
2023-11-05 22:20












fscore = 2*precision*recall / (precision+recall)



(1)虹膜识别的测试文件为:eval_casia1.py,需要到python文件加下运行:python3 eval_casia1.py。注意代码中测试数据集CASIA-IrisV1存放路径:


(2)直接运行python3 eval_casia1.py会出错,根据错误提示,添加了

if __name__ == '__main__':


if __name__ == '__main__':#------------------------------------------------------------------------------#	Main execution#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Get identities of MMU2 datasetidentities = glob(os.path.join(CASIA1_DIR, "**"))identities = sorted([os.path.basename(identity) for identity in identities])n_identities = len(identities)print("Number of identities:", n_identities)# Construct a dictionary of filesfiles_dict = {}image_files = []for identity in identities:files = glob(os.path.join(CASIA1_DIR, identity, "*.*"))shuffle(files)files_dict[identity] = files[:N_IMAGES]image_files += files[:N_IMAGES]n_image_files = len(image_files)print("Number of image files:", n_image_files)# save test images to file 'pro_imgs.txt'txt_open = open('./pro_imgs.txt', 'w')for i in image_files:line = i + '\n'txt_open.write(line)txt_open.close()# Ground truthground_truth = np.zeros([n_image_files, n_image_files], dtype=int)for i in range(ground_truth.shape[0]):for j in range(ground_truth.shape[1]):if i//N_IMAGES == j//N_IMAGES:ground_truth[i, j] = 1# Evaluate parameterspools = Pool(processes=cpu_count())best_results = []for eye_threshold in tqdm(eyelashes_thresholds, total=len(eyelashes_thresholds)):# Extract featuresargs = zip(image_files, repeat(eye_threshold), repeat(False))features = list(pools.map(pool_func_extract_feature, args))# Calculate the distancesargs = []for i in range(n_image_files):for j in range(n_image_files):if i>=j:continuearg = (features[i][0], features[i][1], features[j][0], features[j][1])args.append(arg)distances = pools.map(pool_func_calHammingDist, args)# Construct a distance matrixk = 0dist_mat = np.zeros([n_image_files, n_image_files])for i in range(n_image_files):for j in range(n_image_files):if i<j:dist_mat[i, j] = distances[k]k += 1elif i>j:dist_mat[i, j] = dist_mat[j, i]# Metricsaccuracies, precisions, recalls, fscores = [], [], [], []for threshold in thresholds:decision_map = (dist_mat<=threshold).astype(int)accuracy = (decision_map==ground_truth).sum() / ground_truth.sizeprecision = (ground_truth*decision_map).sum() / decision_map.sum()recall = (ground_truth*decision_map).sum() / ground_truth.sum()fscore = 2*precision*recall / (precision+recall)accuracies.append(accuracy)precisions.append(precision)recalls.append(recall)fscores.append(fscore)# Save the best resultbest_fscore = max(fscores)best_threshold = thresholds[fscores.index(best_fscore)]best_accuracy = accuracies[fscores.index(best_fscore)]best_precision = precisions[fscores.index(best_fscore)]best_recall = recalls[fscores.index(best_fscore)]best_results.append((eye_threshold, best_threshold, best_fscore, best_accuracy, best_precision, best_recall))# Show the final best resulteye_thresholds = [item[0] for item in best_results]thresholds = [item[1] for item in best_results]fscores = [item[2] for item in best_results]accuracies = [item[3] for item in best_results]precisions = [item[4] for item in best_results]recalls = [item[5] for item in best_results]print("Maximum fscore: ", max(fscores))print("Best accuracy: ", accuracies[fscores.index(max(fscores))])print("Best precision: ", precisions[fscores.index(max(fscores))])print("Best recall: ", recalls[fscores.index(max(fscores))])print("Best eye_threshold: ", eye_thresholds[fscores.index(max(fscores))])print("Best threshold: ", thresholds[fscores.index(max(fscores))])





