
2023-11-21 22:30




一开始签名方案是基于PKI的,无证书签名起源于 基于身份密码体制, 2009 年第一篇无证书签名方案1被提出,随后出现了一些列方案2,3;包括无配对的无证书聚合签名方案4,更多内容参考文献5.




给定安全参数 κ ∈ Z \kappa \in Z κZ,KGC选择两个循环群 G 1 G_1 G1 G 2 G_2 G2,其阶均为素数 q q q G 1 G_1 G1 的生成元 P P P,计算可接受的配对 e : G 1 × G 1 → G 2 e:G_1×G_1→G_2 e:G1×G1G2 。 KGC 随机选择主密钥 s ∈ Z q ∗ s\in Z_q^\ast sZq ,设置 P p u b = s P P_{pub}=sP Ppub=sP ,选择加密哈希函数 H 1 : { 0 , 1 } ∗ → G 1 H_1:\{0,1\}^\ast→G_1 H1:{0,1}G1 , H 2 : { 0 , 1 } ∗ → G 1 H_2:\{0,1\}^\ast→G_1 H2:{0,1}G1, H 3 : { 0 , 1 } ∗ → Z q ∗ H_3:\{0,1\}^\ast→Z_q^\ast H3:{0,1}Zq. 系统参数为 { q , G 1 , G 2 , e , P , P p u b , H 1 , H 2 , H 3 } \{q,G_1,G_2,e,P,P_{pub},H_1,H_2,H_3 \} {q,G1,G2,e,P,Ppub,H1,H2,H3}, 主密钥是s。

给定用户身份 I D i ∈ { 0 , 1 } ∗ ID_i\in \{0,1\}^\ast IDi{0,1},KGC首先计算 Q I D i = H 1 ( I D i ) Q_{ID_i }=H_1 (ID_i) QIDi=H1(IDi)。 然后,它设置该用户的部分密钥 p s k I D i = s Q ( I D i ) psk_{ID_i }=sQ_(ID_i ) pskIDi=sQ(IDi)并将其通过安全通道传输给对应用户。 用户可以通过检查是否正确来检查其正确性 e ( p s k I D i , P ) = e ( Q I D i , P p u b ) e(psk_{ID_i },P)=e(Q_{ID_i },P_{pub}) e(pskIDi,P)=e(QIDi,Ppub)

用户 I D i ID_i IDi随机选择值 x I D i ∈ Z q ∗ x_{ID_i }\in Z_q^\ast xIDiZq作为他的用户私钥 u s k I D i usk_{ID_i } uskIDi,并且计算用户公钥 u p k I D i = x I D i P upk_{ID_i}=x_{ID_i } P upkIDi=xIDiP

对于消息 m i ∈ 0 , 1 ∗ m_i∈{0,1}^\ast mi0,1,选择状态信息 ∆ ∆ (选择公开参数作为状态信息),具有 I D i ID_i IDi身份的签名者执行以下步骤:

  1. 选择随机数 r i ∈ Z q ∗ r_i∈Z_q^\ast riZq并且计算 U i = r i P ∈ G 1 U_i=r_i P∈G_1 Ui=riPG1.
  2. 计算 Q = H 2 ( ∆ ) , h i = H 3 ( m i , I D i , u p k I D i , U i ) Q=H_2(∆),h_i=H_3(m_i,ID_i,upk_{ID_i},U_i) Q=H2(),hi=H3(mi,IDi,upkIDi,Ui)
  3. 计算 V i = p s k I D i + r i ⋅ Q + h i ⋅ x i ⋅ P p u b V_i=psk_{ID_i }+r_i⋅Q+h_i⋅x_i⋅P_{pub} Vi=pskIDi+riQ+hixiPpub.

