set term emf font "Times New Roman,宋体,20"<br />
set output "alive.emf"<br />
set xlabel "Time(s)"<br />
set ylabel "Number of nodes alive"<br />
set key left bottom box<br />
set grid 20<br />
set sample 1000<br />
plot "leach 10 alive.plot" title "LEACH " w lp pt 8 ps 2 lt -1, "7 alive.plot" title "LEACH-C " w lp pt 5 ps 2 lt -1, "10 alive.plot" title "SRDC " w lp pt 13 ps 2 lt -1<br />
set output
set k t c; plot [][-6:-1]
0 lw 20 lc rgb "white" t"white #ffffff = 255 255 255",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "black" t"black #000000 = 0 0 0",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "red" t"1 red #ff0000 = 255 0 0",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "light-red" t"light-red #f03232 = 240 50 50",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-red" t"dark-red #8b0000 = 139 0 0",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "green" t"2 green #00ff00 = 0 255 0",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "light-green" t"light-green #90ee90 = 144 238 144",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-green" t"dark-green #006400 = 0 100 0",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "seagreen" t"seagreen #c1ffc1 = 193 255 193",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "web-green" t"web-green #00c000 = 0 192 0",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "sea-green" t"sea-green #2e8b57 = 46 139 87",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "spring-green" t"spring-green #00ff7f = 0 255 127",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-spring-green" t"dark-spring-green #008040 = 0 128 64",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "forest-green" t"forest-green #228b22 = 34 139 34",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-olivegreen" t"dark-olivegreen #556b2f = 85 107 47",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "greenyellow" t"greenyellow #a0ff20 = 160 255 32",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "chartreuse" t"chartreuse #7cff40 = 124 255 64",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-chartreuse" t"dark-chartreuse #408000 = 64 128 0",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "blue" t"3 blue #0000ff = 0 0 255",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "light-blue" t"light-blue #add8e6 = 173 216 230",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "medium-blue" t"medium-blue #0000cd = 0 0 205",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-blue" t"dark-blue #00008b = 0 0 139",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "midnight-blue" t"midnight-blue #191970 = 25 25 112",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "skyblue" t"skyblue #87ceeb = 135 206 235",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "web-blue" t"web-blue #0080ff = 0 128 255",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "royalblue" t"royalblue #4169e1 = 65 105 225",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "steelblue" t"steelblue #306080 = 48 96 128",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "slateblue1" t"slateblue1 #8060ff = 128 96 255",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "cyan" t"4 cyan #00ffff = 0 255 255",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "light-cyan" t"light-cyan #e0ffff = 224 255 255",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-cyan" t"dark-cyan #00eeee = 0 238 238",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "magenta" t"5 magenta #ff00ff = 255 0 255",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "light-magenta" t"light-magenta #f055f0 = 240 85 240",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-magenta" t"dark-magenta #c000ff = 192 0 255",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "yellow" t"6 yellow #ffff00 = 255 255 0",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-yellow" t"dark-yellow #c8c800 = 200 200 0",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "yellow4" t"yellow4 #808000 = 128 128 0",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "gold" t"gold #ffd700 = 255 215 0",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "goldenrod" t"goldenrod #ffc020 = 255 192 32",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "light-goldenrod" t"light-goldenrod #eedd82 = 238 221 130",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-goldenrod" t"dark-goldenrod #b8860b = 184 134 11",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "navy" t"7 navy #000080 = 0 0 128",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "purple" t"8 purple #c080ff = 192 128 255",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "mediumpurple3" t"mediumpurple3 #8060c0 = 128 96 192",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "orange" t"orange #ffa500 = 255 165 0",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-orange" t"dark-orange #c04000 = 192 64 0",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "orange-red" t"orange-red #ff4500 = 255 69 0",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "orangered4" t"orangered4 #801400 = 128 20 0",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "brown" t"brown #a52a2a = 165 42 42",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "brown4" t"brown4 #801414 = 128 20 20",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "sandybrown" t"sandybrown #ffa060 = 255 160 96",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "pink" t"pink #ffc0c0 = 255 192 192",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "light-pink" t"light-pink #ffb6c1 = 255 182 193",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-pink" t"dark-pink #ff1493 = 255 20 147",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "aquamarine" t"aquamarine #7fffd4 = 127 255 212",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "turquoise" t"turquoise #40e0d0 = 64 224 208",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "light-turquoise" t"light-turquoise #afeeee = 175 238 238",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-turquoise" t"dark-turquoise #00ced1 = 0 206 209",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "beige" t"beige #f5f5dc = 245 245 220",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "lemonchiffon" t"lemonchiffon #ffffc0 = 255 255 192",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "khaki" t"khaki #f0e68c = 240 230 140",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "khaki1" t"khaki1 #ffff80 = 255 255 128",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-khaki" t"dark-khaki #bdb76b = 189 183 107",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "olive" t"olive #a08020 = 160 128 32",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "honeydew" t"honeydew #f0fff0 = 240 255 240",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "bisque" t"bisque #cdb79e = 205 183 158",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "antiquewhite" t"antiquewhite #cdc0b0 = 205 192 176",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "tan1" t"tan1 #ffa040 = 255 160 64",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "sienna1" t"sienna1 #ff8040 = 255 128 64",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "sienna4" t"sienna4 #804014 = 128 64 20",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "salmon" t"salmon #fa8072 = 250 128 114",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "light-salmon" t"light-salmon #ffa070 = 255 160 112",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-salmon" t"dark-salmon #e9967a = 233 150 122",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "coral" t"coral #ff7f50 = 255 127 80",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "light-coral" t"light-coral #f08080 = 240 128 128",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "orchid" t"orchid #ff80ff = 255 128 255",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "orchid4" t"orchid4 #804080 = 128 64 128",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "violet" t"violet #ee82ee = 238 130 238",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-violet" t"dark-violet #9400d3 = 148 0 211",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "plum" t"plum #dda0dd = 221 160 221",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-plum" t"dark-plum #905040 = 144 80 64"
set k t c; plot [][-6:-1]
0 lw 20 lc rgb "gray" t"gray #bebebe = 190 190 190",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "grey" t"grey #c0c0c0 = 192 192 192",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "light-gray" t"light-gray grey #d3d3d3 = 211 211 211",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "dark-gray" t"dark-gray grey #a0a0a0 = 160 160 160",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "slategray" t"slategray grey #a0b6cd = 160 182 205",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "gray0" t"gray0 grey0 #000000 = 0 0 0",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "gray10" t"gray10 grey10 #1a1a1a = 26 26 26",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "gray20" t"gray20 grey20 #333333 = 51 51 51",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "gray30" t"gray30 grey30 #4d4d4d = 77 77 77",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "gray40" t"gray40 grey40 #666666 = 102 102 102",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "gray50" t"gray50 grey50 #7f7f7f = 127 127 127",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "gray60" t"gray60 grey60 #999999 = 153 153 153",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "gray70" t"gray70 grey70 #b3b3b3 = 179 179 179",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "gray80" t"gray80 grey80 #cccccc = 204 204 204",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "gray90" t"gray90 grey90 #e5e5e5 = 229 229 229",
0 lw 20 lc rgb "gray100" t"gray100 grey100 #ffffff = 255 255 255"
默认的7种颜色有时候不够用, 可以利用lc rgb进行自定义, 更方便的是利用set style line命令. 下面定义了与Origin默认一致的颜色.
set style line 1 lc rgb "black"
set style line 2 lc rgb "red"
set style line 3 lc rgb "green"
set style line 4 lc rgb "blue"
set style line 5 lc rgb "cyan"
set style line 6 lc rgb "magenta"
set style line 7 lc rgb "yellow"
set style line 8 lc rgb "dark-yellow"
set style line 9 lc rgb "navy"
(1)线型(linetype )。在此类型中主要设置线条的颜色,具体对应如下:
n | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
linetype | black | red | green | blue | pink | 浅蓝 | yellow |
n | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
pointtype | 无 | + | × | * | □ | ■ | ○ | ● | △ | ▲ | ▽ | ▼ | ◇ | ◆ |
(4)图样(style):gnuplot 描绘数据数据图形是以读入档案中的坐标值后,以图样绘上。gnuplot可提供9种图样,分别是:
lines : 将相邻的点以线条连接。如 plot sin(x) with lines。
points : 将每一点以一符号绘上。如 plot sin(x) with points
linespoints : 同时具有lines 及 points 的功能。
impulses : 将每一点画一垂直线至X 轴。如 plot sin(x) with impulses。
dots : 将每一点绘一细点。如plot sin(x) with dots。
steps : 以垂直线及水平线各一条来连接两点,形成梯形。如连接 (x1,y1),(x2,y2)两点,以(x1,y1)到(x2,y1)和(x2,y1)到(x2,y2) 两线段连接。如 plot sin(x) with steps。
errorbars : 对每一点坐标值(x,y),画一由 (x,ylow) 至(x,yhigh) 的线段。并在线段两端做上 tic mark。如plot sin(x) with errorbars。
boxes : The boxes style draws a box centred about the given x coordinate from the yaxis to the given y coordinate.如plot sin(x) with boxes。
boxerrorbars : 组合errorbars 与 boxes 两者功能。如 plot sin(x) with boxerrorbars。