 # save test images to file 'pro_imgs.txt'txt_open = open('./pro_imgs.txt', 'w')for i in image_files:line = i + '\n'txt_open.write(line)txt_open.close()


eyelashes_thresholds = np.linspace(start=10, stop=250, num=25)

[ 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. 100. 110. 120. 130. 140. 150. 160. 170. 180. 190. 200. 210. 220. 230. 240. 250.]

thresholds为判断两个虹膜是否为同一个的阈值,两个虹膜的差异值小于thresholds则为同一人,否则为不同人。取值范围为[0, 1],选取100个,步长为:

(1-0)/(100-1)= 0.01010101

thresholds = np.linspace(start=0.0, stop=1.0, num=100)

[0. 0.01010101 0.02020202 0.03030303 0.04040404 0.05050505 0.06060606 0.07070707 0.08080808 0.09090909 0.1010101 0.11111111 0.12121212 0.13131313 0.14141414 0.15151515 0.16161616 0.17171717 0.18181818 0.19191919 0.2020202 0.21212121 0.22222222 0.23232323 0.24242424 0.25252525 0.26262626 0.27272727 0.28282828 0.29292929 0.3030303 0.31313131 0.32323232 0.33333333 0.34343434 0.35353535 0.36363636 0.37373737 0.38383838 0.39393939 0.4040404 0.41414141 0.42424242 0.43434343 0.44444444 0.45454545 0.46464646 0.47474747 0.48484848 0.49494949 0.50505051 0.51515152 0.52525253 0.53535354 0.54545455 0.55555556 0.56565657 0.57575758 0.58585859 0.5959596 0.60606061 0.61616162 0.62626263 0.63636364 0.64646465 0.65656566 0.66666667 0.67676768 0.68686869 0.6969697 0.70707071 0.71717172 0.72727273 0.73737374 0.74747475 0.75757576 0.76767677 0.77777778 0.78787879 0.7979798 0.80808081 0.81818182 0.82828283 0.83838384 0.84848485 0.85858586 0.86868687 0.87878788 0.88888889 0.8989899 0.90909091 0.91919192 0.92929293 0.93939394 0.94949495 0.95959596 0.96969697 0.97979798 0.98989899 1. ]






