【English】Taoism,Follow AJ's System

2023-11-06 08:59
文章标签 system english follow taoism aj

本文主要是介绍【English】Taoism,Follow AJ's System,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

今天的故事——AJ NO 15 Taoism


AJ power English 第15个故事,又是一个新的挑战。

A Japanese girl want to fight with a gorilla !Yep! She want to fight with a gorilla!

      Everyone has problems! 秉承这一原则,本故事的主任公面临的困难并不是体型弱小,因为可以通过锻炼变强壮。Soshe went to the  gym everydayShe practiced very hard! And she got stronger and stronger day by dayWhen she was ready,she flew to Africa to found a gorilla


     问题就是对手gorilla 是个 mom gorillaThe Japanese girl imaged the baby gorilla will crying when she fight with the big gorillashe take the baby gorilla into consideration。。

     于是,She give up to fight with the gorilla!At last,they play  basketball together!Everyone was happy~~

     故事的寓意,也许是女孩顺从自己的心意,放弃了fight,选择 peaceTaoism 道教 的精髓在于顺从自然,无为而治。




       AJ NO 15 main text 里,我终于明白,AJ推崇他的这套学习英语的系统的原因了。不出意外,AJ老师又推荐了一位作者Alan Watts。这位作者很有天赋,通晓中外的宗教哲学,出了一本书叫《Taoism way beyond seeking》。已经百度过了,这本书是真实存在的,书评也很赞。作者对于Taoism的理解更偏向于philosophy,顺其自然无为的哲学。

       Follow  nature!Be part with natureIf you follow nature instead of fight with ityour life will be successful more easier and more happierWe learn English in most natural way!

       That's easier and more successfulWow! Two great things at the same time!


       Subconsciously,大脑潜意识的接受是很强大的,潜移默化中我们的大脑会做一些超乎你想象的事情。遇到一个问题,我们有意识的用力去思考,worried about the problem,未果,maybe we will give up watch movie or something

       相反,subconscious,我们的大脑会找寻解决方案,不经意间,Booma great solutionIt will give you a fantasia answer

       Soits very important to let your subconscious brain do its jobYou have to trust it! Its far more in talent than you conscious brain

       It is the key to learn EnglishIts the key to the effortless English systemThis is the foundation

       If you want study the grammar rulesyou are  going to destory the systemYou are thinking thinking but your grammar will not improve quicklySo you should follow the system exactlydon't study the grammar don't study the grammarAJ design the system to teach your  subconscious brain  


What should you do微笑

         One story for one weekdon’t try memorize don't think about the rules,why this  why that ,don't think about that Just listen and enjoy ,listen and enjoy!

         Listen a lot ,listen a lotEnjoy ,smile,in the minstories answer the questions quickly 

         That's all you need to do 。One day ,your subconscious  brain are starting remember EnglishYour pronunciation will improve a lot! Your understand more English  faster and faster ,with out trying 

         Thats the Taoism approach to learn English。

   May be this passage will help you! 【English】口语积淀,我们需要——Repetition



Something you shouldn't to try大哭


       使用AJ 方法的同时,如果你加上其他的一些方法(背单词,记语法等)是会减缓学习速度的。纯粹的接受AJ的方法,尝试6个月,You will surprise you will learn very fast

       I already follow this system about 4 months ~


Believe it奋斗


Your brain have subconscious power~

Follow the system!Trust your subconscious brain,you are more in talent than you realized。

Just believe your brain 100 percent!

Follow the system created by AJ!Try this system 100 percent!

Try the system to learn  English for 6 monthsUse the subconscious power

Learn English subconsciously!

You will successed!

Do it right now, I will keep  going. 

Thank you for reading!



这篇关于【English】Taoism,Follow AJ's System的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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