重点 (Top highlight)
My relationship seemed to end because of video games. Or so I thought. The truth was a bit different. I’ve found that sleeping all day, hanging out with friends, drinking, indulging hobbies, and, yes, video games, are all just ways out. It’s a form of escapism that people (often men) commonly indulge. It’s your subconscious drilling a hole in the bottom of the ship because, deep down, you never wanted the ship to sail, otherwise you wouldn’t be in that room all day playing.
我的关系似乎因电子游戏而结束。 还是我想。 事实有点不同。 我发现整天睡觉,和朋友一起闲逛,喝酒,沉迷于嗜好,是的,电子游戏都是解决之道。 人们(通常是男人)通常沉迷于这种逃避现实的形式。 这是您的潜意识在船的底部钻了一个洞,因为深处您根本不想让船航行,否则您就不会整天呆在那个房间里。
But what if the very thing that kills so many relationships, somehow became the way to avoid heartbreak. It’s a futuristic scenario by all measures, but fun to consider. I’ll do so from the view of a straight man but feel free to swap gender roles.
但是,如果正是这样的事情杀死了如此多的人际关系,不知何故成了避免伤心的方法。 从所有方面来看,这都是一个未来派的场景,但是值得考虑。 我将以直男的身份这样做,但随时可以交换性别角色。
迈向未来 (Step into the future)
Imagine you are in a pristine, hyper-modern room. There’s a giant platform in front of you. On it are real-life female avatars, standing with their shoulders relaxed, staring forward, frozen in time. From your chair, you can push a button on a digital screen, and new avatars swap in. There are various body shapes and types. But here’s the catch— intrinsically, there will be limitations, just as there are in real life. After all, there’s no such thing as “the one” (in my opinion, at least). And there’s also no such thing as perfection.
想象你在一个原始的,超现代的房间里。 您面前有一个巨大的平台。 现实生活中的女性化身,肩膀放松,向前凝视,及时冻结。 您可以从椅子上按一下数字屏幕上的按钮,并交换新的化身。身体的形状和类型多种多样。 但这是要抓住的地方–本质上,就像现实生活中一样,会有限制。 毕竟,没有“那个”(至少在我看来)这样的东西。 而且也没有完美的东西。
Perhaps, you’d be allocated a certain number of points based on what you bring to the table. It would be a good reason to hit the gym and get your life together before purchasing this service. You could then use whatever points you get and distribute them by your own preferences. It wouldn’t just be in regards to looks and personality. You’d be able to parse it down to specific attributes, “Hmm. Alright, I have five points left. Should I put them in loyalty? Or five more points to a sense of humor? Confidence? Sexuality?”
也许,您将根据带到表格中的内容获得一定数量的积分。 在购买这项服务之前,这是一个很好的理由去体育馆并聚在一起。 然后,您可以使用获得的任何积分,并根据自己的喜好分配它们。 不仅仅是外观和个性。 您可以将其解析为特定属性,“嗯。 好吧,我还有5分。 我应该忠于他们吗? 还是有五点幽默感? 置信度? 性欲?”
A tricky dilemma indeed. It’s hard to consider romance under such absolute, logical terms, particularly because romantic idealism often comes at the expense of rationalism. So perhaps this is a good thought exercise.
确实是一个棘手的难题。 在如此绝对,合乎逻辑的条件下很难考虑浪漫,尤其是因为浪漫理想主义常常以理性主义为代价。 因此,也许这是一个很好的思想练习。
Maybe there would be a face-to-face interaction. A sit down with the three variations of your design. There’d be a futuristic, quiet, all-white room, with a coffee table. You’d sit down on the couch. A door would open, she’d come walking in and introduce her self.
也许会有面对面的互动。 坐在您的设计的三个变体中。 会有一个未来派,安静,全白色的房间,配有咖啡桌。 你会坐在沙发上。 一扇门会打开,她走进去,介绍自己。
As she sits down across from you, you marvel at her long beautiful hair, big piercing eyes, her calm, and friendly demeanor. You lean forward and touch her cheek to see if she was real. She says, “Why are you poking me in the cheek? Do you think I’m fake or something?”
当她在您对面坐下时,您会惊叹于她长长的漂亮的头发,大大的刺眼的眼睛,她的镇定和友好的举止。 您前倾,抚摸她的脸颊,看看她是否真实。 她说:“你为什么要戳我的脸颊? 你认为我是假的吗?”
She has no idea.
After spending twenty minutes with her you meet your other selections. Maybe you could bring your friend and they could watch the dates through a clear glass window. Then you’d get their feedback.