输出 ( U i , V i ) (U_i,V_i ) (Ui,Vi)作为 m i m_i mi的签名。

给定一个消息 m i m_i mi签名 ( U i , V i ) (U_i,V_i ) (Ui,Vi),其对应的身份为 I D i ID_i IDi和公钥 u p k I D i upk_{ID_i} upkIDi,计算 Q ( I D i ) = H 1 ( I D i ) , Q = H 2 ( ∆ ) Q_(ID_i )=H_1 (ID_i ),Q=H_2 (∆) Q(IDi)=H1(IDi),Q=H2() ,
h i = H 3 ( m i , I D i , u p k I D i , U i ) h_i=H_3 (m_i,ID_i,upk_{ID_i },U_i ) hi=H3(mi,IDi,upkIDi,Ui)
如果等式 e ( V i , P ) = e ( h i ⋅ u p k I D i + Q I D i , P p u b ) e ( U i , Q ) e(V_i,P)=e(h_i⋅upk_{ID_i }+Q_{ID_i },P_{pub} )e(U_i,Q) e(Vi,P)=e(hiupkIDi+QIDi,Ppub)e(Ui,Q) 成立,接收签名;否则拒绝。

任何人都可以充当聚合签名生成器, 对于n个用户的聚合集 { U 1 , … , U n } \{U_1,…,U_n\} {U1,,Un}其对应身份为 { I D 1 , … , I D n } \{ID_1,…,ID_n \} {ID1,,IDn}以及对应公钥 { u p k 1 , … , u p k n } \{upk_1,…,upk_n\} {upk1,,upkn},对应消息签名对为 { ( m 1 , σ 1 = ( U 1 , V 1 ) ) , … , ( m n , σ n = ( U n , V n ) ) } \{(m_1,σ_1=(U_1,V_1 )),…,(m_n,σ_n=(U_n,V_n))\} {(m1,σ1=(U1,V1)),,(mn,σn=(Un,Vn))},
聚合签名计算: V = ∑ i = 1 n V i V=∑_{i=1}^n V_i V=i=1nVi, 将 σ = ( U 1 , … , U n , V ) σ=(U_1,…,U_n,V) σ=(U1,,Un,V)作为聚合签名。

验证聚合签名 σ = ( U 1 , … , U n , V ) σ=(U_1,…,U_n,V) σ=(U1,,Un,V)由n个用户 { U 1 , … , U n } \{U_1,…,U_n\} {U1,,Un}身份为 { I D 1 , … , I D n } \{ID_1,…,ID_n\} {ID1,,IDn}和对应的公钥 { u p k 1 , … , u p k n } \{upk_1,…,upk_n\} {upk1,,upkn};关于消息 { m 1 , … , m n } \{m_1,…,m_n \} {m1,,mn} 验证者执行以下操作:
计算 Q I D i = H 1 ( I D i ) , Q = H 2 ( ∆ ) , h i = H 3 ( m i , I D i , u p k I D i , U i ) , i = 1 , … , n Q_{ID_i }=H_1 (ID_i ),Q=H_2 (∆),h_i=H_3 (m_i,ID_i,upk_{ID_i },U_i ),i=1,…,n QIDi=H1(IDi),Q=H2(),hi=H3(mi,IDi,upkIDi,Ui),i=1,,n.
验证: e ( V , P ) = e ( ∑ i = 1 n [ h i ⋅ u p k I D i + Q I D i ] , P p u b ) e ( ∑ i = 1 n U i , Q ) e(V,P)=e(∑_{i=1}^n [h_i⋅upk_{ID_i}+Q_{ID_i} ] ,P_{pub} )e(∑_{i=1}^n U_i ,Q) e(V,P)=e(i=1n[hiupkIDi+QIDi],Ppub)e(i=1nUi,Q).如果满足则通过;否则验证失败。


