
2023-11-11 17:38


Point: 重点是Comparable和Comparator接口的区别和实现。另外需要特别注意点的坐标是整数类型而斜率是浮点数,所以在计算斜率时可以乘以1.0。其次要注意Java中正负零不相等的问题,即0/5与0/(-5)不相同。

import java.util.Comparator;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdDraw;public class Point implements Comparable<Point>{private int x;private int y;public Point(int x, int y){this.x = x;this.y = y;}// x and y are between 0 and 32767public void draw(){StdDraw.point(x, y);}// StdDraw with input between 0 and 1public void drawTo(Point that){StdDraw.line(x, y, that.x, that.y);}public String toString() {return "Point [x=" + x + ", y=" + y + "]";}// implementation for Comparablepublic int compareTo(Point that) {if(y < that.y || (y == that.y && x < that.x)){return -1;}else if(y == that.y && x == that.x){return 0;}else{return 1;}	}public double slopeTo(Point that){if(this.compareTo(that) == 0){return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;}else if(this.x == that.x){return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;}else if(this.y == that.y){return +0; // negative zero != positive zero}else{return (that.y - y) * 1.0 /(that.x - x); // integer to double}}public Comparator<Point> slopeOrder(){return new BySlope();}// implementation for Comparatorprivate class BySlope implements Comparator<Point>{public int compare(Point o1, Point o2) {if(slopeTo(o1) < slopeTo(o2)) return -1;if(slopeTo(o1) > slopeTo(o2)) return 1;return 0;}	}}


import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdDraw;public class LineSegment {private Point p_top;private Point p_bot;public LineSegment(Point p, Point q){p_top = p;p_bot = q;}public void draw(){p_top.drawTo(p_bot);}public String toString() {return "LineSegment [p1=" + p_top + ", p2=" + p_bot + "]";}public static void main(String[] args){Point p1 = new Point(15000,18000);Point p2 = new Point(8000,22000);Point p3 = new Point(600,9000);Point p4 = new Point(9000,5000);Point p5 = new Point(12000,10000);StdDraw.enableDoubleBuffering();StdDraw.setXscale(0, 32768);StdDraw.setYscale(0, 32768);StdDraw.setPenRadius(0.01);StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.BLUE);p1.draw();p2.draw();p3.draw();p4.draw();p5.draw();;StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.MAGENTA);p1.drawTo(p5);p2.drawTo(p4);StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.RED);p3.drawTo(p2);;}


import java.util.ArrayList;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.Merge;public class BruteCollinearPoints {private Point[] pts;private ArrayList<LineSegment> lines;public BruteCollinearPoints(Point[] points){// deep copy to avoid mutating the constructor argumentcheckNullArgument(points);this.pts = new Point[points.length]; for(int k = 0; k < points.length; k++){pts[k] = points[k];}checkDuplicatedElement(pts); // mergesortlines = new ArrayList<LineSegment>(); // to avoid NullPointerExceptionfor(int k1 = 0; k1 < pts.length; k1++){for(int k2 = k1 + 1; k2 < pts.length; k2++){for(int k3 = k2 + 1; k3 < pts.length; k3++){if(pts[k1].slopeTo(pts[k2]) == pts[k1].slopeTo(pts[k3])){for(int k4 = k3 + 1; k4 < pts.length; k4++){if(pts[k1].slopeTo(pts[k2]) == pts[k1].slopeTo(pts[k4])){// k1, k2, k3, k4 are already sortedlines.add(new LineSegment(pts[k1], pts[k4]));}}}}}}}public int numberOfSegments(){return lines.size();}// line segment will contain at most 4 collinear pointspublic LineSegment[] segments(){return lines.toArray(new LineSegment[numberOfSegments()]);}private void checkDuplicatedElement(Point[] points){// sort input array by natural orderMerge.sort(points);// duplicated elementfor(int i=1; i<points.length; i++){if(points[i].slopeTo(points[i-1]) == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY){throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input contains repeated element!\n");}}}private void checkNullArgument(Point[] points){// null arrayif(points == null){throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input cannot be null!\n");}// null elementfor(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++){if(points[i] == null){throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input contains null element!\n");}	}}}


