2023-11-22 19:50

本文主要是介绍INTRODUCTION TO BIOINFORMATICS,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!






   Instructor: Tolga CAN

   Added: 18 November 2009



Topic outline

  • General



    • Course OverviewPage
    • National Center for Biotechnology Information, USA.URL
    • Protein Data BankURL

  • Topic 1

    Introduction to Bioinformatics
    • Lecture SlidesFile
    • Week 1 - Lecture 1 [Video]File

  • Topic 2

    Introduction to biology, biological databases, and high-throughput data sources. Overview of bioinformatics problems.

    Pairwise sequence alignment algorithms: Dynamic programming
    • Lecture SlidesFile
    • Assignment 1File
    • Reading: Bioinformatics - An Introduction for Computer ScientistsFile
    • Reading: Cells and GenomesFile
    • Reading: How Cells Read the Genome: From DNA to ProteinFile
    • Reading: The Nucleic Acid WorldFile
    • Reading: Producing And Analzying Sequence AlignmentsFile
    • Week 2 - Lecture 1 [Video]File
    • Week 2 - Lecture 2 [Video]File
    • Week 3 - Lecture 1 [Video]File
    • Week 3 - Lecture 2 [Video]File
    • Week 4 - Lecture 1 [Video]File
    • Week 4 - Lecture 2 [Video]File

  • Topic 3

    Statistical significance of alignments - Part I

    Statistical significance of alignments - Part II
    • Lecture SlidesFile
    • Reading: Pairwise Sequence AlignmentFile
    • Week 5 - Lecture 1 [Video]File
    • Week 5 - Lecture 2 [Video]File
    • Week 5 - Lecture 3 [Video]File

  • Topic 4

    Suffix Trees, Suffix Arrays
    • Lecture SlidesFile
    • Week 6 - Lecture 1 [Video]File
    • Week 6 - Lecture 2 [Video]File

  • Topic 5

    Patterns, Profiles, and Multiple Alignments
    • Lecture SlidesFile
    • Assignment 2File
    • Week 6 - Lecture 3 [Video]File


    Topic 6

    Hidden Markov Models

    Week 5 Lecture Slides Continued
    • Week 7 - Lecture 1 [Video]File
    • Week 7 - Lecture 2 [Video]File
    • Week 7 - Lecture 3 [Video]File

  • Topic 7

    Multiple Sequence Alignment Algorithms

    Week 5 Lecture Slides Continued
    • Week 8 - Lecture 1 [Video]File
    • Week 8 - Lecture 2 [Video]File
    • Week 8 - Lecture 3 [Video]File

  • Topic 8

    Midterm Review and Midterm Exam

    • Midterm ExamFile
    • Midterm KeyFile
    • Lecture SlidesFile

  • Topic 9

    Introduction to protein structures

    Structure Prediction
    • Lecture SlidesFile
    • Assignment 3 for Computer Engineering MajorsFile
    • Assignment 3 for Biology or Genetics MajorsFile
    • Week 9 - Lecture 1 [Video]File
    • Week 9 - Lecture 2 [Video]File
    • Week 9 - Lecture 3 [Video]File
    • Week 9 - Lecture 4 [Video]File

  • Topic 10

    Protein Structure Prediction (continued)
    • Week 10 - Lecture 1 [Video]File
    • Week 10 - Lecture 2 [Video]File
    • Week 10 - Lecture 3 [Video]File


    Topic 11

    Protein Structure Prediction (continued)
    • Week 11 - Lecture 1 [Video]File
    • Week 11 - Lecture 2 [Video]File
    • Week 11 - Lecture 3 [Video]File

  • Topic 12

    Structural Alignment of Proteins
    (lecture notes continued)
    • Week 12 - Lecture 1 [Video]File
    • Week 12 - Lecture 2 [Video]File
    • Week 12 - Lecture 3 [Video]File

  • Topic 13

    Microarray data normalization, analysis

    Clustering techniques
    • Lecture SlidesFile
    • K-means DemoFile
    • Self Organizing Maps DemoFile
    • Reading: Microarrays Intro Paper - 1File
    • Reading: Microarrays Intro Paper - 2File
    • Reading: Microarrays Intro Paper - 3File
    • Week 13 - Lecture 1 [Video]File
    • Week 13 - Lecture 2 [Video]File

  • Topic 14

    Introduction to Systems Biology

    Gene regulatory networks
    • Lecture SlidesFile
    • Assignment 4File
    • Dataset for Assignment 4File
    • Week 14 - Lecture 1 [Video]File

  • Topic 15

    Construction and Analysis of protein networks:
    Monte Carlo Sampling, Random Walks on Graphs
    • Lecture SlidesFile
    • Likelihood Computation ExampleFile
    • Week 15 - Lecture 1 [Video]File
    • Week 15 - Lecture 2 [Video]File

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