Load List of images = pro_imgs.txt


Load original images = CASIA1/


#Save segmented images = Output/SegmentedImages/

#Save contours parameters = Output/CircleParameters/

#Save masks of iris = Output/Masks/

#Save normalized images = Output/NormalizedImages/

#Save normalized masks = Output/NormalizedMasks/

#Save iris codes = Output/IrisCodes/

#Save matching scores = Output/score.txt

(3)添加my_run()。在OsiManager.h中加入void my_run();如下图所示


void OsiManager::my_run()
{cout << endl;cout << "================" << endl;cout << "Start processing" << endl;cout << "================" << endl;cout << endl;// If matching is requested, create a fileofstream result_matching;if (mProcessMatching && mOutputFileMatchingScores != ""){try{result_matching.open(mOutputFileMatchingScores.c_str(), ios::out);}catch (exception & e){cout << e.what() << endl;throw runtime_error("Cannot create the file for matching scores : " + mOutputFileMatchingScores);}}int num_test_imgs = mListOfImages.size();int N_IMAGES = 4;float threshold = 0.393939393939394;int decision_map_num = 0;int ground_truth_num = 0;// ground_truth and dist_mat initialbool(*ground_truth)[432] = new bool[num_test_imgs][432];float(*dist_mat)[432] = new float[num_test_imgs][432];bool(*decision_map)[432] = new bool[num_test_imgs][432];for (int i = 0; i<num_test_imgs; ++i){for (int j = 0; j<num_test_imgs; ++j){if (i / N_IMAGES == j / N_IMAGES){ground_truth[i][j] = 1;ground_truth_num++;}elseground_truth[i][j] = 0;dist_mat[i][j] = 0;decision_map[i][j] = 0;}}//end ground_truth and dist_mat initialvector<OsiEye> eyr_res;cout << "Extract Features start!" << endl;for (int i = 0; i < num_test_imgs; i++){OsiEye eye;processOneEye(mListOfImages[i], eye);eyr_res.push_back(eye);cout << i + 1 << " pic is over!!!" << endl;}cout << "Extract Features end!!!" << endl;for (int i = 0; i < num_test_imgs; i++){for (int j = 0; j < num_test_imgs; ++j){cout << "start: " << i << " " << j << " ";if (i < j){OsiEye eyr_i = eyr_res[i];OsiEye eyr_j = eyr_res[j];float score = (eyr_res[i]).match((eyr_res[j]), mpApplicationPoints);dist_mat[i][j] = score;}else if (i > j){dist_mat[i][j] = dist_mat[j][i];}if (dist_mat[i][j] < threshold){decision_map[i][j] = 1;decision_map_num++;}cout << dist_mat[i][j] << " " << decision_map[i][j] << endl;}}// result int accuracy_num = 0;int precision_num = 0;for (int i = 0; i < num_test_imgs; i++){for (int j = 0; j < num_test_imgs; ++j){if (decision_map[i][j] == ground_truth[i][j]){accuracy_num++;}if (decision_map[i][j] && ground_truth[i][j]){precision_num++;}}}float accuracy = float(accuracy_num) / float(num_test_imgs*num_test_imgs);float precision_res = float(precision_num) / float(decision_map_num);float recall = float(precision_num) / float(ground_truth_num);float fscore = 2 * precision_res*recall / (precision_res + recall);cout << "Result: " << endl << "accuracy: " << accuracy << "\t"<< "precision_res: " << precision_res << "\t"<< "recall: " << recall << "\t"<< "fscore: " << fscore << endl;// end result//将阈值从0到1按照0.01步长递增,寻找最优的fscore值,并获取对应的最优阈值float fscore_best = 0.0;float threshold_best = 0.0;float recall_best = 0.0;float precision_best = 0.0;float accuracy_best = 0.0;for (threshold = 0.0; threshold < 1.0; threshold += 0.01010101){int accuracy_num = 0;int precision_num = 0;decision_map_num = 0;for (int i = 0; i < num_test_imgs; ++i){for (int j = 0; j < num_test_imgs; ++j){if (dist_mat[i][j] < threshold){decision_map[i][j] = 1;decision_map_num++;}if (decision_map[i][j] == ground_truth[i][j]){accuracy_num++;}if (decision_map[i][j] && ground_truth[i][j]){precision_num++;}}}float accuracy = float(accuracy_num) / float(num_test_imgs*num_test_imgs);float precision_res = float(precision_num) / float(decision_map_num);float recall = float(precision_num) / float(ground_truth_num);float fscore = 2 * precision_res*recall / (precision_res + recall);cout << "Result:   " << "accuracy: " << accuracy << "\t"<< "precision_res: " << precision_res << "\t"<< "recall: " << recall << "\t"<< "fscore: " << fscore << endl;if (fscore > fscore_best){fscore_best = fscore;threshold_best = threshold;recall_best = recall;precision_best = precision_res;accuracy_best = accuracy;}for (int i = 0; i<num_test_imgs; ++i){for (int j = 0; j<num_test_imgs; ++j){decision_map[i][j] = 0;}}}cout << "Best fscore is: " << fscore_best << ", Best threshold is: " << threshold_best <<", Best recall is: " << recall_best << ", Best precision is: " << precision_best << ", Best accuracy is: " << accuracy_best << endl;// save dist_matofstream result_dist;string result_dist_path = "../data/dist_mat.txt";try{result_dist.open(result_dist_path.c_str(), ios::out);}catch (exception & e){cout << e.what() << endl;throw runtime_error("Cannot create the file for result_dist_path scores : " + result_dist_path);}if (result_dist){try{for (int i = 0; i < num_test_imgs; i++){int j = 0;for (j = 0; j < num_test_imgs - 1; ++j){result_dist << dist_mat[i][j] << " ";}result_dist << dist_mat[i][j] << "\n";}}catch (exception & e){cout << e.what() << endl;throw runtime_error("Error while saving result of matching in " + mOutputFileMatchingScores);}}// end save dist_matcout << endl;cout << "==============" << endl;cout << "End processing" << endl;cout << "==============" << endl;cout << endl;} // end of function



