Deep Coral loss

2023-12-03 08:40
文章标签 deep loss coral

本文主要是介绍Deep Coral loss,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

import torchdef CORAL(source, target):d =[1] #coral公式中的分母部分ns, nt =[0],[0]# source covariancexm = torch.mean(source, 0, keepdim=True) - source #对应着Cs的分子部分xc = xm.t() @ xm/(ns-1)  #对应着Cs的分子部分# target covariancexmt = torch.mean(target, 0, keepdim=True) - target#对应着Ct的分子部分xct = xmt.t() @ xmt/(nt-1)#对应着Ct的分子部分# frobenius norm between source and targetloss = torch.mean(torch.mul((xc - xct), (xc - xct))) #Cs-Ct的点乘loss = loss/(4*d*d)return loss




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