use database;
set names utf8;-- 删除客户表子表中的重复数据
drop procedure if exists delFieldPro//
BEGIN DECLARE tableName varchar(100) default ''; DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE taskCursor CURSOR FOR select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='uc_ipcc_cloud_ai' and table_name like 'tb_customer_%' and table_name not like 'tb_customer_contact%' ; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; OPEN taskCursor; REPEAT FETCH taskCursor INTO tableName; IF not done THEN set @sql0=concat('delete from tb_tmp;') ;PREPARE stmt0 from @sql0; execute stmt0;set @sql=concat('insert into tb_tmp select t.id from ( select max(id) id,customer_nbr,count(1) cu from ',tableName,' group by customer_nbr having cu>1) t') ;PREPARE stmt from @sql; execute stmt;set @sql1=concat('delete from ',tableName,' where id in (select id from tb_tmp)');PREPARE stmt1 from @sql1; execute stmt1;END IF; UNTIL done END REPEAT; CLOSE taskCursor;
CALL delFieldPro();-- 给客户子表添加唯一索引
drop procedure if exists addUniqueIndexPro//
CREATE PROCEDURE addUniqueIndexPro()
BEGIN DECLARE tableName varchar(100) default ''; DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE taskCursor CURSOR FOR select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='database' and table_name like 'tb_customer_%' and table_name not like 'tb_ucpaas_customer_contact%' ; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; OPEN taskCursor; REPEAT FETCH taskCursor INTO tableName; IF not done THEN set @sql0=concat('ALTER TABLE ',tableName,' ADD unique(customer_nbr);') ;PREPARE stmt0 from @sql0; execute stmt0; END IF; UNTIL done END REPEAT; CLOSE taskCursor;
CALL addUniqueIndexPro();-- 找出客户表中含有重复号码的表
drop procedure if exists proc_find_repeatNum;
create procedure proc_find_repeatNum (out sum varchar(1000))
BEGINDECLARE tableName varchar(100) default ''; DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE _num int DEFAULT 0;DECLARE taskCursor CURSOR FOR select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='database' and table_name like 'tb_customer_%' and table_name not like 'tb_ucpaas_customer_contact%' ; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; OPEN taskCursor; REPEAT FETCH taskCursor INTO tableName; IF not done THEN set @x ='';set @sql0=concat('select count(1) into @tnum from (select customer_nbr,count(1) cu from ',tableName,' group by customer_nbr having cu>1) t;') ;PREPARE stmt0 from @sql0; execute stmt0; deallocate prepare stmt0;SET _num = @tnum;if(_num > 0)then SET sum= concat(tableName,',');END IF;END IF; UNTIL done END REPEAT; CLOSE taskCursor;
call proc_find_repeatNum(@sum);
-- 查询结果集
select @sum;---删除某张表的重复数据
select count(1) from (select customer_nbr,count(1) cu from tb_customer_ddd92456d085c9dd4976b59c90e48de6 group by customer_nbr having cu>1) t;
delete from tb_tmp;
insert into tb_tmp select t.id from ( select max(id) id,customer_nbr,count(1) cu from tb_customer_ddd92456d085c9dd4976b59c90e48de6 group by customer_nbr having cu>1) t ;
delete from tb_customer_ddd92456d085c9dd4976b59c90e48de6 where id in (select id from tb_tmp);``````
-- 删除多余索引
drop procedure if exists delUniqueIndexPro//
CREATE PROCEDURE delUniqueIndexPro()
BEGIN DECLARE tableName varchar(100) default ''; DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE taskCursor CURSOR FOR select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='uc_ipcc_cloud_ai' and table_name like 'tb_ucpaas_customer_%' and table_name not like 'tb_ucpaas_customer_contact%' ; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; OPEN taskCursor; REPEAT FETCH taskCursor INTO tableName; IF not done THEN IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema='uc_ipcc_cloud_ai' AND table_name = tableName AND index_name = 'customer_nbr_2') THENset @sql0=concat('ALTER TABLE ',tableName,' drop index customer_nbr_2 ;') ;PREPARE stmt0 from @sql0; execute stmt0; END IF;IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema='uc_ipcc_cloud_ai' AND table_name = tableName AND index_name = 'customer_nbr_3') THENset @sql0=concat('ALTER TABLE ',tableName,' drop index customer_nbr_3;') ;PREPARE stmt0 from @sql0; execute stmt0; END IF;IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema='uc_ipcc_cloud_ai' AND table_name = tableName AND index_name = 'customer_nbr_4') THENset @sql0=concat('ALTER TABLE ',tableName,' drop index customer_nbr_4;') ;PREPARE stmt0 from @sql0; execute stmt0; END IF;IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema='uc_ipcc_cloud_ai' AND table_name = tableName AND index_name = 'idx_customer_nbr') THENset @sql0=concat('ALTER TABLE ',tableName,' drop index idx_customer_nbr;') ;PREPARE stmt0 from @sql0; execute stmt0; END IF; END IF;UNTIL done END REPEAT; CLOSE taskCursor;
CALL delUniqueIndexPro();