void test_best_thr(string test_resuilt_file)
{// Open the fileifstream file(test_resuilt_file.c_str(), ifstream::in);if (!file.good())throw runtime_error("Cannot read configuration file " + test_resuilt_file);int decision_map_num = 0;int ground_truth_num = 0;int N_IMAGES = 4;int num_test_imgs = 432; //测试图片总数,定义选取N_IMAGES时,总数为:N_IMAGES*108(108为数据集CASIA1中人的数量,即文件夹的数量)// ground_truth and dist_mat initialbool(*ground_truth)[432] = new bool[num_test_imgs][432]; //定义ground_truth变量float(*dist_mat)[432] = new float[num_test_imgs][432];  //定义测试结果dist_mat变量bool(*decision_map)[432] = new bool[num_test_imgs][432]; // 根据测试结果和设置的阈值得到的正确与否(0/1)的变量// 变量初始化for (int i = 0; i<num_test_imgs; ++i){for (int j = 0; j<num_test_imgs; ++j){if (i / N_IMAGES == j / N_IMAGES){ground_truth[i][j] = 1;ground_truth_num++;}elseground_truth[i][j] = 0;dist_mat[i][j] = 0;decision_map[i][j] = 0;}}// 读取结果文件并按照结果文件保存的格式重新将结果取到dist_mat变量中int x = 0;bool flag = true;while (file.good() && !file.eof() && flag){// Get the new linestring line;getline(file, line);// Filter out commentsif (!line.empty()){int y = 0;size_t start = 0, index = line.find_first_of(" ", 0);while (index != line.npos){if (start != index){std::string s = line.substr(start, index - start);float res = atof(s.c_str());dist_mat[x][y] = res;y++;start = index + 1;index = line.find_first_of(" ", start);}elsebreak;}if (!line.substr(start).empty()){std::string s = line.substr(start);float res = atof(s.c_str());dist_mat[x][y] = res;y++;}if (y != num_test_imgs){cout << y << " != " << num_test_imgs << endl;flag = false;break;}}x++;}if (x != num_test_imgs){cout << x << " != " << num_test_imgs << endl;return;}//将阈值从0到1按照0.01步长递增,寻找最优的fscore值,并获取对应的最优阈值float fscore_best = 0.0;float threshold_best = 0.0;float recall_best = 0.0;float precision_best = 0.0;float accuracy_best = 0.0;for (float threshold = 0; threshold < 1.0; threshold += 0.01010101){int accuracy_num = 0;int precision_num = 0;decision_map_num = 0;for (int i = 0.0; i < num_test_imgs; ++i){for (int j = 0; j < num_test_imgs; ++j){if (dist_mat[i][j] < threshold){decision_map[i][j] = 1;decision_map_num++;}if (decision_map[i][j] == ground_truth[i][j]){accuracy_num++;}if (decision_map[i][j] && ground_truth[i][j]){precision_num++;}}}float accuracy = float(accuracy_num) / float(num_test_imgs*num_test_imgs);float precision_res = float(precision_num) / float(decision_map_num);float recall = float(precision_num) / float(ground_truth_num);float fscore = 2 * precision_res*recall / (precision_res + recall);cout << "Result:   " << "accuracy: " << accuracy << "\t"<< "precision_res: " << precision_res << "\t"<< "recall: " << recall << "\t"<< "fscore: " << fscore << endl;if (fscore > fscore_best){fscore_best = fscore;threshold_best = threshold;recall_best = recall;precision_best = precision_res;accuracy_best = accuracy;}for (int i = 0; i<num_test_imgs; ++i){for (int j = 0; j<num_test_imgs; ++j){decision_map[i][j] = 0;}}}cout << "Best fscore is: " << fscore_best << ", Best threshold is: " << threshold_best << ", Best recall is: " << recall_best << ", Best precision is: " << precision_best << ", Best accuracy is: " << accuracy_best << endl;









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