Plotting Logarithmic Error Bars(如何在log log plot中绘制误差条)

2023-11-30 13:20

本文主要是介绍Plotting Logarithmic Error Bars(如何在log log plot中绘制误差条),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Suppose that one has a sufficient number of measurements to make an estimate of a measured quantity y y y and report its absolute error, ± δ y \pm\delta y ±δy. The absolute error ± δ y \pm\delta y ±δy is represented on a Cartesian plot by extending lines of the appropriate size above and below the point y y y.
If plotted on a logarithmic plot, however, absolute error bars that are symmetric on a y y y vs. x x x plot become asymmetric; the lower portion is longer than the upper portion.
This gives a misleading view of measurement precision, especially when measured quantities vary by several orders of magnitude. To represent error bars correctly on a log plot, one must recognize that the quantity being plotted, which we call z z z, is different than the measured quantity y y y. z = log ⁡ ( y ) z=\log(y) z=log(y) The error δ z \delta z δz is δ z = δ [ log ⁡ y ] \delta z=\delta[\log y] δz=δ[logy] On the assumption of small errors, a differential analysis can be used δ z ≈ d z = d [ log ⁡ 10 e ⋅ ln ⁡ y ] ≈ 0.434 δ y y \delta z\approx dz=d[\log_{10}e \cdot\ln y]\approx0.434\frac{\delta y}{y} δzdz=d[log10elny]0.434yδy The error δ z \delta z δz is thus given by the relative error in y y y: δ z ≈ 0.434 δ y y \delta z\approx 0.434\frac{\delta y}{y} δz0.434yδy The error bars now display correctly on a logarithmic plot.


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