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.In;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.Merge;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdDraw;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdOut;public class FastCollinearPoints {private Point[] pts;private ArrayList<LineSegment> lines;/*** constructor ~ n*nlg(n)* @param points*/public FastCollinearPoints(Point[] points){checkNullArgument(points);this.pts = new Point[points.length]; for(int k = 0; k < points.length; k++){pts[k] = points[k];}checkDuplicatedElement(pts); // mergesort ~ nlg(n)lines = new ArrayList<LineSegment>(); // to avoid NullPointerException// IndexOutOfBoundsException for i < pts.lengthfor(int i = 0; i < pts.length - 1; i++){Double[] slopesB4 = new Double[i]; // slopes with points upstreamPoint[] pointsAf = new Point[pts.length - i - 1]; // points downstreamfor(int k = 0; k < i; k++) {slopesB4[k] = pts[i].slopeTo(pts[k]);}for(int j = 0; j < pts.length - i - 1; j++) { pointsAf[j] = pts[j + i + 1]; }// sort upstream slopes by natural order ~ nlg(n)Merge.sort(slopesB4); // sort downstream points by slope order to pts[i] ~ nlg(n)Arrays.sort(pointsAf, pts[i].slopeOrder()); addSegment(slopesB4, pts[i], pointsAf); // ~ nlg(n)}}/*** add appropriate line segment ~ nlg(n)* @param slopesB4: slopes of upstream points to point p* @param p: the origin point* @param pointsAf: downstream points*/private void addSegment(Double[] slopesB4, Point p, Point[] pointsAf){int count = 1;double lastSlope = p.slopeTo(pointsAf[0]);for(int i = 1; i < pointsAf.length; i++){double slope = p.slopeTo(pointsAf[i]);if(slope != lastSlope){if(count >= 3 && !subSegment(lastSlope, slopesB4)){lines.add(new LineSegment(p, pointsAf[i - 1]));}		count = 1;}else{count++; // the loop terminates with the last possible segment unchecked}lastSlope = slope;}// check the last pointif(count >= 3 && !subSegment(lastSlope, slopesB4)){lines.add(new LineSegment(p, pointsAf[pointsAf.length - 1]));}}/*** binary search the given slope in slopsB4 ~ lg(n)* @param s: the given slope* @param slopes: of upstream points to the origin point* @return */private boolean subSegment(double s, Double[] slopes){int lo = 0;int hi = slopes.length - 1;while(lo <= hi){int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;if(s < slopes[mid]) hi = mid - 1;else if(s > slopes[mid]) lo = mid + 1;	else return true;}return false;}public int numberOfSegments(){return lines.size();}public LineSegment[] segments(){return lines.toArray(new LineSegment[numberOfSegments()]);}private void checkDuplicatedElement(Point[] points){// sort input array by natural orderMerge.sort(points);// duplicated elementfor(int i=1; i<points.length; i++){if(points[i].slopeTo(points[i-1]) == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY){throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input contains repeated element!\n");}}}private void checkNullArgument(Point[] points){// null arrayif(points == null){throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input cannot be null!\n");}// null elementfor(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++){if(points[i] == null){throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input contains null element!\n");}	}}public static void main(String[] args){// read n points from a fileIn in = new In(args[0]);int n = in.readInt();Point[] points = new Point[n];for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){int x = in.readInt();int y = in.readInt();points[i] = new Point(x, y);}// draw pointsStdDraw.enableDoubleBuffering();StdDraw.setXscale(0, 32768);StdDraw.setYscale(0, 32768);for(Point p : points){p.draw();};FastCollinearPoints collinear = new FastCollinearPoints(points);for(LineSegment sg : collinear.segments()){StdOut.println(sg);sg.draw();};}}




本文以商业化应用推荐为例,告诉我们不懂推荐算法的产品,也能从产品侧出发, 设计出一款不错的推荐系统。 相信很多新手产品,看到算法二字,多是懵圈的。 什么排序算法、最短路径等都是相对传统的算法(注:传统是指科班出身的产品都会接触过)。但对于推荐算法,多数产品对着网上搜到的资源,都会无从下手。特别当某些推荐算法 和 “AI”扯上关系后,更是加大了理解的难度。 但,不了解推荐算法,就无法做推荐系


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康拓展开是一个全排列到一个自然数的双射(也就是某个全排列与某个自然数一一对应) 公式: X=a[n]*(n-1)!+a[n-1]*(n-2)!+...+a[i]*(i-1)!+...+a[1]*0! 其中,a[i]为整数,并且0<=a[i]<i,1<=i<=n。(a[i]在不同应用中的含义不同); 典型应用: 计算当前排列在所有由小到大全排列中的顺序,也就是说求当前排列是第

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LntonAIServer视频质量诊断功能中的抖动检测是一个专门针对视频稳定性进行分析的功能。抖动通常是指视频帧之间的不必要运动,这种运动可能是由于摄像机的移动、传输中的错误或编解码问题导致的。抖动检测对于确保视频内容的平滑性和观看体验至关重要。 优势 1. 提高图像质量 - 清晰度提升:减少抖动,提高图像的清晰度和细节表现力,使得监控画面更加真实可信。 - 细节增强:在低光条件下,抖


前言:快速排序的实现最重要的是找基准值,下面让我们来了解如何实现找基准值 基准值的注释:在快排的过程中,每一次我们要取一个元素作为枢纽值,以这个数字来将序列划分为两部分。 在此我们采用三数取中法,也就是取左端、中间、右端三个数,然后进行排序,将中间数作为枢纽值。 快速排序实现主框架: //快速排序 void QuickSort(int* arr, int left, int rig

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💥大家在面试大模型LLM这个板块的时候,不知道面试完会不会复盘、总结,做笔记的习惯,这份大模型算法岗面试八股笔记也帮助不少人拿到过offer ✨对于面试大模型算法工程师会有一定的帮助,都附有完整答案,熬夜也要看完,祝大家一臂之力 这份《大模型算法工程师面试题》已经上传CSDN,还有完整版的大模型 AI 学习资料,朋友们如果需要可以微信扫描下方CSDN官方认证二维码免费领取【保证100%免费


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