整体思路, 将相关密钥信息作为文件保存(序列化后可以通过网络传输),根据方案不同的功能设计不同的函数。




import it.unisa.dia.gas.jpbc.Element;
import it.unisa.dia.gas.jpbc.Pairing;
import it.unisa.dia.gas.plaf.jpbc.pairing.PairingFactory;import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.*;public class CLAS {//生成公私钥对,并保存到文件中public static void Setup(String pairingParametersFileName, String pubParamFileName, String KGC_SK_FileName) {Pairing bp = PairingFactory.getPairing(pairingParametersFileName);//G1的生成元PElement P = bp.getG1().newRandomElement().getImmutable();//计算主私钥和公钥Element s = bp.getZr().newRandomElement().getImmutable();Element P_Pub = P.mulZn(s);Properties pubParamProp = new Properties();//后面对写的元素统一采用如下方法:首先将元素转为字节数组,然后进行Base64编码为可读字符串pubParamProp.setProperty("P", Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(P.toBytes()));pubParamProp.setProperty("P_Pub", Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(P_Pub.toBytes()));storePropToFile(pubParamProp, pubParamFileName);Properties param_s = new Properties();//私钥不存入公开参数中,由KGC自己保存param_s.setProperty("s", Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(s.toBytes()));storePropToFile(param_s, KGC_SK_FileName);}//根据用户id生成私钥public static void PartialPrivateKeyGen(String pairingParametersFileName, String id, String KGC_SK_FileName) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {Pairing bp = PairingFactory.getPairing(pairingParametersFileName);//使用HASH 将 id 转为QIDbyte[] idHash = HASH(id);Element QID = bp.getG1().newElementFromHash(idHash, 0, idHash.length).getImmutable();//从文件中读取 主私钥Properties mskProp = loadPropFromFile(KGC_SK_FileName);String sString = mskProp.getProperty("s");Element s = bp.getZr().newElementFromBytes(Base64.getDecoder().decode(sString)).getImmutable();  //Base64编码后对应的恢复元素的方法//计算用户私钥, 这里应该将私钥安全的传输给用户//方便模拟,统一存入一个文件中Element psk_ID = QID.powZn(s).getImmutable();Properties pskProp = new Properties();pskProp.setProperty("psk", Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(psk_ID.toBytes()));storePropToFile(pskProp, id + ".properties");}//生成用户私钥public static void UserKeyGen(String pairingParametersFileName, String pubParamFileName, String id) {Pairing bp = PairingFactory.getPairing(pairingParametersFileName);//从文件中读取公钥Properties pkProp = loadPropFromFile(pubParamFileName);String PString = pkProp.getProperty("P");Element P = bp.getG1().newElementFromBytes(Base64.getDecoder().decode(PString)).getImmutable();//生成随机数x,作为用户的私钥Element x = bp.getZr().newRandomElement().getImmutable();//计算用户公钥Element upk = P.mulZn(x);Properties userProp = new Properties();userProp.setProperty("usk", Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(x.toBytes()));userProp.setProperty("upk", Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(upk.toBytes()));storePropToFile(userProp, id + ".properties");}//签名public static Element[] Sign(String pairingParametersFileName, String pubParamFileName, String id, byte[] message) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {Pairing bp = PairingFactory.getPairing(pairingParametersFileName);//获取公开参数Properties pubProp = loadPropFromFile(pubParamFileName);Element P = bp.getG1().newElementFromBytes(Base64.getDecoder().decode(pubProp.getProperty("P"))).getImmutable();Element P_Pub = bp.getG1().newElementFromBytes(Base64.getDecoder().decode(pubProp.getProperty("P_Pub"))).getImmutable();//获取用户自己的信息Properties userProp = loadPropFromFile(id + ".properties");Element upk = bp.getG1().newElementFromBytes(Base64.getDecoder().decode(userProp.getProperty("upk"))).getImmutable();Element x = bp.getZr().newElementFromBytes(Base64.getDecoder().decode(userProp.getProperty("usk"))).getImmutable();Element psk = bp.getG1().newElementFromBytes(Base64.getDecoder().decode(userProp.getProperty("psk"))).getImmutable();//选择随机数Element r = bp.getZr().newRandomElement();Element U = P.mulZn(r).getImmutable();//获取状态信息,将公开参数作为状态信息String p = pubProp.getProperty("P");String pPub = pubProp.getProperty("P_Pub");byte[] hash = HASH(p + pPub);Element Q = hashToG(bp, hash);// 计算m, id, upk,U组合的hash值byte[] res = hashCombination(message, id.getBytes(), upk.toBytes(), U.toBytes());Element h = hashToZ(bp, res);Element V = P_Pub.mulZn(x).mulZn(h).add(Q.mulZn(r)).add(psk).getImmutable();Element[] sigma = new Element[2];sigma[0] = U;sigma[1] = V;return sigma;}//验证public static boolean Verify(String pairingParametersFileName, String pubParamFileName, String id, byte[] message, Element[] sigma) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {Pairing bp = PairingFactory.getPairing(pairingParametersFileName);//使用sha1 将 id 转为QIDbyte[] idHash = HASH(id);Element QID = bp.getG1().newElementFromHash(idHash, 0, idHash.length).getImmutable();//获取公开参数Properties pubProp = loadPropFromFile(pubParamFileName);Element P = bp.getG1().newElementFromBytes(Base64.getDecoder().decode(pubProp.getProperty("P"))).getImmutable();Element P_Pub = bp.getG1().newElementFromBytes(Base64.getDecoder().decode(pubProp.getProperty("P_Pub"))).getImmutable();//获取状态信息,将公开参数作为状态信息String p = pubProp.getProperty("P");String pPub = pubProp.getProperty("P_Pub");byte[] hash = HASH(p + pPub);Element Q = hashToG(bp, hash);//获取用户的公钥,Properties userProp = loadPropFromFile(id + ".properties");Element upk = bp.getG1().newElementFromBytes(Base64.getDecoder().decode(userProp.getProperty("upk"))).getImmutable();// 计算m, id, upk,U组合的hash值byte[] res = hashCombination(message, id.getBytes(), upk.toBytes(), sigma[0].toBytes());Element h = hashToZ(bp, res);Element left = bp.pairing(sigma[1], P);Element right = bp.pairing(QID.add(upk.mulZn(h)), P_Pub).mul(bp.pairing(sigma[0], Q));return left.isEqual(right);}//聚合签名, U_1,U_2,...,U_n,Vpublic static Element[] Aggregate(List<Element[]> sigmaList) {Element[] res = new Element[sigmaList.size() + 1];Element[] init = sigmaList.get(0);res[0] = init[0];Element V = init[1];for (int i = 1; i < sigmaList.size(); i++) {res[i] = sigmaList.get(i)[0];V = V.add(sigmaList.get(1)[1]);}res[sigmaList.size()] = V;return res;}// 聚合签名验证public static boolean AggregateVerify(String pairingParametersFileName, String pubParamFileName, String[] idx, byte[][] message, Element[] sigma) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {Pairing bp = PairingFactory.getPairing(pairingParametersFileName);Element[] QIDX = new Element[idx.length];for (int i = 0; i < idx.length; i++) {byte[] idHash = HASH(idx[i]);Element QID = bp.getG1().newElementFromHash(idHash, 0, idHash.length).getImmutable();QIDX[i] = QID;}//获取公开参数信息Properties pubProp = loadPropFromFile(pubParamFileName);Element P = bp.getG1().newElementFromBytes(Base64.getDecoder().decode(pubProp.getProperty("P"))).getImmutable();Element P_Pub = bp.getG1().newElementFromBytes(Base64.getDecoder().decode(pubProp.getProperty("P_Pub"))).getImmutable();String p = pubProp.getProperty("P");String pPub = pubProp.getProperty("P_Pub");byte[] hash = HASH(p + pPub);Element Q = hashToG(bp, hash);Element[] PKX = new Element[idx.length];for (int i = 0; i < idx.length; i++) {Properties userProp = loadPropFromFile(idx[i] + ".properties");Element upk = bp.getG1().newElementFromBytes(Base64.getDecoder().decode(userProp.getProperty("upk"))).getImmutable();PKX[i] = upk;}Element[] hx = new Element[idx.length];for (int i = 0; i < idx.length; i++) {byte[] res = hashCombination(message[i], idx[i].getBytes(), PKX[i].toBytes(), sigma[i].toBytes());Element h = hashToZ(bp, res);hx[i] = h;}Element left = bp.pairing(sigma[idx.length], P);Element U = sigma[0];for (int i = 1; i < idx.length; i++) {U = U.add(sigma[i]);}Element part = QIDX[0].add(PKX[0].mulZn(hx[0]));for (int i = 1; i < idx.length; i++) {part = part.add(QIDX[i].add(PKX[i].mulZn(hx[i])));}Element right = bp.pairing(part, P_Pub).mul(bp.pairing(U, Q));return left.isEqual(right);}//一种可行的组合方法public static