iis 集区识别身分 在哪_如何在50天内以设计师的身分赚到头100美元

2023-12-08 12:50

本文主要是介绍iis 集区识别身分 在哪_如何在50天内以设计师的身分赚到头100美元,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

iis 集区识别身分 在哪

I’ve been on Medium for well over two years now. Yet, I only started writing via the Medium Partner Program a short while ago. For the first two years, I only wrote free stories.

我从事Medium已有两年多了。 但是,我不久前才开始通过中型合作伙伴计划写作。 在头两年,我只写免费的故事。

That changed somewhere in July of this year. I decided that I wanted to start working on a side project to increase my income from my day job. This side project would include writing for Medium but wouldn’t be limited to that. As a designer, you can offer so much more.

这种情况在今年7月发生了变化。 我决定要开始一项副业,以增加我的日常工作收入。 该附带项目将包括为Medium撰写,但不仅限于此。 作为设计师,您可以提供更多。

Close to two months later, 54 days to be exact, I made my first $100 in side project income using my design skills and experience. I’m hoping to increase this number, of course. $100 in two months isn’t really life changing. However, that is for another story.

大约两个月后,确切地说是54天,我凭借自己的设计技能和经验,赚了第一笔100美元的辅助项目收入。 我当然希望增加这个数字。 两个月内的100美元并没有真正改变生活。 但是,这是另一个故事。

This post is about what I did, where I came from, and actionable steps you can take yourself. It took me 54 days to get to my first $100 in side income. Here’s how you can do it sooner.

这篇文章是关于我所做的事情,我的来历以及您可以采取的可行步骤。 我花了54天的时间才赚到我的第一笔额外收入$ 100。 这是您可以更快完成此操作的方法。

Image for post
Day one. A fresh start. Image by the author.
第一天。 一个新的开始。 图片由作者提供。

1.选择您知道自己擅长的东西 (1. Pick something you know you’re good at)

As a designer, you have a diverse set of skills. These include visual design, UX design, maybe icon or logo design, and many profitable soft skills like consultancy and advice.

作为设计师,您具有多种技能。 这些包括视觉设计,用户体验设计(也许是图标或徽标设计)以及许多可获利的软技能,例如咨询和建议。

There’s a lot you can do to get a side project started. It doesn’t have to be something new. Maybe you have some old design work that didn’t make it to the final product or that wasn’t picked up by your client.

要启动辅助项目,您可以做很多事情。 不必是新事物。 也许您有一些过时的设计工作未能将其用于最终产品,或者未被客户接受。

That doesn’t mean your design is of low quality. Your designs can still be of value to others. You can turn them into icon sets, print-on-demand designs, or merchandise.

这并不意味着您的设计质量低劣。 您的设计对其他人仍然有价值。 您可以将它们变成图标集,按需打印设计或商品。

This is the product-approach. You could also go for the service-approach. What this means is that you will provide services like consultancy, career advice, coaching, or portfolio reviews to other designers. This is a more time-consuming way of building a side project that will provide an income later. You have to build a personal brand and trust so that people will pay for your services.

这就是产品方法。 您也可以寻求服务方法。 这意味着您将向其他设计师提供咨询,职业建议,教练或投资组合评估等服务。 这是构建附带项目的更耗时的方式,以后会提供收入。 您必须建立个人品牌和信任,以便人们为您的服务付费。

Consider the previously mentioned designs and skills as ‘income streams’. They all have the potential to create an extra stream of income for you in time.

将前面提到的设计和技能视为“收入流”。 他们都有潜力为您及时创造额外的收入来源。

2.尝试至少三种可能的收入来源 (2. Try at least three possible streams of income)

Now that you’ve picked something you’re good at it is time to create actual products and test how they perform.


It is important that you pick at least three different types of products. By trying multiple products at once you can see if any of those products perform. You could have some bad luck and get your first success only after two or three tries. By doing more at once you limit the time it will take. If you did that one by one, you would need more time to get actual side income.

选择至少三种不同类型的产品非常重要。 通过一次尝试多种产品,您可以查看其中任何一种产品的性能。 您可能会遇到一些不幸,只有经过两次或三次尝试才能获得第一次成功。 通过一次执行更多操作,您可以限制所需的时间。 如果您一个接一个地做,您将需要更多时间来获得实际的边际收益。

For me, I started with creating print-on-demand designs, icon sets, and writing on Medium via the Medium Partner Program. I had many drafts and declined designs still lying around.

对我而言,我首先创建了按需打印设计,图标集,然后通过“中型合作伙伴计划”在“中型”上进行书写。 我有很多草稿,但拒绝的设计仍然摆在身边。

In addition, also created my own website where I wanted to share other types of design content. My goal here is to provide products and services, but that is something that is still a long time away. It is more of an end game plan. That’s four different streams I was going to try at the same time.

