Volcano iterator model

2023-12-19 12:59
文章标签 model iterator volcano

本文主要是介绍Volcano iterator model,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Vectorized and Compiled Queries — Part 1
Imagine a volcano it is like a cone or at least it is drawn like that by most kids including me 😃. The below one is definitely not drawn by a kid.
As the shape of the volcano suggests lava(把岩浆比作data) is too much at the base and very less of it is fuming out of it.

Here is the non-fun wiki definition:

The Volcano model (originally known as the Iterator Model) is the ‘classical’ evaluation strategy of an analytical DBMS query: Each relational-algebraic operator produces a tuple stream, and a consumer can iterate over its input streams. The tuple stream interface is essentially: ‘open’, ‘next’ and ‘close’; all operators offer the same interface, and the implementation is opaque. Each ‘next’ call produces a new tuple from the stream, if one is available. To obtain the query output, one “next-next-next”s on the final RA operator; that one will in turn use “next”s on its inputs to pull tuples allowing it to produce output tuples, etc. Some “next”s will take an extremely long time, since many “next”s on previous operators will be required before they emit any output. Example: SELECT max(v) FROM t; may need to go trough all of t in order to find that maximum.

In easier words for the brain:

It is a chain of iterators and data flows through them when the topmost iterator calls next() on the iterator below it. Which results in propagation of .next() calls till the bottom-most iterator is called. Each iterator might apply some predicate or other operators. And as visualized in form of volcano data might get reduced as it flows up the iterator chain.

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学习笔记,原文链接 https://refactoringguru.cn/design-patterns/iterator 不暴露集合底层表现形式 (列表、 栈和树等) 的情况下遍历集合中所有的元素


1、MVC MVC(Model-View-Controller) 是一种常用的架构模式,用于分离应用程序的逻辑、数据和展示。它通过三个核心组件(模型、视图和控制器)将应用程序的业务逻辑与用户界面隔离,促进代码的可维护性、可扩展性和模块化。在 MVC 模式中,各组件可以与多种设计模式结合使用,以增强灵活性和可维护性。以下是 MVC 各组件与常见设计模式的关系和作用: 1. Model(模型)

diffusion model 合集

diffusion model 整理 DDPM: 前向一步到位,从数据集里的图片加噪声,根据随机到的 t t t 决定混合的比例,反向要慢慢迭代,DDPM是用了1000步迭代。模型的输入是带噪声图和 t,t 先生成embedding后,用通道和的方式加到每一层中间去: 训练过程是对每个样本分配一个随机的t,采样一个高斯噪声 ϵ \epsilon ϵ,然后根据 t 对图片和噪声进行混合,将加噪

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Java memory model(JMM)的理解

总结:JMM 是一种规范,目的是解决由于多线程通过共享内存进行通信时,存在的本地内存数据不一致、编译器会对代码指令重排序、处理器会对代码乱序执行等带来的问题。目的是保证并发编程场景中的原子性、可见性、有序性。 总结的很精辟! 感谢Hollis总结


在项目开发中, 有时我们会用到.plist, 这个时候可能会使用这个plist,拿出来用model去绑定它来对应项目MVC, 我们可以引入RMMapper,废话不多说,看代码先。 在git clone RMMapper,操作不多说了哈, 不会的可以私信我,会详细给你支招。 一、创建一个类TaskPlist基于NSObject, 代码如下: .h #import <Foundation


遇到一个问题是自己创建了新的Detect检测头,但是在导出模型时,想要修改输出格式,在yolo中可以通过if self.export:来修改网络的返回值格式 当使用model.export()导出时,理论上会自动将export设置为True 但是在实际中发现export=false,于是通过调试发现在ultralytics/engine/exporter.py中 for m in model

class 5: vue.js 3 v-model和表单输入

v-model是Vue.js 3中用于实现双向绑定的重要指令,双向绑定就是对于数据的修改会映射回UI组件上,同时对于UI组件上数据的变更也会映射回底层数据当中,v-model会根据控件的类型自动选取正确的方法来更新元素v-model底层实现的原理实际上是v-bind和v-on的结合,首先使用v-bind为value属性绑定变量;然后使用v-on绑定input事件,并在事件回调中重新为value属性

Simulink代码生成: For Iterator子系统及其代码

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