byte[] hashCombination(byte[] message, byte[] id, byte[] upk, byte[] U) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {int m_len = message.length, id_len = id.length, upk_len = upk.length, u_len = U.length;int total_len = m_len + id_len + upk_len + u_len;byte[] res = new byte[total_len];for (int i = 0; i < m_len; i++) {res[i] = message[i];}for (int i = 0; i < id_len; i++) {res[i + m_len] = id[i];}for (int i = 0; i < upk_len; i++) {res[i + m_len + id_len] = upk[i];}for (int i = 0; i < u_len; i++) {res[i + m_len + id_len + upk_len] = U[i];}MessageDigest instance = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");instance.update(res);return instance.digest();}public static void storePropToFile(Properties prop, String fileName) {try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(fileName, true)) {prop.store(out, null);} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();System.out.println(fileName + " save failed!");System.exit(-1);}}public static Properties loadPropFromFile(String fileName) {Properties prop = new Properties();try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(fileName)) {prop.load(in);} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();System.out.println(fileName + " load failed!");System.exit(-1);}return prop;}public static byte[] HASH(String content) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {MessageDigest instance = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");instance.update(content.getBytes());return instance.digest();}public static Element hashToG(Pairing pb, byte[] code) {return pb.getG1().newElementFromHash(code, 0, code.length).getImmutable();}public static Element hashToZ(Pairing pb, byte[] code) {return pb.getZr().newElementFromHash(code, 0, code.length).getImmutable();}public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {String pairingParametersFileName = "a_181_603.properties";String idAlice = "alice@example.com";String idBob = "bob@example.com";String pubParamFileName = "data/pub.properties";String KGCFileName = "data/kgc.properties";Setup(pairingParametersFileName, pubParamFileName, KGCFileName);PartialPrivateKeyGen(pairingParametersFileName, idAlice, KGCFileName);PartialPrivateKeyGen(pairingParametersFileName, idBob, KGCFileName);UserKeyGen(pairingParametersFileName, pubParamFileName, idAlice);UserKeyGen(pairingParametersFileName, pubParamFileName, idBob);String message_a = "Alice,This is a message from Alice!";String message_b = "Bob,This is a message from Bob!";Element[] sigma1 = Sign(pairingParametersFileName, pubParamFileName, idAlice, message_a.getBytes());Element[] sigma2 = Sign(pairingParametersFileName, pubParamFileName, idBob, message_b.getBytes());boolean result = Verify(pairingParametersFileName, pubParamFileName, idAlice, message_a.getBytes(), sigma1);System.out.println("Alice 验证签名通过? " + result);result = Verify(pairingParametersFileName, pubParamFileName, idBob, message_b.getBytes(), sigma2);System.out.println("Bob 验证签名通过? " + result);List<Element[]> sigmaList = new ArrayList<>();sigmaList.add(sigma1);sigmaList.add(sigma2);Element[] SIGMA = Aggregate(sigmaList);String[] idx = {idAlice, idBob};byte[][] message = {message_a.getBytes(), message_b.getBytes()};
//        message[0][1] = 1;//假如消息被篡改result = AggregateVerify(pairingParametersFileName, pubParamFileName, idx, message, SIGMA);System.out.println("聚合签名验证通过? " + result);}}


  1. A new certificateless aggregate signature scheme

  2. Cryptanalysis and improvement of a certificateless aggregate signature scheme

  3. A certificateless aggregate signature scheme for healthcare wireless sensor network

  4. Efficient certificateless aggregate signcryption scheme without bilinear pairings

  5. Security issues in IoT applications using certificateless aggregate signcryption schemes: An overview





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