此外,还创建了我自己的网站,我想在其中共享其他类型的设计内容。 我的目标是提供产品和服务,但这距离我们还有很长时间。 这更多的是最终游戏计划。 我打算同时尝试四种不同的流。

Image for post
Day one. Analyse what works. Image by the author.
第一天。 分析什么有效。 图片由作者提供。

3.专注于工作流 (3. Focus on the stream that works)

Once you’ve worked on a few of your ideas you are going to see how well they perform. Allow your products about 30 days of your time before judging their performance.

一旦您完成了一些创意,您将看到它们的表现如何。 在评估产品性能之前,请留出大约30天的时间。

In most cases, you will see one of your ideas either perform well or show promising signs that it will start to perform well in the future. This is the idea to focus on.

在大多数情况下,您会看到自己的想法之一表现良好,或者显示出有希望的迹象,表明该想法将来会开始表现良好。 这是要重点关注的想法。

If you had to divide the time you had, spend 80% of your time on the idea that generates the most money and spend 20% on new ideas. This means that you will have to further build your well-performing idea.

如果您必须分配时间,可以将80%的时间花在产生最多钱的想法上,而将20%的时间花在新想法上。 这意味着您将不得不进一步建立表现良好的想法。

In my case, writing on Medium and designing my own website proved to be the ideas with the most potential. 95% of my first $100 came via Medium and 5% came via my website.

以我为例,在Medium上撰写并设计自己的网站被证明是最具潜力的想法。 我的前100美元中有95%来自媒介,而5%来自我的网站。

I did not get any results with my icon sets as it took a long time to create a complete set that was accepted and distributed within online marketplaces. The same was the case with my print-on-demand design work. Mainly the process of getting your work accepted was very time consuming.

我的图标集没有得到任何结果,因为创建一套完整的图标集花费了很长时间,该图标集已在在线市场中接受并分发。 我的按需印刷设计工作也是如此。 主要是使工作被接受的过程非常耗时。

Because of this, I decided to bring down the number of ideas I was working on from 4 to 2 ideas.


4.发展其他想法 (4. Grow other ideas)

Now that some of your ideas start to perform a bit it is time for you to go into the next phase of your project.


By now, you have one or two main ideas that are earning you some money. Focus 80% of your time on growing these main ideas into money-making ideas.

到目前为止,您有一个或两个主要想法正在为您赚钱。 将80%的时间集中在将这些主要想法变成赚钱的想法上。

Spend 20% of the time you have on developing other ideas. From a personal finance perspective, it is better to have more income streams in place. Just imagine what happens if your one and only income disappears.

花20%的时间来发展其他想法。 从个人理财的角度来看,最好有更多的收入来源。 试想一下,如果您唯一的收入消失了,会发生什么。

Having more than one stream of income not only provides you with extra income but also gives you peace of mind in case of financial difficulties.


I made my first $100 dollars in 54 days with 95% of that money coming from one stream. Since then, a second stream has grown to 8%. This means that I have two money-earning income streams. I still want to achieve more of a 50/50 balance.

我在54天内赚了我的第一个$ 100美元,其中有95%的钱来自一条流。 从那时起,第二流已增长到8%。 这意味着我有两个赚钱的收入来源。 我仍然想达到50/50的平衡。

I now have two side income streams in place; Medium and my website. I’m looking to add products into the mix by the end of the year.

我现在有两个边际收入流; 中和我的网站。 我希望在今年年底之前将产品添加到产品组合中。

Image for post
Day 54. Looking to the future. Image by the author.
第54天。展望未来。 图片由作者提供。

展望未来 (Looking to the future)

Creating side projects that earn life-changing money takes a lot of time and effort. It is by no means a get-rich-quick type of play.

创建能够改变生活的副业需要大量的时间和精力。 这绝不是一种快速致富的游戏。

The biggest challenge is to stay motivated during the early months of your project. It took me 54 days to get my first $100 and less than another 30 days to get my second $100. Just imagine what will happen if you can keep this up for another 6, 12, or 24 months.

最大的挑战是在项目的前几个月保持动力。 我花了54天的时间拿到我的第一笔100美元,然后又花了不到30天的时间才拿到我的第二笔100美元。 试想一下,如果您再将其保留6、12或24个月会发生什么情况。

Start by finding your first income stream. Grow that stream. Once that’s ready, go and find a second and third income stream to further diversify your side project.

首先找到您的第一个收入来源。 增加那条小溪。 一旦准备就绪,就去寻找第二和第三收入来源,以进一步扩展您的副项目。

After that, repeat. Keep at it, stay motivated, and in the long run, you will see great returns.

之后,重复。 坚持下去,保持动力,从长远来看,您将看到丰厚的回报。

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/how-to-make-your-first-100-in-side-income-within-50-days-as-a-designer-d277315d5a57

iis 集区识别身分 在哪



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