessage = "Illegal index"){message = std::move(theMessage);}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// matrix index out of bounds
class matrixIndexOutOfBounds : public std::exception
public:explicit matrixIndexOutOfBounds(string theMessage = "Matrix index out of bounds"){message = std::move(theMessage);}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// matrix size mismatch
class matrixSizeMismatch : public std::exception
public:explicit matrixSizeMismatch(string theMessage ="The size of the two matrics doesn't match"){message = std::move(theMessage);}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// stack is empty
class stackEmpty : public std::exception
public:explicit stackEmpty(string theMessage ="Invalid operation on empty stack"){message = std::move(theMessage);}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// queue is empty
class queueEmpty : public std::exception
public:explicit queueEmpty(string theMessage ="Invalid operation on empty queue"){message = std::move(theMessage);}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// hash table is full
class hashTableFull : public std::exception
public:explicit hashTableFull(string theMessage ="The hash table is full"){message = std::move(theMessage);}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// edge weight undefined
class undefinedEdgeWeight : public std::exception
public:explicit undefinedEdgeWeight(string theMessage ="No edge weights defined"){message = std::move(theMessage);}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
};// method undefined
class undefinedMethod : public std::exception
public:explicit undefinedMethod(string theMessage ="This method is undefined"){message = std::move(theMessage);}void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
private:string message;
"C:\Users\15495\Documents\Jasmine\prj\_Algorithm\Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++\_31loserTree\cmake-build-debug\_31loserTree.exe"
Enter number of players, >= 2
Enter player values
The loser tree is
number of players = 8 lowExt = 8 offset = 7
complete winner tree pointers are
1 3 7 2 4 5 8
Changed player 2 to zero, new tree is
number of players = 8 lowExt = 8 offset = 7
complete winner tree pointers are
6 3 7 1 4 5 8
Changed player 3 to -1, new tree is
number of players = 8 lowExt = 8 offset = 7
complete winner tree pointers are
6 2 7 1 4 5 8
Changed player 7 to 2, new tree is
number of players = 8 lowExt = 8 offset = 7
complete winner tree pointers are
6 2 7 1 4 5 8Process finished with exit code 0
这篇关于《数据结构、算法与应用C++语言描述》- 最小输者树模板的C++实现的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!