与她共度二十分钟后,您会遇到其他选择。 也许您可以带上您的朋友,他们可以通过透明的玻璃窗观看日期。 然后,您将得到他们的反馈。
It’s safe to assume this would be an expensive purchase so you’d need to choose wisely. Or maybe you could roll the dice with a discount-Walmart style purchase, and risk your partner going haywire and burning down the neighborhood.
可以肯定地认为这将是一笔昂贵的购买,因此您需要明智地选择。 或者,您可以通过购买沃尔玛(Walmart)折扣产品来掷骰子,并冒着使您的伴侣陷入困境并烧毁邻居的风险。

但是什么是“它”? (But what is “it”?)
It wouldn’t even be a robot. Perhaps he or she would be organic and the selections make could go through some hyper-loop and have an entire lived experience before you meet them. She would be programmed to have an attraction to you (just felt my ego inflate a bit, imagining that scenario).
甚至不会是机器人。 也许他(她)会很自然,并且做出的选择可能会经历一些超循环,并在遇到他们之前有完整的生活经验。 她会被编程为对您具有吸引力(只是觉得我的自我在想象中出现了这种情况而膨胀了一点)。
Let’s say you moved forward, what if it went further. Maybe there would be time stamps as you go through your life together, much like a game. So if you forget her birthday, you could do a reset to your nearest save point. I’ve certainly had my own game over moments that I’d have loved a redo on.
假设您前进了,如果进一步的话。 当您在一起度过一生时,可能会有时间戳记,就像游戏一样。 因此,如果您忘记了她的生日,可以将其重置为最近的保存点。 我肯定自己喜欢上重做的游戏已经有一段时间了。
Or would it take away from the organic experience? Maybe we must eat the proverbial shit in order to truly learn.
还是会从自然经验中夺走? 也许我们必须吃掉众所周知的狗屎才能真正学习。
If only we actively monitored our relationship and envisioned it as leveling up, and knowing that Game Over was a very real possibility.
如果我们能积极地监控我们的关系,并预见到这种关系会升级,并且知道Game Over是一个非常现实的可能性。
统计数据,哦统计数据 (The stats, oh the stats)
Imagine it tracked your performance with your partner on a day-to-day basis. It might make us neurotic. But it could certainly engineer us into the perfect partner as well.
想象一下,它每天跟踪您与伴侣的表现。 这可能使我们感到神经过敏。 但这当然也可以使我们成为完美的合作伙伴。
Suddenly custom paintings would start arriving for the girlfriend. The dishes would get cleaned, “Shit! My Shared Duties metrics are down. Must work!” Gamer dudes would be clearing out the flower shops and bringing in presents every weekend and scheduling random dates.
突然,定制绘画便开始送给女友。 盘子会被清洗,“屎! 我的共享职责指标下降。 必须工作!” 玩家花花公子会清理花店,并在每个周末带来礼物并安排随机约会。
We’d have an app that broke out all the different performance metrics: kindness, romantic, generosity, listening.
I’ve noticed us men have an obsessive quality in us. We (gamers in particular) get fixated on the numbers, on being awesome, often while being blind to the needs of those around us.
我已经注意到我们男人对我们的执着追求。 我们(尤其是游戏玩家)对数字的关注,对事物的关注,以及对我们周围人们需求的视而不见。
I do think the gamification of relationships will happen. It won’t be androids in my lifetime. It also won’t be some simple, “make love” by pressing Select + D + holding the down arrow, or some other simplistic experience. It will be something through an app, or, if Elon gets his way, a chip we put in our head someday.
我确实认为关系的游戏化将会发生。 这将不是我一生中的机器人。 按下Select + D +按住向下箭头也不会是简单的“做爱”,也不会是其他一些简单的体验。 这将是通过应用程序实现的,或者,如果Elon顺其自然,那将是我们有一天将其放在脑海中的芯片。
The truth is, life is already a game on some level. We are constantly managing our relationships. Our score with each person goes up and down. If we simply intellectualized that fact and kept it closer to the surface, we’d all do a lot better in the office, and in the bedroom.
事实是,生活已经是某种程度上的游戏。 我们正在不断地管理我们的关系。 我们与每个人的得分上下波动。 如果我们简单地了解这一事实并使其更接近表面,那么我们在办公室和卧室中都会做得更好。
So fellas, don’t forget to put down the controller from time to time. It’s important to score some XP where it really counts.
伙计们,别忘了不时放下控制器。 重要的是要对真正有价值的XP进行评分。
翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/what-if-relationships-were-like-video-games-ad5075fed894