we need dreams 英文演讲稿

2023-12-04 08:32
文章标签 英文 need 演讲稿 dreams

本文主要是介绍we need dreams 英文演讲稿,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Good afternoon everybody, it is a great honor to be here for a short speech. Today I will talk about the dream. My topic is “we need dreams”. When you hear this, you may might think of the famous words “I have a dream[drim]”, said by Martin ['mɑrtɪn] Luther ['luθər]King.
  Yes, We need dreams. What is your dream ? and why we need dreams , dreams show us a picture of a bright prospect in the future. They nourish ['nʌrɪʃ]养 our spirit, they represent possibility even though we are dragged drown by reality. Dreams make us full of power, keep moving forward. In the past, I want to be a great man, but for now, I am very realistic.
When we were babies ,We still do not know much about the world , so our dreams are very simple . May be drinking more milk was our dreams. As we grew older, when we were children, playing more toys was our dreams. When we were pupils, to be a great scientist was our dreams. Afterwards, growing up quickly was our dreams. As we grew older, our dreams are always changing. Perhaps our dreams are to go to a good college or to study abroad. Perhaps our dreams are to get married with a beautiful girl or a handsome boy .
Dreams like the stars we can not reach now . But like mariners['mærinə] 海员、水手、航海者, we can use the stars plan our route. With the dreams, we have a direction , with a direction , we were no longer confused . With a dream , there is hope , we will have the strength to fight. Life is difficult , and there are always ups and downs , maybe we fail in the way to our goals , and we may feel depressed , whenever at this time , the dream in our heart can always warm us , encourage us , and support us to move ahead.
May be our dreams are worthless, our plans are rubbish , our goals are impossible. All are of no value unless we are followed by action. Action is the food and drink which will nourish our successful flower , there is nothing like a dream to create the future . Although it is a hard job to get to the top of our dreaming mountain , but as the saying goes, “mountain is high , but man makes the peak ”. As long as we keep , we will finally achieve it. 
Dreams are not content满足 with merely mediocre[,midɪ'okɚ]普通的、平凡的、中等的, because no one ever dreams of going half way. So I will not avoid the tasks of today and charge them to tomorrow.我不会逃避今天的责任,而把它们推给明天。For I know that tomorrow never comes, Success will not wait. If I delay , she will be into the arms of others.Most successful people are dreamers .
I always have a dream that I can have my own firm one day . It is pity for me that I did not do enough thing to approach it .I always think that when I grew up , I can take some actions , but when I grew up truly , I forget my dream and my ambition . If I don’t take any actions to realize my dream , it will become a fantasy ['fæntəsɪ; -zɪ]。幻想、白日梦、幻觉Let us act now even though our actions may not bring success for it is better to act and fail than not be act and flounder['flaʊndə].挣扎、折腾I will take every effort to accomplish my dream , I won’t let it become a fantasy , it is just my dream . May be some years later, it will become true.
 At last , I wish everybody ‘s dream come true soon.

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by zhangxinxu from http://www.zhangxinxu.com 本文地址:http://www.zhangxinxu.com/wordpress/?p=4908 不是什么稀奇的技术,很多很多年前自己就玩耍过。 之所以今天拿出来说一下,是因为今天几个小伙伴遇到类似问题,突然发现,一些自己觉得不怎么样的东西,说不定对别人而言会有很大帮助,于是我就打算写篇短文简单介绍


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词性: 语言中对词的一种分类方法,以语法特征为主要依据、兼顾词汇意义对词进行划分的结果, 常见的词性有14种, 如: 名词, 动词, 形容词等. 顾名思义, 词性标注(Part-Of-Speech tagging, 简称POS)就是标注出一段文本中每个词汇的词性. 举个栗子: 我爱自然语言处理==>我/rr, 爱/v, 自然语言/n, 处理/vnrr: 人称代词v: 动词n: 名词vn


参考资料: 使用WordNet和Lesk算法进行英文消歧义的Python实现

100423. 求出数字答案 显示英文描述

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